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88 lines (76 loc) · 5.98 KB

File metadata and controls

88 lines (76 loc) · 5.98 KB

Backwards compatibility breaking changes

  • Platform Requirements

    • Minimal PHP version was increased from 7.3 to 7.4.
  • API

  • Symfony 4

    • Symfony deprecations were removed or refactored
    • Services are now private by default in Symfony 4. Mautic has a "hack" to register its own services as public but dependency injection should be preferred for Commands, Controllers, and services. Some Symfony services may no longer be available to the Controller via the Container.
    • \Mautic\CoreBundle\Form\Type\YesNoButtonGroupType now uses false/true values which Symfony 4 will convert to empty values for No in the UI. This shouldn't cause issues for most unless the field is using a NotBlank constraint, which is no longer valid, or submitting a form via a functional test with 0 as the value of a YesNoButtonGroupType field.
  • Important note about PHP vs Twig templates

    Until recently, Symfony supported two templating engines: PHP and Twig. Mautic is pretty much exclusively built using the PHP templating engine. However, this engine was officially deprecated in Symfony 4.3 and has been removed in Symfony 5.

    Starting with Mautic 4.3, we'd like new internal bundles as well as new plugins to be built in Twig. Mautic 4.3 introduces a working MauticCoreBundle:Default:content.html.twig alongside the already existing MauticCoreBundle:Default:content.html.php that can be extended by bundle or plugin authors.

    Later on in the Mautic 4 development lifecycle, the aim will be to slowly migrate exiting bundles from the PHP templating engine over to Twig. The good thing is that both engines can co-exist until we upgrade to Symfony 5 at some point in the future, so we can migrate bundles and plugins one by one.

  • Packages removed

    • debril/rss-atom-bundle removed
    • egeloen/ordered-form-bundle removed
    • sensio/distribution-bundle removed
    • codeception/codeception removed
    • joomla/http removed (see note on mautic.http.connector below)
    • ricardofiorani/guzzle-psr18-adapter removed
    • codeception/codeception removed
  • Packages updated

    • (all symfony/* packages)
    • doctrine/doctrine-bundle to ^2.1.1
    • doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle to ^3.3.2
    • doctrine/annotations to ^1.10.3
    • doctrine/orm to ^2.8.0
    • friendsofsymfony/rest-bundle to ^3.0.2
    • friendsofsymfony/oauth-server-bundle to dev-doctrine-fix
    • jms/serializer-bundle to ^3.8.0
    • oneup/uploader-bundle to ^3.1.0
    • php-amqplib/rabbitmq-bundle to ^2.5.1
    • knplabs/knp-menu-bundle ^3.0
    • helios-ag/fm-elfinder-bundle to ^10.1
    • tightenco/collect to ^8.16.0
    • theofidry/psysh-bundle to ~4.4.0
    • phpstan/phpstan to ^0.12.82
  • Commands

    • \Mautic\CoreBundle\Command\ModeratedCommand::$lockHandler is now private
    • \Mautic\InstallBundle\Command\InstallCommand (Mautic's CLI installer) had some bugs fixed and might as well be slightly stricter in some edge cases. Please validate if your CLI installation scripts are still working correctly.
  • Services

    • mautic.http.client has been upgraded from GuzzleHttp 6 to 7. You can now leverage Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface (PSR-18) or GuzzleHttp\Client (more convenience methods) in your class constructors! Example:


    'mautic.demo.class' => [
        'class'     => DemoClass::class,
        'arguments' => [


    use Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface;
    public function __construct(
        ClientInterface $client
    ) {
        $this->client = $client;
    • mautic.http.connector has been removed in favor of mautic.http.client. See the example above on how to use it in your class constructors.
  • IntegrationsBundle

    • The IntegrationEvents::INTEGRATION_CONFIG_BEFORE_SAVE event was moved to a slightly later point in time. Thanks to this change, plugin developers can actually get the updated values that were submitted by the user. This way, listeners can modify values before persisting them to the database. This brings the functionality in line with ConfigEvents::CONFIG_PRE_SAVE.
  • PluginBundle

    • If you extend AbstractIntegration and use the method makeRequest, including $options['return_raw'], you will now get \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface as the response type (was \Joomla\CMS\Http\Response)
    • If you're listening on the Mautic\PluginBundle\PluginEvents::PLUGIN_ON_INTEGRATION_RESPONSE event, PluginIntegrationRequestEvent->getResponse() now returns \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface as the type (was not explicitly defined)
  • WebhookBundle

    • \Mautic\WebhookBundle\Entity\Webhook::getQueues() removed and there is no replacement
    • \Mautic\WebhookBundle\Entity\Webhook::addQueues() removed and there is no replacement
    • \Mautic\WebhookBundle\Entity\Webhook::addQueue() removed and there is no replacement
    • \Mautic\WebhookBundle\Entity\Webhook::removeQueue() removed and there is no replacement
  • Support for unique fields for companies

    • Mautic never use unique fields for companies and use hard coded algorithm to match duplicate companies. Mautic 4 add support with Company Name as default unique field. You can configure any other fields and also expression between fields (AND/OR) in Configuration.
  • Misc

    • Second constructor argument of \Mautic\CoreBundle\Doctrine\Provider\VersionProvider has been removed as it's no longer necessary.