- Feature Name: Follower Reads
- Status: draft
- Start Date: 2018-06-03
- Authors: Spencer Kimball, Tobias Schottdorf
- RFC PR: #21056
- Cockroach Issue: #16593
Follower reads are consistent reads at historical timestamps from follower
replicas. They make the non-leader replicas in a range suitable sources for
historical reads. Historical reads include both AS OF SYSTEM TIME
as well as transactions with a read timestamp sufficiently in the past (for
example long-running analytics queries).
The key enabling technology is the exchange of closed timestamp updates between stores. A closed timestamp update (CT update) is a store-wide timestamp together with (sparse) per-range information on the Raft progress. Follower replicas use local state built up from successive received CT updates to ascertain that they have all the state necessary to serve consistent reads at and below the leaseholder store's closed timestamp.
Follower reads are only possible for epoch-based leases, which includes all user ranges but excludes some system ranges (such as the addressing metadata ranges). In what follows all mentioned leases are epoch-based.
Consistent historical reads are useful for analytics queries and in particular allow such queries to be carried out more efficiently and, with appropriate configuration, away from foreground traffic. But historical reads are also key to a proposal for reference-like tables aimed at cutting down on foreign key check latencies particularly in geo-distributed clusters; they help recover a reasonably recent consistent snapshot of a cluster after a loss of quorum; and they are one of the ingredients for Change Data Capture.
Fundamentally, the idea is that we already keep multiple consistent copies of all data via replication, and that we want to utilize all of the copies to serve reads. Morally speaking, a read which only cares to access data that was written at some timestamp well in the past should be servable from all replicas (assuming normal operation), as replication typically catches up all the followers quickly, and most writes happen at "newer" timestamps. Clearly neither of these two properties are guaranteed though, so replicas have to be provided with a a way of deciding whether a given read request can be served consistently.
The closed timestamp mechanism provides between each pair of stores a regular (on the order of seconds) exchange of information to that end. At a high level, these updates contain what one might intuitively expect:
A follower trying to serve a read needs to know that a given timestamp is "safe" (in parlance of this RFC, "closed") to serve reads for; there must not be some in-flight or future write that would invalidate a follower read retroactively. Each store maintains a data structure, the min proposal tracker (MPT) described later, to establish this timestamp.
Similarly, if a range's leaseholder commits a write into its Raft log at index
before announcing a closed timestamp, then the follower must wait until it
has caught up to that index P
before serving reads at the closed timestamp. To
provide this information, each store also includes with each closed timestamp an
updated minimum log index that the follower must reach before "activating" the
associated closed timestamp on that replica.
Providing the information only when there has been write activity on a given range since the last closed timestamp is key to performance, as a store can house upwards of 50000 replicas, and including information about every single one of them in each update is prohibitive due to the overhead of visiting them.
This is similar to range quiescence, which avoids Raft heartbeats between inactive ranges. It's worth pointing out that quiescent ranges are able to serve follower reads, and that there is no architectural connection between follower reads in quiescence, though a range that is quiescent is typically one that requires no per-range CT update.
As we've seen above, this RFC deals in "log positions" (and closed timestamps). For technical reasons, the "log position" is not the Raft log position but the Lease Applied Index, a concept introduced by us on top of Raft to handle Raft-internal reproposals and reorderings. Ultimately, what we're after is a promise of the form
no more proposals writing to timestamps less than or equal to
are going to apply after log indexI
This guarantee is tricky to extract from the Raft log index since proposing a
command at log index I
does not restrict it from showing up at higher log
indices later, especially in leader-not-leaseholder situations. The Lease
Applied Index was introduced precisely to have better control, and allows us to
make the above promise.
This section will focus on the technical details of the closed timestamp mechanism, with an emphasis on correctness.
A closed timestamp update contains the following information (sent by an origin Store
- the liveness epoch (of the origin
) - a closed timestamp (
, typically trails "real time" by at least a constant target duration) - a sequence number (to allow discarding built-up state on missed updates)
- a map from
to minimum lease applied index (MLAI) that specifies the updates to the recipient's map accumulated from all previous updates.
The accumulated per-range state together with the closed timestamp serve as a guarantee of the form
Every Raft command proposed after the min lease applied index (MLAI) will be ahead of the closed timestamp (CT).
Each store starts out with an empty state for each peer store and epoch, and merges the MLAI updates into the state (overwriting existing MLAIs). Whenever the sequence number received in an update from a peer store displays a gap, the state for that peer store is reset, and the current update merged into the empty state: this means that all information regarding ranges not explicitly mentioned in the current update is lost. Similarly, if the epoch changes, the state for any prior epoch is discarded and the update applied to an empty state for the new epoch.
At a high level, the design splits into three parts:
- How are the outgoing updates assembled? This will mainly live in the Replica write path: whenever something is proposed to Raft, action needs to be taken to reflect this proposal in the next CT update.
- How are the received updates used and which reads can be served? This lives mostly in the read path.
- How are reads routed to eligible follower replicas? This lives both in
and the DistSQL physical planner.
We will talk about how they are used first, as that is the most natural starting point for correctness.
To serve a read request at timestamp T
via follower reads, a replica
- looks up the lease, noting the store (and thus node) and epoch it belongs to.
- looks up the CT state known for this node and epoch.
- checks whether the read timestamp
is less than or equal to the closed timestamp. - checks whether its Lease Applied Index matches or exceeds the MLAI for the range (in the absence of an MLAI, this check fails by default).
If the checks succeed, the follower serves the read (without an update to the
timestamp cache necessary). If they don't, a NotLeaseholderError
is returned.
Note that if the read fails because no MLAI is known for that range, there needs to be some proactive action to prompt re-sending of the MLAI. This is because without write activity on the range (which is not necessarily going to happen any time soon) the origin store will not send an update. Strategies to mitigate this are discussed in a dedicated section below.
Implicitly, a received update represents the following essential promises:
the origin node was, at any point in time, live for the given epoch and closed timestamp. Concretely, this means that the origin node had a liveness update (for the epoch) with the closed timestamp falling before the stasis period.
This guarantees that no other node could forcibly take over the lease at a timestamp less than or equal to the closed timestamp, and consequently for any lease (as seen on a follower) for that origin store and epoch the origin store knows about all relevant Raft proposals that need to be applied before serving follower reads.
In other words, the ranges map in the update is authoritative as long as:
the MLAI map contains an update for any range for which a command has been proposed since the last update.
This guarantee is hopefully not a surprise, but implicit in this is the requirement that any relevant write actually increments the lease applied index. Luckily, all commands do, except for lease requests (not transfers -- see below for those), which don't mutate user-visible state.
the origin store won't (ever) initiate a lease transfer that would allow another node to write at or below the closed timestamp. In other words, in the case of a lease transfer the next lease would start at a timestamp greater than the closed timestamp.
If this rule were broken, another lease holder could propose commands that violate the closed timestamp sent by the original node (and a lagging follower would continue seeing the old lease and convince itself that it was fine to serve reads).
Lease transfers also require an update in the MLAI map; they need to essentially force the follower to see the new lease before they serve further follower reads (at which point they will turn to the new leaseholder's store for guidance). Nothing special is required to get this behavior; a lease transfer requires a valid Lease Applied Index, so the same mechanism that forces followers to catch up on the Raft log for writes also makes them observe the new lease.
Note that a node restart implies a change in the liveness epoch, which in turn invalidates all of the information sent before the restart.
To regain a fully populated MLAI map when first receiving updates (or after resetting the state for a peer node), there are two strategies:
- special case sequence number zero so that it includes an MLAI for all ranges for which the lease is held. When an update is missed, the recipient notifies the sender and it resets its sequence number to zero (thus sending a full update next).
- ask for updates on individual ranges whenever a follower read request fails because of a missing MLAI.
We opt to implement both strategies, with the first doing the bulk of the work. The first strategy is worthwhile because
- the payload is essentially two varints for each range, amounting to no more than 20 bytes on the wire, adding up to a 1mb payload at 50000 leaseholder replicas (but likely much less in practice). Even with 10x as many, a rare enough 10mb payload seems unproblematic, especially since it can be streamed.
- without an eager catch-up, followers will have to warm up "on demand" but the routing layer has no insight into this process and will blindly route reads to followers, which makes for a poor experience after a node restart.
But this strategy can miss necessary updates as leases get transferred to otherwise inactive ranges. To guard against these rare cases, the second strategy serves as a fallback.
To get in the right mindset of this, consider the simplified situation of a
without any pending or (near) future write activity, that is, there are
(and will be) no in-flight Raft proposals. Now, we want to send an initial CT
update to another store. This means two things:
- the need to "close" a timestamp, i.e. preventing any future write activity visible at this timestamp, for any write proposed by this store as a leaseholder (for the current epoch).
- Tracking an MLAI for each replica (for which the lease for the epoch is held).
The first requirement is roughly equivalent to bumping the low water mark of the timestamp cache to one logical tick above the desired closed timestamp (though doing that in practice would perform poorly).
The second one is also straightforward: simply read the Lease Applied Index for each replica; since nothing is in-flight, that's all the followers need to know about.
In reality, there will sometimes be ongoing writes on a replica for which we want to obtain an MLAI, and so 1) and 2) get more complicated.
Instead of adjusting the timestamp cache, we introduce a dedicated data structure, the minimum proposal tracker (MPT), which tracks (at coarse granularity) the timestamps for which proposals are still ongoing. In particular, it can decide when it is safe to close out a higher timestamp than before. This replaces 1), but retrieving an MLAI is also less straightforward than before.
Assume the replica shows a Lease Applied Index of 12, but three proposals are in-flight whereas another two have cleared the command queue but are still evaluating. Presumably the in-flight proposals were assigned to Lease Applied Indexes 13 through 15, and the ones being evaluated will receive 15 and 16 (depending on the order in which they enter Raft). This is where the MPT's second function comes in: it tracks writes until they are assigned a (provisional) Lease Applied Index, and makes sure that an authoritative MLAI delta is returned with each closed timestamp. This delta is authoritative in the sense that it will reflect the largest proposed MLAI seen relevant to the newly closed timestamp (relative to the previous one).
Consequently when we say that a proposal is tracked, we're talking about the interval between determining the request timestamp (which is after clearing the command queue) and determining the proposal's Lease Applied Index.
It's natural to ask whether there may be "false positives", i.e. whether a command proposed for some Lease Applied Index may never actually return from Raft with a corresponding update to the range state. The response is that this isn't possible: a command proposed to Raft is either retried until's clear that the desired Lease Applied Index has already been surpassed (in which case there is no problem) or the leaseholder process exits (in which case there will be a new leaseholder and previous in-flight commands that never made it into the log are irrelevant).
The naive approach of tracking the maximum assigned lease applied index is
problematic. To see this, consider the relevant example of a store that wants to
close out a timestamp around five seconds in the past, but which has high write
throughput on some range. Tracking the maximum proposed lease applied index
until we close out the timestamp now()-5s
means that a follower won't be able
to serve reads until it has caught up on the last five seconds as well, even
though they are likely not relevant to the reads it wants to serve. This
motivates the precise form of the MPT, which has two adjacent "buckets" that
it moves forward in time: one tracking proposals relevant to the next closed
timestamp, and one with proposals relevant for the one after that.
The MPT consists of the previously emitted closed timestamp (zero initially) and
a prospective next closed timestamp aptly named next
(always strictly larger
than closed
) at or below which new writes are not accepted. It also contains
two ref counts and MLAI maps associated to below and above next
Its API is roughly the following:
// t := NewTracker()
// In Replica write path:
ts, done:= t.Track(ba.Timestamp)
proposal := evaluate(ba)
proposal.LeaseAppliedIndex = <X>
// In periodic store-level loop:
closedTS, mlaiMap := t.CloseWithNext(clock.Now()-TargetDuration)
sendUpdateToPeers(closedTS, mlaiMap)
Note that by using this API for any proposal it is guaranteed that we produce all the updates promised to consumers of the CT updates. A few redundant pieces of information may be sent (i.e. for lease requests triggering on a follower range) but these are infrequent and cause no harm.
In what follows we'll to through an example, which for simplicity assumes that
all writes relate to the same range (thus reducing the MLAI maps to scalars).
The state of the MPT is laid out as in the diagram below. You see a previously
closed timestamp as well as a prospective next closed timestamp. There are three
proposals tracked at timestamps strictly less than next
, and one proposal at
or higher. Additionally, for proposals strictly less than next
, the
was recorded while that for the other side is 17
closed next
| @8 | @17
| #3 | #1
| |
v v
---------------------------------------------------------> time
Let's walk through an example of how the MPT works. For ease of illustration, we
restrict to activity on a single replica (which avoids having a map of
MLAIs; now it's just one). Initially, closed
and next
demarcate some time
interval. Three commands arrive; next
's right side picks up a refcount of three
(new commands are forced above next
, though in this case they were there to begin
closed next commands
| @0 | @0 /\ \_______
| #0 | #3 / \ |
v v v v v
------------------------------x--x----------x------------> time
Next, it's time to construct a CT update. Since next
's left has a refcount of
zero, we know that nothing is in progress for timestamps below next
, which
will now officially become a closed timestamp. To do so, next
is returned to
the client along with the MLAI for its left (there is none this time around).
Additionally, the data structure is set up for the next iteration: closed
forwarded to next
, and next
forwarded to a suitable timestamp some constant
target duration away from the current time. The commands previously tracked
ahead of next
are now on its left. Note that even though one of the commands
has a timestamp ahead of next
, it is now tracked to its left. This is fine; it
just means that we're taking a command into account earlier than required for
@0 | @0
closed commands #3 | #0
| /\ \_____|__
| / \ | |
v v v v v
------------------------------x--x----------x------------> time
Two of the commands get proposed (at LAIs, say, 10 and 11), decrementing
the left refcount and adding an MLAI entry of 11 (the max of the two) to it.
Additionally, two new commands arrive, this time at timestamps below next
These commands are forced above next
first, so the refcount goes to the right.
These new commands get proposed quickly (so they don't show
up again) and the right refcount will drop back to zero (though it will retain the
max MLAI seen, likely 13).
closed command next
| \ @11| @0
| \ #1 | #2
v v v
---------------------------------x-----------------------> time
| forwarding |
| |
new command new command
(finishes quickly @13) (finishes quickly @12)
The remaining command sticks around in the evaluation phase. This is unfortunate; it's time for another CT update, but we can't send a higher closed timestamp than before (and must stick to the same one with an empty MLAI map)
(blocked) (blocked)
closed command next
| \ @11| @13
| \ #1 | #0
v v v
---------------------------------x-----------------------> time
Finally the command gets proposed at LAI 14. A new command comes in at some reasonable timestamp and the right side picks up a ref. Note the resulting odd-looking situation in which the left is @14 and the right @13 (this is fine; the client tracks the maximum seen):
closed next in-flight
| @14| @13 proposal
| #0 | #1 |
v v v
----------------------------------------------------x----> time
Time for the next CT update. We can finally close next
(emitting @14) and move
it to now-target duration
, moving the right side refcount and MLAI to the
left in the process.
closed in-flight @13| @0
| proposal #1 | #0
| | _____/
| | /
v v v
----------------------------------------------------x----> time
The main mechanism for propagating MLAIs is triggered by proposals. When an initial update is created, valid MLAIs have to be obtained for all ranges for which followers are supposed to be able to serve reads. This raises two practical questions: for which replicas should an MLAI be produced, and how to produce one.
We create an MLAI for all ranges for which (at the time of checking) the current state indicates that the lease is held by the local store (this can have both false positives and false negatives but a missed follower read will trigger a proactive upgrade for the range it occurred on).
The initial catch-up is simple: before closing a timestamp (via the MPT), iterate through all ranges and (if they show the store as holding the lease) feed the MPT a proposal that lets it know the most recent Lease Applied Index on that replica:
_, done:= t.Track(hlc.Timestamp{})
lai := repl.mu.lastAssignedLeaseIndex
This can race with other proposals, but the MPT will track the maximum seen.
We forward commands' timestamps in order to guarantee that they don't produce visible data at timestamps below the CT. A case in which that is less obvious is that of an intent.
To see this, consider that a transaction has two relevant timestamps:
(also known as its read timestamp) and Timestamp
(also known as its commit timestamp). while the timestamp we forward
is Timestamp
, the transaction internally will in fact attempt to
write at OrigTimestamp (but relies on moving these intents to their
actual timestamp later, when they are resolved). This prevents certain
anomalies, particularly with SNAPSHOT
Naively, this violates the guarantee: we promise that no more data will appear
below a certain timestamp. Note however that this data isn't visible at
timestamps below the commit timestamp (which was forwarded): to read the value,
the intent has to be resolved first, which implies that it will move at least to
in the progress, restoring the guarantee required.
Similarly, this does not impede the usefulness of the CT mechanism for recovery: the restored consistent state may contain intents. But the restored consistent state also allows resolving all of the intents in the same way, since what matters is the transaction record. The result will be that the intents are simply dropped, unless there is a committed transaction record, in which case they will commit.
Note that for the CDC use case, this closed timestamp mechanism is a necessary, but not sufficient, solution. In particular, a CDC consumer must find (or track) and resolve all intents at timestamps below a given closed timestamp first.
No action is necessary for splits, but for convenience an update for the RHS is added to the next round of outgoing updates.
For merges, no action is necessary as the right hand side ceases to exist while the left hand side applies a write. We just need to ensure that replicas blocked by the ongoing merge never serve follower reads. They don't today and this is unlikely to change, but it should be future proofed.
This RFC proposes a somewhat simplistic implementation at the routing layer: At
and its DistSQL counterpart, if a read is for a timestamp earlier
than the current time less a target duration (which adds comfortable padding to
when followers are ideally able to serve these reads), it is sent to the nearest
replica (as measured by health, latency, locality, and perhaps a jitter),
instead of to the leaseholder.
When a read is handled by a replica not equipped to serve it via a regular or
follower read, a NotLeaseHolderError
is returned and future requests for that
same (chunk of) batch will make no attempt to use follower reads; this avoids
getting stuck in an endless loop when followers lag significantly. Similarly,
follower reads are never attempted for ranges known not to use epoch based
While the design outlined so far should give a reasonably performant baseline, it has several shortcomings that will need to be addressed in follow-up work:
Assume that timestamps are closed at a 5s target duration every second, and that the last proposal taken into account for each closed timestamp finishes evaluating just before the timestamp is closed out. In that case, the MLAI check on the followers is more likely to fail for a short moment until the Raft log has caught up with the very recent proposal; if the catch-up takes longer than the interval at which the timestamps are closed out, no follower read will ever be possible. A similar scenario applies to followers far removed from the usual commit quorum or lagging for any other reason. This should be fairly rare, but seems important enough to be tackled in follow-up work.
The fundamental problem here is that older closed timestamps are discarded when a new one is received, resulting in the follower never catching up to the current closed timestamp. If it remembered the previous CT updates, it could at least serve reads for that timestamp. This calls for a mechanism that holds on to previous CTs and MLAIs so that reads further in the past can be served. This won't be implemented initially to keep the complexity in the first version to a minimum.
One way to address the problem is the following: On receipt of a CT update, copy the CT and MLAI into the range state if the Raft log has caught up to the MLAI (keeping the most recently overwritten value around to serve reads for). This means that the replica will always have a valid CT during normal operation, though one that lags the received updates (various variations on this theme exist). However, note the strong connection to the following section:
As mentioned in the initial paragraphs, follower reads can help recover a recent consistent state of an unavailable cluster, by determining the maximum timestamp at which every range has a surviving replica that can serve a follower read (if all replicas of a range are lost, there is obviously no hope of consistent recovery). At this timestamp, a consistent read of the entire keyspace (excluding expiration-based ranges) can be carried out and used to construct a backup. Note that if expiration-based replicas persisted the last lease they held, the timestamp could be lowered to the minimum over all surviving expiration based replicas' last leases, for a consistent (but less recent) read of the whole keyspace.
For maximum generality, it is desirable to in principle be able to recover without relying on in-memory state, so that a termination of the running process does not bar a subsequent recovery.
Naively this can be achieved by persisting all received CT updates (with some eviction policy that rolls up old updates into a more recent initial state), though the eventual implementation may opt to persist at the Replica level instead (where updates caught up to can more easily be pruned).
[Range feeds] are a range-level mechanism to stream updates to an upstream Change Data Capture processor. Range feeds will rely on closed timestamps and will want to relay them to an upstream consumer as soon as possible. This suggests a reactive mechanism that notifies the replicas with an active Range feed on receipt of a CT update; given a registry of such replicas, this is easy to add.
With the advent of closed timestamps, we can also simplify AS OF SYSTEM TIME
by allowing users to let the server chose a reasonable "recent" timestamp in
the past for which reads can be distributed better. Note that, other than
what was requested in this issue, there is no guarantee about
blocking on conflicting writers. However, since a transaction that has
status with a timestamp that has since been closed out is likely
to have to restart (or ideally refresh) anyway, we could consider allowing it
to be pushed.
This design appears to be the sane solution given boundary conditions.
Can we just send the full heartbeat every time? Per the computation above, we don't expect more than 500kb of payload. The store locally can maintain the full set by basically heartbeating itself. This approach might make sense if we find that iterating over ~50k replicas during chaotic cluster behavior significantly worsens the situation.
For now, the min proposal timestamp roughly trails real time by five seconds. This can be made configurable, for example via a cluster setting or, if more granularity is required, via zone configs (which in turn requires being able to retrieve the history of the settings value or a mechanism that smears out the change over some period of time, to avoid failed follower reads).
Transactions which exceed the lag are usually forced to restart, though this will often happen through a refresh (which is comparatively cheap, though it needs to be tested).