# Observing traffic in the City of Muenster

Image classification and object detection, applied to a public webcam in the city of Münster.

See webcam data source [here](https://www.blick.ms/webcam-auf-dem-prinzipalmarkt-muenster.php).

## Dependencies

* Tested on `Ubuntu 20.04`
* `ffmpeg`, e.g. on Ubuntu install with:

sudo apt install ffmpeg

## Getting started

1. Create and activate virtual environment. For example with `conda`:

    conda env create -n cam python=3.7
    conda activate cam

2. Install Python dependencies and `traffic-cam` package (with virtual environment activated):

    pip install -r requirements.txt
    pip install -e .

3. Run scripts in `bin/` in their numerical order.
    This includes downloading images, training a classifier, and counting persons.