Examples from the official PayPal Developer Docs.
This repository contains two directories:
- Standard integration
- Set up simple Googlepay payment method on your checkout page for your buyers.
- Advanced integration
- Build and customize Googlepay Integration with the custom Applepay Component
Not sure where to start? Choose the standard integration.
These examples use the PayPal JavaScript SDK to display PayPal supported payment methods and provide a seamless checkout experience for your buyers.
The SDK has several configuration options available. The examples in this repository provide the most minimal example possible to complete a successful transaction.
To get started with standard checkout, you'll need a developer, personal, or business account.
You'll then need to visit the Developer Dashboard to obtain credentials and to make sandbox accounts.
Once you've setup a PayPal account, you'll need to obtain a Client ID and Secret. Create a sandbox application.
These examples will ask you to run commands like npm install
and npm start
You'll need a version of node >= 14 which can be downloaded from the Node.js website.