3.0.1: Artifact published now at https://terracotta.hpcc.uh.edu/nexus/repository/maven-releases/
3.0.0: Updated versions of Circe dependencies to v.0.13.0-M2. Parsing DSE data from DSE v.6.0.4 (a breaking change), as delivered by SCS-AKKA v.2.0.0. Fixed build.sbt
to remove deprecated cross-compile setup.
2.10.0: Updated versions of Circe dependencies.
2.9.0: OHCO2 10.12.5 and xCite 4.0.2.
2.8.0: Reworked build.sbt
. Updated many dependencies.
2.7.0: Added parsing for CiteTriple
, Vector[CiteTriple]
, and Option[Vector[CiteTriple]]
possibly attached to a CorpusJson
2.6.0: Added parsing for optional DSE map attached to a Vector of CiteObjects or Corpus.
2.5.0: Added parsing for optional stats map attached to a Vector of CiteObjects
2.4.0: Added parsing DseRecord and Vector[DseRecord]
2.3.0: Added parsing for a Vector[Cite2Urn]
2.2.0: Added parsing for a cite2UrnString
2.1.0: Added parsing for a labelMap
, Map[Cite2Urn,String]
2.0.0: Breaking change: ctsUrnStr now returns an Option[CtsUrn]
1.1.4: Added method for parsing a single CtsUrnString.
1.1.3: Moved method for parsing a JSON expression of a Cite Library's metadata (urn, name, license) into CiteLibraryJson class.
1.1.2: Added method for parsing a JSON expression of a Cite Library's metadata (urn, name, license).
1.1.1: update dependencies
1.1.0: update dependencies, add skelly-compliant cross-building functionality
1.0.0: first full release
0.1.0: initial development