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This code is concerned with data interpretation and prediction for space weather research. It is a method for forward modeling of solar storm magnetic flux ropes, called 3-Dimensional Coronal Rope Ejection (3DCORE). The code is able to produce synthetic in situ observations of the magnetic cores of solar coronal mass ejections sweeping over planets and spacecraft. Near Earth, these data are taken currently by the Wind, ACE and DSCOVR spacecraft. Other suitable spacecraft making these kind of observations carrying magnetometers in the solar wind were MESSENGER, Venus Express, MAVEN, and Helios, and in the future observatories include the Parker Solar Probe, Solar Orbiter, BepiColombo and possibly interplanetary CubeSats.

It is distributed with an MIT license and has this DOI:

If this research is used for peer-reviewed scientific publications, the paper below needs to cited and in any case, please also contact me either via twitter or at christian.moestl at

This code was used for producing the figures and results in the publication: Möstl et al. (2018), Forward Modeling of Coronal Mass Ejection Flux Ropes in the Inner Heliosphere with 3DCORE, in press at AGU Space Weather,, doi: 10.1002/2017SW001735.

Note that there has been a change in matplotlib from the publication to the current code version, so the 3DCORE model volume is now plotted with ax.scatter instead of the model surface with ax.wireframe as in the paper. This version on github will be updated as we progress, the code on figshare will only be changed for major new releases.

Last update: 22 May 2018.


  • The code is written in python, and I run it over the command line in MAC OS X (High Sierra) in ipython.

  • Install python anaconda v3 or up, I use 3.5.2. NumPy 1.12.1, SciPy 0.19.1, Matplotlib 2.2.2.

  • Add the packages astropy (3.0.2), sunpy (0.8.5) and seaborn (0.8.1).

$ conda install astropy

$ conda config --add channels conda-forge
$ conda install sunpy

$ conda install seaborn    

Running the code

  • Download the repository, start an OS X command line and go to the "3DCORE" directory

  • Start ipython and run the only code file:

    $ ipython
    $ run
  • In the source code, after the packages are imported, the "inputfilename" and "outputdirectory" are specified, and should be changed there.