To make calls to our servers and access your resources you will need 2 keys - project ID and a secret key.
- Login to CodeMash dashboard.
- Inside your CodeMash dashboard select or create a project.
- Inside your project settings find settings called Project ID and Secret key.
- For Project ID simply copy it.
- For Secret Key press Regenerate and then copy generated token. The token will not be accessible after you close it, you will need to regenerate it.
Your Project ID is not secret and can be visibly shown. Your Secret key should not be visible in public places as it would allow anyone to access your resources.
To store your tokens in private use environment variables. This way you won't expose your secret key to public places.
You can store your tokens in appsettings.json (name can be different) file which is in your base project folder. CodeMash sdk expects the following format:
"CodeMash" : {
"ApiKey" : "{YOUR_SECRET_KEY}",
"ProjectId" : "{YOUR_PROJECT_ID}"
Set up is complete! Back to main page - Main page.