This component class is designed to help restore the data using the Restore
module (tl_undo
First, you must register an ondelete_callback
in your DCA:
// DCA
$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_table']['config']['ondelete_callback'][] = [MyListener::class, 'onDeleteCallback'];
// Listener
use Codefog\HasteBundle\UndoManager;
use Contao\DataContainer;
class MyListener
public function onDeleteCallback(DataContainer $dc, int $undoId): void
$this->undoManager->add($undoId, 'my_data', ['foo' => 'bar']);
Then, to manually restore the data you have to subscribe to the event listener:
use Codefog\HasteBundle\Event\UndoEvent;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Attribute\AsEventListener;
class MyListener
public function __invoke(UndoEvent $event)
// … do your magic …