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Gitpod ready-to-code

Jacamo-web is an interactive programming IDE based on JaCaMo, a Multi-Agent System (MAS) Oriented Programming platform. The interactive development allows making changes on instances of agents, artefacts and organisations, which means that the system can be updated while it is running.

Straightforward deploying to Heroku

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Go to heroku website, create an app giving any name to it
  3. On Deploy -> Deployment method choose github
  4. find your fork of 'jacamo-web'
  5. 'Deploy branch'

Running locally

Using a local gradle

$ git clone
$ cd jacamo-web
$ ./gradlew run

See http://yourIP:8080 for a web interface (see the console for the right IP:port). You can also try ./gradlew run --args="src/jcm/marcos.jcm", ./gradlew run --args="src/jcm/bob.jcm", and go to /examples for more sample projects and information about how to run them.

Making front end changes

If you want to make changes to the jacamo-web front end, install Node.js and install the webpack client with yarn install -g webpack client. Then, install the jacamo-web front end dependencies by running yarn install in the project's root repository. Run the webpack watch task with yarn run watch. All changes you make to JavaScript files will be automatically built and deployed to your local jacamo-web instance.

Using a local docker

$ docker build  -t jomifred/jacamo-web .

Usually super user privileges are necessary. It will take some minutes to run everything since it will create a docker image and run a container with a basic jacamo-web application running. At the very end of the log, you should see a message similar to "jacamo-web Rest API is running on", so you can open your browser on the referred URL.

Deploying from local repository to Heroku

After installing the Heroku Toolbelt you can test the app locally using heroku CLI:

$ ./gradlew stage
$ heroku local web

Your app should now be running on localhost:5000.

Deploying from local repository

$ heroku create
$ git push heroku master
$ heroku open

More about jacamo-web

It uses jacamo-rest on the back-end and provides a web front-end developed in plain javascript, the API jacamo-rest 0.3 bind these parts.

In short, jacao-web provides an interface to develop Multi-Agent Systems interactively allow to send beliefs and plans to agents, inspect, create and destroy them. It is also supported dynamic compiling of CArtAgO artefacts and Moise organisations. The following diagram shows the main functionalities of the interface:

Alt text

Interactive programming concept with jacamo-web programmingconcept digraph G { graph [ rankdir="RL" ] subgraph cluster_1 { label="Environment: CArtAgO"; Artifact [shape = record, label="Artifact"]; ArtInsp [shape = plain, label="Artifact Inspection"]; ArtEdit [shape = plain, label="Edit artifact code"]; ArtCreate [shape = plain, label="Make new artifact"]; ArtDispo [shape = plain, label="Dispose artifact"]; } subgraph cluster_0 { label="Agents: Jason"; Agent [label="Agent"]; AgInsp [shape = plain, label="Agent Inspection"]; AgCmd [shape = plain, label="Send commands"]; AgEdit [shape = plain, label="Edit Agent"]; AgCreate [shape = plain, label="Create agent"]; AgKill [shape = plain, label="Kill agents"]; AgDF [shape = plain, label="Directory Facilitator"]; } subgraph cluster_2 { label="Organisation: Moise"; Org [shape = tab, label="Organisation"]; OrgInsp [shape = plain, label="Organisation Inspection"]; OrgEdit [shape = plain, label="Edit organisation"]; OrgAgR [shape = plain, label="Adopting role"]; OrgAgM [shape = plain, label="Commiting mission"]; } AgInsp -> Agent [color = gray20, fontcolor = gray20, style = dotted]; AgCmd -> Agent [color = gray20, fontcolor = gray20, style = dotted]; AgEdit -> Agent [color = gray20, fontcolor = gray20, style = dotted]; AgCreate -> Agent [color = gray20, fontcolor = gray20, style = dotted]; AgKill -> Agent [color = gray20, fontcolor = gray20, style = dotted]; AgDF -> Agent [color = gray20, fontcolor = gray20, style = dotted]; ArtInsp -> Artifact [color = gray20, fontcolor = gray20, style = dotted]; ArtEdit -> Artifact [color = gray20, fontcolor = gray20, style = dotted]; ArtCreate -> Artifact [color = gray20, fontcolor = gray20, style = dotted]; ArtDispo -> Artifact [color = gray20, fontcolor = gray20, style = dotted]; OrgInsp -> Org [color = gray20, fontcolor = gray20, style = dotted]; OrgEdit -> Org [color = gray20, fontcolor = gray20, style = dotted]; OrgAgR -> Org [color = gray20, fontcolor = gray20, style = dotted]; OrgAgM -> Org [color = gray20, fontcolor = gray20, style = dotted]; } programmingconcept