Moved to starting in 2.3.8.
- JCasC support for
- JCasC support for
extensions (JENKINS-61900).
- Add system property
which can be set tofalse
to disable credentials tracking using fingerprints.
- Add category to system settings for modern Jenkins releases.
- Use pass-through conversion for
to avoid JCasC errors (PR-135).
- Use GitHub for documentation root instead of wiki ( PR-128 ).
- Various code cleanups ( PR-133 - JCasC test harness, PR-132 - Use latest parent pom, PR-131 - Minor documentation grammar fix, PR-130 - Test with configuration as code plugin 1.34, PR-127 - Use try with resources and, other cleanups ).
- Allow credentials parameters to shadow credentials with the same id in credentials lookup (JENKINS-58170).
- Various code cleanups ( PR-125 - Use Java 8 syntax more widely, other cleanup, PR-124 - Documentation updates ).
- Fix incorrect permission check for MANAGE_DOMAINS (JENKINS-56607).
- Fix memory leak in credentials fingerprint tracking (JENKINS-49235).
- Clean up various typos.
- Add incrementals support.
- Jenkins LTS 2.138.4 is now the minimal requirement
- Support of Jenkins Configuration-as-Code plugin was moved to the plugin from Configuration-as-Code: Support plugin (JENKINS-57559)
- Add button was overlapping with down arrow in some conditions (JENKINS-52936)
- Chinese localization was moved to the Chinese localization plugin
- Add a CLI command named
to list all credentials in a store in XML format (JENKINS-52175)
- Ensure credentials are loaded as system (prerequisite for SSH Credentials security fix)
- All
- Minor code change to credentials action in order to aid comprehension by anyone reading the code
- All
- Canonical reference documentation for plugin released. This documentation should be taken on a canonical basis, in other words, where behaviour deviates from the canonical documentation there is a bug. Sources such as and are expected to use the canonical documentation as a basis for authoring original content that describes in a cohesive narative how to use the credentials plugin.
- User
- Mix a hash of the secret value into the fingerprints to remove false duplicate tracking (JENKINS-43263) NOTE: all existing credentials fingerprint tracking history will be lost.
- Editing the description field of a credential will no longer change its fingerpint (JENKINS-44171) NOTE: all existing credentials fingerprint tracking history will be lost.
- All BASE-64 handling has been standardized so that chunkend and url-safe variants are handled consistently (JENKINS-45185)
- Consumer
- Allow <c:select> tags to specify the checkMethod
- Provider
- No changes affecting plugins implementing credentials providers
- Remove references to Trilead classes (JENKINS-43610)
- Add credentials symbol to parameter (JENKINS-44588)
- CSS width problems with credentials select drop-down (JENKINS-41512)
- IllegalArgumentException: unable to convert to
(JENKINS-41946) - Inconsistency in encoding of keystores (JENKINS-41952)
- When duplicate credentials have the same ID, the first one should win (JENKINS-41004)
- The credentials usage tracking should warn that it may give false negatives (JENKINS-40701)
- The Add button in a credentials select control should be enabled if the user has create permission in any stores in scope, not just the root store (JENKINS-41478)
- Use the Jenkins.XSTREAM2 instance so that plugins can use alias to assist migration of credentials (JENKINS-40914)
- Modified API method name introduced in 2.1.9
- Add API method which allows to check if a given String is of type SecretBytes (JENKINS-39381)
- Provide a mechanism for forcing a save of all credential store which will only be available via groovy scripting (JENKINS-39317)
- Add additional diagnostic logging to certificate credentials to help local malformed credentials
- Add additional exception safety to name inference of credentials
- Add support for ESC closing the add credentials dialog (JENKINS-38961)
- Suppress incorrect duplicate ID warning when updating credentials (JENKINS-38861)
- Resolve confusion for plugin authors on how to get form validation URLs in config.jelly (JENKINS-36315)
- Provide a mechanism to report that a credential's secrets are unavailable (JENKINS-36431)
- Provide a SecretBytes type for space efficient local storage of an encrypted byte[] (JENKINS-36432)
- Fix some failing test cases when using the PCT (JENKINS-37801)
- Saving SecretBuildWrapper for the first time fails due to duplicated credentialsId field unless git also installed (JENKINS-37707)
- Make it easier for CredentialProvider implementers to handle context objects that are both an Item and an ItemGroup (JENKINS-36161)
- Context menu icon URLs were incorrect when using a context path of / so the icons would not display on the main Credentials view pages
- If you added type restrictions you could not completely remove them (JENKINS-36090)
- The workaround for JENKINS-26578 was breaking the unit tests for ssh-credentials (bug in htmlunit) so delay the "workaround" by 1ms so that htmlunit does not bomb out (JENKINS-36034)
- Add support to track where a credential is used (JENKINS-20139) - Note that tracking relies on credentials consumers recording the usage, so if there are issues with this please file issues against the credential consuming plugin as it is not a problem with the credentials API.
- Create credentials through CLI (JENKINS-28407)
Credentials store XML/JSON REST API cannot browse into domains (JENKINS-24631)
Added some extra NPE safety to try and prevent a NPE in plugins that do not use the API correctly (JENKINS-35317)
System credentials store showing twice for credentials parameter Add button drop down when logged in as a user (JENKINS-35488)
Credentials providers need to be able to list credentials without retrieving the backing secret (JENKINS-35306) - this change changes the recommended way to populate drop down select boxes for plugin authors. The old way still works but is no longer recommended, hence the minor version bump. An example of a new style implementation is as follows:
public ListBoxModel doFillCredentialsIdItems(@AncestorInPath Job context, @QueryParameter String source, @QueryParameter String value) { if (context == null || !context.hasPermission(Item.CONFIGURE)) { // previously it was recommended to just return an empty ListBoxModel // now recommended to return a model with just the current value return new StandardUsernameListBoxModel().includeCurrentValue(value); } // previously it was recommended to use the withXXX methods providing the credentials instances directly // now recommended to populate the model using the includeXXX methods which call through to // CredentialsProvider.listCredentials and to ensure that the current value is always present using // includeCurrentValue return new StandardUsernameListBoxModel() .includeEmptySelection() .includeAs(Tasks.getAuthenticationOf(context), context, StandardUsernameCredentials.class, URIRequirementBuilder.fromUri(source).build()) .includeCurrentValue(value); }
The main changes in this sample are:
- #* Adding a QueryParameter for the current value. We can then
ensure that the current value is always available by using the
includeCurrentValue helper method
- Using includeAs to add the credentials using CredentialsProvider.listCredentials rather than the old pattern whereby the credentials would be retrieved directly and then converted into display name & id
- Now recommended to use Tasks.getAuthenticationOf(job) to get the authentication that the job will run as. When JENKINS-35081 is resolved this will become more important
- Delete and Move credentials does not work with providers that do not have modifiable domains (JENKINS-35130)
- Add credentials button broken on Build with Parameters screen (JENKINS-35168)
- Be more forgiving of users who have not configured their HTTPS front-end to forward the protocol details correctly (JENKINS-35150)
- The fix in 2.0.5 introduced a javascript error for configuring existing jobs that have already got the Add button. This has been fixed.
- Improve the JENKINS-26578 workaround so that the in-place Add button works in newly created hetero lists again (was broken since 2.0)
- Add a workaround for the Jenkins core bug with bottom sticker bars (issue #24662)
- Fix minor bug in credential descriptor visibility filtering
- Infinite loop in traversing the list of available credential stores for ComputerSet, Node, Computer context objects (JENKINS-35075)
- Follow-up for one remaining incorrect icon sizing when using a custom theme (JENKINS-33191)
- The help text for the credentials providers was reporting the Credentials/UseItem permission in cases where that permission was disabled and the Item/Configure permission should have been reported
- Moved the Credential ID out of the advanced box
- Where possible, the parameters view page of a build will present the credential parameter as a link to the credential to assist in disambiguation (JENKINS-31991)
- Impossible to scroll down the Add Credentials window content (JENKINS-28864)
- Users should be able to view their own credentials (JENKINS-33872)
- Incorrect icon sizing when using a custom theme (JENKINS-33191)
- Notify SaveableListener for global credentials updates (JENKINS-33111)
- The Add button now features a drop-down menu to allow selecting the destination store
- The Add modal dialog now supports selecting the credential domain to add into
- The credentials management has been moved fully into the Credentials action links
- The main page for the Credentials action has been reworked to show the effective credentials available within the current scope (as well as any masked credentials from parent scopes) as well as all the credentials stores contributing to the current scope. All the links are now context menu links.
- The Manage Jenkins » Configure Credentials screen has been reworked to actually allow for managing the credentials providers and types. It is now possible to restrict the credential types available per credential store as well as globally disable individual credential stores.
- Stop allowing to update domain with blank names (JENKINS-34329)
- Add french translation
- Sort credentials by credential name in select lists
- Upgrade to new parent pom
- After looking up user-scoped credentials, the SecurityContext is set to null causing user-scoped credentials to not be retrieved properly (JENKINS-33944)
- User may view some information in credential-store of other users (JENKINS-31610)
- Consider default value to be the default (JENKINS-32642)
- Fix incorrect parameter order that breaks Rebuild plugin with credentials parameters (JENKINS-29646)
- Fix NPE when taking a snapshot of certificate credentials.
- Fixed interaction with credentials binding plugin and the authorize project plugin (JENKINS-30326)
- Baseline version of Jenkins bumped to 1.565
- Fixed a bug where when a path was used in the URIRequirementBuilder, it cleared any SchemeRequirement already set.
- Added a work-around for JENKINS-26578 until the baseline version of Jenkins has fixed that issue
- JENKINS-26099
Allow the user to specify the ID of newly created credentials. (For
username/password and certificate credentials. Credentials defined
in other plugins need to use
to pick up this feature.) - Suppressing a stack trace in case of a failure to unlock certificate credentials due to an empty password.
- JENKINS-25682 amendment.
- UI glitch with icon tags
- Simplified handling of uploaded-file certificates on slaves.
- Allowing parameter values to be used from workflow projects.
- Improved Javadoc for list box models.
- JENKINS-21051 Japanese translation fixes.
- Exported description and displayName for use by REST API.
- Fix NPE in new parameter resolving helper method
- Add support for credentials parameters (note these are not exposed as environment variables, rather the IDs are exposed and plugin support is required to retrieve the credentials from the respective credential stores and act on those credentials as necessary)
- Fix the check for `isScopeRelevant(x) so that updating credentials within a credentials domain does not reset the scope to 'Global' (SECURITY-137)
- Added support for snapshotting credentials.
- Added a defensive NPE check to UserCredentialsProvider to prevent log file spamming when using private security realm.
- Added a URI path domain requirement and specification to the standard API.
- Fix the permission scope to flag that credential store permissions are scoped to items, item groups and Jenkins and not limited in scope to just Jenkins.
- Added an annotation to provide future assistance in identifying string fields that hold credential ids.
- Add /api/ support
- Add support for domain restricted credentials that can further restrict themselves within a domain
- Fixed issue with c:select and renderOnDemand on 1.500ish+ Jenkins instances (JENKINS-20647)
- Minimum version of Jenkins is now 1.466
- Added support for in-place adding of new credentials (JENKINS-20072)
- UI improvements and bugfixes
- Fix data binding issue with /lib/credentials/select.jelly
- Make DomainRequirement serializable as it may need to be transferred across remoting channels
- Update to German L10N
- Add a /lib/credentials/select.jelly taglib to make it possible to retrofit and add credentials UI to plugins that use this for selecting a credential from a drop-down list (note there is a bug in this version that is fixed in 1.9.1 where it fails to correctly prepare data-binding)
- Fixed JENKINS-19735
- Fixed JENKINS-19575
- Fixed some minor layout issues.
- There is a bug in core with lazy rendering which will affect the ability to configure the credential scope via the new UI. Suspect this will require a fix in Jenkins core.
- Added an API to allow plugins to configure credentials
- Added an abstract Action to allow credential stores which permit configuration of credentials to expose a user-space UI for credential management
- Added distinct permissions for viewing the credential management UI; managing credential domains; adding credentials; removing credentials; and updating credentials.
- Added the user space UI to the system credentials provider: JENKINS-19563
- Exception in Manage Credentials screen in 1.7.5.
- Fix issue with null values in domainCredentials.jelly taglib
- Include fix for JENKINS-19308
- Add some more German translations
- Include fix for JENKINS-19216
- Fix naming of StandardUsernamePasswordCredentials
- Minor bug-fix in looking up names of credential instances.
- Provide a standard client certificate credential implementation type.
- Provide a standard username & password credential implementation type.
- Add a builder for URI based domain requirements.
- Add a ListBoxModel implementation to assist the common task of selecting a credential from a set of credentials.
- Add some common credential type marker interfaces
- Add API support for filtering credentials
- Add support for partitioning credentials into domains
- Add help page for scope.
- Missed renaming a critical stapler view.
- Missed a critical constructor.
- Missed a couple of cosmetic references in open-sourcing this previously closed source plugin
- Initial release