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Migration From Version 2 or 3 to Version 4

Users new to this module can skip this document and proceed to the main README. This document is for users who are updating from version 2 or 3 to version 4. Unfortunately, there is no "tl;dr" for this document, as the changes are substantial and require careful consideration.

This guild consists of 4 parts:

  1. Summary and Background: A brief overview of the changes in version 4, what motivated them, and what they mean for you.
  2. Configuration Migration Overview: A high-level overview of the changes you will need to make to your configuration to update to version 4. The inputs to this module have changed substantially, and you will need to update your configuration to match the new inputs.
  3. Configuration Migration Details: A detailed explanation of the changes you will need to make to your configuration to update to version 4.
  4. Cluster Migration Steps: Detailed instructions for migrating your EKS cluster to be managed by version 4. After you have updated your configuration, you will still need to take some additional manual steps to have Terraform upgrade and manage your existing EKS cluster with the new version 4 configuration. This step can be skipped if you can tolerate simply creating a new EKS cluster and deleting the old one.

Usage notes


Hopefully, and likely, the following does not apply to you, but just in case:

It has always been considered a bad practice to manage resources created by one resource (in this case, the EKS cluster) with another resource (in this case resources provided by the kubernetes or helm providers) in the same Terraform configuration, because of issues with lifecycle management, timing, atomicity, etc. This eks-cluster module used to do it anyway because it was the only way to manage access control for the EKS cluster, but it did suffer from those issues. Now that it is no longer necessary, the module no longer does it, and it is a requirement that you remove the "kubernetes" and "helm" providers from your root module or component, if present, and therefore any kubernetes_* or helm_* resources that were being managed by it. In most cases, this will be a non-issue, because you should already be managing such resources elsewhere, but if you had been integrating Kubernetes deployments into your EKS cluster configuration and find changing that too challenging, then you should delay the upgrade to version 4 of this module until you can address it.

  • We recommend leaving bootstrap_cluster_creator_admin_permissions set to false. When set to true, EKS automatically adds an access entry for the EKS cluster creator during creation, but this interferes with Terraform's management of the access entries, and it is not recommended for Terraform users. Note that now that there is an API for managing access to the EKS cluster, it is no longer necessary to have admin access to the cluster in order to manage access to it. You only need to have the separate IAM permission eks:CreateAccessEntry to add an access entry to the cluster and eks:AssociateAccessPolicy to give that entry ClusterAdmin permissions.
  • As of the release of version 4 of this module, it remains an issue that AWS Identity Center auto-generates IAM roles with non-deterministic ARNs to correspond to Permission Sets. Changes to the Permission Set will cause the ARN of the corresponding IAM role to change. This will invalidate any EKS Access Entry that used the old IAM role ARN, requiring you to remove the old access entry and add the new one. Follow containers-roadmap issue 474 for updates on features that will mitigate this issue.
  • For new clusters, we recommend setting access_config.authentication_mode = "API" to use the new access control API exclusively, so that is the default. However, AWS does not support a direct upgrade from the legacy CONFIG_MAP mode to the API mode, so when upgrading an existing EKS cluster, you must manually configure the API_AND_CONFIG_MAP mode for the initial upgrade.

Summary and Background

Version 4 of this module introduces several breaking changes that will require updates to your existing configuration. Major changes include:

  • Removal of any management of the aws-auth ConfigMap. This module now uses the AWS API to manage access to the EKS cluster, and no longer interacts with the ConfigMap directly in any way.
  • Removal of the Kubernetes Terraform provider. It was only used to interact with the aws-auth ConfigMap, and is no longer necessary.
  • Addition of Kubernetes access control via the AWS API, specifically Access Entries and Associated Access Policies.
  • Replacement of inputs associated with configuring the aws-auth ConfigMap with new inputs for configuring access control using the new AWS API. This was done in part to ensure that there is no ambiguity about which format of IAM Principal ARN is required, and what restrictions apply to the Kubernetes group memberships.
  • Restoration of the path component in any IAM Principal ARNs. When using the legacy aws-auth ConfigMap, the path component in any IAM Principal ARN had to be removed from the ARN, and the modified ARN was used in the ConfigMap. This was a workaround for a limitation in the AWS Implementation. With full AWS API support for access control, the path component is no longer removed, and the full ARN is required.
  • Removal of any support for creating an additional Security Group for worker nodes. This module now only allows some addition of rules to the EKS-managed Security Group. Normally you would associate all worker nodes with that Security Group. (Worker nodes can be associated with additional Security Groups as well if desired.). This includes the removal of the vpc_id input, which was only needed for creating the additional Security Group.
  • Replacement of aws_security_group_rule resources with the newer aws_vpc_security_group_ingress_rule resources for adding ingress rules to the EKS-managed Security Group. For people who were adding ingress rules to the EKS-managed Security Group, This will cause a brief interruption in communication as the old rules are removed and the new rules are added. The benefit is that you can then use the new aws_vpc_security_group_ingress_rule and aws_vpc_security_group_egress_rule resources to manage the rules in your root module or a separate component, allowing you much more control and flexibility over the rules than this module provides.

Access to the EKS cluster

The primary credential used for accessing any AWS resource is your AWS IAM user or role, more generally referred to as an IAM principal. Previously, EKS clusters contained a Kubernetes ConfigMap called aws-auth that was used to map IAM principals to Kubernetes RBAC roles. This was the only way to grant access to the EKS cluster, and this module managed the aws-auth ConfigMap for you. However, managing a Kubernetes resource from Terraform was not ideal, and managing any resource created by another resource in the same Terraform configuration is not supported by Terraform. Prior to v4, this module relied on a series of tricks to get around these limitations, but it was far from a complete solution.

In v4, this module now uses the new AWS API to manage access to the EKS cluster and no longer interacts with the aws-auth ConfigMap directly.

Security Groups

This module creates an EKS cluster, which automatically creates an EKS-managed Security Group in which all managed nodes are placed automatically by EKS, and unmanaged nodes could be placed by the user, to ensure the nodes and control plane can communicate.

In version 2, there was legacy support for creating an additional Security Group for worker nodes. (See the [version 2 migration documentation] ( for more information about the legacy support.) This support has been removed in version 4, and this module now only supports some configuration of the EKS-managed Security Group, enabled by the managed_security_group_rules_enabled variable.

Configuration Migration Overview

If you are deploying a new EKS cluster with this module, no special steps need to be taken, although we recommend setting access_config.authentication_mode = "API" to use the new access control API exclusively. By default, the module enables both the API and the aws-auth ConfigMap to allow for a smooth transition from the old method to the new one.

Removed variables

  • Variables deprecated in version 2 have been removed in version 4. These include anything related to creating or managing a Security Group distinct from the one automatically created for the cluster by EKS.

  • Any variables relating to the Kubernetes Terraform provider or the aws-auth ConfigMap have been removed, and the provider itself has been removed.

  • Any variables configuring access to the EKS cluster, such as map_additional_iam_roles and workers_role_arns, have been removed and replaced with new variables with names starting with access_ that configure access control using the new AWS API.

Removed outputs

  • The kubernetes_config_map_id output has been removed, as the module no longer manages the aws-auth ConfigMap. If you had been using this output to "depend_on" before creating other resources, you probably no longer need to configure an explicit dependency.

  • Any outputs related to the additional Security Group have been removed.

Configuration Migration Steps

Access Control Configuration

The primary change in version 4 is the new way of configuring access to the EKS cluster. This is done using the new AWS API for managing access to the EKS cluster, specifically Access Entries and Associated Access Policies. To support the transition of existing clusters, AWS now allows the cluster to be in one of 3 configuration modes: "CONFIG_MAP", "API", or "API_AND_CONFIG_MAP". This module defaults to "API", which is the recommended configuration for new clusters. However, existing clusters will be using the "CONFIG_MAP" configuration (previously the only option available), and AWS does not support direct upgrade from "CONFIG_MAP" to "API". Therefore:


When updating an existing cluster, you will need to set authentication_mode to "API_AND_CONFIG_MAP" in your configuration, and then update the cluster. After the cluster has been updated, you can set authentication_mode to the default value of "API" and update the cluster again, but you cannot directly upgrade from "CONFIG_MAP" to "API".

Consideration: Information Known and Unknown at Plan Time

Previously, all access control information could be unknown at plan time without causing any problems, because at plan time Terraform only cares about whether a resource (technically, a resource address) is created or not, and the single aws-auth ConfigMap was always created.

Now, each piece of the access control configuration is a separate resource, which means it has to be created via either count or for_each. There are tradeoffs to both approaches, so you will have to decide which is best for your situation. See Count vs For Each for a discussion of the issues that arise when creating resources from lists using count.

To configure access using for_each, you can use the access_entry_map input. This is the preferred approach, as it keeps any entry from changing unnecessarily, but it requires that all IAM principal ARNs, Kubernetes group memberships, and EKS access policy ARNs are known at plan time, and that none of them are designated as "sensitive".

If you cannot use access_entry_map for some entries, you can use it for the ones that are known at plan time and use the pair of inputs access_entries and access_policy_associations for the ones that are not. These inputs take lists, and resources are created via count. There is a separate list-based input for self-managed nodes, access_entries_for_nodes, because nodes are managed differently from other access entries.

These list-based inputs only require you know the number of entries at plan time, not the specific entries themselves. However, this still means you cannot use functions that can modify the length of the list, such as compact or, prior to Terraform v1.6.0, sort. See Explicit Transformations of Lists for more information on limitations on list transformations.

Migrating Access for Standard Users

Access for standard users is now configured using a combination of Kubernetes RBAC settings and the new AWS EKS Access Policies. As explained above under Consideration: Information Known and Unknown at Plan Time, there are both map-based and list-based inputs for configuring access.

Whereas previously your only option was to assign IAM Principals to Kubernetes RBAC Groups, you can now also associate IAM Principals with EKS Access Policies.

Unfortunately, migration from the old method to the new one is not as
straightforward as we would like.

Restoration of the Path Component in IAM Principal ARNs


Previously, when using the aws-auth ConfigMap, the path component in any IAM Principal ARN had to be removed from the ARN, and the modified ARN was used in the ConfigMap. Quoting from the AWS EKS documentation:

The role ARN [used in aws-auth] can't include a path such as role/my-team/developers/my-role. The format of the ARN must be arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/my-role. In this example, my-team/developers/ needs to be removed.

This was a workaround for a limitation in the AWS Implementation. With full AWS API support for access control, the path component is no longer removed, and the full ARN is required.

If you had been using the aws-auth ConfigMap, you should have been removing the path component either manually as part of your static configuration, or programmatically. You will need to undo these transformations and provide the full ARN in the new configuration.

Migrating from Kubernetes RBAC Groups to EKS Access Policies

EKS Access Policy ARNs, Names, and Abbreviations

Previously, the only way to specify access to the EKS cluster was to assign IAM Principals to Kubernetes RBAC Groups. Now, you can also associate IAM Principals with EKS Access Policies. Full EKS Access Policy ARNs can be listed via the AWS CLI with the command aws eks list-access-policies and look like arn:aws:eks::aws:cluster-access-policy/AmazonEKSAdminPolicy. In AWS documentation and some other contexts, these policies are referred by name, for example AmazonEKSAdminPolicy. The name is the last component of the ARN, and always matches the regex ^AmazonEKS(.*)Policy$.

In this module, wherever an EKS Access Policy ARN is required, you can use the full ARN, the full name (e.g. "AmazonEKSAdminPolicy"), or the abbreviated name (e.g. "Admin"). The abbreviated name is the $1 part of the regex ^AmazonEKS(.*)Policy$. This document will usually use the abbreviated name.

Changes to Kubernetes RBAC Groups

Previously, we created cluster administrators by assigning them to the system:masters group. With the new AWS API, we can no longer assign any users to any of the system:* groups. We have to create Cluster Administrators by associating the ClusterAdmin policy with them, with type cluster.


As a special case, the system:masters Kubernetes group is still supported by this module, but only when using access_entry_map and type = "STANDARD". In this case, the system:masters group is automatically replaced with an association with the ClusterAdmin policy.


Note that this substitution is not done for access_entries because the use case for access_entries is when values are not known at plan time, and the substitution requires knowing the value at plan time.

Any other system:* groups, such as system:bootstrappers or system:nodes must be removed. (Those specific groups are assigned automatically by AWS when using type other than STANDARD.)

If you had been assigning users to any other Kubernetes RBAC groups, you can continue to do so, and we recommend it. At Cloud Posse, we have found that the pre-defined view and edit groups are unsatisfactory, because they do not allow access to Custom Resources, and we expect the same limitations will make the View and Edit EKS Access Policies unsatisfactory. We bypass these limitations by creating our own groups and roles, and by enhancing the view role using the label: "true"

It is not clear whether changes to the view role affect the View EKS Access Policy, but we expect that they do not, which is why we recommend continuing to use Kubernetes RBAC groups for roles other than ClusterAdmin and Admin.

Migrating Access for Self-Managed Nodes

There is almost nothing to configure to grant access to the EKS cluster for nodes, as AWS handles everything fully automatically for EKS-managed nodes and Fargate nodes.

For self-managed nodes (which we no longer recommend using), you can use the access_entries_for_nodes input, which is a pair of lists, one for Linux worker nodes and one for Windows worker nodes. AWS manages all the access for these nodes, so you only need to provide the IAM roles that the nodes will assume; there is nothing else to configure.

The access_entries_for_nodes input roughly corresponds to the removed workers_role_arns input, but requires separating Linux workers from Windows workers. There is no longer a need to configure Fargate nodes at all, as that is fully automatic in the same way that EKS managed nodes are.

Example Access Entry Migration

Here is an example of how you might migrate access configuration from version 3 to version 4. If you previously had a configuration like this:

  map_additional_iam_roles = [
    rolearn  = replace(data.aws_iam_role.administrator_access.arn, "${data.aws_iam_role.administrator_access.path}/", "")
    username = "devops"
    groups   = ["system:masters", "devops"]
    rolearn  = data.aws_iam_role.gitlab_ci.arn
    username = "gitlab-ci"
    groups   = ["system:masters", "ci"]
    rolearn  = aws_iam_role.karpenter_node.arn
    username = "system:node:{{EC2PrivateDNSName}}"
    groups   = ["system:bootstrappers", "system:nodes"]
    rolearn  = aws_iam_role.fargate.arn
    username = "system:node:{{SessionName}}"
    groups   = ["system:bootstrappers", "system:nodes", "system:node-proxier"]

You can migrate it as follows. Remember, you have the option of keeping systems:masters as a Kubernetes group when using access_entry_map, but we do not recommend that, as it is only provided for backwards compatibility, and is otherwise a confusing wart that may eventually be removed.

Also note that we have removed the username for devops as a best practice when using roles, and we recommend you only use usernames for users. We kept the username for gitlab-ci only so you would have an example.

The new map-based configuration, using defaults, and showing how to set up ClusterAdmin with and without systems:masters:

  access_entry_map = {
    # Note that we no longer remove the path!
    (data.aws_iam_role.administrator_access.arn) = {
      kubernetes_groups = ["devops"]
      access_policy_associations = {
        ClusterAdmin = {}
    (data.aws_iam_role.gitlab_ci.arn) = {
      kubernetes_groups = ["systems:masters", "ci"]
      user_name = "gitlab-ci"
  # Use access_entries_for_nodes for self-managed node groups
  access_entries_for_nodes = {
    EC2_LINUX = [aws_iam_role.karpenter_node.arn]
  # No need to configure Fargate nodes

Cluster Migration Steps

Pt. 1: Prepare Your Configuration

Ensure your cluster satisfies the prerequisites

Verify that your cluster satisfies the AWS prerequisites for using the new access control API.

Verify that you are not using the kubernetes or helm provider in your root module, or managing any Kubernetes resources (including Helm charts). Run:

terraform state list | grep -E 'helm_|kubernetes_'


If you are using atmos, you can use the following commands to set up your environment to run Terraform commands:

cd $(atmos describe component <component> -s <stack> -f json \
 | jq -r '.component_info.terraform_config.path')
atmos terraform shell <component> -s <stack>

There should only be one resource output from this command, either aws_auth[0] or aws_auth_ignore_changes[0], which is created by earlier versions of this module. If there are more resources listed, you need to investigate further to find and remove the source of the resource. Any other kubernetes_* resources (and any helm_* resources) are coming from other places and need to be moved or removed before upgrading. You should not attempt an upgrade to version 4 until you have moved or removed management of these resources. See the "Caution" under Usage notes above for details.

Migrate your access control configuration

There is not exactly a rote transformation from the old access control configuration to the new one, and there are some new wrinkles to consider. Follow the guidance provided above under Configuration Migration Steps.

Migrate management of additional security group (if applicable)

For historical reasons, this module previously supported creating an additional Security Group, with the idea that it would be used for worker nodes. You can find some more information about this in the Migration From v1 to v2 document.

If you had not set create_security_group = true in version 2 (you either set it to false or left it at its default value), you can skip this step.

If you had set create_security_group = true and you do nothing about it before updating to version 4, Terraform will try to remove the Security Group and most likely fail with a timeout error because the Security Group is still associated with some resources.

You have several options for how to proceed:

  1. Manually delete the Security Group and remove any usage of it. It may be that it was not being used, or it was being used in a redundant fashion and thus was not needed. It may also be that it was being used to provide this module with access to the EKS control plane, so that it could manage the aws-auth ConfigMap. Since that access is no longer needed, you might be able to safely delete the Security Group without any replacement.

  2. Manually delete the Security Group and migrate any usage and configuration of it to the EKS-managed Security Group. This is discussed in the next section.

  3. Manually delete the Security Group and create a new one in your root module or a separate component, using our security-group module.

Because this is a complex operation with several options and potential impacts, and because this feature had been deprecated for a long time, we are not providing further instructions here. If you need assistance with this, please contact Cloud Posse Professional Services for options and pricing.

Migrate management of EKS-managed security group (if applicable)

EKS creates a Security Group for the cluster, and all managed nodes are automatically associated with that Security Group. The primary purpose of that security group is to enable communication between the nodes and the Kubernetes control plane.

When you create a node group for the cluster, even an EKS managed node group, you can associate the nodes with additional Security Groups as well. As a best practice, you would modify a node group Security Group to allow communication between the nodes and other resources, such as a database, or even the public internet via a NAT Gateway, while leaving the EKS managed Security Group alone, to protect the control plane. You would manage the rules for the node group's Security Group along with managing the node group.

However, people often instead modify the EKS-managed Security Group to allow the necessary communication rather than create a separate Security group. This was previously necessary in order to allow the v2 version of this module to be able to manage the aws-auth ConfigMap via the Kubernetes control plane.

Depending on your use cases and security posture, you may want to migrate existing access rules to a new security group, or you may want to modify the rules in the EKS-managed Security Group to allow the necessary communication.

This module retains some of the v2 features that allow you to add ingress rules to the EKS-managed Security Group, but it no longer allows you to create and manage a separate Security Group for worker nodes, as explained above.

To make changes to the EKS-managed Security Group, we recommend that you either directly use the aws_vpc_security_group_ingress_rule and aws_vpc_security_group_egress_rule resources in your root module, or use a specialized module such as Cloud Posse's [security-group module] ( (once v3 is released) to manage the rules. This will give you much more control and flexibility over the rules than this module provides.

For backward compatibility, this module still supports adding ingress rules to the EKS-managed Security Group, which may be sufficient for the simple case of allowing ingress from anything in your VPC. To use this feature:

  1. Set managed_security_group_rules_enabled = true in your configuration. Without this, any other settings affecting the security group will be ignored.
  2. Allow all ingress from designated security groups by adding their IDs to allowed_security_group_ids.
  3. Allow all ingress from designated CIDR blocks by adding them to allowed_cidr_blocks.
  4. You can add more fine-grained ingress rules via the custom_ingress_rules input, but this input requires that the source security group ID be known at plan time and that there is no more than one single rule per source security group.

Pt. 2: No Going Back


Once you proceed with the following steps, there is no going back. AWS will not allow you to disable the new access control API once it is enabled, and restoring this modules access to the aws-auth ConfigMap will be difficult if not impossible, and we do not support it.

Update your module reference to v4

Update your module reference to version 4.0.0 or later in your root module or component. Ensure that you have updated all the inputs to the module to match the new inputs.

Run terraform plan and fix any errors you get, such as "Unsupported argument", until the only error you are left with is something like:

Error: Provider configuration not present
│ To work with module.eks_cluster.kubernetes_config_map.aws_auth[0] (orphan) 
| its original provider configuration at ... is required, but it has been removed.


│ Error: Get “http://localhost/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/configmaps/aws-auth”: dial tcp [::1]:80: connect: connection refused

Remove the auth-map from the Terraform state

If you got the error message about the auth-map being an orphan, then take the "resource address" of the auth-map from the error message (the part before "(orphan)") and remove it from the terraform state. Using the address from the error message above, you would run:

terraform state rm 'module.eks_cluster.kubernetes_config_map.aws_auth[0]'

It is important to include the single quotes around the address, because otherwise [0] would be interpreted as a shell glob.

If you got the "connection refused" error message, then you need to find the resource(s) to remove from the state. You can do this by running:

terraform state list | grep kubernetes_

There should only be one resource output from this command. If there are more, then review the "Caution" under Usage notes and the Prerequisites above.

Use the address output from the above command to remove the resource from the Terraform state, as shown above.

Run terraform plan again, at which point you should see no errors.

Review the changes

You should review the changes that Terraform is planning to make to your cluster. Calmly. Expect some changes.

  • ...null_resource.wait_for_cluster[0] will be destroyed. This is expected, because it was part of the old method of managing the aws-auth ConfigMap.
  • Various aws_security_group_rule resources will be destroyed. They should be replaced with corresponding aws_vpc_security_group_ingress_rule resources. Note that if you had specified multiple ingress CIDRs in allowed_cidr_blocks, the used to be managed by a single aws_security_group_rule resource, but now each CIDR is managed by a separate aws_vpc_security_group_ingress_rule resource, so you may see more rule resources being created than destroyed.
  • ...aws_eks_cluster.default[0] will be updated. This is expected, because the authentication_mode is changing from "CONFIG_MAP" to "API_AND_CONFIG_MAP". This is the main point of this upgrade.
  • Expect to see resources of aws_eks_access_entry and aws_eks_access_policy_association being created. These are the new resources that manage access to the EKS cluster, replacing the entries in the old aws-auth ConfigMap.
  • You will likely see changes to ...aws_iam_openid_connect_provider.default[0]. This is because it depends on the aws_eks_cluster resource, specifically its TLS certificate, and the aws_eks_cluster resource is being updated, so Terraform cannot be sure that the OIDC provider will not need to be updated as well. This is expected and harmless.
  • You will likely see changes to IRSA (service account role) resources. This is because they depend on the OIDC provider, and the OIDC provider may need to be updated. This is expected and harmless.

Apply the changes

Apply the changes with terraform apply and verify you still have access to the cluster and that everything is working as expected.

Error: creating EKS Access Entry

You may get an error message like this:

Error: creating EKS Access Entry 
 operation error EKS: CreateAccessEntry, 
 https response error StatusCode: 409, RequestID: ..., ResourceInUseException: 
 The specified access entry resource is already in use on this cluster.

This is because, during the conversion from "CONFIG_MAP" to "API_AND_CONFIG_MAP", EKS automatically adds an access entry for the EKS cluster creator.

If you have been following Cloud Posse's recommendations, you will have configured ClusterAdmin access for the IAM principal that you used to create the EKS cluster. This configuration duplicates the automatically created access entry, resulting in the above error.

We have not found a way to avoid this situation, so our best recommendation is, if you encounter it, import the automatically created access entry into your Terraform state. The access entry ID to import is given in the error message in parentheses. In the example above, the ID is eg-test-eks-cluster:arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/eg-test-terraform.

The Terraform resource address for the resource will depend on your usage. Probably the easiest way to find it is to run terraform plan and look for the corresponding access entry resource that Terraform will want to create. It will be something like["arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/eg-test-terraform"]

although it may be standard instead of map.

To import the resource using atmos, use the same component and stack name as you were using to deploy the cluster, and run a command like

atmos terraform import <component> \
  <resource address> <access entry ID> \

To import the resource using Terraform, again, you need to supply the same configuration that you used to deploy the cluster, and run a command like

terraform import -var-file <configuration-file> <resource address> <access entry ID>

After successfully importing the resource, run terraform apply again to add tags to the entry and verify that no other changes are outstanding.

Verify access to the cluster

Verify that you still have the access to the cluster that you expect.

  • Assume an IAM role (or set your AWS_PROFILE environment variable) so that you are using credentials that should have Cluster Admin access to the cluster
  • Set your AWS_DEFAULT_REGION to the region where the cluster is located
  • Run aws eks update-kubeconfig --name <cluster-name> to configure kubectl to reference the cluster
  • Run kubectl get nodes to verify that you can see the nodes in the cluster

You might further explore your access using other tools. The simplest, if you are a Cluster Admin, is to run:

kubectl auth can-i '*' '*'

which will return yes if you have full access to the cluster.

For a more detailed report, you can use rakkess, which is available via many avenues, including Cloud Posse's package repository, and is installed by default on some versions of Geodesic.

Clean up

At this point you have both the old and new access control methods enabled, but nothing is managing the aws-auth ConfigMap. You can now proceed to migrate the cluster to be managed solely by the new access control API, and manually remove the aws-auth ConfigMap.

  • Update the authentication_mode to "API" in your configuration, and run terraform apply again. This will cause EKS to ignore the aws-auth ConfigMap, but will not remove it.
  • Manually remove the aws-auth ConfigMap. You can do this with kubectl delete configmap aws-auth --namespace kube-system. This will not affect the cluster, because it is now being managed by the new access control API, but it will reduce the possibility of confusion in the future.