- Feature Name: Max safe timestamp
- Status: draft
- Start Date: 2017-10-11
- Authors: Alex Robinson, Nathan VanBenschoten
- RFC PR: (PR # after acceptance of initial draft)
- Cockroach Issue: #2656, #6130, #9712, #16593, #16838, #17535
Propose mechanisms for tracking what has come to be known as the "max safe timestamp" for a range, which is the maximum timestamp at which a range guarantees no more writes will occur. While the thinking to this point has been that follower reads and change feeds (i.e. CDC) could share an approach to tracking the max safe timestamp, we believe that the different needs of the two features makes decoupling them advantageous.
The motivation is best understood by reading through the RFCs for CDC and Change Feeds as well as the issue for follower reads. To summarize, non-leaseholder replicas need to know the range of timestamps at which it is safe to serve reads without coordinating with the leaseholder, and change feeds require what are known as "close notifications", which indicate no new writes will happen at timestamps earlier than some "closed" timestamp.
TODO: Initial version of this RFC is just for reaching consensus on rough ideas
TODO: Initial version of this RFC is just for reaching consensus on rough ideas
The basic approach to implementing follower reads was outlined in a comment on the issue. The high-level breakdown of how it works is:
- All replicas track the highest write timestamp they have observed, which
we'll call the
. - The leaseholder will also track the
. - The leaseholder promises not to propose a write with timestamp less than
max_proposed_write_timestamp - max_write_age
, wheremax_write_age
is a configurable setting that will limit how old writes can be.- Making this safe will require taking these timestamps into account when proposing or re-proposing commands.
- Making this safe may also require the leaseholder to propose empty commands
to make sure that writes which have been proposed but have not yet committed
will fail the
check if they do eventually commit. This would be to prevent a write from lingering for too long and being older thanmax_write_timestamp - max_write_age
by the time it commits.
- Followers can serve reads at times less than their
max_write_timestamp - max_write_age
.- This may mean the some followers can serve reads that others can't, but all such reads will be correct as long as the leaseholder doesn't break its promise about not proposing old writes.
- Intents encountered by the followers can be resolved as necessary. This will add some additional latency to such reads, but maintains correctness. Any intents left by transactions that are still pending could reasonably have their transactions aborted at this point.
- If a follower receives a stale read request that it can't serve, it has to forward it to the leaseholder via a NotLeaseHolderError.
- To make all of this usable, the
will have to be instrumented to decide which replica is closest, decide whether a follower may be able to handle the request, and forward such requests to the leaseholder if the follower can't.
There are still a couple big questions left.
If no write has been proposed for a while, the followers' max_write_timestamp
will be far behind the actual current time, limiting the usefulness of follower
reads in inactive ranges. This suggests that we need periodic "heartbeats" of
some sort to keep followers up-to-date with respect to which timestamps are safe
to read. There are two options here:
- Have the leaseholder periodically propose an empty command to raft with the current timestamp if no other writes have come through lately.
- Use a higher-level mechanism, such as attaching a new field to raft heartbeats or piggybacking on quiescence to convey this information.
Option 2 is lower overhead but riskier, since there's no guarantee that the
new leaseholder after a lease change will know about the increased
, but it seems as though a new leaseholder could just be
extra cautious when it takes over the lease. For example, the previous
leaseholder couldn't have proposed a write with a timestamp greater than
time.Now() + maxOffset
, so new leaseholders could start out by setting
to time.Now() + maxOffset
The next bigger question is whether this extra work to keep
up to date should always be enabled by default. There are
a few options here:
- Always enabled. Leaseholders always have to do the work of keeping
up-to-date on followers. - Only enabled when a user explicitly sets a
via zone config. - Only enabled when a leaseholder has reason to believe that followers are receiving read requests at old timestamps.
- A combination of 2 and 3.
Option 1 is a bit of a non-starter due to the extra work required, since we
shouldn't be slowing down users' clusters for features that they aren't using.
Option 2 is good because it gets explicit user consent, but bad because it means
that users have to know about the feature before they're able to benefit from
it. We'll at least want an option to configure max_write_age
, though, since
there could be workloads out there with really long-running writes that work
today but wouldn't work with a small default max_write_age
. Heuristics aren't
fun, but option 3 seems best as long as we can reasonably decide when to start,
when to stop, and how frequently to update max_write_timestamp
in the absence
of writes. Instrumenting the DistSender
to indicate that a stale read was
rejected by a follower would be a good way of notifying the leaseholder to
start, but deciding when to stop may just be a manner of timing out every so
There are more questions that could be asked about follower reads (e.g. defining a new syntax for stale reads at a system-chosen timestamp), but those can be deferred to a follow-up PR or a later extension to this one.
Unlike for follower reads, change feeds / CDC need to care very dearly about unresolved intents. A change feed can't publish a write to any listeners until it knows that the write's transaction has committed, meaning that it publishes new writes as the intents are resolved.
Follower reads can simply resolve an intent when it encounters one, whereas
change feeds need to make promises to clients in the form of "close
notifications" that no new writes will come in at an old timestamps. The
leaseholder can avoid proposing new writes at old timestamps using the same
max_proposed_write_timestamp - max_write_age
approach as for follower reads,
but any existing intents on the range are also potential writes. An unresolved
intent could become a valid write that the leaseholder doesn't learn about until
any arbitrary later time unless it proactively tracks intents and resolves them.
Here's a summary of our thoughts:
- We can reuse the
tracking from follower reads, but more logic is needed to ensure no old intents are left unresolved. - We have to track unresolved intents somewhere - scanning the entire range to
check for intents every time we want to send a close notification is going to
be prohibitively expensive unless close notifications can be very infrequent.
- Tracking intents will still be expensive, so we should only do so for ranges that have an active change feed listening to them.
- Where should we track intents? In-memory on all replicas: makes failover easy
- if a change feed needs to switch which one it's talking to (e.g. because a node went down), but will cost us a lot of memory usage. Benchmarking may demonstrate this is feasible, but until then it seems too expensive.
- On-disk: we considered some linked list approaches where pointers are stored as part of each intent to track the intents in a range, but couldn't come up with a scheme that would be reasonably efficient to keep up-to-date. If possible, this would get around the need to track things in memory, but doesn't seem very promising from an implementation perspective.
- In-memory on only the replica the change feed is attached to: minimizes resources consumed (no disk I/O, just memory on one node), but failover to a different replica will require work to reconstruct the in-memory data structure. This appears to be the way to go (more detail below).
- On lease transfer, the change feeds RFC already proposes a form of "resume
These are meant to allow a new leaseholder to resume the change feed by
finding the corresponding point in its raft log and catching up by reading
from there. We believe the same can be done for intent-tracking -- if the
resume token also includes a reference to the point in the raft log
corresponding to the last "close notification", we know that there are no
intents remaining from before that point. The new leaseholder can scan on from
that point to reconstruct the in-memory intent-tracking data structure.
- In the case that the raft log has been truncated, a full range scan will be required, as is already the case for the original resume token idea.
- Given the above information, the replica serving the change feed (presumably
the leaseholder, but I do think we could support followers as well) can emit a
value as soon as its intent is resolved, and can emit a close notification for
any time less than
max_write_timestamp - max_write_age
and earlier than the oldest remaining intent.- The replica serving the change feed also has the right to proactively
resolve any unresolved intents older than
max_write_timestamp - max_write_age
in order to enable the sending of a close notification.
- The replica serving the change feed also has the right to proactively
resolve any unresolved intents older than
- Like for follower reads, we won't enable the requisite tracking of intents unless there is a change feed attached to the range. If there isn't, there is no reason to incur the cost of doing so.
Thus, the max-safe timestamp needed by change feeds is largely additive on top
of the max-safe timestamp used by follower reads, but with the optional
optimization of not needing to send max_write_timestamp
updates to followers
if change feeds only attach to the leaseholder.
TODO: Initial version of this RFC is just for reaching consensus on rough ideas
TODO: rationale and alternatives mostly included inline in the detailed design.
- We could use some eyes on the proposal/re-proposal question. Re-proposals got brought up as a major roadblock on the original follower read issue, but we aren't sure why the logic there can't just be changed to consider timestamps when deciding whether to re-propose. Also, the method of proposing empty commands to time out delayed proposals could benefit from review.
- The user interface for follower reads still needs to be thought out, which can either be done in a separate RFC or a follow-on here.