# Contributing We would love issues and pull requests to the Markdown files in the src directory. The chapters we have planned but that we have not yet written appear greyed out in the sidebar of the rendered book. We would love issues with ideas for what, specifically, you'd like to see covered in those planned chapters! Our [open pull requests][pulls] are new chapters or edits that we're currently working on. We would love if you would read through those and make comments for any suggestions or corrections! [pulls]: https://github.com/kbknapp/clap-book/pulls If you're looking for ways to help that don't involve reading or writing, check out the [open issues with the M-help-wanted label][help-wanted]. These might be Rust code, frontend code, or shell scripts that would help us be more efficient or enhance the book in some way! [help-wanted]: https://github.com/kbknapp/clap-book/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3AM-help-wanted This repository is under the same license as Rust itself, MIT/Apache2.