<a href="https://pantra.framer.website"> <picture> <img alt="VisionCamera" src="./preview/banner.png" /> </picture> </a> <br /> <div> <img align="right" width="35%" src="./preview/1.png"> </div> ### Features Pantra is a gasless, non-custodial wallet with automated savings built on Lightlink Network. Features include: - Automatically rounds up your transactions and deposits the spare change into an interest-earning savings wallet. - Generate weekly NFT tokens that visualize and track your accumulated savings. - Gasless transactions mean 100% of your funds go towards purchases instead of network fees. - As a non-custodial wallet, only you control your private keys and crypto assets. - Beautiful and intuitive interface for managing your portfolio balances, dApps, savings, and transaction history. ### Project links - [Mobile app](https://github.com/codergon/Pantra-app) - [Contracts](https://github.com/Tee-py/pantra-contracts) ### Try it! Download the mobile-app repository and run the following commands: ### iOS ```sh yarn setup ``` ### Android ```sh yarn setup:android ``` ### Screenshots <table> <tr> <td width="33%" style='border: none'> <img src="./preview/2.png" /> </td> <td width="33%" style='border: none'> <img src="./preview/3.png" /> </td> <td width="33%" style='border: none'> <img src="./preview/4.png" /> </td> </tr> </table> <table> <tr> <td width="33%" style='border: none'> <img src="./preview/5.png" /> </td> <td width="33%" style='border: none'> <img src="./preview/6.png" /> </td> <td width="33%" style='border: none'> <img src="./preview/7.png" /> </td> </tr> </table> ## Project built by - [**@devteepy**](https://twitter.com/devteepy) - [**@thealpha_knight**](https://twitter.com/thealpha_knight)