Because every time you’ve wanted to:
(ns xyz
(:use tupelo.core))
(it-> 3
(let [x 9]
(- x it))
(inc it)
(- it 6))
;=> 1
(it-> 42
(if true
(inc it)
:blah)) ;=> 43
(it-> 42
(if false
(inc it)
:blah)) ;=> :blah
; works same for `if-not`, `when`, `when-not`, etc.
(it-> 42
(case 1
1 (inc it)
2 (dec it))) ;=> 43
(it-> 42
(case 2
1 (inc it)
2 (dec it))) ;=> 41
(it-> 42
(= 1 2)
(inc it))) ;=> 42
(it-> 42
(= 1 1)
(dec it))) ;=> 41
(it-> 42
(let [x 1]
(+ it x))) ;=> 43
The current expression is threaded through the body of the try
form. The
same value is threaded through each catch
clause and any finally
(it-> 42
(inc it)
(catch Exception e
(dec it))) ;=> 43
(it-> 42
(+ it :foo)
(catch Exception e
(dec it)))) ;=> 41
(it-> 42
(inc it) ; warning: this result is lost
(+ 10 it)))) ;=> 52
; with anonymous functions
(it-> 7
((fn [x y] (* x y)) it 3)) ;=> 21
(it-> 42
#(-> it inc inc)) ;=> 44