diff --git a/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/fundamentals/library-deps.adoc b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/fundamentals/library-deps.adoc
index 8c703ab8175..b5e4c295e98 100644
--- a/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/fundamentals/library-deps.adoc
+++ b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/fundamentals/library-deps.adoc
@@ -96,6 +96,34 @@ def runIvyDeps = Agg(
It is also possible to use a higher version of the same library dependencies already defined in `ivyDeps`, to ensure you compile against a minimal API version, but actually run with the latest available version.
+== Dependency management
+Dependency management consists in listing dependencies whose versions we want to force. Having
+a dependency in dependency management doesn't mean that this dependency will be fetched, only
+* if it ends up being fetched transitively, its version will be forced to the one in dependency management
+* if its version is empty in an `ivyDeps` section in Mill, the version from dependency management will be used
+Dependency management also allows to add exclusions to dependencies, both explicit dependencies and
+transitive ones.
+Dependency management can be passed to Mill in two ways:
+* via external Maven BOMs, like https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/google/cloud/libraries-bom/26.50.0/libraries-bom-26.50.0.pom[this one],
+whose Maven coordinates are `com.google.cloud:libraries-bom:26.50.0`
+* via the `depManagement` task, that allows to directly list dependencies whose versions we want to enforce
+=== External BOMs
+=== Dependency management task
== Searching For Dependency Updates
diff --git a/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/javalib/dependencies.adoc b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/javalib/dependencies.adoc
index 76ebe8d4449..ac2c01aef22 100644
--- a/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/javalib/dependencies.adoc
+++ b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/javalib/dependencies.adoc
@@ -13,6 +13,11 @@ include::partial$example/javalib/dependencies/1-ivy-deps.adoc[]
+== Dependency Management
+Mill has support for dependency management, see the
+xref:fundamentals/library-deps.adoc#_dependency_management[Dependency Management section]
+in xref:fundamentals/library-deps.adoc[].
== Unmanaged Jars
diff --git a/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/kotlinlib/dependencies.adoc b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/kotlinlib/dependencies.adoc
index a970a256d4e..9670e311702 100644
--- a/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/kotlinlib/dependencies.adoc
+++ b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/kotlinlib/dependencies.adoc
@@ -19,6 +19,12 @@ include::partial$example/kotlinlib/dependencies/1-ivy-deps.adoc[]
+== Dependency Management
+Mill has support for dependency management, see the
+xref:fundamentals/library-deps.adoc#_dependency_management[Dependency Management section]
+in xref:fundamentals/library-deps.adoc[].
== Unmanaged Jars
diff --git a/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/scalalib/dependencies.adoc b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/scalalib/dependencies.adoc
index c4c0bf2ef89..902d8b7be15 100644
--- a/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/scalalib/dependencies.adoc
+++ b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/scalalib/dependencies.adoc
@@ -16,6 +16,11 @@ include::partial$example/scalalib/dependencies/1-ivy-deps.adoc[]
+== Dependency Management
+Mill has support for dependency management, see the
+xref:fundamentals/library-deps.adoc#_dependency_management[Dependency Management section]
+in xref:fundamentals/library-deps.adoc[].
== Unmanaged Jars
diff --git a/example/fundamentals/library-deps/bom-1-external-bom/build.mill b/example/fundamentals/library-deps/bom-1-external-bom/build.mill
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4b076da2999
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/fundamentals/library-deps/bom-1-external-bom/build.mill
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// Pass an external BOM to a `JavaModule` / `ScalaModule` / `KotlinModule` with `bomDeps`, like
+package build
+import mill._, javalib._
+object foo extends JavaModule {
+ def bomDeps = Agg(
+ ivy"com.google.cloud:libraries-bom:26.50.0"
+ )
+ def ivyDeps = Agg(
+ ivy"io.grpc:grpc-protobuf"
+ )
+// The version of grpc-protobuf (`io.grpc:grpc-protobuf`) isn't written down here, so the version
+// from the BOM, `1.67.1` is used.
+// Also, by default, grpc-protobuf `1.67.1` pulls version `3.25.3` of protobuf-java (`com.google.protobuf:protobuf-java`) .
+// But the BOM specifies another version for that dependency, `4.28.3`, so
+// protobuf-java `4.28.3` ends up being pulled here.
+// Several BOMs can be passed to `bomDeps`. If several specify a version for a dependency,
+// the version from the first one in the `bomDeps` list is used. If several specify exclusions
+// for a dependency, all exclusions are added to that dependency.
diff --git a/example/fundamentals/library-deps/bom-2-dependency-management/build.mill b/example/fundamentals/library-deps/bom-2-dependency-management/build.mill
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6caf0b6b99d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/fundamentals/library-deps/bom-2-dependency-management/build.mill
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+// Pass dependencies to `depManagement` in a `JavaModule` / `ScalaModule` / `KotlinModule`, like
+package build
+import mill._, javalib._
+object foo extends JavaModule {
+ def depManagement = Agg(
+ ivy"com.google.protobuf:protobuf-java:4.28.3",
+ ivy"io.grpc:grpc-protobuf:1.67.1"
+ )
+ def ivyDeps = Agg(
+ ivy"io.grpc:grpc-protobuf"
+ )
+// The version of grpc-protobuf (`io.grpc:grpc-protobuf`) isn't written down here, so the version
+// found in `depManagement`, `1.67.1` is used.
+// Also, by default, grpc-protobuf `1.67.1` pulls version `3.25.3` of protobuf-java (`com.google.protobuf:protobuf-java`) .
+// But `depManagement` specifies another version for that dependency, `4.28.3`, so
+// protobuf-java `4.28.3` ends up being pulled here.
+// One can also add exclusions via dependency management, like
+object bar extends JavaModule {
+ def depManagement = Agg(
+ ivy"io.grpc:grpc-protobuf:1.67.1"
+ .exclude(("com.google.protobuf", "protobuf-java"))
+ )
+ def ivyDeps = Agg(
+ ivy"io.grpc:grpc-protobuf"
+ )
+// Here, grpc-protobuf has an empty version in `ivyDeps`, so the one in `depManagement`,
+// `1.67.1`, is used. Also, `com.google.protobuf:protobuf-java` is excluded from grpc-protobuf
+// in `depManagement`, so it ends up being excluded from it in `ivyDeps` too.
+// If one wants to add exclusions via `depManagement`, specifying a version is optional,
+// like
+object baz extends JavaModule {
+ def depManagement = Agg(
+ ivy"io.grpc:grpc-protobuf"
+ .exclude(("com.google.protobuf", "protobuf-java"))
+ )
+ def ivyDeps = Agg(
+ ivy"io.grpc:grpc-protobuf:1.67.1"
+ )
+// Here, given that grpc-protobuf is fetched during dependency resolution,
+// `com.google.protobuf:protobuf-java` is excluded from it because of the dependency management.
diff --git a/example/package.mill b/example/package.mill
index f65a573596e..1f214fe09b2 100644
--- a/example/package.mill
+++ b/example/package.mill
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ object `package` extends RootModule with Module {
object cross extends Cross[ExampleCrossModule](build.listIn(millSourcePath / "cross"))
object `out-dir` extends Cross[ExampleCrossModule](build.listIn(millSourcePath / "out-dir"))
object libraries extends Cross[ExampleCrossModule](build.listIn(millSourcePath / "libraries"))
+ object `library-deps` extends Cross[ExampleCrossModule](build.listIn(millSourcePath / "library-deps"))
object depth extends Module {
diff --git a/main/util/src/mill/util/CoursierSupport.scala b/main/util/src/mill/util/CoursierSupport.scala
index c44b32c3c65..6f6ccff62b2 100644
--- a/main/util/src/mill/util/CoursierSupport.scala
+++ b/main/util/src/mill/util/CoursierSupport.scala
@@ -31,6 +31,20 @@ trait CoursierSupport {
ctx.fold(cache)(c => cache.withLogger(new TickerResolutionLogger(c)))
+ private def isLocalTestDep(dep: Dependency): Option[Seq[PathRef]] = {
+ val org = dep.module.organization.value
+ val name = dep.module.name.value
+ val classpathKey = s"$org-$name"
+ val classpathResourceText =
+ try Some(os.read(
+ os.resource(getClass.getClassLoader) / "mill/local-test-overrides" / classpathKey
+ ))
+ catch { case e: os.ResourceNotFoundException => None }
+ classpathResourceText.map(_.linesIterator.map(s => PathRef(os.Path(s))).toSeq)
+ }
* Resolve dependencies using Coursier.
@@ -51,26 +65,8 @@ trait CoursierSupport {
artifactTypes: Option[Set[Type]] = None,
resolutionParams: ResolutionParams = ResolutionParams()
): Result[Agg[PathRef]] = {
- def isLocalTestDep(dep: Dependency): Option[Seq[PathRef]] = {
- val org = dep.module.organization.value
- val name = dep.module.name.value
- val classpathKey = s"$org-$name"
- val classpathResourceText =
- try Some(os.read(
- os.resource(getClass.getClassLoader) / "mill/local-test-overrides" / classpathKey
- ))
- catch { case e: os.ResourceNotFoundException => None }
- classpathResourceText.map(_.linesIterator.map(s => PathRef(os.Path(s))).toSeq)
- }
- val (localTestDeps, remoteDeps) = deps.iterator.toSeq.partitionMap(d =>
- isLocalTestDep(d) match {
- case None => Right(d)
- case Some(vs) => Left(vs)
- }
- )
+ val (localTestDeps, remoteDeps) =
+ deps.iterator.toSeq.partitionMap(d => isLocalTestDep(d).toLeft(d))
val resolutionRes = resolveDependenciesMetadataSafe(
@@ -262,6 +258,7 @@ trait CoursierSupport {
val rootDeps = deps.iterator
.map(d => mapDependencies.fold(d)(_.apply(d)))
+ .filter(dep => isLocalTestDep(dep).isEmpty)
val forceVersions = force.iterator
diff --git a/scalalib/src/mill/scalalib/CoursierModule.scala b/scalalib/src/mill/scalalib/CoursierModule.scala
index 0b687f66646..c7c483cceb1 100644
--- a/scalalib/src/mill/scalalib/CoursierModule.scala
+++ b/scalalib/src/mill/scalalib/CoursierModule.scala
@@ -231,6 +231,37 @@ object CoursierModule {
sources: Boolean
): Agg[PathRef] =
resolveDeps(deps, sources, None)
+ /**
+ * Processes dependencies and BOMs with coursier
+ *
+ * This makes coursier read and process BOM dependencies, and fill version placeholders
+ * in dependencies with the BOMs.
+ *
+ * Note that this doesn't throw when a version placeholder cannot be filled, and just leaves
+ * the placeholder behind.
+ *
+ * @param deps dependencies that might have placeholder versions ("_" as version)
+ * @param resolutionParams coursier resolution parameters
+ * @return dependencies with version placeholder filled
+ */
+ def processDeps[T: CoursierModule.Resolvable](
+ deps: IterableOnce[T],
+ resolutionParams: ResolutionParams = ResolutionParams()
+ ): Seq[Dependency] = {
+ val deps0 = deps
+ .map(implicitly[CoursierModule.Resolvable[T]].bind(_, bind))
+ val res = Lib.resolveDependenciesMetadataSafe(
+ repositories = repositories,
+ deps = deps0,
+ mapDependencies = mapDependencies,
+ customizer = customizer,
+ coursierCacheCustomizer = coursierCacheCustomizer,
+ ctx = ctx,
+ resolutionParams = resolutionParams
+ ).getOrThrow
+ res.processedRootDependencies
+ }
sealed trait Resolvable[T] {
diff --git a/scalalib/src/mill/scalalib/Dep.scala b/scalalib/src/mill/scalalib/Dep.scala
index ac2569ada99..3b02d8daa4d 100644
--- a/scalalib/src/mill/scalalib/Dep.scala
+++ b/scalalib/src/mill/scalalib/Dep.scala
@@ -118,6 +118,8 @@ object Dep {
(module.split(':') match {
+ case Array(a, b) => Dep(a, b, "_", cross = empty(platformed = false))
+ case Array(a, "", b) => Dep(a, b, "_", cross = Binary(platformed = false))
case Array(a, b, c) => Dep(a, b, c, cross = empty(platformed = false))
case Array(a, b, "", c) => Dep(a, b, c, cross = empty(platformed = true))
case Array(a, "", b, c) => Dep(a, b, c, cross = Binary(platformed = false))
diff --git a/scalalib/src/mill/scalalib/JavaModule.scala b/scalalib/src/mill/scalalib/JavaModule.scala
index 1c901525557..3fe981d8508 100644
--- a/scalalib/src/mill/scalalib/JavaModule.scala
+++ b/scalalib/src/mill/scalalib/JavaModule.scala
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package mill
package scalalib
-import coursier.core.Resolution
+import coursier.core.{BomDependency, Configuration, DependencyManagement, Resolution}
import coursier.parse.JavaOrScalaModule
import coursier.parse.ModuleParser
import coursier.util.ModuleMatcher
@@ -159,6 +159,139 @@ trait JavaModule
def runIvyDeps: T[Agg[Dep]] = Task { Agg.empty[Dep] }
+ /**
+ * Any BOM dependencies you want to add to this Module, in the format
+ * ivy"org:name:version"
+ */
+ def bomDeps: T[Agg[Dep]] = Task { Agg.empty[Dep] }
+ def allBomDeps: Task[Agg[BomDependency]] = Task.Anon {
+ val modVerOrMalformed =
+ bomDeps().map(bindDependency()).map { bomDep =>
+ val fromModVer = coursier.core.Dependency(bomDep.dep.module, bomDep.dep.version)
+ if (fromModVer == bomDep.dep)
+ Right(bomDep.dep.asBomDependency)
+ else
+ Left(bomDep)
+ }
+ val malformed = modVerOrMalformed.collect {
+ case Left(malformedBomDep) =>
+ malformedBomDep
+ }
+ if (malformed.isEmpty)
+ modVerOrMalformed.collect {
+ case Right(bomDep) => bomDep
+ }
+ else
+ throw new Exception(
+ "Found BOM dependencies with invalid parameters:" + System.lineSeparator() +
+ malformed.map("- " + _.dep + System.lineSeparator()).mkString +
+ "Only organization, name, and version are accepted."
+ )
+ }
+ /**
+ * Dependency management data
+ *
+ * Versions and exclusions in dependency management override those of transitive dependencies,
+ * while they have no effect if the corresponding dependency isn't pulled during dependency
+ * resolution.
+ *
+ * For example, the following forces com.lihaoyi::os-lib to version 0.11.3, and
+ * excludes org.slf4j:slf4j-api from com.lihaoyi::cask that it forces to version 0.9.4
+ * {{{
+ * def depManagement = super.depManagement() ++ Agg(
+ * ivy"com.lihaoyi::os-lib:0.11.3",
+ * ivy"com.lihaoyi::cask:0.9.4".exclude("org.slf4j", "slf4j-api")
+ * )
+ * }}}
+ */
+ def depManagement: T[Agg[Dep]] = Task { Agg.empty[Dep] }
+ private def addBoms(
+ bomDeps: Seq[coursier.core.BomDependency],
+ depMgmt: Seq[(DependencyManagement.Key, DependencyManagement.Values)],
+ overrideVersions: Boolean
+ ): coursier.core.Dependency => coursier.core.Dependency = {
+ val depMgmtMap = depMgmt.toMap
+ dep =>
+ val depMgmtKey = DependencyManagement.Key(
+ dep.module.organization,
+ dep.module.name,
+ coursier.core.Type.jar,
+ dep.publication.classifier
+ )
+ val versionOverrideOpt =
+ if (dep.version == "_") depMgmtMap.get(depMgmtKey).map(_.version)
+ else None
+ val extraExclusions = depMgmtMap.get(depMgmtKey).map(_.minimizedExclusions)
+ dep
+ // add BOM coordinates - coursier will handle the rest
+ .addBomDependencies(
+ if (overrideVersions) bomDeps.map(_.withForceOverrideVersions(overrideVersions))
+ else bomDeps
+ )
+ // add dependency management ourselves:
+ // - overrides meant to apply to transitive dependencies
+ // - fill version if it's empty
+ // - add extra exclusions from dependency management
+ .withOverrides(dep.overrides ++ depMgmt)
+ .withVersion(versionOverrideOpt.getOrElse(dep.version))
+ .withMinimizedExclusions(
+ extraExclusions.fold(dep.minimizedExclusions)(dep.minimizedExclusions.join(_))
+ )
+ }
+ /**
+ * Data from depManagement, converted to a type ready to be passed to coursier
+ * for dependency resolution
+ */
+ private def processedDependencyManagement(deps: Seq[coursier.core.Dependency])
+ : Seq[(DependencyManagement.Key, DependencyManagement.Values)] = {
+ val keyValuesOrErrors =
+ deps.map { depMgmt =>
+ val fromUsedValues = coursier.core.Dependency(depMgmt.module, depMgmt.version)
+ .withPublication(coursier.core.Publication(
+ "",
+ depMgmt.publication.`type`,
+ coursier.core.Extension.empty,
+ depMgmt.publication.classifier
+ ))
+ .withMinimizedExclusions(depMgmt.minimizedExclusions)
+ .withOptional(depMgmt.optional)
+ if (fromUsedValues == depMgmt) {
+ val key = DependencyManagement.Key(
+ depMgmt.module.organization,
+ depMgmt.module.name,
+ if (depMgmt.publication.`type`.isEmpty) coursier.core.Type.jar
+ else depMgmt.publication.`type`,
+ depMgmt.publication.classifier
+ )
+ val values = DependencyManagement.Values(
+ Configuration.empty,
+ if (depMgmt.version == "_") "" // shouldn't be needed with future coursier versions
+ else depMgmt.version,
+ depMgmt.minimizedExclusions,
+ depMgmt.optional
+ )
+ Right(key -> values)
+ } else
+ Left(depMgmt)
+ }
+ val errors = keyValuesOrErrors.collect {
+ case Left(errored) => errored
+ }
+ if (errors.isEmpty)
+ keyValuesOrErrors.collect { case Right(kv) => kv }
+ else
+ throw new Exception(
+ "Found dependency management entries with invalid values. Only organization, name, version, type, classifier, exclusions, and optionality can be specified" + System.lineSeparator() +
+ errors.map("- " + _ + System.lineSeparator()).mkString
+ )
+ }
* Default artifact types to fetch and put in the classpath. Add extra types
* here if you'd like fancy artifact extensions to be fetched.
@@ -326,13 +459,43 @@ trait JavaModule
def unmanagedClasspath: T[Agg[PathRef]] = Task { Agg.empty[PathRef] }
+ /**
+ * Returns a function adding BOM and dependency management details of
+ * this module to a `coursier.core.Dependency`
+ */
+ def processDependency(
+ overrideVersions: Boolean = false
+ ): Task[coursier.core.Dependency => coursier.core.Dependency] = Task.Anon {
+ val bomDeps0 = allBomDeps().toSeq.map(_.withConfig(Configuration.compile))
+ val depMgmt = processedDependencyManagement(
+ depManagement().toSeq.map(bindDependency()).map(_.dep)
+ )
+ addBoms(bomDeps0, depMgmt, overrideVersions = overrideVersions)
+ }
+ /**
+ * The Ivy dependencies of this module, with BOM and dependency management details
+ * added to them. This should be used when propagating the dependencies transitively
+ * to other modules.
+ */
+ def processedIvyDeps: Task[Agg[BoundDep]] = Task.Anon {
+ val processDependency0 = processDependency()()
+ allIvyDeps().map(bindDependency()).map { dep =>
+ dep.copy(dep = processDependency0(dep.dep))
+ }
+ }
* The transitive ivy dependencies of this module and all it's upstream modules.
* This is calculated from [[ivyDeps]], [[mandatoryIvyDeps]] and recursively from [[moduleDeps]].
def transitiveIvyDeps: T[Agg[BoundDep]] = Task {
- allIvyDeps().map(bindDependency()) ++
- T.traverse(moduleDepsChecked)(_.transitiveIvyDeps)().flatten
+ val processDependency0 = processDependency(overrideVersions = true)()
+ processedIvyDeps() ++
+ T.traverse(moduleDepsChecked)(_.transitiveIvyDeps)().flatten.map { dep =>
+ dep.copy(dep = processDependency0(dep.dep))
+ }
diff --git a/scalalib/src/mill/scalalib/PublishModule.scala b/scalalib/src/mill/scalalib/PublishModule.scala
index 796c3ff10f9..cc9fc686998 100644
--- a/scalalib/src/mill/scalalib/PublishModule.scala
+++ b/scalalib/src/mill/scalalib/PublishModule.scala
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ trait PublishModule extends JavaModule { outer =>
def publishXmlDeps: Task[Agg[Dependency]] = Task.Anon {
val ivyPomDeps =
- (ivyDeps() ++ mandatoryIvyDeps()).map(resolvePublishDependency.apply().apply(_))
+ processedIvyDeps().map(_.toDep).map(resolvePublishDependency.apply().apply(_))
val compileIvyPomDeps = compileIvyDeps()
@@ -89,6 +89,20 @@ trait PublishModule extends JavaModule { outer =>
compileModulePomDeps.map(Dependency(_, Scope.Provided))
+ /**
+ * BOM dependency to specify in the POM
+ */
+ def publishXmlBomDeps: Task[Agg[Dependency]] = Task.Anon {
+ bomDeps().map(resolvePublishDependency.apply().apply(_))
+ }
+ /**
+ * Dependency management to specify in the POM
+ */
+ def publishXmlDepMgmt: Task[Agg[Dependency]] = Task.Anon {
+ depManagement().map(resolvePublishDependency.apply().apply(_))
+ }
def pom: T[PathRef] = Task {
val pom = Pom(
@@ -97,15 +111,72 @@ trait PublishModule extends JavaModule { outer =>
packagingType = pomPackagingType,
- parentProject = pomParentProject()
+ parentProject = pomParentProject(),
+ bomDependencies = publishXmlBomDeps(),
+ dependencyManagement = publishXmlDepMgmt()
val pomPath = T.dest / s"${artifactId()}-${publishVersion()}.pom"
os.write.over(pomPath, pom)
+ /**
+ * Dependencies with version placeholder filled from BOMs, alongside with BOM data
+ */
+ def bomDetails: T[(Map[coursier.core.Module, String], coursier.core.DependencyManagement.Map)] =
+ Task {
+ val processedDeps = defaultResolver().processDeps(
+ transitiveCompileIvyDeps() ++ transitiveIvyDeps(),
+ resolutionParams = resolutionParams()
+ )
+ val depMgmt: coursier.core.DependencyManagement.Map =
+ if (processedDeps.isEmpty) Map.empty
+ else {
+ val overrides = processedDeps.map(_.overrides)
+ overrides.tail.foldLeft(overrides.head) { (acc, map) =>
+ acc.filter {
+ case (key, values) =>
+ map.get(key).contains(values)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ (processedDeps.map(_.moduleVersion).toMap, depMgmt)
+ }
def ivy: T[PathRef] = Task {
- val ivy = Ivy(artifactMetadata(), publishXmlDeps(), extraPublish())
+ val (rootDepVersions, bomDepMgmt) = bomDetails()
+ val publishXmlDeps0 = publishXmlDeps().map { dep =>
+ if (dep.artifact.version == "_")
+ dep.copy(
+ artifact = dep.artifact.copy(
+ version = rootDepVersions.getOrElse(
+ coursier.core.Module(
+ coursier.core.Organization(dep.artifact.group),
+ coursier.core.ModuleName(dep.artifact.id),
+ Map.empty
+ ),
+ "" /* throw instead? */
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else
+ dep
+ }
+ val overrides =
+ depManagement().toSeq.map(bindDependency()).map(_.dep)
+ .filter(depMgmt => depMgmt.version.nonEmpty && depMgmt.version != "_")
+ .map { depMgmt =>
+ Ivy.Override(
+ depMgmt.module.organization.value,
+ depMgmt.module.name.value,
+ depMgmt.version
+ )
+ } ++
+ bomDepMgmt.map {
+ case (key, values) =>
+ Ivy.Override(key.organization.value, key.name.value, values.version)
+ }
+ val ivy = Ivy(artifactMetadata(), publishXmlDeps0, extraPublish(), overrides)
val ivyPath = T.dest / "ivy.xml"
os.write.over(ivyPath, ivy)
diff --git a/scalalib/src/mill/scalalib/publish/Ivy.scala b/scalalib/src/mill/scalalib/publish/Ivy.scala
index ae340ac0d75..75ba33dbec1 100644
--- a/scalalib/src/mill/scalalib/publish/Ivy.scala
+++ b/scalalib/src/mill/scalalib/publish/Ivy.scala
@@ -8,10 +8,13 @@ object Ivy {
val head = "\n"
+ case class Override(organization: String, name: String, version: String)
def apply(
artifact: Artifact,
dependencies: Agg[Dependency],
- extras: Seq[PublishInfo] = Seq.empty
+ extras: Seq[PublishInfo] = Seq.empty,
+ overrides: Seq[Override] = Nil
): String = {
def renderExtra(e: PublishInfo): Elem = {
@@ -49,13 +52,29 @@ object Ivy {
- {dependencies.map(renderDependency).toSeq}
+ {dependencies.map(renderDependency).toSeq}
+ {overrides.map(renderOverride)}
val pp = new PrettyPrinter(120, 4)
head + pp.format(xml).replaceAll(">", ">")
+ // bin-compat shim
+ def apply(
+ artifact: Artifact,
+ dependencies: Agg[Dependency],
+ extras: Seq[PublishInfo]
+ ): String =
+ apply(
+ artifact,
+ dependencies,
+ extras,
+ Nil
+ )
private def renderDependency(dep: Dependency): Elem = {
if (dep.exclusions.isEmpty)
+ private def renderOverride(override0: Override): Elem =
private def depIvyConf(d: Dependency): String = {
if (d.optional) "optional"
else d.scope match {
diff --git a/scalalib/src/mill/scalalib/publish/Pom.scala b/scalalib/src/mill/scalalib/publish/Pom.scala
index 76d1e728d36..6940f25c47f 100644
--- a/scalalib/src/mill/scalalib/publish/Pom.scala
+++ b/scalalib/src/mill/scalalib/publish/Pom.scala
@@ -39,10 +39,15 @@ object Pom {
pomSettings = pomSettings,
properties = properties,
packagingType = pomSettings.packaging,
- parentProject = None
+ parentProject = None,
+ bomDependencies = Agg.empty[Dependency],
+ dependencyManagement = Agg.empty[Dependency]
- @deprecated("Use overload with parentProject parameter instead", "Mill 0.12.1")
+ @deprecated(
+ "Use overload with parentProject, bomDependencies, and dependencyManagement parameters instead",
+ "Mill 0.12.1"
+ )
def apply(
artifact: Artifact,
dependencies: Agg[Dependency],
@@ -57,7 +62,9 @@ object Pom {
pomSettings = pomSettings,
properties = properties,
packagingType = packagingType,
- parentProject = None
+ parentProject = None,
+ bomDependencies = Agg.empty[Dependency],
+ dependencyManagement = Agg.empty[Dependency]
def apply(
@@ -68,6 +75,29 @@ object Pom {
properties: Map[String, String],
packagingType: String,
parentProject: Option[Artifact]
+ ): String =
+ apply(
+ artifact,
+ dependencies,
+ name,
+ pomSettings,
+ properties,
+ packagingType,
+ parentProject,
+ Agg.empty[Dependency],
+ Agg.empty[Dependency]
+ )
+ def apply(
+ artifact: Artifact,
+ dependencies: Agg[Dependency],
+ name: String,
+ pomSettings: PomSettings,
+ properties: Map[String, String],
+ packagingType: String,
+ parentProject: Option[Artifact],
+ bomDependencies: Agg[Dependency],
+ dependencyManagement: Agg[Dependency]
): String = {
val xml =
- {dependencies.map(renderDependency).iterator}
+ {
+ dependencies.map(renderDependency(_)).iterator ++
+ bomDependencies.map(renderDependency(_, isImport = true)).iterator
+ }
+ {dependencyManagement.map(renderDependency(_)).iterator}
val pp = new PrettyPrinter(120, 4)
@@ -143,29 +181,39 @@ object Pom {
{property._2}.copy(label = property._1)
- private def renderDependency(d: Dependency): Elem = {
- val scope = d.scope match {
- case Scope.Compile => NodeSeq.Empty
- case Scope.Provided => provided
- case Scope.Test => test
- case Scope.Runtime => runtime
- }
+ private def renderDependency(d: Dependency, isImport: Boolean = false): Elem = {
+ val scope =
+ if (isImport) import
+ else
+ d.scope match {
+ case Scope.Compile => NodeSeq.Empty
+ case Scope.Provided => provided
+ case Scope.Test => test
+ case Scope.Runtime => runtime
+ }
+ val `type` = if (isImport) pom else NodeSeq.Empty
val optional = if (d.optional) true else NodeSeq.Empty
+ val version =
+ if (d.artifact.version == "_") NodeSeq.Empty
+ else {d.artifact.version}
if (d.exclusions.isEmpty)
- {d.artifact.version}
+ {version}
+ {`type`}
- {d.artifact.version}
+ {version}
d.exclusions.map(ex =>
@@ -175,6 +223,7 @@ object Pom {
+ {`type`}
diff --git a/scalalib/test/src/mill/scalalib/BomTests.scala b/scalalib/test/src/mill/scalalib/BomTests.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..48fc81c9628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scalalib/test/src/mill/scalalib/BomTests.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+package mill
+package scalalib
+import mill.scalalib.publish._
+import mill.testkit.{TestBaseModule, UnitTester}
+import utest._
+import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
+object BomTests extends TestSuite {
+ trait TestPublishModule extends PublishModule {
+ def pomSettings = PomSettings(
+ description = artifactName(),
+ organization = "com.lihaoyi.mill-tests",
+ url = "https://github.com/com-lihaoyi/mill",
+ licenses = Seq(License.`Apache-2.0`),
+ versionControl = VersionControl.github("com-lihaoyi", "mill"),
+ developers = Nil
+ )
+ def publishVersion = "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
+ }
+ object modules extends TestBaseModule {
+ object bom extends Module {
+ object placeholder extends JavaModule with TestPublishModule {
+ def bomDeps = Agg(
+ ivy"com.google.cloud:libraries-bom:26.50.0"
+ )
+ def ivyDeps = Agg(
+ ivy"com.google.protobuf:protobuf-java"
+ )
+ object dependee extends JavaModule with TestPublishModule {
+ def moduleDeps = Seq(
+ placeholder
+ )
+ }
+ object subDependee extends JavaModule with TestPublishModule {
+ def moduleDeps = Seq(
+ dependee
+ )
+ }
+ object check extends JavaModule {
+ def ivyDeps = Agg(
+ ivy"com.google.protobuf:protobuf-java"
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ object versionOverride extends JavaModule with TestPublishModule {
+ def bomDeps = Agg(
+ ivy"com.google.cloud:libraries-bom:26.50.0"
+ )
+ def ivyDeps = Agg(
+ ivy"com.thesamet.scalapb:scalapbc_2.13:0.9.8"
+ )
+ object dependee extends JavaModule with TestPublishModule {
+ def moduleDeps = Seq(
+ versionOverride
+ )
+ }
+ object subDependee extends JavaModule with TestPublishModule {
+ def moduleDeps = Seq(
+ dependee
+ )
+ }
+ object check extends JavaModule {
+ def ivyDeps = Agg(
+ ivy"com.thesamet.scalapb:scalapbc_2.13:0.9.8"
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ object invalid extends TestBaseModule {
+ object exclude extends JavaModule {
+ def bomDeps = Agg(
+ ivy"com.google.cloud:libraries-bom:26.50.0".exclude(("foo", "thing"))
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ object depMgmt extends JavaModule with TestPublishModule {
+ def ivyDeps = Agg(
+ ivy"com.thesamet.scalapb:scalapbc_2.13:0.9.8"
+ )
+ def depManagement = Agg(
+ ivy"com.google.protobuf:protobuf-java:4.28.3"
+ )
+ object transitive extends JavaModule with TestPublishModule {
+ def moduleDeps = Seq(depMgmt)
+ }
+ object extraExclude extends JavaModule with TestPublishModule {
+ def ivyDeps = Agg(
+ ivy"com.lihaoyi:cask_2.13:0.9.4"
+ )
+ def depManagement = Agg(
+ // The exclude should be automatically added to the dependency above
+ // thanks to dependency management, but the version should be left
+ // untouched
+ ivy"com.lihaoyi:cask_2.13:0.9.3"
+ .exclude(("org.slf4j", "slf4j-api"))
+ )
+ object transitive extends JavaModule with TestPublishModule {
+ def moduleDeps = Seq(extraExclude)
+ }
+ }
+ object exclude extends JavaModule with TestPublishModule {
+ def ivyDeps = Agg(
+ ivy"com.lihaoyi:cask_2.13:0.9.4"
+ )
+ def depManagement = Agg(
+ ivy"org.java-websocket:Java-WebSocket:1.5.2"
+ .exclude(("org.slf4j", "slf4j-api"))
+ )
+ object transitive extends JavaModule with TestPublishModule {
+ def moduleDeps = Seq(exclude)
+ }
+ }
+ object onlyExclude extends JavaModule with TestPublishModule {
+ def ivyDeps = Agg(
+ ivy"com.lihaoyi:cask_2.13:0.9.4"
+ )
+ def depManagement = Agg(
+ ivy"org.java-websocket:Java-WebSocket"
+ .exclude(("org.slf4j", "slf4j-api"))
+ )
+ object transitive extends JavaModule with TestPublishModule {
+ def moduleDeps = Seq(onlyExclude)
+ }
+ }
+ object invalid extends TestBaseModule {
+ object transitive extends JavaModule {
+ def depManagement = {
+ val dep = ivy"org.java-websocket:Java-WebSocket:1.5.3"
+ Agg(
+ dep.copy(
+ dep = dep.dep.withTransitive(false)
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ object placeholder extends JavaModule with TestPublishModule {
+ def ivyDeps = Agg(
+ ivy"com.google.protobuf:protobuf-java"
+ )
+ def depManagement = Agg(
+ ivy"com.google.protobuf:protobuf-java:4.28.3"
+ )
+ object transitive extends JavaModule with TestPublishModule {
+ def moduleDeps = Seq(placeholder)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ object bomOnModuleDependency extends JavaModule with TestPublishModule {
+ def ivyDeps = Agg(
+ ivy"com.google.protobuf:protobuf-java:3.23.4"
+ )
+ object dependee extends JavaModule with TestPublishModule {
+ def bomDeps = Agg(
+ ivy"com.google.cloud:libraries-bom:26.50.0"
+ )
+ def moduleDeps = Seq(bomOnModuleDependency)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def expectedProtobufJavaVersion = "4.28.3"
+ def expectedCommonsCompressVersion = "1.23.0"
+ def expectedProtobufJarName = s"protobuf-java-$expectedProtobufJavaVersion.jar"
+ def expectedCommonsCompressJarName = s"commons-compress-$expectedCommonsCompressVersion.jar"
+ def compileClasspathFileNames(module: JavaModule)(implicit
+ eval: UnitTester
+ ): Seq[String] =
+ eval(module.compileClasspath).toTry.get.value
+ .toSeq.map(_.path.last)
+ def compileClasspathContains(
+ module: JavaModule,
+ fileName: String,
+ jarCheck: Option[String => Boolean]
+ )(implicit
+ eval: UnitTester
+ ) = {
+ val fileNames = compileClasspathFileNames(module)
+ assert(fileNames.contains(fileName))
+ for (check <- jarCheck; fileName <- fileNames)
+ assert(check(fileName))
+ }
+ def publishLocalAndResolve(
+ module: PublishModule,
+ dependencyModules: Seq[PublishModule],
+ scalaSuffix: String
+ )(implicit eval: UnitTester): Seq[os.Path] = {
+ val localIvyRepo = eval.evaluator.workspace / "ivy2Local"
+ eval(module.publishLocal(localIvyRepo.toString)).toTry.get
+ for (dependencyModule <- dependencyModules)
+ eval(dependencyModule.publishLocal(localIvyRepo.toString)).toTry.get
+ val moduleString = eval(module.artifactName).toTry.get.value
+ coursierapi.Fetch.create()
+ .addDependencies(
+ coursierapi.Dependency.of(
+ "com.lihaoyi.mill-tests",
+ moduleString.replace('.', '-') + scalaSuffix,
+ "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
+ )
+ )
+ .addRepositories(
+ coursierapi.IvyRepository.of(localIvyRepo.toNIO.toUri.toASCIIString + "[defaultPattern]")
+ )
+ .fetch()
+ .asScala
+ .map(os.Path(_))
+ .toVector
+ }
+ def publishM2LocalAndResolve(
+ module: PublishModule,
+ dependencyModules: Seq[PublishModule],
+ scalaSuffix: String
+ )(implicit eval: UnitTester): Seq[os.Path] = {
+ val localM2Repo = eval.evaluator.workspace / "m2Local"
+ eval(module.publishM2Local(localM2Repo.toString)).toTry.get
+ for (dependencyModule <- dependencyModules)
+ eval(dependencyModule.publishM2Local(localM2Repo.toString)).toTry.get
+ val moduleString = eval(module.artifactName).toTry.get.value
+ coursierapi.Fetch.create()
+ .addDependencies(
+ coursierapi.Dependency.of(
+ "com.lihaoyi.mill-tests",
+ moduleString.replace('.', '-') + scalaSuffix,
+ "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
+ )
+ )
+ .addRepositories(
+ coursierapi.MavenRepository.of(localM2Repo.toNIO.toUri.toASCIIString)
+ )
+ .fetch()
+ .asScala
+ .map(os.Path(_))
+ .toVector
+ }
+ def isInClassPath(
+ module: JavaModule with PublishModule,
+ jarName: String,
+ dependencyModules: Seq[PublishModule] = Nil,
+ jarCheck: Option[String => Boolean] = None,
+ ivy2LocalCheck: Boolean = true,
+ scalaSuffix: String = ""
+ )(implicit eval: UnitTester): Unit = {
+ compileClasspathContains(module, jarName, jarCheck)
+ if (ivy2LocalCheck) {
+ val resolvedCp = publishLocalAndResolve(module, dependencyModules, scalaSuffix)
+ assert(resolvedCp.map(_.last).contains(jarName))
+ for (check <- jarCheck; fileName <- resolvedCp.map(_.last))
+ assert(check(fileName))
+ }
+ val resolvedM2Cp = publishM2LocalAndResolve(module, dependencyModules, scalaSuffix)
+ assert(resolvedM2Cp.map(_.last).contains(jarName))
+ for (check <- jarCheck; fileName <- resolvedM2Cp.map(_.last))
+ assert(check(fileName))
+ }
+ def tests = Tests {
+ test("bom") {
+ test("placeholder") {
+ test("check") - UnitTester(modules, null).scoped { eval =>
+ val res = eval(modules.bom.placeholder.check.compileClasspath)
+ assert(
+ res.left.exists(_.toString.contains(
+ "not found: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/google/protobuf/protobuf-java/_/protobuf-java-_.pom"
+ ))
+ )
+ }
+ test("simple") - UnitTester(modules, null).scoped { implicit eval =>
+ isInClassPath(modules.bom.placeholder, expectedProtobufJarName)
+ }
+ test("dependee") - UnitTester(modules, null).scoped { implicit eval =>
+ isInClassPath(
+ modules.bom.placeholder.dependee,
+ expectedProtobufJarName,
+ Seq(modules.bom.placeholder)
+ )
+ }
+ test("subDependee") - UnitTester(modules, null).scoped { implicit eval =>
+ isInClassPath(
+ modules.bom.placeholder.subDependee,
+ expectedProtobufJarName,
+ Seq(modules.bom.placeholder, modules.bom.placeholder.dependee)
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ test("versionOverride") {
+ test("check") - UnitTester(modules, null).scoped { implicit eval =>
+ val fileNames = compileClasspathFileNames(modules.bom.versionOverride.check)
+ assert(fileNames.exists(v => v.startsWith("protobuf-java-") && v.endsWith(".jar")))
+ assert(!fileNames.contains(expectedProtobufJarName))
+ }
+ test("simple") - UnitTester(modules, null).scoped { implicit eval =>
+ isInClassPath(modules.bom.versionOverride, expectedProtobufJarName)
+ }
+ test("dependee") - UnitTester(modules, null).scoped { implicit eval =>
+ isInClassPath(
+ modules.bom.versionOverride.dependee,
+ expectedProtobufJarName,
+ Seq(modules.bom.versionOverride)
+ )
+ }
+ test("subDependee") - UnitTester(modules, null).scoped { implicit eval =>
+ isInClassPath(
+ modules.bom.versionOverride.subDependee,
+ expectedProtobufJarName,
+ Seq(modules.bom.versionOverride, modules.bom.versionOverride.dependee)
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ test("invalid") {
+ test - UnitTester(modules, null).scoped { eval =>
+ val res = eval(modules.bom.invalid.exclude.compileClasspath)
+ assert(
+ res.left.exists(_.toString.contains(
+ "Found BOM dependencies with invalid parameters:"
+ ))
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ test("depMgmt") {
+ test("override") - UnitTester(modules, null).scoped { implicit eval =>
+ isInClassPath(modules.depMgmt, expectedProtobufJarName)
+ }
+ test("transitiveOverride") - UnitTester(modules, null).scoped { implicit eval =>
+ isInClassPath(modules.depMgmt.transitive, expectedProtobufJarName, Seq(modules.depMgmt))
+ }
+ test("extraExclude") - UnitTester(modules, null).scoped { implicit eval =>
+ isInClassPath(
+ modules.depMgmt.extraExclude,
+ "cask_2.13-0.9.4.jar",
+ jarCheck = Some { jarName =>
+ !jarName.startsWith("slf4j-api-")
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ test("transitiveExtraExclude") - UnitTester(modules, null).scoped { implicit eval =>
+ isInClassPath(
+ modules.depMgmt.extraExclude.transitive,
+ "cask_2.13-0.9.4.jar",
+ Seq(modules.depMgmt.extraExclude),
+ jarCheck = Some { jarName =>
+ !jarName.startsWith("slf4j-api-")
+ },
+ ivy2LocalCheck = false // we could make that work
+ )
+ }
+ test("exclude") - UnitTester(modules, null).scoped { implicit eval =>
+ isInClassPath(
+ modules.depMgmt.exclude,
+ "Java-WebSocket-1.5.2.jar",
+ jarCheck = Some { jarName =>
+ !jarName.startsWith("slf4j-api-")
+ },
+ ivy2LocalCheck = false // dep mgmt excludes can't be put in ivy.xml
+ )
+ }
+ test("transitiveExclude") - UnitTester(modules, null).scoped { implicit eval =>
+ isInClassPath(
+ modules.depMgmt.exclude.transitive,
+ "Java-WebSocket-1.5.2.jar",
+ Seq(modules.depMgmt.exclude),
+ jarCheck = Some { jarName =>
+ !jarName.startsWith("slf4j-api-")
+ },
+ ivy2LocalCheck = false // dep mgmt excludes can't be put in ivy.xml
+ )
+ }
+ test("onlyExclude") - UnitTester(modules, null).scoped { implicit eval =>
+ isInClassPath(
+ modules.depMgmt.onlyExclude,
+ "Java-WebSocket-1.5.3.jar",
+ jarCheck = Some { jarName =>
+ !jarName.startsWith("slf4j-api-")
+ },
+ ivy2LocalCheck = false // dep mgmt excludes can't be put in ivy.xml
+ )
+ }
+ test("transitiveOnlyExclude") - UnitTester(modules, null).scoped { implicit eval =>
+ isInClassPath(
+ modules.depMgmt.onlyExclude.transitive,
+ "Java-WebSocket-1.5.3.jar",
+ Seq(modules.depMgmt.onlyExclude),
+ jarCheck = Some { jarName =>
+ !jarName.startsWith("slf4j-api-")
+ },
+ ivy2LocalCheck = false // dep mgmt excludes can't be put in ivy.xml
+ )
+ }
+ test("invalid") {
+ test - UnitTester(modules, null).scoped { eval =>
+ val res = eval(modules.depMgmt.invalid.transitive.compileClasspath)
+ assert(
+ res.left.exists(_.toString.contains(
+ "Found dependency management entries with invalid values."
+ ))
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ test("placeholder") - UnitTester(modules, null).scoped { implicit eval =>
+ isInClassPath(modules.depMgmt.placeholder, expectedProtobufJarName)
+ }
+ test("transitivePlaceholder") - UnitTester(modules, null).scoped { implicit eval =>
+ isInClassPath(
+ modules.depMgmt.placeholder.transitive,
+ expectedProtobufJarName,
+ Seq(modules.depMgmt.placeholder)
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ test("bomOnModuleDependency") {
+ test("check") - UnitTester(modules, null).scoped { implicit eval =>
+ isInClassPath(
+ modules.bomOnModuleDependency,
+ "protobuf-java-3.23.4.jar"
+ )
+ }
+ test("dependee") - UnitTester(modules, null).scoped { implicit eval =>
+ isInClassPath(
+ modules.bomOnModuleDependency.dependee,
+ expectedProtobufJarName,
+ Seq(modules.bomOnModuleDependency)
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/scalalib/test/src/mill/scalalib/publish/PomTests.scala b/scalalib/test/src/mill/scalalib/publish/PomTests.scala
index d1b52b602aa..d8fb8d44bbd 100644
--- a/scalalib/test/src/mill/scalalib/publish/PomTests.scala
+++ b/scalalib/test/src/mill/scalalib/publish/PomTests.scala
@@ -222,7 +222,10 @@ object PomTests extends TestSuite {
- PackagingType.Jar
+ PackagingType.Jar,
+ None,
+ Agg.empty[Dependency],
+ Agg.empty[Dependency]
def singleText(seq: NodeSeq) =