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File metadata and controls

403 lines (317 loc) · 17 KB
  • Feature Name: Distributed token bucket for tenant cost control
  • Status: draft/in-progress/completed/rejected/obsolete/postponed
  • Start Date: 2021-06-04
  • Authors: Radu Berinde, Andy Kimball
  • RFC PR: (PR # after acceptance of initial draft)
  • Cockroach Issue: (one or more # from the issue tracker)


What is being proposed

Design of a subsystem relevant in the multi-tenant setting ("serverless") which rate limits tenant KV operations in conformance to a budget target.

Why (short reason)

Serverless users will pay per usage and need to be able to set an upper bound on how much they are willing to pay in a billing cycle. Free tier users must be rate limited in order to curtail resource usage.

How (short plan)

To encompass the various resources used, we have created an abstract unit called a "request unit". There will be a direct conversion from RUs to a dollar amount that is part of a tenant's bill. Request units are determined based on CPU usage in the SQL pods and on the KV requests from the tenant. For more details, see the "Managing Serverless Resource Usage" RFC (internal-only).

Each tenant will have a number of RUs available to use as needed, plus a "baseline" rate of replenishment. These map directly to the concept of a token bucket. The values are determined by a higher-level billing algorithm that is beyond the scope of this RFC and need to be configurable on-the-fly.

The enforcement of RU consumption will happen inside the SQL pods, at the point where KV requests are sent. The SQL pods communicate with centralized state (for that tenant) which lives in a system table inside the system tenant. The centralized state also tracks and reports the consumption of RUs.


The new subsystem will only be enabled on our multi-tenant clusters. The subsystem involves overhead related to communicating with and updating the centralized state for each tenant.

Note that admission control for preventing overload in the host cluster or for reducing the variability in user-visible performance (depending on other load on the host cluster) are not in the scope of this RFC.


The higher-level motivation is covered by the "Managing Serverless Resource Usage" RFC (internal-only). This RFC covers the implementation details of a subsystem necessary to enforce resource usage.

Technical design


We implement a "global" (distributed) token bucket for each tenant; the metadata for all these buckets lives in a system table on the system tenant. The global bucket is configured with:

  • an initial amount of "burst" tokens (RUs)
  • a refill rate (RUs/second)
  • a limit on how many unused tokens (RUs) we can accumulate as burst. Refill is essentially paused when the bucket has more tokens than the limit.

Each SQL pod implements a local token bucket and uses it for admission control at the KV client level (i.e. before sending out KV requests to the host cluster). Each KV request consumes tokens and might need to wait until there are enough tokens available. The local token bucket is also adjusted periodically to account for CPU usage on the pod.

The local bucket is periodically filled with tokens from the global bucket, or assigned a fraction of the global fill rate. This happens via API calls through the KV connector (see kvtenant.Connector). Each call is implemented as a transaction involving the system table.

The global bucket keeps track of cumulative RU usage, which is reported periodically (on a per-tenant basis) to Prometheus.

Distributed bucket algorithm

We describe the algorithm in terms of "nodes" (a tenant's SQL pods) communicating with a centralized ("global") token bucket. The tokens are RUs. Note that we describe a single instance of the algorithm; in reality there is a separate instance for each tenant.

The nodes periodically request tokens from the global bucket. The amount of requested tokens is adjusted based on the current usage, with the goal of a target global request period. The requests are sent preemptively, a short time before the current tokens are estimated to run out.

The global bucket operates in two modes:

  • if there are sufficient "burst" tokens already in the bucket, the tokens are granted immediately;
  • otherwise, a fraction of the global refill rate is granted to the node and the tokens are granted over a period according to this refill rate. Fewer tokens can be granted so that the period does not exceed the target global request period.

Each node adjusts its local token bucket accordingly, either adding burst tokens or setting up a refill rate.

The global refill rate is distributed among the nodes using a shares-based system. Each node calculates a share value and the global bucket maintains the sum of the current share values. The shares reflect the load at each node (more details in the shares calculation section).

Global bucket state

At any point in time, the global bucket maintains these values:

  • the current amount of tokens (RUs); this value can be negative. It is immediately adjusted when tokens are granted to the nodes (even when they are granted over a time period).
  • the current sum of shares
  • the total amount of tokens used (since the tenant was created); this value reflects RUs that were used with certainty. In abnormal cases (like node crashes), the error is always on the side of under-counting.

Request input and output values

We describe the input and output values of a request to the global bucket.


  • previous shares value for the node;
  • new shares value for the node;
  • tokens requested;
  • information about RU consumption by the node since last request.


  • timestamp of when the bucket update became effective (used to account for shares decay, see below);
  • tokens granted (at most the amount requested);
  • optional granted timestamp; if set, it indicates that the tokens cannot be used right away, but they must "trickle" over a time period ending at this timestamp.
  • maximum burst tokens; if the granted timestamp is set, if we are underusing tokens, we can accumulate at most this value of unused tokens.

Shares calculation

The shares have two terms:

  • load estimation. This is an exponentially weighted moving average of the load at the node, in RUs requested per second.
  • backlog term. This term ensures that nodes which have accumulated a longer backlog to "catch up" to the other nodes. It is a sum to which each queued operation contributes its RUs, exponentially scaled with the age of the operation. The idea is that the older operations become dominant in the calculations of the shares.

Note that there can be periods where shares consistently grow (or shrink) for a period of time, e.g. when we keep accumulating backlog. Whenever we calculate a refill rate for a node, we are using somewhat stale values for the shares of the other nodes. This can lead to systematic errors where we give out too much or too little rate in aggregation. When we give out too little, the bucket will automatically compensate by accumulating tokens and using them as "burst". When we give out too much, the bucket will accumulate debt.

Debt handling

The local buckets can be "in debt", due to operations that can only be accounted for after the fact (e.g. size of reads, CPU usage). The debt is accounted for in the number of tokens that a node requests from the global bucket.

The global bucket can also accumulate debt (as explained in the previous section). To correct for this, debt causes a reduction in the effective rate (which is portioned to the nodes according to the shares) so that the debt would be paid out over the next target request period.

Note that because we are pre-distributing tokens over the target request period, it is expected for the global bucket to be in debt of up to <refill rate> * <target request period>. For the purpose of reducing the effective rate, we only treat anything above this threshold as systematic debt.

Shares decay

In clean shutdown situations, a node will make a final request to the bucket to report the latest usage and to set its share term to 0. However, in unclean shutdown situations, the share term would linger on, reducing the effective rate to the other nodes. To address this problem, the share terms decay exponentially with time, at a rate chosen such that the decrease is small over one target request period but becomes significant after enough time has passed.

To correctly account for the delay when adjusting the shares sum, each request passes the previous shares value along with the timestamp at which that share value was incorporated into the sum. That allows adjusting the value according to the decay that it was subjected to.


We list the configuration parameters for the algorithm, in decreasing order of importance:

  • Target request period. This directly impacts how fast our rate portioning responds to changes in load, an in general how closely we approximate an ideal token bucket. It also directly affects the number of global bucket operations. Default value: between 10s and 30s.
  • EWMA factor for per-node load average (assuming we average once per second). Default value: 0.5.
  • Queued work time scale. This value controls the exponent in the queued work shares terms, specifically each work item contribution is scaled by e^(<age>/<queued_work_time_scale>). Default value: 10s.
  • Queued work factor. This scales the backlog term, controlling the relative importance of the load estimation term and the backlog term. Default value: 0.01.
  • Initial / Min / Max refill amount. These are not very important; the initial amount is used once, when the node starts up. The minimum and maximum values are just safeguards to keep sane behavior in potential corner-cases.


We created a simulation and visualization framework in order to prototype this algorithm. The input is a workload, which is a set of requested RU/s graphs (one per node). The output is a set of granted RU/s graphs. The simulation implements this algorithm and compares against an ideal distributed token bucket.

The simulation can be accessed at:

The page shows the granted workload over time for both the prototyped algorithm and an ideal (instantly synchronized) token bucket. We also show the graphs of total consumption between the two, to see if there is any systematic (long-term) divergence.

The workload can be changed from the dropdown or the yaml can be manually edited. Each workload function is a sum of terms; the supported terms can be inferred from the code.

The code is available here:

System table

The system table uses a "ledger" approach; each change to the state of a global tenant bucket appends a row to the table. Each change has a unique operation ID and a sequence number (which allows detection of duplicate requests, to ensure idempotency). The sequence numbers allow locating the latest entry.

Schema for the system table:

CREATE TABLE tenant_usage (
  tenant_id INT NOT NULL,

  op_id UUID NOT NULL,  -- TODO: maybe INT?

  ru_burst_limit FLOAT NOT NULL,
  ru_rate FLOAT NOT NULL,

  ru_current FLOAT NOT NULL,
  current_share_sum FLOAT NOT NULL,

  -- Cumulative usage statistics.
  total_ru_usage FLOAT NOT NULL,
  total_read_requests INT NOT NULL,
  total_read_bytes INT NOT NULL,
  total_write_requests INT NOT NULL,
  total_write_bytes INT NOT NULL,
  total_sql_pod_cpu_seconds FLOAT NOT NULL, -- TODO: Maybe milliseconds and INT8?

  PRIMARY KEY (tenant_id, seq DESC),
  UNIQUE (tenant_id, op_id) -- could also be UNIQUE(op_id)

An operation to the bucket is implemented with a transaction:

-- Generate random op_id.
-- Get the latest state (with the largest sequence number).
SELECT * FROM tenant_usage WHERE tenant_id=.. ORDER BY seq DESC LIMIT 1;
-- Calculate new state.
-- Set the new state, using the next sequence number.
INSERT INTO tenant_usage (tenant_id, seq, ...) (tenant_id, seq+1, ...);

Any failed request is retried with the same op_id. If the previous request went through, the transaction will error out with a conflict on op_id, allowing special handling of this case.

We perform periodic garbage collection to keep the table from growing. Each operation can trigger garbage collection (with random chance).

-- by number of entries
DELETE FROM tenant_usage WHERE tenant_id=.. AND seq < (
  SELECT seq - 1000 FROM tenant_usage WHERE tenant_id=.. ORDER BY seq DESC LIMIT 1
-- or by timestamp:
DELETE FROM tenant_usage WHERE tenant_id=.. AND op_time < now() - '24hr'

TODO: it's unfortunate that we will have to talk to two ranges on each operation. Could we achieve this with a single index? We could reserve part of the UUID space for the sequence number, allowing one index to serve a dual-purpose, but things would become messy.

Another possible variation would be to have a single (tenant_id, op_id) primary index and also store the current state and sequence number in (tenant_id, '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'). That would not require a secondary index, but would generate larger KVs as we store all fields twice.

KV Connector API

The KV Connector API is used by the SQL pods to make requests to the distributed bucket. This API is implemented on the host cluster side by performing a transaction on tenant_usage.

type TenantTokenBucketProvider interface {
     ctx context.Context,
     uuid util.UUID,
     prevShareValue float64,
     prevShareTimestamp time.Time,
     tokensRequested float64,
     ruUsage float64,
     readRequests int64,
     readBytes int64,
     writeRequests int64,
     writeBytes int64,
     totalPodCPUSeconds float64,
   ) (
     updateTimestamp time.Time,
     grantedTokens float64,
     grantedTimestamp time.Time,
     maxBurstTokens float64

Configuration API

The limits for a tenant are periodically reconfigured. The proposed interface is via an internal SQL function; we can easily provide other endpoints as necessary.

SELECT crdb_internal(
  tenant_id,                    -- INT
  operation_uuid,               -- UUID
  as_of,                        -- TIMESTAMP
  as_of_consumed_request_units, -- FLOAT
  available_request_units,      -- FLOAT
  refill_rate,                  -- FLOAT
  max_request_units             -- FLOAT

Updated settings are calculated based on the total consumption reported at some recent point in the past. The consumption value is reported as part of the reconfiguration request so that we can account for what happened since that value was reported; tokens are adjusted based on

  • the delta between the previous consumption and the current consumption; and
  • the refill that would have happened in the delta time period.

Resilience considerations

The system must have reasonable behavior if the bucket range becomes temporarily inaccessible. To achieve this, in the short term each node continues operating at the previous rate of consumption. Longer term, the rate can decay over time toward 1/N of the total refill rate, where N is the number of SQL pods.

Performance considerations

The system table could get a high amount of aggregate traffic. If we have 5,000 SQL pods across all tenants, we expect 500 operations per second (for a 10s target request period).

Load-based splitting of ranges would reduce the range sizes; we could also force split points between the tenants.

The minimum refill amount can be tuned to reduce the frequency of bucket operations during periods of low activity on a single node.


  • Complexity

  • Periodic transactions on the host cluster

Rationale and Alternatives

We have explored a number of existing systems for cloud rate limiting. Most of these use a gossip-style algorithm to disseminate relative usage information. This is not necessary in our system which provides consistent access to shared state.

An alternative to using transactions as the only centralization point would be to elect one SQL pod which implements the distributed bucket logic and which all other pods communicate with (perhaps even in a streaming fashion). This SQL pod would update the persistent state (at a reduced frequency). The difficulty with this approach is around implementing election reliably; this could be done by keeping track of a "lease" in the bucket state (in the system table).

Unresolved questions