This guide assumes:
- You have an Ubuntu server up and running (version 18.04 recommended).
- You have a domain name (e.g. pointing to the server's IP address.
- Port 443 on the server is open to the world.
- You have ssh'ed to the server as the root user or a user with sudo privileges (
is assumed as the username below).
This will be the (unprivileged) user under which the app runs.
sudo adduser deploy # Enter a password and leave the rest blank.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install -y nano git-core curl zlib1g-dev build-essential libssl-dev libreadline-dev libyaml-dev libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libffi-dev memcached imagemagick vim-gtk ntp
sudo systemctl enable ntp
Remove the default ruby installation so we can install our own later:
sudo apt remove -y ruby
echo 'export EDITOR=vim' | sudo tee -a ~/.bashrc /home/deploy/.bashrc
# OR:
echo 'export EDITOR=nano' | sudo tee -a ~/.bashrc /home/deploy/.bashrc
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 561F9B9CAC40B2F7
sudo sh -c 'echo deb bionic main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/passenger.list'
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y nginx apt-transport-https ca-certificates libnginx-mod-http-passenger
sudo apt install -y postgresql postgresql-contrib postgresql-server-dev-10
sudo -u postgres createuser -d deploy
sudo -u postgres createdb elmo_production -O deploy
sudo -u postgres psql elmo_production -c 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp"'
sudo -u postgres psql elmo_production -c 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "pgcrypto"'
sudo rm -f /etc/nginx/nginx.conf && sudo $EDITOR /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
Paste the contents of this config file. Update the server_name
setting to match your domain.
Then follow the short instructions at the Certbot site. The Certbot program should obtain your certificate, add the necessary settings to your nginx configuration file, and restart the server.
Certificate auto-renewal is required since LetsEncrypt certificates are only valid for 90 days.
To auto-renew your certificate, add the following to your crontab (type crontab -e
X * * * * PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin && sudo /usr/bin/certbot renew --no-self-upgrade > ${HOME}/certbot-cron.log 2>&1
replacing X
with a minute a few minutes into the future (e.g. if it's 12:19:23 now, enter 20 or 21). Wait for that time to pass, then:
cat ~/certbot-cron.log
and ensure the command ran smoothly. It should say that no certificates are due for renewal.
Obtain or locate your SSL certificate's .crt
and .key
sudo mkdir /etc/nginx/ssl
sudo chmod 400 /etc/nginx/ssl
sudo $EDITOR /etc/nginx/ssl/ssl.crt
Paste the contents of your .crt
file, save, and exit.
sudo $EDITOR /etc/nginx/ssl/ssl.key
Paste the contents of your .key
file, save, and exit. Be careful not to share the contents of your .key
file with anyone. Then:
sudo rm /etc/nginx/nginx.conf && sudo $EDITOR /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
Paste the contents of this config file. Update the server_name
setting to match your domain.
Try visiting
in your browser. You should be redirected to the HTTPS version of the URL,
the secure/lock icon should appear in your browser, and you should get a "404 Not Found" message. If any of the above is not true, you
will need to troubleshoot. Otherwise, you can continue.
The commands in the next few sections will be run as the deploy
All app-specific commands like bundle
, yarn
, and rake
should always be run as the deploy
To switch to the deploy
user, do:
sudo su - deploy
git clone -b master
cd elmo
git clone git:// ~/.rbenv
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc
git clone git:// ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
exec $SHELL
# This step will take a few minutes.
rbenv install `cat .ruby-version`
echo "gem: --no-ri --no-rdoc" > ~/.gemrc
gem install bundler
exec $SHELL
wget -qO- | bash
exec $SHELL
nvm install
npm install -g yarn
cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
You shouldn't need to edit database.yml
if you followed the PostgreSQL setup instructions above.
cp config/initializers/local_config.rb.example config/initializers/local_config.rb
$EDITOR config/initializers/local_config.rb
Read the comments in the file and enter sensible values for the settings. Then:
cp config/settings.local.yml.example config/settings.local.yml
$EDITOR config/settings.local.yml
Similarly, read the comments in the file and enter sensible values for the settings.
Entering a functioning email server is important as ELMO relies on email to send broadcasts, and registration info, and password reset requests. Once you have ELMO running, you can test your email setup by creating a new user for yourself and delivering the login instructions via email or by using the password reset feature.
# Set Rails environment.
echo 'export RAILS_ENV=production' >> ~/.bashrc
exec $SHELL
nvm use
# Install gems and yarn packages.
bundle install --without development test --deployment
yarn install --production
# Setup cron jobs
bundle exec whenever -i elmo
# Load database schema
bundle exec rake db:schema:load
# Precompile assets
bundle exec rake assets:precompile
# Generate admin user (note the password that is output)
bundle exec rake db:create_admin
Email is important for NEMO to work properly. To test it, run:
bundle exec rails console
and then enter the following, replacing EMAIL with an email address you can check and that is different from the one you entered for the site's email.
class T < ApplicationMailer; def t; mail(to: "EMAIL", subject: "Test 1", body: "Test 1"); end; end; T.t.deliver_now
The console should print a line starting with => #<Mail::Message:
and the email should arrive.
If you get an error, you will need to check your mail settings. It's also possible the email will end
up in your spam folder because of its short body and subject.
If this happens, try doing a NEMO password reset (click the link on the login screen).
If this email also ends up in your spam folder, you should raise the issue with your email provider.
Delayed Job handles background tasks. It is best to create a systemd
service wrapper for it so that it will start
when the system is rebooted. (Nginx/Passenger handle starting the main web service).
To do so:
exit # Return to root/privileged user
sudo $EDITOR /etc/systemd/system/delayed-job.service
Now paste the contents of this configuration file and save. Then:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable delayed-job
sudo systemctl start delayed-job
If you then run:
sudo systemctl status delayed-job
you should see the text "Active: active (running)" in the output. If something went wrong, there will be some log output that will help you determine the issue.
This will prevent your log files from becoming too large.
sudo $EDITOR /etc/logrotate.conf
Add the following lines at the bottom of that file:
/home/deploy/elmo/log/*.log {
rotate 7
The following command will upgrade and clean up your installed packages. Sometimes autoremove
is helpful if you run low on disk space.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove -y
You should now be able to visit in your browser (replace with your real domain name). The ELMO login screen should appear. Login with username admin and the password created above.
See the ELMO Documentation for help on using your new ELMO instance!
You can define a custom theme for the application. In the project root, run:
bundle exec rake theme:init
This will create the files /theme/style.scss
, /theme/logo-light.png
, and /theme/logo-dark.png
Update those files to reflect the desired theme. Ensure your new logos are the same size as the examples.
You will need to run nvm use && bundle exec rake assets:precompile
(and re-start your server if it's currently running) for the theme to take effect.
The compiler will tell you if there are any errors in your style.scss
If you want to use Capistrano to manage this instance, follow the migration guide. This is mainly for Sassafras-managed instances.
Upgrading should be done in stages. Start with the stage closest to your current version.
View older versions
- Follow the 'General Upgrade Instructions' below to upgrade to v5.16.2.
- If you encounter a 'mismatched superclass' error when migrating, try running the migrate command again.
- Install PostgreSQL (see above).
- As
user, in elmo directory on server,cp config/mysql2postgres.yml.example config/mysql2postgres.yml
- In
, ensure the database undermysql_data_source
matches your MySQL database name. - Ensure a database
exists in PostgreSQL (note that anything in this DB will be destroyed). - Ensure you can connect to the database (e.g. using
psql elmo_production
) from the user account that runs the app. If you need a password or different host, be sure to update the mysql2postgres.yml file to reflect this. - It is best to stop nginx at this point to prevent any data corruption.
- Run
bundle exec mysqltopostgres config/mysql2postgres.yml
.- If you get the error
MysqlPR::ClientError::ServerGoneError: The MySQL server has gone away
, check your DB name, username, and password inconfig/mysql2postgres.yml
- If you get the error
- Ignore the
no COPY in progress
message. - Update
to point to Postgres. Use this file as a guide. Thetest
blocks are not needed. - If you are using a regular DB backup dump command via cron, be sure to update it to use
instead ofmysqldump
. - You should now follow the 'General Upgrade Instructions' below to upgrade to v6.11.
Install Ruby 2.4.3 and Bundler:
cd "$(rbenv root)"/plugins/ruby-build git pull cd - rbenv install 2.4.3 rbenv global 2.4.3 gem install bundler
As root/privileged user:
sudo -u postgres psql elmo_production -c 'CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp"'
Follow the 'General Upgrade Instructions' below to upgrade to v7.2. Your data will be migrated to use UUIDs, and this may take awhile. Then you'll be all up to date!
As the
user, install nvm, the appropriate node version, and yarn:curl -o- | bash exec $SHELL nvm install 8.9.4 npm install -g yarn
Follow the 'General Upgrade Instructions' below to upgrade to v8.12.
- The data migrations in this upgrade may take some time if you have a lot of data. To protect your data, stop your server and DelayedJob, as privileged user:
sudo systemctl stop nginx && sudo systemctl stop delayed-job
- Follow the 'General Upgrade Instructions' below to upgrade to v9.0.
- Start your server and DelayedJob:
sudo systemctl start nginx && sudo systemctl start delayed-job
- Follow the 'General Upgrade Instructions' below to upgrade to v9.1.
- Run
bundle exec rake option_set_reclone
to repair option set references that may exist in your database due to a bug in a previous version.
- Follow the 'General Upgrade Instructions' below to upgrade to v9.2.
- Follow the instructions above under 'Configure the App' to setup your settings.local.yml file.
- As
user in project directory, rungem update bundler --no-document
to update to Bundler 2.x.
- As
user, runnvm install 10.15.3
to update your node version. This may take a long time to compile if on a 32-bit x86 platform.
- As the root user, run
sudo -u postgres psql elmo_production -c 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "pgcrypto"'
to enable a new extension.
- The
directory must be renamed tomedia_prompts
. If you are using cloud storage, this will need to be done via your cloud provider's console or API. If you are using local storage, this will be taken care of automatically.
- Follow the 'General Upgrade Instructions' below.
ssh to your server as the same root/privileged user used above. Then:
sudo systemctl stop delayed-job && sudo systemctl stop nginx
sudo su - deploy
cd elmo
nvm use # v8.12 or higher only
Make a backup of your database:
mkdir -p tmp
pg_dump elmo_production > tmp/`cat VERSION`-dump.sql
ls -l tmp
Ensure that the dump file you created has non-zero size by looking in the directory listing.
Now, pull the latest code:
git pull
If you want to upgrade to a particular version of ELMO, then try:
git checkout vX.Y
where X.Y
(or X.Y.Z
) is the version number you want. Otherwise you should ensure you're on the master branch:
git checkout master
If you get an error that Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout
, you can usually
fix it by doing git reset --hard
. This will wipe out any local changes to the code, which shouldn't be a problem
unless you changed it on purpose for some reason.
bundle install --without development test --deployment
bundle exec whenever -i elmo
bundle exec rake assets:precompile
bundle exec rake db:migrate
Now be sure to check the commit history of the local config file and/or run:
diff config/initializers/local_config.rb.example config/initializers/local_config.rb
to see if anything needs to be updated in your local configuration.
exit # Back to privileged/root user
sudo systemctl restart delayed-job && sudo systemctl restart nginx
Then load the site in your browser. You should see the new version number in the page footer.
If the above is not successful, contact [email protected] for assistance.