title: Install a Driver or ORM Framework
summary: CockroachDB supports both native drivers and the PostgreSQL wire protocol, so you can use most available PostgreSQL client drivers and ORM frameworks.
toc: true
docs_area: develop

CockroachDB supports both native drivers and the PostgreSQL wire protocol, so most available PostgreSQL client drivers and ORM frameworks should work with CockroachDB. Choose a language for supported clients, and follow the installation steps. After you install a client library, you can [connect to the database](connect-to-the-database.html).

Applications may encounter incompatibilities when using advanced or obscure features of a driver or ORM framework with **beta-level** support. If you encounter problems, please [open an issue](https://github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/issues/new) with details to help us make progress toward full support.

<div class="filters clearfix">
  <button class="filter-button page-level" data-scope="js-ts">JavaScript/TypeScript</button>
  <button class="filter-button page-level" data-scope="python">Python</button>
  <button class="filter-button page-level" data-scope="go">Go</button>
  <button class="filter-button page-level" data-scope="java">Java</button>
  <button class="filter-button page-level" data-scope="ruby">Ruby</button>
  <button class="filter-button page-level" data-scope="c">C</button>
  <button class="filter-button page-level" data-scope="c-sharp">C# (.NET)</button>
  <button class="filter-button page-level" data-scope="rust">Rust</button>

<section class="filter-content" markdown="1" data-scope="js-ts">

## JavaScript Drivers

### pg

**Support level:** Full

To install the [Node.js pg driver](https://www.npmjs.com/package/pg):

{% include_cached copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ npm install pg

For a simple but complete example app, see [Build a Node.js App with CockroachDB and the Node.js pg Driver](build-a-nodejs-app-with-cockroachdb.html).

## JavaScript/TypeScript ORM frameworks

### Sequelize

**Support level:** Full

To install Sequelize and a [CockroachDB Node.js package](https://github.com/cockroachdb/sequelize-cockroachdb) that accounts for some minor differences between CockroachDB and PostgreSQL:

{% include_cached copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ npm install sequelize sequelize-cockroachdb

For a simple but complete example app, see [Build a Node.js App with CockroachDB and Sequelize](build-a-nodejs-app-with-cockroachdb-sequelize.html).

### Knex.js

**Support level:** Full

Install Knex.js as described in the [official documentation](https://knexjs.org/#Installation).

For a simple but complete example app, see [Build a Simple CRUD Node.js App with CockroachDB and Knex.js](build-a-nodejs-app-with-cockroachdb-knexjs.html).

### TypeORM

**Support level:** Full

Install TypeORM as described in the [official documentation](https://typeorm.io/#/).

For a simple but complete example app, see [Build a TypeScript App with CockroachDB and TypeORM](build-a-typescript-app-with-cockroachdb.html).

### Prisma

**Support level:** Full

To install the [Prisma ORM](https://prisma.io/):

{% include_cached copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ npm install prisma

For a simple but complete example app, see [Build a Simple CRUD Node.js App with CockroachDB and Prisma](build-a-nodejs-app-with-cockroachdb-prisma.html).


<section class="filter-content" markdown="1" data-scope="python">

## Python Drivers

### psycopg2

**Support level:** Full

To install the Python psycopg2 driver:

{% include_cached copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ pip install psycopg2

For other ways to install psycopg2, see the [official documentation](http://initd.org/psycopg/docs/install.html).

For a simple but complete example app, see [Build a Python App with CockroachDB and psycopg2](build-a-python-app-with-cockroachdb.html).

## Python ORM frameworks

### SQLAlchemy

**Support level:** Full

To install SQLAlchemy and a [CockroachDB Python package](https://github.com/cockroachdb/sqlalchemy-cockroachdb) that accounts for some differences between CockroachDB and PostgreSQL:

{% include_cached copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ pip install sqlalchemy sqlalchemy-cockroachdb psycopg2

You can substitute psycopg2 for other alternatives that include the psycopg python package.

For other ways to install SQLAlchemy, see the [official documentation](http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/intro.html#installation-guide).

For a simple but complete example app, see [Build a Python App with CockroachDB and SQLAlchemy](build-a-python-app-with-cockroachdb-sqlalchemy.html).

### Django

**Support level:** Full

CockroachDB supports Django versions 3.1+.

To install [Django](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.0/topics/install/):

{% include_cached copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ pip install django==3.1.*

Before installing the [CockroachDB backend for Django](https://github.com/cockroachdb/django-cockroachdb), you must install one of the following psycopg2 prerequisites:

- [psycopg2](https://pypi.org/project/psycopg2/), which has some
  [prerequisites](https://www.psycopg.org/docs/install.html#prerequisites) of
  its own. This package is recommended for production environments.

- [psycopg2-binary](https://pypi.org/project/psycopg2-binary/). This package is recommended for development and testing.

After you install the psycopg2 prerequisite, you can install the CockroachDB Django backend:

{% include_cached copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ pip install django-cockroachdb==3.1.*

The major version of `django-cockroachdb` must correspond to the major version of `django`. The minor release numbers do not need to match.

For a simple but complete example app, see [Build a Python App with CockroachDB and Django](build-a-python-app-with-cockroachdb-django.html).

### PonyORM

**Support level:** Full

To install PonyORM:

{% include_cached copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ pip install pony

For a simple but complete example app, see [Build a Python App with CockroachDB and PonyORM](build-a-python-app-with-cockroachdb-pony.html).

### peewee

**Support level:** Full

To install peewee:

{% include_cached copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ pip install peewee

For instructions on using peewee with CockroachDB, see the [CockroachDatabase peewee extension documentation](http://docs.peewee-orm.com/en/latest/peewee/playhouse.html#cockroach-database).


<section class="filter-content" markdown="1" data-scope="go">

## Go Drivers

### pgx

**Support level:** Full

To install the [Go pgx driver](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/jackc/pgx):

{% include_cached copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ go get -u github.com/jackc/pgx

For a simple but complete example app, see [Build a Go App with CockroachDB and the Go pgx Driver](build-a-go-app-with-cockroachdb.html).

### pq

**Support level:** Full

To install the [Go pq driver](https://godoc.org/github.com/lib/pq):

{% include_cached copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ go get -u github.com/lib/pq

For a simple but complete example app, see [Build a Go App with CockroachDB and the Go pq Driver](build-a-go-app-with-cockroachdb.html).

## Go ORM frameworks

### GORM

**Support level:** Full

To install [GORM](http://gorm.io):

{% include_cached copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ go get -u github.com/lib/pq # dependency

{% include_cached copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ go get -u github.com/jinzhu/gorm

For a simple but complete example app, see [Build a Go App with CockroachDB and GORM](build-a-go-app-with-cockroachdb-gorm.html).


<section class="filter-content" markdown="1" data-scope="java">

{% include {{page.version.version}}/app/java-version-note.md %}

{% include {{page.version.version}}/app/java-tls-note.md %}

## Java Drivers

### JDBC

**Support level:** Full

Download and set up the Java JDBC driver as described in the [official documentation](https://jdbc.postgresql.org/documentation/head/setup.html). We recommend using the PostgreSQL JDBC 42.2.9 driver.

For a simple but complete example app, see [Build a Java App with CockroachDB and JDBC](build-a-java-app-with-cockroachdb.html).

## Java ORM frameworks

### Hibernate

**Support level:** Full

You can use [Gradle](https://gradle.org/install) or [Maven](https://maven.apache.org/install.html) to get all dependencies for your application, including Hibernate. Only Hibernate versions 5.4.19 and later support the Hibernate CockroachDB dialect.

If you are using Gradle, add the following to your `dependencies`:

~~~ groovy
implementation 'org.hibernate:hibernate-core:5.4.19.Final'
implementation 'org.postgresql:postgresql:42.2.9'

For a simple but complete example app that uses Gradle for dependency management, see [Build a Java App with CockroachDB and Hibernate](build-a-java-app-with-cockroachdb-hibernate.html).

If you are using Maven, add the following to your `<dependencies>`:

~~~ xml

For a complete example app that uses Maven for dependency management, see [Build a Spring App with CockroachDB and Spring Data JPA (Hibernate)](build-a-spring-app-with-cockroachdb-jpa.html).

You will also need to specify the CockroachDB dialect in your [Hibernate configuration file](https://www.tutorialspoint.com/hibernate/hibernate_configuration.htm).

{% include {{page.version.version}}/app/hibernate-dialects-note.md %}

### jOOQ

**Support level:** Full

You can use [Gradle](https://gradle.org/install) or [Maven](https://maven.apache.org/install.html) to get all dependencies for your application, including jOOQ.

For a simple but complete example app that uses Maven for dependency management, see [Build a Java App with CockroachDB and jOOQ](build-a-java-app-with-cockroachdb-jooq.html).


<section class="filter-content" markdown="1" data-scope="ruby">

## Ruby Drivers

### pg

**Support level:** Full

To install the [Ruby pg driver](https://rubygems.org/gems/pg):

{% include_cached copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ gem install pg

For a simple but complete example app, see [Build a Ruby App with CockroachDB and the Ruby pg Driver](build-a-ruby-app-with-cockroachdb.html).

## Ruby ORM frameworks

### Active Record

**Support level:** Full

To install Active Record, the [pg driver](https://rubygems.org/gems/pg), and a [CockroachDB Ruby package](https://github.com/cockroachdb/activerecord-cockroachdb-adapter) that accounts for some minor differences between CockroachDB and PostgreSQL:

{% include_cached copy-clipboard.html %}
~~~ shell
$ gem install activerecord pg activerecord-cockroachdb-adapter

The exact command above will vary depending on the desired version of Active Record. Specifically, version 5.1.x of Active Record requires version 0.2.x of the adapter; version 5.2.x of Active Record requires version 5.2.x of the adapter; version 6.0.x of Active Record requires version 6.0.x of the adapter; version 7.0.x of Active Record requires version 7.0.x of the adapter.

For a simple but complete example app, see [Build a Ruby App with CockroachDB and Active Record](build-a-ruby-app-with-cockroachdb-activerecord.html).


<section class="filter-content" markdown="1" data-scope="c">

## C Drivers

### libpq

**Support level:** Beta

Install the C libpq driver as described in the [official documentation](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq.html).


<section class="filter-content" markdown="1" data-scope="c-sharp">

## C# Drivers

### Npgsql

**Support level:** Beta

1. Create a .NET project:

    {% include_cached copy-clipboard.html %}
    ~~~ shell
    $ dotnet new console -o cockroachdb-test-app

    {% include_cached copy-clipboard.html %}
    ~~~ shell
    $ cd cockroachdb-test-app

    The `dotnet` command creates a new app of type `console`. The `-o` parameter creates a directory named `cockroachdb-test-app` where your app will be stored and populates it with the required files. The `cd cockroachdb-test-app` command puts you into the newly created app directory.

2. Install the latest version of the [Npgsql driver](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Npgsql/) into the .NET project using the built-in nuget package manager:

    {% include_cached copy-clipboard.html %}
    ~~~ shell
    $ dotnet add package Npgsql

For a simple but complete example app, see [Build a C# App with CockroachDB and the .NET Npgsql Driver](build-a-csharp-app-with-cockroachdb.html).


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## Rust Drivers

### rust-postgres

**Support level:** Beta

Install the Rust-Postgres driver as described in the [official documentation](https://crates.io/crates/postgres).

For a simple but complete example app, see [Build a Rust App with CockroachDB and the Rust-Postgres Driver](build-a-rust-app-with-cockroachdb.html).


## What's next?

- [Connect to CockroachDB](connect-to-the-database.html)
- [Design a Database Schema](schema-design-overview.html)

You might also be interested in the following pages:

- [Third party database tools](third-party-database-tools.html)
- [Connection parameters](connection-parameters.html)
- [Transactions](transactions.html)
- [Performance best practices](performance-best-practices-overview.html)