.. http:put:: /virtualrouters/{uuid}/ Edits a virtual router LAN Interface. Note that only ``name`` and ``order`` fields can be changed, and all other changes to the definition of a LAN Interface will be ignored. :statuscode 200: no error **Example request**: .. literalinclude:: dumps/vrouters/request_lans_safe_update :language: http **Example response**: .. literalinclude:: dumps/vrouters/response_lans_safe_update :language: javascript
.. http:post:: /lans/{uuid}/action/?do=configure_dhcp Configures the DHCP service for a Virtual Router LAN Interface. :statuscode 200: no error **Example request**: .. literalinclude:: dumps/vrouters/request_lans_configure_dhcp :language: http **Example response**: .. literalinclude:: dumps/vrouters/response_lans_configure_dhcp :language: javascript
.. literalinclude:: dumps/vrouters/response_lans_schema :language: javascript