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Service Fabrik Inter-operator Basic Architecture


This document describes the basic architecture and scope for the Service Fabrik inter-operator. This includes the details about how it integrates with Service Manager on the one side and with the individual service operators on the other. This also includes some details about different possible Kubernetes cluster landscapes for hosting the Kubernetes-based services and how they can be managed.

Target Audience

Architects, Developers, Product Owners, Development Managers who are interested in understanding/using Service Fabrik inter-operator to expose Kubernetes-based services as OSB-compliant service brokers and integrate with Service Manager.

Table of Content


The high-level approach recommendation for developing stateful services natively on Kubernetes is for the individual services to package their service implementation (including automated life-cycle activities) as a Kubernetes Operator. An operator is a combination of a set of custom resources in Kubernetes and a set of custom controllers which watch, manage and implement a control-loop to take the required action to reconcile the desired state (as specified in the custom resources) with the actual state.

Typically, the operators are expected to manage their services within a given Kubernetes cluster and be feature-complete (via their custom resources in the functionality they provide.

Integration with Service Manager

Service Manager is a central repository of service brokers and platforms. It integrates with individual service brokers based on the OSB API standard.

The guideline for developing stateful Kubernetes-native services is to develop a Kubernetes Operator for the service. This makes it very close to the paradigm of service development on Kubernetes as provide a powerful way to encapsulate both service and life-cycle functionality in once package.

This makes it necessary to bridge the gap between the Kubernetes custom resource-based API of the operators with the OSB API expected by the Service Manager.

The inter-operator proposes to bridge this gap using a metadata-based approach and avoid too much of coding for this integration. The following metadata needs to be captured for a given operator so that it can be integrated as an OSB-compatible Service Broker with ServiceManager.

  1. OSB Service and Service Plans that are supported by the operator.
  2. Templates of the Kubernetes custom resources of the operator.
  3. Mapping of OSB actions such as provision, deprovision, bind, unbind etc. to the templated of Kubernetes custom resources of the operator.

Inter-operator Design

Service Fabrik Inter-operator Broker

The Service Fabrik Broker would act as the OSB API Adapter and is the component that integrates with the Service Manager. It is a lean component that serves OSB API requests and records the requests in a set of OSB-equivalent custom resources SFServiceInstance and SFServiceBinding.

These custom resources capture all the data sent in their corresponding OSB requests and act as a point of co-ordination between the inter-operator component that would then work to reconcile these OSB resources with the actual operator custom resources based on the templates supplied in the catalog resources SFService and SFPlan.

Service Fabrik Inter-operator Provisioner

The inter-operator provisioner is a custom controller that keeps a watch on the SFServiceInstance and SFServiceBinding custom resources and take the actions required as described below to reconcile the corresponding resources of the service operator.

Basic Control-flow


Service Fabrik Inter-operator Basic Control-flow Catalog

Service and Plan registration

The following steps are part of the landscape setup and a landscape administrator. This could be an actual person or could be an automated component in itself.

  1. Register SFService for the service. There would be one SFService instance per service in the landscape.

It could be possible that a single Service Fabrik inter-operator serves multiple services in the same set of Kubernetes clusters. In such a case, there could be multiple sfservices registered for the same Service Fabrik inter-operator. But each of these sfservices would be for different individual services.

  1. Register sfplans for each plan supported by the service. As part of the away from t-shirt size approach to plans, it is recommended to minimize the number of plans per service. Ideally, that would be exactly one SFPlan per individual service.

Updates to the services and plans can be done as simple updates to the corresponding sfservices and sfplans. Service and plans can be unregistered by simply deleting the corresponding sfservices and sfplans.

TODO Backward compatibility existing instances must be handled by the individual service implementations and the applications properly.

Service Fabrik Broker Catalog Cache

The Service Fabrik Broker watches for registered sfservices and sfplans. It reacts to registrations, updates and deregistrations and keeps an up-to-date representation of the information.

Integration with Service Manager

  1. An OSB client queries the Service Manager for a catalog of the available services via the v2/catalog request.
  2. The Service Manager forwards this call (via some possible intermediaries) to the Service Fabrik Broker.
  3. The Service Fabrik Broker refers to its internal up-to-date representation and serves the catalog for the currently registered services.


This section presumes that the SFService and sfplans are already registered as describe above.

Service Fabrik Inter-operator Basic Control-flow Provision

Service Fabrik Inter-operator Broker

  1. An OSB client makes a provision call to the Service Manager.
  2. The Service Manager forwards the call (perhaps via some intermediaries) to Service Fabrik Broker if the provision call was for a service and plan that was published by the Service Fabrik Broker. The Service Manager adds some relevant additional context into the request.
  3. The Service Fabrik Broker creates an SFServiceInstance capturing all the details passed in the provision request from the Service Manager. The Service Fabrik Broker returns an asynchronous response.

Service Fabrik Inter-operator Provisioner

  1. The inter-operator provisioner watches for sfserviceinstances and notices a newly created SFServiceInstance.
  2. It loads the correct provision action template from the SFPlan corresponding to the SFServiceInstance.
  3. It renders and applies the rendered template and creates the individual service's resources as specified in the template.

Service Operator

  1. The individual service operator watches for its own Kubernetes API resources and notices a newly created set of resources.
  2. It takes the required action to create the service instance.
  3. It updates its Kubernetes API resources to reflect the status.

Last Operation

This section presumes the following steps have already been performed.

  1. SFService and sfplans are already registered as describe above.
  2. A service instance is provisioned as described above.

Service Fabrik Inter-operator Basic Control-flow Last Operator

Service Operator

  1. The individual service operator watches for its own Kubernetes API resources as well as all the lower level resources it has created to provision the service instance.
  2. It notices a change in the status of any of the lower level resources and checks if the change in status is significant enough to be propagated to one of its own Kubernetes API resources.
  3. It updates its corresponding Kubernetes API resources.

Service Fabrik Inter-operator Provisioner

  1. The inter-operator provisioner watches for sfserviceinstances and the individual service operator's Kubernetes API resources (created using the provision template and listed in the sources template). It notices that some of the resources have been updated.
  2. It uses the status template to extract the status information relevant to be propagated to the SFServiceInstance.
  3. It updates the SFServiceInstance's status.

Service Fabrik Inter-operator Broker

  1. An OSB client makes a last_operation call to the Service Manager.
  2. The Service Manager forwards the call (perhaps via some intermediaries) to Service Fabrik Broker if the provision call was for a service instance that was provisioned by the Service Fabrik Broker. The Service Manager adds some relevant additional context into the request.
  3. The Service Fabrik Broker checks the status section of the SFServiceInstance and responds with the corresponding status.


This section presumes the following steps have already been performed.

  1. SFService and sfplans are already registered as describe above.
  2. A service instance is provisioned as described above.

Service Fabrik Inter-operator Basic Control-flow Bind

Service Fabrik Inter-operator Broker

  1. An OSB client makes a bind call to the Service Manager.
  2. The Service Manager forwards the call (perhaps via some intermediaries) to Service Fabrik Broker if the bind call was for a service, plan and the instance that was provisioned by the Service Fabrik Broker. The Service Manager adds some relevant additional context into the request.
  3. The Service Fabrik Broker creates an SFServiceBinding capturing all the details passed in the bind request from the Service Manager. The Service Fabrik Broker returns an asynchronous response.

Service Fabrik Inter-operator Provisioner

  1. The inter-operator provisioner watches for sfservicebindings and notices a newly created SFServiceBinding.
  2. It loads the correct bind action template from the SFPlan corresponding to the SFServiceBinding.
  3. It renders and applies the rendered template and creates the individual service's resources as specified in the template.

Service Operator

  1. The individual service operator watches for its own Kubernetes API resources and notices a newly created set of resources.
  2. It takes the required action to create the service instance.
  3. It updates its Kubernetes API resources to reflect the status.

The binding response would follow a flow similar to the last_operation flow above.

Service Fabrik Inter-operator Custom Resources

The following custom resources are introduced as part of the Service Fabrik inter-operator to integrate with Service Manager on the one side and with the individual service operators on the other.


The SFService captures the catalog/manifest details of an OSB Service according to what is required to be served as part of the response for the /v2/catalog request.

For example,

kind: SFService
  # Name maps to the name of the OSB Service.
  name: &id '24731fb8-7b84-5f57-914f-c3d55d793dd4'
  # Name of the OSB Service.
  name: &name postgresql

  # Id of the OSB Service.
  id: *id

  # Description of the OSB Service.
  description: &description 'Postgresql for internal development, testing, and documentation purposes of the Service Fabrik'

  # The following details map one-to-one with the data in the OSB service offering objects in the OSB /v2/catalog response.
  - 'postgresql'
  requires: []
  bindable: true
  instancesRetrievable: true
  bindingsRetrievable: true
    displayName: 'PostgreSQL'
    longDescription: *description
    providerDisplayName: 'SAP SE'
    documentationUrl: ''
    supportUrl: ''
    id: postgresql-dashboard-client-id
    secret: postgresql-dashboard-client-secret
    redirectUri: ''
  planUpdatable: true

  # The following details are context input for Service Fabrik and the individual service operators.
      backupEnabled: false
      image: "servicefabrikjenkins/blueprint"
      tag: "latest"
      port: 8080

The Service Fabrik Broker, as a custom controller, keeps a watch on sfservices and serves the subsequent /v2/catalog request according to the sfservices objects maintained as of the time of the request.

An operator can register one or more sfservices.

Deregistration of sfservices is handled using Kubernetes finalizers.


The SFPlan captures the catalog/manifest details of an OSB Service Plan according to what is required to be served as part of the response for the /v2/catalog request.

For example,

kind: SFPlan
  # Name maps to the id of the OSB Service Plan.
  name: &id 39d7d4c8-6fe2-4c2a-a5ca-b826937d5a88
    # service_id of the OSB service to which this plan belongs.
    serviceId: &serviceID 24731fb8-7b84-5f57-914f-c3d55d793dd4
    planId: *id
  # Name of the OSB Service Plan.
  name: &name 'v9.6-xxsmall'

  # Id of the OSB Service Plan.
  id: *id

  # Description of the OSB Service Plan.
  description: 'Postgresql service of size 1 CPU / 2GB RAM / 20GB Disk Storage running inside a k8s container '

  # service_id of the OSB service to which this plan belongs.
  serviceId: *serviceID

  # The following details map one-to-one with the data in the OSB service plan objects in the OSB /v2/catalog response.
    service-inventory-key: SERVICE-TBD
    - amount:
        usd: 0.0
      unit: 'MONTHLY'
    - 1 CPU
    - 2 GB Memory
    - 20 GB Disk
  free: true
  bindable: true
  planUpdatable: true

  # This section is configuration for to the operator and Service Fabrik.
    async: true   # enables async provisioning
    asyncBinding: false   # enables async binding

    namePrefix: sapcp
    cpuCount: 1
    memoryGB: 2
    diskGB : 20
    maxConnections: 100
    version: 9.6
    enableLoadBalancers: false
      cpu: 1
      memory: 512Mi
  # templates map the OSB actions to the templates of the custom resources of the operator.
  - action: sources
    type: gotemplate
    content: |
      {{- $instanceID := "" }}
      {{- with }} {{ $instanceID = . }} {{ end }}
      {{- $bindingID := "" }}
      {{- with }} {{ $bindingID = . }} {{ end }}
      {{- $namespace := "" }}
      {{- with .instance.metadata.namespace }} {{ $namespace = . }} {{ end }}
      {{- $namePrefix := "" }}
      {{- with .plan.spec.context.namePrefix }} {{ $namePrefix = . }} {{ end }}
        kind: postgresql
        name: {{ $namePrefix }}-{{ $instanceID }}
        namespace: {{ $namespace }}
      {{- with }}
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: Secret
        name: {{ . }}.{{ $namePrefix }}-{{ $instanceID }}
        namespace: {{ $namespace }}
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: Service
        name: {{ $namePrefix }}-{{ $instanceID }}
        namespace: {{ $namespace }}
      {{- end }}
  - action: status
    type: gotemplate
    content: |
      # Status template for provision call
      {{ $stateString := "in progress" }}
      {{- with .postgresql.status.PostgresClusterStatus }}
        {{- if or (eq . "CreateFailed") (eq . "UpdateFailed") }}
          {{- $stateString = "failed" }}
        {{- else }}
          {{- if eq . "Running"}}
            {{- $stateString = "succeeded" }}
          {{- else }}
            {{- $stateString = "in progress" }}
          {{- end }}
        {{- end }}
      {{- end }}
        state: {{ $stateString }}
        description: {{ with .postgresql.status.reason }} {{ printf "%s" . }} {{ else }} "" {{ end }}
      # Status template for bind call
      {{- $dbname := "main" }}
      {{- $host := "" }}
      {{- $enableLoadBalancers := false }}
      {{- with .plan.spec.context.enableLoadBalancers }} {{ $enableLoadBalancers = . }} {{ end }}
      {{- if $enableLoadBalancers }}
        {{- with .svc.status.loadBalancer.ingress }}
          {{- $host = default (index . 0).ip (index . 0).hostname }}
        {{- end }}
      {{- else }}
        {{- with .svc.spec.clusterIP }} {{ $host = . }} {{ end }}
      {{- end }}
      {{- $port := 0 }}
      {{- with .svc.spec.ports }}
        {{- $port = (index . 0).port }}
      {{- end }}
      {{- $pass := "" }}
      {{- with }} {{ $pass = (b64dec .) }} {{ end }}
      {{- $user := "" }}
      {{- with }} {{ $user = (b64dec .) }} {{ end }}
      {{- $stateString = "in progress" }}
      {{- if and (not (eq $host "")) (not (eq $pass "")) }}
        {{- $stateString = "succeeded" }}
      {{- end }}
      {{- $responseString := "" }}
      {{- if eq $stateString "succeeded"}}
        {{- $credsMap := dict "dbname" $dbname "hostname" $host  "port" (printf "%d" $port) "username" $user "password" $pass }}
        {{- $_ := set $credsMap "uri"  (printf "postgres://%s:%s@%s:%d/%s?sslmode=require" $user $pass $host $port $dbname) }}
        {{- $responseMap := dict "credentials" $credsMap }}
        {{- $responseString = mustToJson $responseMap | squote }}
      {{ end }}
        state: {{ $stateString }}
        error: ""
        response: {{ $responseString }}
      # Status template for unbind call
      {{- $stateString = "succeeded" }}
        state: {{ $stateString }}
        error: ""
      # Status template for deprovision call
      {{- $stateString = "in progress" }}
      {{- with .postgresql }} {{ with .metadata.deletionTimestamp }} {{ $stateString = "in progress" }} {{ end }} {{ else }} {{ $stateString = "succeeded" }}  {{ end }}
        state: {{ printf "%s" $stateString }}
        error: ""
  - action: provision
    type: gotemplate
    content: |
      {{- $version := 9.6 }}
      {{- $cpu_count := 0 }}
      {{- $memory_gb := 1 }}
      {{- $disk_gb := 5 }}
      {{- $max_connections := 100 }}
      {{- $namePrefix := "" }}
      {{- $enableLoadBalancers := false }}
      {{- with .plan.spec.context }}
        {{- with .namePrefix }} {{ $namePrefix = . }} {{ end }}
        {{- with .version }} {{ $version = . }} {{ end }}
        {{- with .cpuCount }} {{ $cpu_count = . }} {{ end }}
        {{- with .memoryGB }} {{ $memory_gb = . }} {{ end }}
        {{- with .diskGB }} {{ $disk_gb = . }} {{ end }}
        {{- with .maxConnections }} {{ $max_connections = . }} {{ end }}
        {{- with .enableLoadBalancers }} {{ $enableLoadBalancers = . }} {{ end }}
      {{- end }}
      {{- $instanceID := "" }}
      {{- with }} {{ $instanceID = . }} {{ end }}
      {{- $users := (dict "main" (list "superuser" "createdb")) }}
      kind: postgresql
        name: {{ $namePrefix }}-{{ $instanceID }}
          operator-broker/service-id: {{ .plan.spec.serviceId }}
          operator-broker/plan-id: {{ }}
        teamId: {{ $namePrefix }}
          version: "{{ $version }}"
            max_connections: "{{ $max_connections }}"
        numberOfInstances: 2
          main: main
          {{- toYaml $users | nindent 4 }}
            cpu: 500m
            memory: 256Mi
            cpu: "{{ $cpu_count }}"
            memory: {{ $memory_gb }}Gi
          size: {{ $disk_gb }}Gi
        {{- if $enableLoadBalancers }}
        enableMasterLoadBalancer: {{ $enableLoadBalancers }}
        enableReplicaLoadBalancer: {{ $enableLoadBalancers }}
          {{- with .plan.spec.context.allowedSourceRanges }}
            {{ toYaml . | nindent 4 }}
          {{- end }}
        {{- end }}
  - action: bind
    type: gotemplate
    content: |
      {{- $bindingID := "" }}
      {{- with }} {{ $bindingID = . }} {{ end }}
      {{- $postgresql := .postgresql }}
      {{- $spec := get $postgresql "spec" }}
      {{- $users := get $spec "users" }}
      {{- $_ := set $users $bindingID (list "superuser") }}
      {{ toYaml $postgresql }}
  - action: unbind
    type: gotemplate
    content: |
      {{- $bindingID := "" }}
      {{- with }} {{ $bindingID = . }} {{ end }}
      {{- $postgresql := .postgresql }}
      {{- $spec := get $postgresql "spec" }}
      {{- $users := get $spec "users" }}
      {{- $_ := unset $users $bindingID }}
      {{ toYaml $postgresql }}

  # schemas describe the schema for the supported parameter for the provision and bind OSB actions.
          "$schema": ""
          title: createServiceInstance
          type: object
          additionalProperties: false
              type: string
              description: some description for foo field
          - "foo"

The Service Fabrik Broker, as a custom controller, keeps a watch on sfplans and serves the subsequent /v2/catalog request according to the sfplanss objects maintained as of the time of the request.

An operator can register one or more sfplans.

Deregistration of sfplans is handled using Kubernetes finalizers.


Service Fabrik inter-operator's provisioner, currently, assumes that API of the individual service's operator would be Kubernetes Resources. Service Fabrik inter-operator provisioner does not make any assumptions about the individual service operator's API apart from this. Usually, they would be some custom resources, which would give the service operator implementation the full flexibility to implement and expose their functionality.

To enable this independence of API for the service operators, Service Fabrik inter-operator provisioner relies on the templates supplied in the sfplans to map the OSB actions to the specific CRDs or the individual service operators.

Template Variables

To provide the flexibility to the individual service implementations, many standard template variables are supplied during the rendering of the templates.

At a minimum, the following variable would be supported.

  1. SFService as .service.
  2. SFPlan as .plan.
  3. SFServiceInstance as .instance.
  4. SFServiceBinding as .binding for bind request.

More variables such as the actual resources created by the template might also be made available in the future.


The action field can be used to specify the OSB action for which the template supplied is applicable. Typically, these would include provision, bind etc. But these could be extended to custom/generic actions. The current supported actions are provision, bind, sources, status, unbind and clusterSelector


The type field can be used to specify the type of template itself. For example, gotemplate, helm etc. In future, additional template types could be supported such as jsonnet.

Refer here for details on additional functions provided by interoperator along with gotemplate. Currently, only a single resource is expected to be generated by the gotemplates. The type helm supports the generation of multiple resources.

Refer here for details on helm templates.

Remote Templates

The url field can be used to specify the location where the actual templates can be found. For example,

kind: SFPlan
  - action: provision
    type: gotemplate
    url: ""

Please note that the URLs have to be accessible for the Service Fabrik inter-operator. This is especially relevant in the private cloud scenario.

In-line templates

Since service operators are expected to feature-complete in their API, it would be very common scenario that an OSB action maps to a single (possibly the same) Kubernetes resource of the service operator. The template type gotemplate fits this use-case well. This common use-case can be easily implemented by using the content field to specify the gotemplate content directly in-line in the SFPlan rather than referring to it in a remote location using the url field (which is also possible).

For example,

kind: SFPlan
  - action: provision
    type: gotemplate
    content: |-
      {{- $name := "" }}
      {{- with }} {{ $name = . }} {{ end }}
      kind: Postgres
      name: kdb-{{ $name }}-pg
        version: 10.2-v1
        storageType: Durable
          storageClassName: default
          - ReadWriteOnce
              storage: 50Mi
        terminationPolicy: WipeOut


The SFServiceInstance captures all the details from an OSB provision request.

For example,

kind: SFServiceInstance
  # Name would map to the instance_id from the OSB provision request,
  # if the instance_id is a valid k8s name. Otherwise the name is 
  # the sha224 sum of the instance_id.
  name: '0304b210-fcfd-11e8-a31b-b6001f10c97f'
  # instance_id as in the OSB provision request.
  instanceId: 0304b210-fcfd-11e8-a31b-b6001f10c97f

  # service_id as in the OSB provision request.
  serviceId: '24731fb8-7b84-5f57-914f-c3d55d793dd4'

  # plan_id as in the OSB provision request.
  planId: '29d7d4c8-6fe2-4c2a-a5ca-a826937d5a88'

  # context contains all the data that is passed as part of the context in the OSB provision request.
    organizationGuid: organization-guid
    spaceGuid: space-guid

  # parameters as passed to the OSB provision request.

# status would be updated by the inter-operator.

The inter-operator provisioner as a custom controller that keeps a watch on sfserviceinstances and take action as described below to reconcile the actual operator custom resources.

Deprovision is handled using Kubernetes finalizers.

Rationale behind introducing the SFServiceInstance resource

Technically, the functionality of the Service Fabrik inter-operator provisioner can be implemented without using the SFServiceInstance resource for simpler use-cases. For example, in the [provision] control-flow, the Service Fabrik Broker can directly lookup the [SFPlan] and apply the right template and create the actual service-specific resources directly without having to create an intermediate SFServiceIntance resource first to be picked up by the `Service Fabrik inter-operator provisioner. This might work well for the scenario where the Service Fabrik in provisioned on the same Kubernetes cluster as where the service operator and it's instances are also eventually provisioned. But there can be more dynamic scenarios involving multiple Kubernetes clusters where the Kubernetes cluster where Service Fabrik is provisioned would be different from the Kubernetes cluster where the service operator and the instances are provisioned. This would lead to a design where there a scheduler to provide loose coupling between the scheduling decision (in which Kubernetes cluster a particular service instance is to be provisioned) and the actual details of provisioning. Such a design would necessitate two sets of custom resources.

  1. One resource on the Service Fabrik side on which the scheduling decision can be take an recorded.
  2. Another resource (or set of resources) which are to be acted upon by the service operator.

In such a scenario, it makes sense to leverage the first resource on the Service Fabrik side to record the OSB request almost verbatim which leads to the current SFServiceInstance design.


The SFServiceBinding captures all the details from an OSB bind request.

For example,

kind: SFServiceBinding
  # Name would map to the binding_id from the OSB bind request,
  # if the binding_id is a valid k8s name. Otherwise the name is 
  # the sha224 sum of the binding_id
  name: 'de3dd272-fcfc-11e8-a31b-b6001f10c97f'
  # binding_id as in the OSB bind request.
  id: de3dd272-fcfc-11e8-a31b-b6001f10c97f

  # instance_id is the name of of the SFServiceInstance
  instanceId: 0304b210-fcfd-11e8-a31b-b6001f10c97f

  # service_id as in the OSB bind request.
  serviceId: '24731fb8-7b84-5f57-914f-c3d55d793dd4'

  # plan_id as in the OSB bind request.
  planId: '29d7d4c8-6fe2-4c2a-a5ca-a826937d5a88'

  # bind_resource as in the OSB bind request.

  # context contains all the data that is passed as part of the context in the OSB bind request.
    organizationGuid: organization-guid
    spaceGuid: space-guid

  # parameters as passed to the OSB bind request.

The inter-operator provisioner as a custom controller that keeps a watch on sfservicebindings and take action as described below to reconcile the actual operator custom resources.

Unbind is handled using Kubernetes finalizers.

Multi-Cluster provisioning Support for Interoperator

Multi-cluster provisioning support enables provisioning and distribution of the service instances into multiple clusters. From the list of multiple clusters, one is selected based on the chosen scheduler and the SFServiceInstance updated with the clusterId value. The SFServiceInstance is then also copied to the cluster it is scheduled to. Every cluster should have the service operator already installed within it. The service fabrik inter-operator provisioner would then pick up the event generated by the creation of the SFServiceInstnce which in turn creates the service specific CRDs which service operator listens to.

Why Multi Cluster Support is needed

Scalability is the main reason why one should use Multi-Cluster support. It gives you an option to add new clusters into your set of clusters and scale horizontally. There could be many limitations with the number of resources you can spawn in a cluster such as finite capacity of the worker nodes constraining the number of services that can be scheduled on a given worker node, some finite maximum number of nodes per cluster due to some constraints in the cluster control plane or infrastructure. Hence, for a production scenario, multi-cluster support will be required so that services can be scheduled and spread across multiple clusters and can be scaled horizontally.

Regarding the type of scheduling algorithms which are supported, we currently support round-robin and least-utilized scheduler. We also plan to implement other schedulers which can be used. Schedulers are discussed later in the schedulers section.

New Custom Resources Introduced

Along with the custom resources like SFService, SFPlan, SFServiceInstance and SFServiceBinding which are discussed earlier, we also introduce SFCluster as a new CRD.


SFCluster is the CRD which stores the details of the cluster where service instances are to be provisioned. One SFCluster CRD instance must be maintained for each cluster that is onboarded for provisioning service instances. The name "1" for SFCluster is reserved to be used when the master cluster also acts as a sister cluster(it is used for service provisioning). For a sister cluster which is not also the master, some other name should be used. The structure of a sample resource look like the following.

kind: SFCluster
  name: "1"
  namespace: interoperator
  secretRef: 1-kubeconfig

where the secretRef looks like the following

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: 1-kubeconfig
  namespace: interoperator

In order to prevent accidental deletion of an SFCluster resource, the OffBoarding controller would prevent the removal of the cluster resource if:

  • the corresponding secret resource is available
  • the status.serviceInstanceCount is greater than zero

Components within Interoperator

Below, we discuss about the components of Service Fabrik Interoperator. Some components like the broker and the provisioner were already introduced earlier. With Multi-Cluster deploy support, we bring in two new components, MultiClusterDeployer and Scheduler which are also described below.


Broker was already introduced earlier, please read about it in the earlier section here


This component is a set of custom controllers. Below are the list of controllers it comprises of.

Provisioner Controller

Provisioner Controller is the custom controller which watches on the SFCluster of the master cluster and deploys the Provisioner component in those clusters.

Service Replicator

Service Replicator is the custom controller which watches on the SFClusters, SFServices and SFPlans of the master cluster and copies the SFServices and SFPlans from master cluster to sister clusters.

Service Instance Reconciler

Service Instance Reconciler is the custom controller which watches across multiple clusters that are part of the cluster registry(set of SFClusters) and reconciles a SFServiceInstance between master cluster and its assigned cluster, assigned by Scheduler.

Service Binding Reconciler

Service Binding Reconciler is the custom controller which watches across multiple clusters, part of the cluster registry(set of SFClusters) and reconciles a SFServiceBinding between master cluster and its assigned cluster, assigned by Scheduler.


Schedulers are basically custom controller running on master cluster watching on SFServiceInstances and schedules/assigns them clusterId (the name of the corresponding SFCluster instance) of the cluster where the instance need to be provisioned, depending on the scheduling algorithm it implements. We currently have implemented the following set of schedulers described below. Activating a scheduler is config driven to be passed when someone deploys Inter-operator.


This is just a sample scheduler suitable only for the single cluster setup. In that case, it schedules all the instances in the one cluster which is part of the setup. It is not suitable for the multi-cluster setup.

Label Selector based Scheduler

Label selector based scheduler chooses clusters for a service instance based on the label selector defined. Label selector is a go template defined within the SFPlan, The template can be evaluated to a label selector string which the scheduler uses to choose cluster for the service instance provisioning. An example of such a template can be the following.

  - action: clusterSelector
    type: gotemplate
    content: |
      {{- $planId := "" }}
      {{- with .instance.spec.planId }} {{ $planId = . }} {{ end }}
      plan={{ $planId }}

In the above template, when evaluated, gives a label selector string which looks like plan=<plan-id-1>. If there are any cluster which are meant for scheduling instances from a specific plan, then that appropriate label can be applied on that SFCluster and this scheduler will ensure all such instances are scheduled in that cluster. Continuing this example, other plans can have a template evaluating to plan!=<plan-id-1>, which will ensure that other clusters are used for those plans. Similar to the example above, label selectors can be written using go template for specific scheduling criteria. To enable this scheduler use --set interoperator.config.schedulerType=label-selector in the helm install/upgrade command. If a label selector chooses multiple clusters, least-utilized scheduling logic will be applied to select one among them. Least utilized first logic schedules a service instance to the cluster which has the lowest number of service instances assigned to it.

Label Selector based scheduler also supports scheduling based on resource used in the clusters. More info here.


Provisioner was also already introduced earlier, please read about it in the earlier section here. In the multi-cluster setup, provisioners are deployed across multiple clusters by interoperator automatically. More details can be found in the deployment flow section.

Deployment Flow

Following are the flow for a deployment of Interoperator.

  1. When Interoperator is deployed initially, one deploys the broker, MultiClusterDeployer and the Scheduler component in a cluster, called as master cluster.
  2. After this, the operator should create the SFServices, SFPlans and SFClusters in the master cluster. SFClusters is simply the list/registry of all clusters where you want to provision the instances. We also refer to them as sister cluster interchangebly. Master cluster can also be part of the cluster registry and be a sister cluster in itself, if someone wants to use it for service provisioning as well.
  3. Provisioner Controller then takes care of replicating the provisioner component to all sister clusters and Service Replicator takes care of replicating the SFServices and SFPlans in all the clusters.

Now the setup is ready for taking requests. We depict this in the picture below. Inter-operator Deployment Flow

Runtime Flow

After the interoperator is ready and setup across multiple clusters as described above, service instance and service binding can be created. When in the master cluster, broker creates an SFServiceInstance, Scheduler picks it up first and schedules/assigns a cluster where service needs to be provisioned. Then Service Instance Reconciler reconciles that SFServiceInstance in the sister cluster where it is scheduled. Once that is done, provisioner residing in the sister cluster takes over and from then onwards, the process described in service provisioning is followed. For another SFServiceInstance, it is again scheduled in one of the sister cluster and provisioner provisions the service there. The picture below describes the steps. Inter-operator Runtime Flow

Limitations with Multi-Cluster deployment

  1. Interoperator currently does not take care of the cluster off-boarding.
  2. Service Operator in each sister cluster is assumed to be already deployed and its version update/upgrade is managed/maintained by the service operator. Inter-operator does not do anything about it.
  3. Interoperator does not take care of the Kubernetes and OS updates to the onboarded clusters.
  4. Service owners will have to monitor the clusters and their resource situations and add additional sister clusters if required.

Mass Update of Custom Resources for Interoperator Custom Resource changes


Interoperator has custom resources like SFPlans and SFServices which one has to provide and deploy before working with interoperator. This was already described in here. Based on the templates defined in SFPlan, service specific custom resources are rendered during service instance creation. So, SFPlan and also SFService CRs are used as references when the service specific CRs created. However, when these reference CRs like SFPlans and SFServices change, the changes are not automatically reflected on the service specific CRs. Because of that, when a service owner changes SFPlans and some of its attributes and templates, already existing service instance CRs are not automatically changed. The situation is similar if a service broker updates its catalog and any of it's metadata, which is used by service to configure a specific service instance. Should the broker trigger an update of all the service instances immediately or should it wait for a user initiated update operation ?


There are no generic guidelines from the OSB spec as well and the solution to this would entirely depend on the service broker implementation. The problem with having immediate trigger of an update for all affected service instances would be that updates can cause downtime depending on how services are handling it.

Interoperator being a generic broker, it should not trigger update blindly as well. We provide a flag autoUpdateInstances at the SFPlans level, which can be turned on if the service and the corresponding plan can afford to have blind/immediate update. In that case, a controller will reconcile all SFServiceInstances with update status, which would render the templates again and CRs updated again. However, this would not take care of the deleted/removed CRs if any, and the service operator will have to take care of obsolete CRs. Along with this, Interoperator will provide an admin API which can be triggered to update all service instances. In that case, even if the automatic and immediate update is turned off, service operators can trigger a bulk update of all service instances if needed.

High Availability and Multi AZ Deployment

All the interoperator components (broker, quota app, operator apis, multicluster deployer, scheduler and provisioner) are by default deployed with replica count 2. The replica count is configurable during deployment. For the components which exposes REST endpoints namely broker, quota app and operator apis, both the instances of the respective component functions in an active-active configuration and the requests are load balanced to the instances. For the components which are kubernetes controllers namely multicluster deployer, scheduler and provisioner, the replicas functions in an active-passive configuration. For these components at a time only one replica is leader and processes all the requests, while the other replicas is in a subordinate state and is just waiting for the leader to go down. When the leader goes down, one of the subordinates becomes the leader and starts processing the requests.

Interoperator uses Pod Topology Spread Constraints to distribute the pods to multiple availability zones. The pods are spread based on label on the nodes. For the interoperator deployment to be multi az, the cluster should have nodes in multiple availability zones. Note: Pod Topology Spread Constraints is available only from kubernetes version 1.19 onwards. On cluster with older versions kubernetes, the pods may not be spread across different availability zones.

Customizing Interoperator Deployment

Interoperator deployment using helm can be customized by configuring the values provided to the interoperator helm release.

For large landscapes

The resources allocated to interoperator components can also be customized using the values provided to the interoperator helm release. For landscapes where a lot of service instances (in thousands) and service bindings (in tens of thousands) are created the default resource allocation provided in the interoperator helm chart will not be sufficient. In such cases the resource allocations must be increased like

# Recommended resource configurations to be used for
# landscapes with large load.

  # override the global replicaCount just for broker
  replicaCount: 4
      cpu: 1200m
      memory: 256Mi
      cpu: 600m
      memory: 128Mi

  replicaCount: 4

    instanceWorkerCount: 10
    bindingWorkerCount: 20
    schedulerWorkerCount: 4
    provisionerWorkerCount: 2

        cpu: 3000m
        memory: 1024Mi
        cpu: 1500m
        memory: 512Mi

        cpu: 2000m
        memory: 512Mi
        cpu: 1000m
        memory: 256Mi

These values may further be customized by monitoring the resource utilization of interoperator components in the landscape.

Interoperator HorizontalPodAutoscaler(HPA)

Create a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler

To create the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler, paste the following code into the file templates/broker.yaml:

{{- if -}}
apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta2
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
  name: {{ .Release.Name }}-broker
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    name: {{ .Release.Name }}-broker
  minReplicas: {{ }}
  maxReplicas: {{ }}
    - type: Resource
        name: cpu
          type: Utilization
          averageUtilization: {{ }}

This config creates a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler if the hpa.enabled flag is set to true. Then it configures the specification with the maximum and minimum amount of replicas and at the end the target metric. In this example, the target metric is CPU utilization. All values starting with .Values are provided by the values.yaml file.

Add the following code in values.yaml file under broker section:

    enabled: false
    minReplicas: 2
    maxReplicas: 6
    cpu_threshold: 50

The horizontal-pod-autoscaler-downscale-stabilization defaults to 5 minutes, allowing scaledowns to occur gradually. The same can be configured using horizontal-pod-autoscaler-downscale-stabilization flag.

Deploy the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler

By default, HPA will be disabled. It can be enabled using the helm install/upgrade command. Sample helm upgrade command to enable HPA, with the defaults:

helm  upgrade -i --wait --set --set broker.hpa.enabled=true --namespace interoperator --version 0.15.0 interoperator helm-charts/interoperator

Sample command to disable HPA:

helm  upgrade -i --wait --set --set broker.hpa.enabled=false --namespace interoperator --version 0.15.0 interoperator helm-charts/interoperator

Default behavior for interoperator HPA

values.yaml file holds the default values. The same can be modified based on the requirement. selectPolicy: Specify Max to use the policy that allows the highest amount of change, Min to use the policy that allows the lowest amount of change, or Disabled to prevent the HPA from scaling in that policy direction.

** The default values are picked up from the kubernetes doc. Any changes may require a change in the values.yaml file.

Scaling Policies

Scaling policies allow you to configure for how long a certain value has to be reached until scaling happens. This could be for example, only scale-out if the CPU utilization is higher than 70% for more than 30 seconds and only scale in if the CPU utilization is below 30% for 30 seconds. The code for this looks as follows:

    - type: Percent
      value: 30
      periodSeconds: 30
    - type: Percent
      value: 70
      periodSeconds: 30

We are not using any customized scaling policy for the interoperator-broker. It can be added based on the requirement of the user.

Stabilization Window

The stabilization window restricts the hpa from scaling out or in too frequently. For example, if you set the stabilization window to 3 minutes (180 seconds) the timespan between scaling operations is at least 180 minutes. You can configure the stabilization window for scaling out and in independently. The following code shows a stabilization window for scaling down:

  stabilizationWindowSeconds: 180
    - type: Percent
      value: 30
      periodSeconds: 30



In interoperator we are using zap (i.e. plugin for logging. The log level, stacktrace level and output format can be changed/configured from values.yaml.

  • interoperator.log_level: To set log level. Allowed values are info, error, debug or any integer value > 0 (i.e. 1 or 2 or 3). Default value is info.
  • interoperator.log_output_format: Log Output format or Encoder. Allowed values are json or console. Default value is json.
  • interoperator.log_stacktrace_level: Allowed values are info, error or panic. Default value is error.


For Broker we can change log level from values.yaml file.

  • broker.log_level: Allowed values are info, error or debug. Default value is info.