diff --git a/src/hopen/syntax/handlebars.cljc b/src/hopen/syntax/handlebars.cljc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3ac8778 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/hopen/syntax/handlebars.cljc @@ -0,0 +1,281 @@ +(ns hopen.syntax.handlebars + (:require [clojure.set :refer [rename-keys]] + [clojure.string :as str] + [clojure.zip :as z] + [hopen.syntax.util :refer [re-quote]] + [hopen.util :refer [throw-exception triml]] + [instaparse.core #?@(:clj [:refer [defparser]] + :cljs [:refer-macros [defparser]])] + [instaparse.gll :refer [text->segment sub-sequence]] + [hopen.util :refer [parse-long]])) + +(def default-delimiters {:open "{{", :close "}}"}) + +(def ^:private close-delim-not-found-msg + (str "The end of the template has been reached, " + "but the closing delimiter was not found!")) + +(defn- parse-change-delim + "Parses a change-delimiter tag, returns nil if it was not one, + returns `[matched-text open-delim close-delim]` otherwise." + [segment close-delim] + (let [re (re-pattern (str "^" + (re-quote "=") + "\\s+(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+)\\s+" + (re-quote "=") + (re-quote close-delim)))] + (re-find re segment))) + +(defn- parse-text-segments + "Parses and collects all the text segments until a syntax block is found. + + This function handles and interprets the tags which are changing the + delimiters, so that the rest of the program doesn't have to deal with it. + + Returns `[text-segments next-segment open-delim close-delim]`." + [segment open-delim close-delim] + (loop [text-segments [] + segment segment + open-delim open-delim + close-delim close-delim] + (if-let [index (str/index-of segment open-delim)] + (let [text-segments (conj text-segments (sub-sequence segment 0 index)) + syntax-segment (sub-sequence segment (+ index (count open-delim)))] + ;; Is it a change-delimiter tag? + (if-let [change-delimiters (parse-change-delim syntax-segment close-delim)] + ;; Yes it is, so we should continue to parse more text segments. + (let [[matched-text open-delim close-delim] change-delimiters] + (recur text-segments + (sub-sequence syntax-segment (count matched-text)) + open-delim + close-delim)) + ;; No it's a syntax segment, so we are done parsing text segments. + [text-segments syntax-segment open-delim close-delim])) + ;; The whole remaining text is the text segment, we are done. + [(conj text-segments segment) + nil + open-delim + close-delim]))) + +(defn- parse-syntax-segment + "Parses the syntax segment, assuming that this function is provided a segment + at the start of that syntax segment. + + Returns `[syntax-segment next-segment]`." + [segment close-delim] + (if-let [index (str/index-of segment close-delim)] + [(sub-sequence segment 0 index) + (sub-sequence segment (+ index (count close-delim)))] + (throw-exception close-delim-not-found-msg))) + +(defn- template-partition [delimiters] + (fn [rf] + (fn + ([] (rf)) + ([result] (rf result)) + ([result template] + (loop [result result + segment (text->segment template) + open-delim (:open delimiters) + close-delim (:close delimiters)] + ;; Read the text segments. + (let [[text-segments next-segment open-delim close-delim] + (parse-text-segments segment open-delim close-delim) + + result (cond-> result + (seq text-segments) (rf [:text text-segments]))] + (if next-segment + ;; Read the syntax segment. + (let [[syntax-segment next-segment] + (parse-syntax-segment next-segment close-delim)] + (recur (rf result [:syntax syntax-segment]) + next-segment + open-delim + close-delim)) + ;; No more segments to read. + result))))))) + +(defn- handlebars-comment? [[type segment]] + (and (= type :syntax) + (or (re-matches #"\!\s+([\s\S]*)" segment) + (re-matches #"\!\-\-\s+([\s\S]*)\s\-\-" segment)))) + +;; TODO: support line characters removal. +(def ^:private remove-killed-line-parts + (fn [rf] + (fn + ([] (rf)) + ([result] (rf result)) + ([result input] + (rf result input))))) + +;; Regroups together the text segments, +;; removes empty texts, +;; removes empty text segments. +(def ^:private cleanup-text-segments + (comp (partition-by first) + (mapcat (fn [[[type] :as coll]] + (if (= type :text) + (let [segments (into [] + (comp (mapcat second) + (remove empty?)) + coll)] + (when (seq segments) + [[:text segments]])) + coll))))) + +(defparser handlebars-syntax-parser + "syntax = (partial | open-block | else | else-if | close-block | root-expression) + partial = <'>'> symbol hash-params? + open-block = <'#'> #'\\S+' (( expression)* | each-as-args) + each-as-args = expression <'as'> + <'|'> symbol symbol <'|'> + else = <'else'> + else-if = <'else'> <'if'> expression + close-block = <'/'> symbol + = value | dotted-term | fn-call + + fn-call = !keyword symbol ( expression)+ hash-params? + hash-params = ( symbol <'='> expression)+ + = value | dotted-term | <'('> fn-call <')'> + dotted-term = !keyword symbol (<'.'> symbol)* + keyword = else | boolean-value + = #'[a-zA-Z_-][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*' + = string-value | boolean-value | number-value + string-value = <'\"'> #'[^\"]*' <'\"'> + boolean-value = 'true' | 'false' + number-value = #'\\-?[0-9]+' + space = #'\\s+' + maybe-space = #'\\s*'" + :output-format :enlive) + +(defn- handlebars-node + "Returns a handlebars node from an element of the segment partition." + [[type segment]] + (case type + :text {:tag :text, :content (list (apply str segment))} + :syntax (-> (handlebars-syntax-parser (str segment)) :content first))) + +(defn- handlebars-zipper + ([] (handlebars-zipper {:tag :root})) + ([root] (z/zipper (comp #{:root :open-block} :tag) ; branch? + :children + (fn [node children] (assoc node :children (vec children))) ; make-node + root))) + +(defn- children->then [node] + (assert (not (:then node)) "There are multiple `else` for the same `if`.") + (rename-keys node {:children :then})) + +(defn- find-opening-block [zipper closing-node] + (let [closing-block-name (-> closing-node :content first)] + (some (fn [z] + (assert (some? z) "No opening block found.") + (let [node (z/node z)] + (when (and (= (:tag node) :open-block) + (not (:did-not-open-a-block node))) + (assert (= (-> node :content first) closing-block-name) + "The closing block does not match the opening block.") + z))) + (iterate z/up zipper)))) + +(defn- handlebars-zipper-reducer + "Builds a tree-shaped representation of the handlebar's nodes." + ([] (handlebars-zipper)) + ([zipper] zipper) + ([zipper node] + (case (:tag node) + :open-block (-> zipper + (z/append-child node) + (z/down) + (z/rightmost)) + :else (-> zipper + (z/edit children->then)) + :else-if (-> zipper + (z/edit children->then) + (z/append-child (-> node + (assoc :tag :open-block + :did-not-open-a-block true) + (update :content conj "if"))) + (z/down)) + :close-block (-> zipper + (find-opening-block node) + z/up) + (z/append-child zipper node)))) + +;; TODO: support the `..` +(defn- to-data-template + "Generates a data-template from a handlebars tree's node." + [node] + (let [{:keys [tag content children]} node + [arg0 arg1] content] + (case tag + :root (mapv to-data-template children) + (:text :string-value) arg0 + :boolean-value (= arg0 "true") + :number-value (parse-long arg0) + :fn-call (let [[func & args] content] + (list* (symbol func) (map to-data-template args))) + :dotted-term (if (= (count content) 1) + (list 'hopen/ctx (keyword arg0)) + (list 'get-in 'hopen/ctx (mapv keyword content))) + :hash-params (into {} + (comp (partition-all 2) + (map (fn [[k v]] [(keyword k) (to-data-template v)]))) + content) + :partial (list 'b/template + (keyword arg0) + (if arg1 + (list 'merge 'hopen/ctx (to-data-template arg1)) + 'hopen/ctx)) + :open-block + (let [[block-name arg0] content] + (case block-name + "if" (if-let [then (seq (:then node))] + (list 'b/if (list 'hb/true? (to-data-template arg0)) + (mapv to-data-template then) + (mapv to-data-template children)) + (list 'b/if (list 'hb/true? (to-data-template arg0)) + (mapv to-data-template children))) + "unless" (list 'b/if (list 'hb/false? (to-data-template arg0)) + (mapv to-data-template children)) + "with" (list 'b/let ['hopen/ctx (to-data-template arg0)] + (mapv to-data-template children)) + "each" (if (= (:tag arg0) :each-as-args) + (let [[coll var index] (:content arg0)] + (list 'b/for ['hb/kv-pair (list 'hb/as-kvs (to-data-template coll))] + [(list 'b/let ['hopen/ctx + (list 'assoc 'hopen/ctx + (keyword index) '(first hb/kv-pair) + (keyword var) '(second hb/kv-pair))] + (mapv to-data-template children))])) + (list 'b/for ['hopen/ctx (to-data-template arg0)] + (mapv to-data-template children))))) + ["Unhandled:" node]))) + +(defn parse [template] + (-> (transduce (comp (template-partition default-delimiters) + (remove handlebars-comment?) + cleanup-text-segments + (map handlebars-node)) + handlebars-zipper-reducer + [template]) + z/root + to-data-template)) + +(defn- handlebars-false? [x] + (or (not x) + (and (string? x) (empty? x)) + (and (number? x) (zero? x)) + (and (coll? x) (empty? x)))) + +(defn- as-key-value-pairs [coll] + (cond + (map? coll) (seq coll) + (coll? coll) (map-indexed vector coll))) + +(defn with-handlebars-env [env] + (update env :bindings assoc + 'hb/true? (comp not handlebars-false?) + 'hb/false? handlebars-false? + 'hb/as-kvs as-key-value-pairs)) diff --git a/src/hopen/util.cljc b/src/hopen/util.cljc index e9209a6..be5b63b 100644 --- a/src/hopen/util.cljc +++ b/src/hopen/util.cljc @@ -1,4 +1,18 @@ -(ns hopen.util) +(ns hopen.util + (:require [clojure.string :as str])) + +(defn triml + "Trims the white spaces at the beginning of each line in the text, including the delimiter." + ([text] (triml text "|")) + ([text delimiter] + (transduce (comp (map (fn [line] + (let [trimmed (str/triml line)] + (if (str/starts-with? trimmed delimiter) + (subs trimmed (count delimiter)) + line)))) + (interpose "\n")) + str + (str/split-lines text)))) (defn binding-partition "A transducer which is partitioning a multi-variables binding sequence." @@ -40,6 +54,10 @@ [data] path))) +(defn parse-long [s] + #?(:cljs (js/parseInt s) + :clj (Long/parseLong s))) + (defn throw-exception [message] (throw (#?(:clj Exception. :cljs js/Error.) message))) diff --git a/test/hopen/runner.cljs b/test/hopen/runner.cljs index 887e945..731f3b8 100644 --- a/test/hopen/runner.cljs +++ b/test/hopen/runner.cljs @@ -2,9 +2,11 @@ (:require [cljs.test :as t :include-macros true] [doo.runner :refer-macros [doo-all-tests doo-tests]] [hopen.renderer.xf-test] + [hopen.syntax.handlebars-test] [hopen.syntax.util-test] [hopen.util-test])) (doo-tests 'hopen.renderer.xf-test + 'hopen.syntax.handlebars-test 'hopen.syntax.util-test 'hopen.util-test) diff --git a/test/hopen/syntax/handlebars_test.cljc b/test/hopen/syntax/handlebars_test.cljc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c0aa32f --- /dev/null +++ b/test/hopen/syntax/handlebars_test.cljc @@ -0,0 +1,253 @@ +(ns hopen.syntax.handlebars-test + (:require #?(:clj [clojure.test :refer [deftest testing is are]] + :cljs [cljs.test :refer [deftest testing is are] + :include-macros true]) + [hopen.util :refer [triml]] + [hopen.syntax.handlebars :as hb :refer [parse with-handlebars-env]] + [instaparse.gll :refer [text->segment]] + [hopen.renderer.env :refer [standard-env]] + [hopen.renderer.xf :refer [renderer with-renderer-env]])) + +(deftest re-matches-test + (testing "Check that some edge cases on regexp are consistent across the platforms." + (are [re s] + (re-matches re s) + + #"\!\s+([\s\S]*)\s" "! blabla " + #"\!\s+([\s\S]*)\s" "! bla\nbla " + #"\!\s+([\s\S]*)\s" "!\nbla\nbla\n"))) + +(deftest parse-change-delim-test + (is (= (#'hb/parse-change-delim "= < > =}}blah blah" "}}") + ["= < > =}}" "<" ">"]))) + +(deftest parse-text-segments-test + (let [tx (fn [[text-segments next-segment << >>]] + [(when text-segments (into (empty text-segments) (map str) text-segments)) + (when next-segment (str next-segment)) + << + >>])] + (are [template expected-result] + (= (tx (#'hb/parse-text-segments (text->segment template) "{{" "}}")) + (tx expected-result)) + + "" + [[""] nil "{{" "}}"] + + "{{ aa }} bb" + [[""] " aa }} bb" "{{" "}}"] + + "aa {{ bb }} cc" + [["aa "] " bb }} cc" "{{" "}}"] + + "aa {{= { } =}} bb { cc } dd" + [["aa " " bb "] " cc } dd" "{" "}"] + + "aa {{= {{{ }}} =}} bb" + [["aa " " bb"] nil "{{{" "}}}"]))) + +(deftest parse-syntax-segment-test + (let [tx (fn [[syntax-segment next-segment]] + [(when syntax-segment (str syntax-segment)) + (when next-segment (str next-segment))])] + (are [syntax-subs expected-result] + (= (tx (#'hb/parse-syntax-segment (text->segment syntax-subs) "}}")) + (tx expected-result)) + "aoeu}}" ["aoeu" ""] + "aoeu}}blah blah" ["aoeu" "blah blah"])) + + (is (thrown? #?(:clj Exception, :cljs js/Error) + (#'hb/parse-syntax-segment (text->segment "aoeu") "}}")))) + +(deftest parse-test + (testing "Parser's conformity" + (are [text-template data-template] + (= (parse text-template) data-template) + + "Hello, world." ["Hello, world."] + + ;; An example from the Handlebars website. + (triml "
+ |


+ |

By {{author.name}}

+ | + |
+ | {{body}} + |
+ |
") + [(triml "
+ |

") + '(hopen/ctx :title) + (triml "

+ |

By ") + '(get-in hopen/ctx [:author :name]) + (triml "

+ | + |
+ | ") + '(hopen/ctx :body) + (triml " + |
+ |
")] + + "" + [] + + "aa {{= < > =}} bb" + ["aa bb"] + + "aa {{! blabla }} bb" + ["aa bb"] + + "aa {{! bla\nbla }} bb" + ["aa bb"] + + "aa {{!-- blabla --}} bb" + ["aa bb"] + + "aa {{!-- bla\nbla --}} bb" + ["aa bb"] + + "aa {{= | | =}} bb |cc.dd.ee| ff" + '["aa bb " (get-in hopen/ctx [:cc :dd :ee]) " ff"] + + "{{false}}{{true}}" + [false true] + + "{{0}}{{3}}{{-0}}{{-3}}" + [0 3 -0 -3] + + "{{ \"some text\" }}" + ["some text"] + + "{{foo bar a.b}}" + '[(foo (hopen/ctx :bar) (get-in hopen/ctx [:a :b]))] + + "{{foo bar (a b.c)}}" + '[(foo (hopen/ctx :bar) (a (get-in hopen/ctx [:b :c])))] + + "{{foo bar a.b c=d e=true f=3 g=\"hello\"}}" + '[(foo (hopen/ctx :bar) + (get-in hopen/ctx [:a :b]) + {:c (hopen/ctx :d) + :e true + :f 3 + :g "hello"})] + + "a{{#if b}}c{{/if}}d" + '["a" + (b/if (hb/true? (hopen/ctx :b)) + ["c"]) + "d"] + + "a{{#if b}}c{{else}}d{{/if}}e" + '["a" + (b/if (hb/true? (hopen/ctx :b)) + ["c"] + ["d"]) + "e"] + + "a{{#if b}}c{{else if d}}e{{/if}}f" + '["a" + (b/if (hb/true? (hopen/ctx :b)) + ["c"] + [(b/if (hb/true? (hopen/ctx :d)) + ["e"])]) + "f"] + + "a{{#if b}}c{{else if d}}e{{else}}f{{/if}}g" + '["a" + (b/if (hb/true? (hopen/ctx :b)) + ["c"] + [(b/if (hb/true? (hopen/ctx :d)) + ["e"] + ["f"])]) + "g"] + + "a{{#unless b}}c{{/unless}}d" + '["a" + (b/if (hb/false? (hopen/ctx :b)) + ["c"]) + "d"] + + "{{#each a.b}}c{{/each}}" + '[(b/for [hopen/ctx (get-in hopen/ctx [:a :b])] + ["c"])] + + "{{#with a}}b{{/with}}" + '[(b/let [hopen/ctx (hopen/ctx :a)] + ["b"])] + + "{{#with a.b}}c{{/with}}" + '[(b/let [hopen/ctx (get-in hopen/ctx [:a :b])] + ["c"])] + + "aa {{#if bb}} cc {{#each dd.dd}} ee {{/each}} ff {{/if}} gg" + '["aa " + (b/if (hb/true? (hopen/ctx :bb)) + [" cc " + (b/for [hopen/ctx (get-in hopen/ctx [:dd :dd])] + [" ee "]) + " ff "]) + " gg"] + + "{{#each coll as |x i|}}d{{/each}}" + '[(b/for [hb/kv-pair (hb/as-kvs (hopen/ctx :coll))] + [(b/let [hopen/ctx (assoc hopen/ctx + :i (first hb/kv-pair) + :x (second hb/kv-pair))] + ["d"])])] + + "a {{> confirm-button}} b" + '["a " + (b/template :confirm-button hopen/ctx) + " b"] + + "a {{> confirm-button title=\"Alright\"}} b" + '["a " + (b/template :confirm-button (merge hopen/ctx {:title "Alright"})) + " b"]))) + +(deftest handlebars-false?-test + (testing "truthy things" + (are [val] + (not (#'hb/handlebars-false? val)) + + true + 3 + "hi" + [""] + {"" ""} + #{""})) + + (testing "falsey things" + (are [val] + (#'hb/handlebars-false? val) + + nil + false + 0 + "" + [] + {} + #{}))) + +(deftest handlebars-renderer-integration-tests + (let [env (-> standard-env + (with-handlebars-env) + (with-renderer-env))] + (are [hb-template data expected-result] + (= (into [] (renderer (parse hb-template) env) [data]) + expected-result) + + "{{#with a}}{{b}}{{c.d}}e{{/with}}" + {:a {:b 1, :c {:d 2}}} + [1 2 "e"] + + "{{#each coll as |x i|}}{{x}}{{i}}d{{/each}}" + {:coll [:a :b :c]} + [:a 0 "d" :b 1 "d" :c 2 "d"] + + "{{#each coll as |x i|}}{{x}}{{i}}d{{/each}}" + {:coll {:a "aa" :b "bb"}} + ["aa" :a "d" "bb" :b "d"]))) diff --git a/test/hopen/util_test.cljc b/test/hopen/util_test.cljc index 4a1c851..bbb7f22 100644 --- a/test/hopen/util_test.cljc +++ b/test/hopen/util_test.cljc @@ -2,7 +2,12 @@ (:require #?(:clj [clojure.test :refer [deftest testing is are]] :cljs [cljs.test :refer [deftest testing is are] :include-macros true]) - [hopen.util :refer [parse-bindings collect collect-in]])) + [hopen.util :refer [triml parse-bindings collect collect-in]])) + +(deftest triml-test + (is (= (triml "hello, + | world!") + "hello,\n world!"))) (deftest parse-bindings-test (testing "Example-spec the function's input and output"