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559 lines (396 loc) · 23.3 KB

File metadata and controls

559 lines (396 loc) · 23.3 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


  • CBORM-37 - Fixed issue on PostLoad event handler for multi-datasource entities
  • Removal of old deprecated engines


  • BoxLang auto-testing
  • Added several flow helpers to ActiveEntity:
    • peek( closure ) to allow for peeking into the building process. Pass in your closure that receives the entity and interact with it.
    • when( boolean, successClosure, failureClosure ) that you can use to build functional entities without the use of if statements.
    • unless( boolean, successClosure, failureClosure ) that you can use to build functional entities without the use of if statements. The opposite of when().
    • throwIf( boolean, type, [message], [detail] ) that you can use to throw an exception if a condition is met.
    • throwUnless( boolean, type, [message], [detail] ) that you can use to throw an exception if a condition is not met.

4.5.0 - 2024-06-25


  • Tons of updates to automated testing.
  • Automated tewsting for Lucee 6 as experimental, since it's broken.
  • Automated testing for Adobe 2023.


  • The way support for the orm utilities are created and stored.
  • Changed the way of creating base criteria queries due to Adobe bug.


  • Lucee Hibernate version was incorrect
  • Lucee detection of transaction was incorrect
  • SQL Helper not using the appropriate engine helper

4.4.0 - 2023-04-19


  • Github Actions updated
  • Github support files
  • ColdBox 7+ automated testing
  • More test scenarios and test cleanups

[v4.3.2] => 2022-NOV-17


  • Removal of lazy annotations that conflict with cb7 lazy properties

[v4.3.1] => 2022-NOV-16


  • Updated processState() to announce() on all tests

[v4.3.0] => 2022-NOV-16


  • Updated processState() to announce() to stay compliant

[v4.2.0] => 2022-NOV-16


  • Updated announceInterception() to announce() to stay compliant

[v4.1.0] => 2022-NOV-10


  • Updated the way the populator is retrieved so we can be forwards compatible

[v4.0.0] => 2022-OCT-10


  • Upgraded all dependencies to major bumps


  • Dropped ACF2016 Support

[v3.9.0] => 2022-AUG-10


  • New when( boolean, success, fail ) fluent construct for ActiveEntity, VirtualEntityService and the BaseORMService to allow for fluent chaining of operations on an entity or it's service.
  • Migration to new ColdBox Virtual App Testing approaches
  • Removed unecessary on load logging to increase performance
  • Hibernate 5.4 on Lucee experimental testing


  • countWhere() invalid SQL exception if no arguments are provided: #54

[v3.8.0] => 2022-MAR-09


  • CBORM-32 - Non-Primary DSN Entities not found. Multi-datasource discovery of entities using virtual services and active entity. This was a regresion since version 1.5. This brings back multi-datasource support for active entity, and virtual entity services. #52
  • Detached Subqueries was marked as a singleton when indeed it was indeed a transient. This could have created scoping issues on subquery based detached criteria building.
  • Varscoping issues in BaseBuilder detached projections
  • DetachedCriteriaBuilder was not passing the datasource to native criteria objects


  • Root docker-compose.yml to startup MySQL, or PostgreSQL in docker, for further hacking and testing.
  • Java proxy caching to avoid Lucee OSGi issues and increase Java object building performance
  • New method in the BaseOrmService: buildJavaProxy() which leverages our JavaProxyBuilder
  • Lazy loading of SQL Helper in criteria queries
  • New module template guidelines and CI
  • Leverage WireBox aliases for contstruction of internal objects
  • Tons of internal docs and links to hibernate docs

[v3.7.0] => 2022-JAN-13


  • CBORM-29 Allow SQL projections to be functions containing commas

[v3.6.0] => 2022-JAN-10


  • Removed usage of interface on DSL. Causes more issues than anything with multiple engines.


  • Renamed default object DSL

[v3.5.1] => 2022-JAN-10


  • Removed usage of interface on DSL. Causes more issues than anything with multiple engines.

[v3.5.0] => 2021-DEC-16


  • CBORM-20 ActiveEntity evict() had the wrong method and arguments delegated to the parent class.
  • CBORM-9 ACF2021 - org.hibernate.SessionFactory.getAllClassMetadata is no longer supported


  • CBORM-14 Inline datasource discovery in base orm service to get a performance boost
  • CBORM-13 virtual entity service double creating the orm utility, use the parent one instead of duplicating the effort
  • CBORM-12 Lazy load the getORMUtil() and use it only when required.


  • CBORM-22 New orm util support method: setupHibernateLogging() thanks to michael born
  • CBORM-19 Added a isInTransaction() util helper method to all the orm services.
  • CBORM-18 New ORM events based on Hibernate 5.4 Events: ORMFlush, ORMAutoFlush, ORMPreFlush, ORMDirtyCheck, ORMEvict, and ORMClear
  • CBORM-17 Hibernate 5.4 support for lucee new extension
  • CBORM-16 Adobe 2021 support and testing automations
  • CBORM-15 Migration to github actions
  • CBORM-11 Allow Criteria Builder Get() and getOrFail() Methods to Return Projection List Properties
  • CBORM-21 New cfformating rules


  • If you upgrade your lucee ORM extension to use Hibernate 5.4, all positional paramters in HQL using ? has been deprecated. You will have to use the ?x approach where x is a number according to the position in the sql:
// Old Syntax
select p
from Person p
where like ? and p.isStatus = ?

// New Syntax
select p
from Person p
where like ?1 and p.isStatus = ?2

[v3.4.0] => 2021-APR-27


  • Support for Adobe 2021 on resource loader

[v3.3.0] => 2021-APR-27


  • New eventPrefix setting so you can prefix the resource REST CRUD events with whatever you like.
  • Useful exceptions when results struct does not have the required keys
  • Ability to override the name of the method to use for persistence on the ORM services. Using the variables.saveMethod property or the savemethod argument.
  • Ability to override the name of the method to use for deleting entities on the ORM services. Using the variables.deleteMethod property or the deleteMethod argument.
  • cbSwagger docs


  • Added ACF2016 compatibilities on elvis operator which sucks on ACF2016
  • Avoid using member function son some arrays to allow for working with Java arrays

[v3.2.1] => 2021-MAR-31


  • Wrong object to get the event handler manager when doing execute query calls

[v3.2.0] => 2021-MAR-31


  • Exposed a getSQLHelper() from criterias to allow for usage of formmatting of sql
  • New interception points: beforeOrmExecuteQuery, afterOrmExecuteQuery from the base orm service: executeQuery() method


  • Moved afterCriteriaBuilderList event before results conversions

[v3.1.0] => 2021-MAR-30


  • Env templates using new lucee bundles and mysql 8 support
  • New interception point: afterCriteriaBuilderGet, beforeCriteriaBuilderGet called after/before criteria get() calls


  • Fixed http to https for downloads
  • Fixed watcher pathing

[v3.0.0] => 2021-FEB-12


  • [CBORM-3] - Updated cbValidation to v3 to suppport cbi18n v2
  • [CBORM-4] - asQuery update to default it to false
  • [CBORM-5] - Document v3 variant in the docs


  • [CBORM-6] - Source code cleanups by applying formatting rules


  • [CBORM-2] - isDirty() not working with ActiveEntity due to missing entity passed

[v2.6.0] => 2020-NOV-25


  • Entities are now created, auto-wired and THEN populated when using the new() method instead of being auto-wired after population.
  • Made processEntityInjection() public on the ORM Event Handler so it can be reused in other locations
  • processEntityInjection() returns the passed entity so you can do chaining
  • getOrFail() now includes in the extendedInfo the actual entity that caused the exception
  • Formatting according to new rules
  • Updated changelogs to new standards
  • Added auto-publishing of changelogs to github
  • Pinning to ColdBox 6 for base testing
  • ColdBox 6 graceful shutdowns for tests
  • Base Test Case for all tests for faster executions and cleanup due to base reusability


  • Typo on ORMUtilSupport when detecting datasources, if you passed a default it would never be used
  • postNew was not using the actual entity name so we where hitting performance on lookups for name
  • compose relationships was false for resource handler and it needed to be true
  • Increased timeouts for tests, due to Adobe issues with long compile times in latest patch levels that suck!
  • Unique validator test was clearing the full app scope and trigger multiple testing issues

[v2.5.0] => 2020-APR-20

  • Features : Introduction of the automatic resource handler for ORM Entities based on ColdBox's 6 resources and RestHandler
  • Improvement : Natively allow for nested transactions and savepoints by not doing preemptive transaction commits when using transactions.
  • Bug : Fix on getOrFail() where if the id was 0, it would still return an empty object.
  • Task : Added formatting via cfformat

[v2.4.0] => 2020-JAN-31

  • Feature : Upgraded to cbValidation 2.0.0
  • Feature : Updated the unique validator to match 2.0.0 standards
  • Feature : Upgraded to mementifier 2.0.0


  • improvement : In executeQuery() Determine if we are in a UPDATE, INSERT or DELETE, if we do, just return the results instead of a stream or query as the result is always numeric, the rows that were altered.
  • bug : Fixed asStream typo on executeQuery()
  • bug : Missing ACF2016 compat on tests


  • bug : virtual entity service still had entity required for casting methods


  • Feature: New function for criteria query when( boolean, target ) that you can use to build functional criterias without the use of if statements.

    newCriteria() .when( isBoolean( arguments.isPublished ), function( c ){ // Published bit c.isEq( "isPublished", isPublished ); // Published eq true evaluate other params if( isPublished ){ c.isLt( "publishedDate", now() ) .$or( c.restrictions.isNull( "expireDate" ), c.restrictions.isGT( "expireDate", now() ) ) .isEq( "passwordProtection","" ); } } ) .when( !isNull( arguments.showInSearch ), function( criteria ){ c.isEq( "showInSearch", showInSearch ); } ) .list()

  • Feature: Missing nullValue() is BaseBuilder class

  • Feature: Added new criteria query peek( closure ) function to allow for peeking into the building process. Pass in your closure that receives the criteria and interact with it.

  • Feature: Added a validateOrFail() to the active entity, which if the validation fails it will throw an exception or return back to you the same entity validated now.

  • Improvement: Better documentation for deleteById() since it does bulk deletion, which does not do any type of cascading.

  • Improvement: isValid() in active entity missing includeFields argument

  • Improvement: Timeout hints for criteria builder

  • Improvement: Updated exception type for criteria builder get()

  • Bug: ACF2016 issues with elvis operator.

  • Bug: getOrFail() had an invalid throw statement


  • Change populate() in ActiveEntity so the target is the last argument so you can just pass a struct as the first argument #29
  • Make the save() operation return the saved entity or array of entities instead of the BaseORM service #28


Compatibility Updates

  • You will need to move the orm configuration structure in your config/ColdBox.cfc to the moduleSettings struct and rename it to cborm to standardize it to module settings.
moduleSettings = {

	cborm = {
		inject = {
			enabled = true,
			includes = "",
			excludes = ""

  • deleteByQuery() reworked entirely to do native bulk delete queries. It now also returns the number of records removed
  • The evict() method was renamed to evictCollection() to better satisfy the same contract in hibernate
  • The evictEntity() method was renamed to evict() to better satisfay the same contract in hibernate
  • Removed byExample on many listing methods

General Updates

  • Mementifier is now a dependency for cborm (, which can be used for producing state out of ORM entities for auditing or building JSON Api's.
  • cbStreams is now a dependency for cborm (, all criteria queries and major listing methods support the return of streams instead of array of objects
  • Full Null Support
  • Performance update on creating active entities as datasource discovery has been reworked
  • Updated build process to latest in Ortus template
  • Dropped Railo, Lucee 4.5, ACF11 support
  • More direct scoping for performance updates
  • Optimized EventHandler so it is lighter and quicker when doing orm injections
  • Documented all functions with extra examples and notes and hibernate references
  • ColdBox 5 and 4 discrete ORM Injection DSLs

Criteria Queries

  • They have been adapted to work with Hibernate 3, 4 and 5
  • New fail fast method for get() -> getOrFail() to throw an entity not found exception
  • New alias methods for controlling the result transformations asStruct(), asStream(), asDistinct() that will apply result transformers for you instead of doing .resultTransformer( c.ALIAS_TO_ENTITY_MAP ), whish is long and boring, or return to you a java stream via cbStreams.
  • When calling native restrictions, no more reflection is used to discover the restriction type thus increasing over 70% in performance when creating criteria queries
  • You can now negate any criteria restriction by prefixing it with a not. So you can do: .notEq(), notBetween(), notIsNull(), notIsIn() and much more.
  • The list() method has a new asStream boolean argument that if true, will return the results as a cbStream. ((
  • New Methods: idCast() and autoCast() added for quick casting of values
  • New method: queryHint() so you can add your own vendor specific query hints for optimizers.
  • New method: comment( string ) so you can add arbitrary comments to the generated SQL, great for debugging
  • sqlRestriction() deprecated in favor of the shorthand notation: sql()
  • The sql() restriction now supports binding positional parameters. You can pass them in an array and we will infer the types: sql( "id = ? and isActive = ?", [ "123", true ] ). Or you can pass in a struct of {value:"", type:""} instead:
restrictions.sql( "userName = ? and firstName like ?", [
	{ value : "joe", type : "string" },
	{ value : "%joe%", type : "string" }
] );

The available types are the following which match the Hibernate Types

this.TYPES = {
	"string" 		: "StringType",
	"clob"			: "ClobType",
	"text"			: "TextType",
	"char"			: "ChareacterType",
	"boolean" 		: "BooleanType",
	"yesno" 		: "YesNoType",
	"truefalse"		: "TrueFalseType",
	"byte" 			: "ByteType",
	"short" 		: "ShortType",
	"integer" 		: "IntegerType",
	"long" 			: "LongType",
	"float"			: "FloatType",
	"double" 		: "DoubleType",
	"bigInteger"	: "BigIntegerType",
	"bigDecimal"	: "BigDecimalType",
	"timestamp" 	: "TimestampType",
	"time" 			: "TimeType",
	"date" 			: "DateType",
	"calendar"		: "CalendarType",
	"currency"		: "CurrencyType",
	"locale" 		: "LocaleType",
	"timezone"		: "TimeZoneType",
	"url" 			: "UrlType",
	"class" 		: "ClassType",
	"blob" 			: "BlobType",
	"binary" 		: "BinaryType",
	"uuid" 			: "UUIDCharType",
	"serializable"	: "SerializableType"
  • Detached Criteria builder now has a maxResults( maxResults ) method to limit the results by
  • Detached Criteria sql projections now take aliases into account
  • SQL Projections and SQL Group By projections now respect aliases

Base ORM Service

  • New Fail fast methods: getOrFail() proxies to get(), findOrFail() proxies to findIt() that if not entity is produced will throw a EntityNotFound exception
  • All listing methods can now return the results as a cbStream by passing the asStream boolean argument.
  • Removed criteriaCount(), criteriaQuery() from BaseService, this was the legacy criteria builder approach, please use newCriteria() instead.
  • Update getEntityGivenName to support ACF2018
  • Lazy loading BeanPopulator for performance on creations
  • Lazy loading ORMEventHandler for performance on creations
  • Lazy loading restrictions for performance on creations
  • Base service can now be initialized with a datasource, or uses the default one declared
  • Added optional datasource to many listing methods
  • Added consistency on querying options to all major functions to include ignoreCase, sorting and timeouts.
  • Added ability to getAll() to retrieve read only entities using the readOnly argument.
  • The getAll() method has a new properties argument that if passed will allow you to retrieve an array of structs according to the passed in properties.
  • New method: idCast( entity, id ) to auto cast your entity id value to java type automatically for you, no more javacasting
  • New method: autoCast( entity, propertyName, value ) to auto cast any value for any entity property automatically, no more javacasting.
  • New method: getKeyValue( entity ) which will give you the value of the entity's unique identifier
  • New method: isDirty( entity ) which will let you know if the entity has dirty values or has its values changed since loaded from the db
  • New method: getEntityMetadata( entity ) which will return to you the hibernate's metadata for a specific entity.
  • getPropertyNames() argument of entityname renamed to entity to allow not only for a name but an actual entity as well.
  • getTableName() argument of entityname renamed to entity to allow not only for a name but an actual entity as well.
  • getKey() argument of entityname renamed to entity to allow not only for a name but an actual entity as well.
  • ORM Encapsulation of hibernate metadata retrieval via getEntityMetadata()
  • deleteByQuery() reworked entirely to do native bulk delete queries. It now also returns the number of records removed
  • deleteWhere() missing flush argument, added datasource as well
  • New properties: wirebox : a WireBox reference already injected, logger : a prepared logger for the class, datasource The default datasource or constructed datasource for the class.
  • Logging of all activity now available via the debug level, even for dynamic methods.
  • Refactored all dynamic finders and counters to their own class, which improves not only performance but weight of orm service based entities.
  • All dynamic method calls can now return cbStreams as the results
  • All dynamic method calls accept a structure as an argument or named as options that can have the following keys now:
	ignoreCase 	: boolean (false)
	maxResults 	: numeric (0)
	offset     	: numeric (0)
	cacheable  	: boolean (false)
	cacheName  	: string (default)
	timeout    	: numeric (0)
	datasource 	: string (defaults)
	sortBy     	: hql to sort by,
	autoCast   	: boolean (true),
	asStream	: boolean (false)

results = ormservice.findByLastLoginBetween( "User", "01/01/2008", "11/01/2008", { sortBy="LastName" } );
  • All dynamic finders/counters values are autocasted, you no longer need to cast the values, we will do this for you. You can turn it off via the autocast:false in the options to the calls.#

[Virtual Entity Service]

Remember this entity extends Base Service, so we get all the features above plus the following:

Active Entity

Remember this entity extends the Virtual Service, so we get all the features above plus the following:

  • Faster creation speeds due to lazy loading of dependencies and better datasource determination.
  • refresh(), merge(), evict() refactored to encapsulate login in the base orm service and not itself


  • Performance improvements for criteria building as we now build up the dialect and support structs
  • ACF 2018 Support via Hibernate 5
  • Update to leverage new module template schema
  • Updated readme from old text


  • ColdBox 5 Support
  • Dependency updates
  • Some syntax updates
  • Fix getKey() return typing to allow composite keys: #21
  • Update to module standard template
  • Updated dependencies


  • Pass the target value as the rejected value for Unique validator
  • Travis Updates
  • Dependency updates
  • Lucee 5 exceptions on ORM Util due to abstract keyword


  • Travis updates
  • COLDBOX-460 Dynamic finders fixed by always adding datasource attribute to hql query
  • Fixes an interface error on AC11 startup


  • Fixed box.json version number


  • BaseORMService.merge doesn't seem to merge entities back into session #10
  • Variable scoping in SQLHelper.cfc bug #9
  • Update build process to leverage Travis
  • Updated cbvalidation to v1.1.0
  • Build cleanup
  • Replaced StringBuffer with StringBuilder for performance


  • Updated cbvalidation dependency
  • Prevent conditionals from being stripped from property names
  • Updated build for api docs and commandbox usage for dependencies
  • ORM Unique validation not working


  • updates to all dependencies
  • production ignore lists



  • Create first module version