From 7765f86a76b4a402f212d8e7e98eef2645745713 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jtmoon79 <>
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2022 21:17:30 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] be exact about whitespace

Be exact about whitespace in parsing. This changes
pattern matching in `format::parse::parse` as it does not allow
arbitrary whitespace before, after, or between the datetime specifiers.

`format/` is exact about whitespace in
the passed data `s` and passed strftime format `fmt`.

Also be more exacting about colons and whitespace around timezones.
Instead of unlimited colons and whitespace, only match a more limited
possible set of leading colons and whitespace.

Issue chronotope#660
 src/datetime/         |   5 +
 src/datetime/       | 321 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 src/format/           |  14 +-
 src/format/         | 348 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 src/format/          | 139 +++++++++++++-
 src/format/      |  76 ++++++--
 src/naive/           |  15 +-
 src/naive/datetime/   |   6 -
 src/naive/datetime/ |   6 +-
 src/naive/time/       |   3 -
 src/naive/time/     |  44 ++++-
 11 files changed, 847 insertions(+), 130 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/datetime/ b/src/datetime/
index 3d746d27d2..0c21efb8b6 100644
--- a/src/datetime/
+++ b/src/datetime/
@@ -510,6 +510,9 @@ impl DateTime<FixedOffset> {
     /// RFC 2822 is the internet message standard that specifies the
     /// representation of times in HTTP and email headers.
+    /// The RFC 2822 standard allows arbitrary intermixed whitespace.
+    /// See [RFC 2822 Appendix A.5]
+    ///
     /// ```
     /// # use chrono::{DateTime, FixedOffset, TimeZone};
     /// assert_eq!(
@@ -517,6 +520,8 @@ impl DateTime<FixedOffset> {
     ///     FixedOffset::east(0).ymd(2015, 2, 18).and_hms(23, 16, 9)
     /// );
     /// ```
+    ///
+    /// [RFC 2822 Appendix A.5]:
     pub fn parse_from_rfc2822(s: &str) -> ParseResult<DateTime<FixedOffset>> {
         const ITEMS: &[Item<'static>] = &[Item::Fixed(Fixed::RFC2822)];
         let mut parsed = Parsed::new();
diff --git a/src/datetime/ b/src/datetime/
index 62fa1c7aec..95ef5289fc 100644
--- a/src/datetime/
+++ b/src/datetime/
@@ -86,30 +86,20 @@ fn test_datetime_with_timezone() {
-fn test_datetime_rfc2822_and_rfc3339() {
+fn test_datetime_rfc2822() {
     let edt = FixedOffset::east(5 * 60 * 60);
         Utc.ymd(2015, 2, 18).and_hms(23, 16, 9).to_rfc2822(),
         "Wed, 18 Feb 2015 23:16:09 +0000"
-    assert_eq!(Utc.ymd(2015, 2, 18).and_hms(23, 16, 9).to_rfc3339(), "2015-02-18T23:16:09+00:00");
         edt.ymd(2015, 2, 18).and_hms_milli(23, 16, 9, 150).to_rfc2822(),
         "Wed, 18 Feb 2015 23:16:09 +0500"
-    assert_eq!(
-        edt.ymd(2015, 2, 18).and_hms_milli(23, 16, 9, 150).to_rfc3339(),
-        "2015-02-18T23:16:09.150+05:00"
-    );
         edt.ymd(2015, 2, 18).and_hms_micro(23, 59, 59, 1_234_567).to_rfc2822(),
         "Wed, 18 Feb 2015 23:59:60 +0500"
-    assert_eq!(
-        edt.ymd(2015, 2, 18).and_hms_micro(23, 59, 59, 1_234_567).to_rfc3339(),
-        "2015-02-18T23:59:60.234567+05:00"
-    );
         DateTime::parse_from_rfc2822("Wed, 18 Feb 2015 23:16:09 +0000"),
         Ok(FixedOffset::east(0).ymd(2015, 2, 18).and_hms(23, 16, 9))
@@ -119,18 +109,69 @@ fn test_datetime_rfc2822_and_rfc3339() {
         Ok(FixedOffset::east(0).ymd(2015, 2, 18).and_hms(23, 16, 9))
-        DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339("2015-02-18T23:16:09Z"),
-        Ok(FixedOffset::east(0).ymd(2015, 2, 18).and_hms(23, 16, 9))
+        DateTime::parse_from_rfc2822("Wed, 18 Feb 2015 23:59:60 +0500"),
+        Ok(edt.ymd(2015, 2, 18).and_hms_milli(23, 59, 59, 1_000))
-        DateTime::parse_from_rfc2822("Wed, 18 Feb 2015 23:59:60 +0500"),
+        DateTime::parse_from_rfc2822(
+            "\t\t\tWed,\n\t\t18 \r\n\t\tFeb \u{3000} 2015\r\n\t\t\t23:59:60    \t+0500"
+        ),
         Ok(edt.ymd(2015, 2, 18).and_hms_milli(23, 59, 59, 1_000))
+    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_rfc2822("Wed, 18 Feb 2015 23:16:09 +00:00").is_err());
+    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_rfc2822("Wednesday, 18 Feb 2015 23:16:09 +0000").is_err());
+    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_rfc2822("Wednesday 18 Feb 2015 23:16:09 +0000").is_err());
+    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_rfc2822("Wed. 18 Feb 2015 23:16:09 +0000").is_err());
     assert!(DateTime::parse_from_rfc2822("31 DEC 262143 23:59 -2359").is_err());
+    // note that trailing space causes failure
+    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_rfc2822("Wed, 18 Feb 2015 23:16:09 +0000   ").is_err());
+    // XXX: example from RFC 2822 Appendix A.5. wrongly fails due to trailing " (Newfoundland Time)"
+    //assert!(DateTime::parse_from_rfc2822("Thu,\n\t13\n      Feb\n        1969\n    23:32\n             -0330 (Newfoundland Time)").is_err());
+fn test_datetime_rfc3339() {
+    let edt = FixedOffset::east(5 * 60 * 60);
+    assert_eq!(Utc.ymd(2015, 2, 18).and_hms(23, 16, 9).to_rfc3339(), "2015-02-18T23:16:09+00:00");
+    assert_eq!(
+        edt.ymd(2015, 2, 18).and_hms_milli(23, 16, 9, 150).to_rfc3339(),
+        "2015-02-18T23:16:09.150+05:00"
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        edt.ymd(2015, 2, 18).and_hms_micro(23, 59, 59, 1_234_567).to_rfc3339(),
+        "2015-02-18T23:59:60.234567+05:00"
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339("2015-02-18T23:59:59.123+05:00"),
+        Ok(edt.ymd(2015, 2, 18).and_hms_micro(23, 59, 59, 123_000))
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339("2015-02-18T23:59:59.123456+05:00"),
+        Ok(edt.ymd(2015, 2, 18).and_hms_micro(23, 59, 59, 123_456))
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339("2015-02-18T23:59:59.123456789+05:00"),
+        Ok(edt.ymd(2015, 2, 18).and_hms_nano(23, 59, 59, 123_456_789))
+    );
-        DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339("2015-02-18T23:59:60.234567+05:00"),
-        Ok(edt.ymd(2015, 2, 18).and_hms_micro(23, 59, 59, 1_234_567))
+        DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339("2015-02-18T23:16:09Z"),
+        Ok(FixedOffset::east(0).ymd(2015, 2, 18).and_hms(23, 16, 9))
+    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339("2015-02-18T23:59:60.234567 +05:00").is_err());
+    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339("2015-02-18T23:059:60.234567+05:00").is_err());
+    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339("2015-02-18T23:59:60.234567+05:00PST").is_err());
+    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339("2015-02-18T23:59:60.234567+PST").is_err());
+    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339("2015-02-18T23:59:60.234567PST").is_err());
+    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339("2015-02-18T23:59:60.234567+0500").is_err());
+    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339("2015-02-18T23:59:60.234567+05:00:00").is_err());
+    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339("2015-02-18 23:59:60.234567+05:00").is_err());
+    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339("2015-02-18T23:59:60.234567:+05:00").is_err());
+    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339("2015-02-18T23:59:60.234567+05:00 ").is_err());
+    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339(" 2015-02-18T23:59:60.234567+05:00").is_err());
+    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339("2015- 02-18T23:59:60.234567+05:00").is_err());
+    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339("2015-02-18T23:59:60.234567A+05:00").is_err());
@@ -204,19 +245,251 @@ fn test_fixedoffset_parse_from_str() {
     // no test for `DateTime<Local>`, we cannot verify that much.
+fn test_datetime_from_str() {
+    // with varying spaces - should succeed
+    assert_eq!(
+        Utc.datetime_from_str(" Aug 09 2013 23:54:35", " %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S"),
+        Ok(Utc.ymd(2013, 8, 9).and_hms(23, 54, 35)),
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        Utc.datetime_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 ", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S "),
+        Ok(Utc.ymd(2013, 8, 9).and_hms(23, 54, 35)),
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        Utc.datetime_from_str(" Aug 09 2013  23:54:35 ", " %b %d %Y  %H:%M:%S "),
+        Ok(Utc.ymd(2013, 8, 9).and_hms(23, 54, 35)),
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        Utc.datetime_from_str("  Aug 09 2013 23:54:35", "  %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S"),
+        Ok(Utc.ymd(2013, 8, 9).and_hms(23, 54, 35)),
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        Utc.datetime_from_str("   Aug 09 2013 23:54:35", "   %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S"),
+        Ok(Utc.ymd(2013, 8, 9).and_hms(23, 54, 35)),
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        Utc.datetime_from_str("\n\tAug 09 2013 23:54:35  ", "\n\t%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S  "),
+        Ok(Utc.ymd(2013, 8, 9).and_hms(23, 54, 35)),
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        Utc.datetime_from_str("\tAug 09 2013 23:54:35\t", "\t%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S\t"),
+        Ok(Utc.ymd(2013, 8, 9).and_hms(23, 54, 35)),
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        Utc.datetime_from_str("Aug  09 2013 23:54:35", "%b  %d %Y %H:%M:%S"),
+        Ok(Utc.ymd(2013, 8, 9).and_hms(23, 54, 35)),
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        Utc.datetime_from_str("Aug    09 2013 23:54:35", "%b    %d %Y %H:%M:%S"),
+        Ok(Utc.ymd(2013, 8, 9).and_hms(23, 54, 35)),
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        Utc.datetime_from_str("Aug  09 2013\t23:54:35", "%b  %d %Y\t%H:%M:%S"),
+        Ok(Utc.ymd(2013, 8, 9).and_hms(23, 54, 35)),
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        Utc.datetime_from_str("Aug  09 2013\t\t23:54:35", "%b  %d %Y\t\t%H:%M:%S"),
+        Ok(Utc.ymd(2013, 8, 9).and_hms(23, 54, 35)),
+    );
+    // with varying spaces - should fail
+    assert!(Utc.datetime_from_str(" Aug 09 2013 23:54:35", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S").is_err());
+    assert!(Utc.datetime_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 ", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S").is_err());
+    assert!(Utc.datetime_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S ").is_err());
+    assert!(Utc.datetime_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35", " %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S").is_err());
+    assert!(Utc.datetime_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35\t", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S").is_err());
+    assert!(Utc.datetime_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S\n").is_err());
+    assert!(Utc.datetime_from_str("\nAug 09 2013 23:54:35", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S\n").is_err());
+    assert!(Utc.datetime_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 ", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S\n").is_err());
+    assert!(Utc.datetime_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35", "%b %d %Y\t%H:%M:%S").is_err());
+    assert!(Utc.datetime_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 !!!", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S ").is_err());
 fn test_datetime_parse_from_str() {
-    let ymdhms = |y, m, d, h, n, s, off| FixedOffset::east(off).ymd(y, m, d).and_hms(h, n, s);
+    let dt = FixedOffset::east(-9 * 60 * 60).ymd(2013, 8, 9).and_hms(23, 54, 35);
+    // timezone variations
+    // %Z
+    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -0900", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %Z").is_err());
+    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 PST", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %Z").is_err());
+    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 XXXXX", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %Z").is_err());
+    // %z
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -0900", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %z"),
+        Ok(dt),
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 --0900", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S -%z"),
+        Ok(dt),
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 +-0900", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S +%z"),
+        Ok(dt),
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -09:00 ", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %z "),
+        Ok(dt),
+    );
+    assert!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -09:00\n", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %z").is_err()
+    );
+    assert!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -09:00\n", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %z ").is_err()
+    );
+    assert!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -09:00:", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %z").is_err()
+    );
+    assert!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -09:00: ", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %z ").is_err()
+    );
+    assert!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -09:00:", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %z ").is_err()
+    );
+    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -09", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %z").is_err());
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -0900::", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %z::"),
+        Ok(dt),
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -09:00:00", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %z:00"),
+        Ok(dt),
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -09:00:00 ", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %z:00 "),
+        Ok(dt),
+    );
+    // %:z
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35  -09:00", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S  %:z"),
+        Ok(dt),
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -0900", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %:z"),
+        Ok(dt),
+    );
+    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -09", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %:z").is_err());
+    assert!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -09:00:", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %:z").is_err()
+    );
+    assert!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -09:00::", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %:z").is_err()
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -09:00::", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %:z::"),
+        Ok(dt),
+    );
+    // %:::z
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -0900", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %::z"),
+        Ok(dt),
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -09:00", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %::z"),
+        Ok(dt),
+    );
+    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -09:00:00", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %::z")
+        .is_err());
+    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -09", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %::z").is_err());
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -09001234", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %::z1234"),
+        Ok(dt),
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -09:001234", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %::z1234"),
+        Ok(dt),
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -0900 ", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %::z "),
+        Ok(dt),
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -0900\t\n", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %::z\t\n"),
+        Ok(dt),
+    );
-        DateTime::parse_from_str("2014-5-7T12:34:56+09:30", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"),
-        Ok(ymdhms(2014, 5, 7, 12, 34, 56, 570 * 60))
-    ); // ignore offset
-    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_str("20140507000000", "%Y%m%d%H%M%S").is_err()); // no offset
-    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_str("Fri, 09 Aug 2013 23:54:35 GMT", "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT")
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -0900:", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %::z:"),
+        Ok(dt),
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 :-0900:0", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S :%::z:0"),
+        Ok(dt),
+    );
+    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 :-0900: ", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S :%::z::")
+        .is_err());
+    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -09:00:00", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %::z")
+        .is_err());
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 -0900: 23:54:35", "%b %d %Y %::z: %H:%M:%S"),
+        Ok(dt),
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 :-0900:0 23:54:35", "%b %d %Y :%::z:0 %H:%M:%S"),
+        Ok(dt),
+    );
+    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 :-0900: 23:54:35", "%b %d %Y :%::z  %H:%M:%S")
+    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -09:00:00 ", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %::z ")
+        .is_err());
+    // %:::z
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -09:00", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %:::z"),
+        Ok(dt),
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -0900", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %:::z"),
+        Ok(dt),
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -0900  ", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %:::z  "),
+        Ok(dt),
+    );
+    assert!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -09", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %:::z").is_err()
+    );
+    // %::::z
+    assert!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -0900", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %::::z").is_err()
+    );
+    // %#z
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -09:00", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %#z"),
+        Ok(dt),
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -0900", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %#z"),
+        Ok(dt),
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35  -09:00  ", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S  %#z  "),
+        Ok(dt),
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35  -0900  ", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S  %#z  "),
+        Ok(dt),
+    );
+    assert!(DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -090", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %#z").is_err());
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -09", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %#z"),
+        Ok(dt),
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -09:", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %#z"),
+        Ok(dt),
+    );
+    assert!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35 -09: ", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %#z ").is_err()
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35+-09", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S+%#z"),
+        Ok(dt),
+    );
-        Utc.datetime_from_str("Fri, 09 Aug 2013 23:54:35 GMT", "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT"),
-        Ok(Utc.ymd(2013, 8, 9).and_hms(23, 54, 35))
+        DateTime::parse_from_str("Aug 09 2013 23:54:35--09", "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S-%#z"),
+        Ok(dt),
diff --git a/src/format/ b/src/format/
index ff0363bb94..f5e0ccd3c5 100644
--- a/src/format/
+++ b/src/format/
@@ -218,27 +218,27 @@ pub enum Fixed {
     /// It does not support parsing, its use in the parser is an immediate failure.
-    /// Offset from the local time to UTC (`+09:00` or `-04:00` or `+00:00`).
+    /// Offset from the local time to UTC (`+09:00` or `-0400` or `+00:00`).
-    /// In the parser, the colon can be omitted and/or surrounded with any amount of whitespace.
+    /// In the parser, the colon may be omitted,
     /// The offset is limited from `-24:00` to `+24:00`,
     /// which is the same as [`FixedOffset`](../offset/struct.FixedOffset.html)'s range.
-    /// Offset from the local time to UTC with seconds (`+09:00:00` or `-04:00:00` or `+00:00:00`).
+    /// Offset from the local time to UTC with seconds (`+09:00:00` or `-0400:00` or `+000000`).
-    /// In the parser, the colon can be omitted and/or surrounded with any amount of whitespace.
+    /// In the parser, the colon may be omitted,
     /// The offset is limited from `-24:00:00` to `+24:00:00`,
     /// which is the same as [`FixedOffset`](../offset/struct.FixedOffset.html)'s range.
     /// Offset from the local time to UTC without minutes (`+09` or `-04` or `+00`).
-    /// In the parser, the colon can be omitted and/or surrounded with any amount of whitespace.
+    /// In the parser, the colon may be omitted,
     /// The offset is limited from `-24` to `+24`,
     /// which is the same as [`FixedOffset`](../offset/struct.FixedOffset.html)'s range.
-    /// Offset from the local time to UTC (`+09:00` or `-04:00` or `Z`).
+    /// Offset from the local time to UTC (`+09:00` or `-0400` or `Z`).
-    /// In the parser, the colon can be omitted and/or surrounded with any amount of whitespace,
+    /// In the parser, the colon may be omitted,
     /// and `Z` can be either in upper case or in lower case.
     /// The offset is limited from `-24:00` to `+24:00`,
     /// which is the same as [`FixedOffset`](../offset/struct.FixedOffset.html)'s range.
diff --git a/src/format/ b/src/format/
index ea97a35b61..295f8c97ec 100644
--- a/src/format/
+++ b/src/format/
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ fn parse_rfc3339<'a>(parsed: &mut Parsed, mut s: &'a str) -> ParseResult<(&'a st
 /// - Padding-agnostic (for numeric items).
 ///   The [`Pad`](./enum.Pad.html) field is completely ignored,
-///   so one can prepend any number of whitespace then any number of zeroes before numbers.
+///   so one can prepend any number of zeroes before numbers.
 /// - (Still) obeying the intrinsic parsing width. This allows, for example, parsing `HHMMSS`.
 pub fn parse<'a, I, B>(parsed: &mut Parsed, s: &str, items: I) -> ParseResult<()>
@@ -296,13 +296,37 @@ where
                 s = &s[prefix.len()..];
-            Item::Space(_) => {
-                s = s.trim_left();
+            Item::Space(item_space) => {
+                for item_c in item_space.chars() {
+                    let s_c: char = match s.chars().next() {
+                        Some(c) => c,
+                        None => {
+                            return Err((s, TOO_SHORT));
+                        }
+                    };
+                    if item_c != s_c {
+                        return Err((s, INVALID));
+                    }
+                    // advance `s` forward 1 char
+                    s = scan::s_next(s);
+                }
             #[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std", test))]
-            Item::OwnedSpace(_) => {
-                s = s.trim_left();
+            Item::OwnedSpace(ref item_space) => {
+                for item_c in item_space.chars() {
+                    let s_c: char = match s.chars().next() {
+                        Some(c) => c,
+                        None => {
+                            return Err((s, TOO_SHORT));
+                        }
+                    };
+                    if item_c != s_c {
+                        return Err((s, INVALID));
+                    }
+                    // advance `s` forward 1 char
+                    s = scan::s_next(s);
+                }
             Item::Numeric(ref spec, ref _pad) => {
@@ -428,27 +452,24 @@ where
                     | &TimezoneOffsetDoubleColon
                     | &TimezoneOffsetTripleColon
                     | &TimezoneOffset => {
-                        let offset = try_consume!(scan::timezone_offset(
-                            s.trim_left(),
-                            scan::colon_or_space
-                        ));
+                        s = scan::space1(s);
+                        let offset = try_consume!(scan::timezone_offset(s, scan::colon_or_space));
                         parsed.set_offset(i64::from(offset)).map_err(|e| (s, e))?;
                     &TimezoneOffsetColonZ | &TimezoneOffsetZ => {
-                        let offset = try_consume!(scan::timezone_offset_zulu(
-                            s.trim_left(),
-                            scan::colon_or_space
-                        ));
+                        s = scan::space1(s);
+                        let offset =
+                            try_consume!(scan::timezone_offset_zulu(s, scan::colon_or_space));
                         parsed.set_offset(i64::from(offset)).map_err(|e| (s, e))?;
                     &Internal(InternalFixed {
                         val: InternalInternal::TimezoneOffsetPermissive,
                     }) => {
-                        let offset = try_consume!(scan::timezone_offset_permissive(
-                            s.trim_left(),
-                            scan::colon_or_space
-                        ));
+                        s = scan::space1(s);
+                        let offset =
+                            try_consume!(scan::timezone_offset_permissive(s, scan::colon_or_space));
                         parsed.set_offset(i64::from(offset)).map_err(|e| (s, e))?;
@@ -472,15 +493,13 @@ where
 /// Accepts a relaxed form of RFC3339.
-/// A space or a 'T' are acepted as the separator between the date and time
-/// parts. Additional spaces are allowed between each component.
+/// A space or a 'T' are accepted as the separator between the date and time
+/// parts.
-/// All of these examples are equivalent:
 /// ```
 /// # use chrono::{DateTime, offset::FixedOffset};
-/// "2012-12-12T12:12:12Z".parse::<DateTime<FixedOffset>>();
-/// "2012-12-12 12:12:12Z".parse::<DateTime<FixedOffset>>();
-/// "2012-  12-12T12:  12:12Z".parse::<DateTime<FixedOffset>>();
+/// "2000-01-02T03:04:05Z".parse::<DateTime<FixedOffset>>();
+/// "2000-01-02 03:04:05Z".parse::<DateTime<FixedOffset>>();
 /// ```
 impl str::FromStr for DateTime<FixedOffset> {
     type Err = ParseError;
@@ -488,25 +507,19 @@ impl str::FromStr for DateTime<FixedOffset> {
     fn from_str(s: &str) -> ParseResult<DateTime<FixedOffset>> {
         const DATE_ITEMS: &[Item<'static>] = &[
             Item::Numeric(Numeric::Year, Pad::Zero),
-            Item::Space(""),
             Item::Numeric(Numeric::Month, Pad::Zero),
-            Item::Space(""),
             Item::Numeric(Numeric::Day, Pad::Zero),
         const TIME_ITEMS: &[Item<'static>] = &[
             Item::Numeric(Numeric::Hour, Pad::Zero),
-            Item::Space(""),
             Item::Numeric(Numeric::Minute, Pad::Zero),
-            Item::Space(""),
             Item::Numeric(Numeric::Second, Pad::Zero),
-            Item::Space(""),
-            Item::Space(""),
         let mut parsed = Parsed::new();
@@ -553,35 +566,66 @@ fn test_parse() {
     check!("",  []; );
     check!(" ", []; TOO_LONG);
     check!("a", []; TOO_LONG);
+    check!("abc", []; TOO_LONG);
     // whitespaces
     check!("",          [sp!("")]; );
-    check!(" ",         [sp!("")]; );
-    check!("\t",        [sp!("")]; );
-    check!(" \n\r  \n", [sp!("")]; );
+    check!(" ",         [sp!(" ")]; );
+    check!("  ",        [sp!("  ")]; );
+    check!("  ",        [sp!(" "), sp!(" ")]; );
+    check!("\t",        [sp!("\t")]; );
+    check!("\t\r",      [sp!("\t\r")]; );
+    check!("\t\r ",     [sp!("\t\r ")]; );
+    check!(" \n\r  \n", [sp!(" \n\r  \n")]; );
+    check!("abc",       []; TOO_LONG);
     check!("a",         [sp!("")]; TOO_LONG);
+    check!("abc",       [sp!("")]; TOO_LONG);
+    check!("  ",        [sp!(" ")]; TOO_LONG);
+    check!(" \t\n",     [sp!(" \t")]; TOO_LONG);
+    check!("",          [sp!(" ")]; TOO_SHORT);
+    check!(" ",         [sp!("  ")]; TOO_SHORT);
+    check!("  ",        [sp!("   ")]; TOO_SHORT);
+    check!("  ",        [sp!("  "), sp!("  ")]; TOO_SHORT);
     // literal
+    check!("",    [lit!("")]; );
     check!("",    [lit!("a")]; TOO_SHORT);
+    check!("๐Ÿค ",  [lit!("๐Ÿค ")]; );
+    check!("๐Ÿค a", [lit!("๐Ÿค "), lit!("a")]; );
+    check!("๐Ÿค a๐Ÿค ", [lit!("๐Ÿค "), lit!("a๐Ÿค ")]; );
     check!(" ",   [lit!("a")]; INVALID);
     check!("a",   [lit!("a")]; );
     check!("aa",  [lit!("a")]; TOO_LONG);
     check!("A",   [lit!("a")]; INVALID);
-    check!("xy",  [lit!("xy")]; );
-    check!("xy",  [lit!("x"), lit!("y")]; );
+    check!("1",   [lit!("1")]; );
+    check!("1234", [lit!("1234")]; );
+    check!("+1234", [lit!("+1234")]; );
+    check!("PST", [lit!("PST")]; );
+    check!("xy",  [lit!("xy")]; ); // literals can be together
+    check!("xy",  [lit!("x"), lit!("y")]; ); // or literals can be apart
     check!("x y", [lit!("x"), lit!("y")]; INVALID);
-    check!("xy",  [lit!("x"), sp!(""), lit!("y")]; );
-    check!("x y", [lit!("x"), sp!(""), lit!("y")]; );
+    check!("x y", [lit!("x"), sp!(" "), lit!("y")]; );
+    // whitespaces + literals
+    check!("a\n",         [lit!("a"), sp!("\n")]; );
+    check!("\tab\n",      [sp!("\t"), lit!("ab"), sp!("\n")]; );
+    check!("ab\tcd\ne",   [lit!("ab"), sp!("\t"), lit!("cd"), sp!("\n"), lit!("e")]; );
+    check!("+1ab\tcd\r\n+,.", [lit!("+1ab"), sp!("\t"), lit!("cd"), sp!("\r\n"), lit!("+,.")]; );
+    // whitespace and literals can be intermixed
+    check!("a\tb",        [lit!("a\tb")]; );
+    check!("a\tb",        [sp!("a\tb")]; );
     // numeric
     check!("1987",        [num!(Year)]; year: 1987);
     check!("1987 ",       [num!(Year)]; TOO_LONG);
     check!("0x12",        [num!(Year)]; TOO_LONG); // `0` is parsed
     check!("x123",        [num!(Year)]; INVALID);
+    check!("o123",        [num!(Year)]; INVALID);
     check!("2015",        [num!(Year)]; year: 2015);
     check!("0000",        [num!(Year)]; year:    0);
     check!("9999",        [num!(Year)]; year: 9999);
-    check!(" \t987",      [num!(Year)]; year:  987);
+    check!(" \t987",      [sp!(" \t"), num!(Year)]; year:  987);
+    check!(" \t987๐Ÿค ",    [sp!(" \t"), num!(Year), lit!("๐Ÿค ")]; year:  987);
     check!("5",           [num!(Year)]; year:    5);
     check!("5\0",         [num!(Year)]; TOO_LONG);
     check!("\x005",       [num!(Year)]; INVALID);
@@ -590,12 +634,14 @@ fn test_parse() {
     check!("12345",       [nums!(Year), lit!("5")]; year: 1234);
     check!("12345",       [num0!(Year), lit!("5")]; year: 1234);
     check!("12341234",    [num!(Year), num!(Year)]; year: 1234);
-    check!("1234 1234",   [num!(Year), num!(Year)]; year: 1234);
+    check!("1234 1234",   [num!(Year), sp!(" "), num!(Year)]; year: 1234);
     check!("1234 1235",   [num!(Year), num!(Year)]; IMPOSSIBLE);
     check!("1234 1234",   [num!(Year), lit!("x"), num!(Year)]; INVALID);
     check!("1234x1234",   [num!(Year), lit!("x"), num!(Year)]; year: 1234);
     check!("1234xx1234",  [num!(Year), lit!("x"), num!(Year)]; INVALID);
-    check!("1234 x 1234", [num!(Year), lit!("x"), num!(Year)]; INVALID);
+    check!("1234xx1234",  [num!(Year), lit!("xx"), num!(Year)]; year: 1234);
+    check!("1234 x 1234", [num!(Year), sp!(" "), lit!("x"), sp!(" "), num!(Year)]; year: 1234);
+    check!("1234 x 1235", [num!(Year), sp!(" "), lit!("x"), sp!(" "), lit!("1235")]; year: 1234);
     // signed numeric
     check!("-42",         [num!(Year)]; year: -42);
@@ -604,10 +650,10 @@ fn test_parse() {
     check!("+0042",       [num!(Year)]; year: 42);
     check!("-42195",      [num!(Year)]; year: -42195);
     check!("+42195",      [num!(Year)]; year: 42195);
-    check!("  -42195",    [num!(Year)]; year: -42195);
-    check!("  +42195",    [num!(Year)]; year: 42195);
-    check!("  -   42",    [num!(Year)]; INVALID);
-    check!("  +   42",    [num!(Year)]; INVALID);
+    check!("  -42195",    [sp!("  "), num!(Year)]; year: -42195);
+    check!("  +42195",    [sp!("  "), num!(Year)]; year: 42195);
+    check!("  -   42",    [sp!("  "), num!(Year)]; INVALID);
+    check!("  +   42",    [sp!("  "), num!(Year)]; INVALID);
     check!("-",           [num!(Year)]; TOO_SHORT);
     check!("+",           [num!(Year)]; TOO_SHORT);
@@ -615,26 +661,28 @@ fn test_parse() {
     check!("345",   [num!(Ordinal)]; ordinal: 345);
     check!("+345",  [num!(Ordinal)]; INVALID);
     check!("-345",  [num!(Ordinal)]; INVALID);
-    check!(" 345",  [num!(Ordinal)]; ordinal: 345);
-    check!(" +345", [num!(Ordinal)]; INVALID);
-    check!(" -345", [num!(Ordinal)]; INVALID);
+    check!("\t345", [sp!("\t"), num!(Ordinal)]; ordinal: 345);
+    check!(" +345", [sp!(" "), num!(Ordinal)]; INVALID);
+    check!(" -345", [sp!(" "), num!(Ordinal)]; INVALID);
     // various numeric fields
     check!("1234 5678",
-           [num!(Year), num!(IsoYear)];
+           [num!(Year), sp!(" "), num!(IsoYear)];
            year: 1234, isoyear: 5678);
     check!("12 34 56 78",
-           [num!(YearDiv100), num!(YearMod100), num!(IsoYearDiv100), num!(IsoYearMod100)];
+           [num!(YearDiv100), sp!(" "), num!(YearMod100), sp!(" "), num!(IsoYearDiv100),
+           sp!(" "), num!(IsoYearMod100)];
            year_div_100: 12, year_mod_100: 34, isoyear_div_100: 56, isoyear_mod_100: 78);
-    check!("1 2 3 4 5 6",
-           [num!(Month), num!(Day), num!(WeekFromSun), num!(WeekFromMon), num!(IsoWeek),
-            num!(NumDaysFromSun)];
+    check!("1 2 3\t4 5\n6",
+           [num!(Month), sp!(" "), num!(Day), sp!(" "), num!(WeekFromSun), sp!("\t"),
+           num!(WeekFromMon), sp!(" "), num!(IsoWeek), sp!("\n"), num!(NumDaysFromSun)];
            month: 1, day: 2, week_from_sun: 3, week_from_mon: 4, isoweek: 5, weekday: Weekday::Sat);
     check!("7 89 01",
-           [num!(WeekdayFromMon), num!(Ordinal), num!(Hour12)];
+           [num!(WeekdayFromMon), sp!(" "), num!(Ordinal), sp!(" "), num!(Hour12)];
            weekday: Weekday::Sun, ordinal: 89, hour_mod_12: 1);
     check!("23 45 6 78901234 567890123",
-           [num!(Hour), num!(Minute), num!(Second), num!(Nanosecond), num!(Timestamp)];
+           [num!(Hour), sp!(" "), num!(Minute), sp!(" "), num!(Second), sp!(" "),
+           num!(Nanosecond), sp!(" "), num!(Timestamp)];
            hour_div_12: 1, hour_mod_12: 11, minute: 45, second: 6, nanosecond: 78_901_234,
            timestamp: 567_890_123);
@@ -680,7 +728,10 @@ fn test_parse() {
     check!("AM",  [fix!(UpperAmPm)]; hour_div_12: 0);
     check!("PM",  [fix!(UpperAmPm)]; hour_div_12: 1);
     check!("Am",  [fix!(LowerAmPm)]; hour_div_12: 0);
+    check!(" Am", [sp!(" "), fix!(LowerAmPm)]; hour_div_12: 0);
     check!(" Am", [fix!(LowerAmPm)]; INVALID);
+    check!("a.m.", [fix!(LowerAmPm)]; INVALID);
+    check!("A.M.", [fix!(LowerAmPm)]; INVALID);
     check!("ame", [fix!(LowerAmPm)]; TOO_LONG); // `am` is parsed
     check!("a",   [fix!(LowerAmPm)]; TOO_SHORT);
     check!("p",   [fix!(LowerAmPm)]; TOO_SHORT);
@@ -697,10 +748,14 @@ fn test_parse() {
     check!(".42",           [fix!(Nanosecond)]; nanosecond: 420_000_000);
     check!(".421",          [fix!(Nanosecond)]; nanosecond: 421_000_000);
     check!(".42195",        [fix!(Nanosecond)]; nanosecond: 421_950_000);
+    check!(".421951",       [fix!(Nanosecond)]; nanosecond: 421_951_000);
+    check!(".4219512",      [fix!(Nanosecond)]; nanosecond: 421_951_200);
+    check!(".42195123",     [fix!(Nanosecond)]; nanosecond: 421_951_230);
     check!(".421950803",    [fix!(Nanosecond)]; nanosecond: 421_950_803);
     check!(".421950803547", [fix!(Nanosecond)]; nanosecond: 421_950_803);
     check!(".000000003547", [fix!(Nanosecond)]; nanosecond: 3);
     check!(".000000000547", [fix!(Nanosecond)]; nanosecond: 0);
+    check!(".0000000009999999999999999999999999", [fix!(Nanosecond)]; nanosecond: 0);
     check!(".",             [fix!(Nanosecond)]; TOO_SHORT);
     check!(".4x",           [fix!(Nanosecond)]; TOO_LONG);
     check!(".  4",          [fix!(Nanosecond)]; INVALID);
@@ -740,6 +795,16 @@ fn test_parse() {
     check!(".42100000",    [internal_fix!(Nanosecond9NoDot)]; INVALID);
     // fixed: timezone offsets
+    // TimezoneOffset
+    check!("+0",        [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; TOO_SHORT);
+    check!("+00",       [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; TOO_SHORT);
+    check!("+000",      [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; TOO_SHORT);
+    check!("+0000",     [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; offset: 0);
+    check!("+00000",    [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; TOO_LONG);
+    check!("+000000",   [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; TOO_LONG);
+    check!("0000",      [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; INVALID);
+    check!("000000",    [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; INVALID);
     check!("+00:00",    [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; offset: 0);
     check!("-00:00",    [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; offset: 0);
     check!("+00:01",    [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; offset: 60);
@@ -758,8 +823,19 @@ fn test_parse() {
     check!("#12:34",    [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; INVALID);
     check!("12:34",     [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; INVALID);
     check!("+12:34 ",   [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; TOO_LONG);
+    check!("+12:34",    [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; offset: 754 * 60);
+    check!("-12:34",    [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; offset: -754 * 60);
     check!(" +12:34",   [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; offset: 754 * 60);
-    check!("\t -12:34", [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; offset: -754 * 60);
+    check!(" -12:34",   [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; offset: -754 * 60);
+    check!("  +12:34",  [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; INVALID);
+    check!("  -12:34",  [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; INVALID);
+    check!("-12: 34",   [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; offset: -754 * 60);
+    check!("-12 :34",   [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; offset: -754 * 60);
+    check!("-12 : 34",  [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; offset: -754 * 60);
+    check!("-12 :  34", [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; INVALID);
+    check!("-12  : 34", [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; INVALID);
+    check!("-12:  34",  [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; INVALID);
+    check!("-12  :34",  [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; INVALID);
     check!("",          [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; TOO_SHORT);
     check!("+",         [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; TOO_SHORT);
     check!("+1",        [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; TOO_SHORT);
@@ -768,20 +844,121 @@ fn test_parse() {
     check!("+1234",     [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; offset: 754 * 60);
     check!("+12345",    [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; TOO_LONG);
     check!("+12345",    [fix!(TimezoneOffset), num!(Day)]; offset: 754 * 60, day: 5);
+    check!(":Z",        [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; INVALID);
     check!("Z",         [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; INVALID);
     check!("z",         [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; INVALID);
+    check!(" :Z",       [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; INVALID);
+    check!(" Z",        [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; INVALID);
+    check!(" z",        [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; INVALID);
+    // TimezoneOffsetColon
+    check!("+0",        [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; TOO_SHORT);
+    check!("+00",       [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; TOO_SHORT);
+    check!("+000",      [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; TOO_SHORT);
+    check!("+0000",     [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; offset: 0);
+    check!("+00000",    [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; TOO_LONG);
+    check!("+000000",   [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; TOO_LONG);
+    check!("0000",      [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; INVALID);
+    check!("000000",    [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; INVALID);
+    check!("+00:00",    [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; offset: 0);
+    check!("-00:00",    [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; offset: 0);
+    check!("-0000",     [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; offset: 0);
+    check!("+00:01",    [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; offset: 60);
+    check!("+0001",     [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; offset: 60);
+    check!("-00:01",    [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; offset: -60);
+    check!("-0001",     [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; offset: -60);
+    check!("+00:30",    [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; offset: 30 * 60);
+    check!("+0030",     [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; offset: 30 * 60);
+    check!("-00:30",    [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; offset: -30 * 60);
+    check!("-0030",     [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; offset: -30 * 60);
+    check!("+04:56",    [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; offset: 296 * 60);
+    check!("+0456",     [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; offset: 296 * 60);
+    check!("-04:56",    [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; offset: -296 * 60);
+    check!("-0456",     [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; offset: -296 * 60);
+    check!("+24:00",    [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; offset: 24 * 60 * 60);
+    check!("+2400",     [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; offset: 24 * 60 * 60);
+    check!("#12:34",    [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; INVALID);
+    check!("#1234",     [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; INVALID);
+    check!("1234",      [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; INVALID);
+    check!("12:34",     [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; INVALID);
+    check!("+12:34 ",   [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; TOO_LONG);
+    check!("+12:34",    [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; offset: 754 * 60);
+    check!("+1234",     [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; offset: 754 * 60);
+    check!("-12:34",    [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; offset: -754 * 60);
+    check!("-12: 34",   [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; offset: -754 * 60);
+    check!("-12 :34",   [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; offset: -754 * 60);
+    check!("-12 : 34",  [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; offset: -754 * 60);
+    check!("-12 :  34", [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; INVALID);
+    check!("-12  : 34", [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; INVALID);
+    check!("-12:  34",  [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; INVALID);
+    check!("-12  :34",  [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; INVALID);
+    check!("-1234",     [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; offset: -754 * 60);
+    check!("\t+12:34",  [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; offset: 754 * 60);
+    check!("\t\t+12:34", [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; INVALID);
+    check!("",          [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; TOO_SHORT);
+    check!("+",         [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; TOO_SHORT);
+    check!(":",         [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; INVALID);
+    check!("+1",        [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; TOO_SHORT);
+    check!("+12",       [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; TOO_SHORT);
+    check!("+123",      [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; TOO_SHORT);
+    check!("+1234",     [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; offset: 754 * 60);
+    check!("+12345",    [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]; TOO_LONG);
+    check!("+12345",    [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon), num!(Day)]; offset: 754 * 60, day: 5);
+    // testing `TimezoneOffsetColon` also tests same path as `TimezoneOffsetDoubleColon`
+    // and `TimezoneOffsetTripleColon` for function `parse_internal`.
+    // No need for separate tests.
+    // TimezoneOffsetZ
+    check!("+0",        [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ)]; TOO_SHORT);
+    check!("+00",       [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ)]; TOO_SHORT);
+    check!("+000",      [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ)]; TOO_SHORT);
+    check!("+0000",     [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ)]; offset: 0);
+    check!("+00000",    [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ)]; TOO_LONG);
+    check!("+000000",   [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ)]; TOO_LONG);
+    check!("0000",      [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ)]; INVALID);
+    check!("000000",    [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ)]; INVALID);
     check!("Z",         [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ)]; offset: 0);
     check!("z",         [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ)]; offset: 0);
+    check!(" Z",        [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ)]; offset: 0);
+    check!(" z",        [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ)]; offset: 0);
+    check!("Z ",        [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ)]; TOO_LONG);
+    check!(":Z",        [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ)]; INVALID);
+    check!(":z",        [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ)]; INVALID);
+    check!("+Z",        [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ)]; INVALID);
+    check!("-Z",        [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ)]; INVALID);
+    check!(" +Z",       [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ)]; INVALID);
+    check!(" -Z",       [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ)]; INVALID);
+    check!("+:Z",       [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ)]; INVALID);
     check!("Y",         [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ)]; INVALID);
+    check!("+00:01",    [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ)]; offset: 60);
+    check!("-00:01",    [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ)]; offset: -60);
+    check!("+00: 01",    [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ)]; offset: 60);
+    check!("+00 :01",    [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ)]; offset: 60);
+    check!("+00 : 01",    [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ)]; offset: 60);
+    check!("+00  : 01",    [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ)]; INVALID);
+    check!("+00 :  01",    [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ)]; INVALID);
+    check!("00:01",     [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ)]; INVALID);
     check!("Zulu",      [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ), lit!("ulu")]; offset: 0);
     check!("zulu",      [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ), lit!("ulu")]; offset: 0);
     check!("+1234ulu",  [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ), lit!("ulu")]; offset: 754 * 60);
     check!("+12:34ulu", [fix!(TimezoneOffsetZ), lit!("ulu")]; offset: 754 * 60);
+    // Testing `TimezoneOffsetZ` also tests same path as `TimezoneOffsetColonZ`
+    // in function `parse_internal`.
+    // So no need for separate tests.
+    // TimezoneOffsetPermissive
     check!("Z",         [internal_fix!(TimezoneOffsetPermissive)]; offset: 0);
     check!("z",         [internal_fix!(TimezoneOffsetPermissive)]; offset: 0);
     check!("+12:00",    [internal_fix!(TimezoneOffsetPermissive)]; offset: 12 * 60 * 60);
     check!("+12",       [internal_fix!(TimezoneOffsetPermissive)]; offset: 12 * 60 * 60);
+    // TimezoneName
+    check!("CEST",      [fix!(TimezoneName)]; );
+    check!("cest",      [fix!(TimezoneName)]; );
+    check!("XXXXXXXX",  [fix!(TimezoneName)]; ); // not a real timezone name
     check!("CEST 5",    [fix!(TimezoneName), lit!(" "), num!(Day)]; day: 5);
+    check!("CEST ",     [fix!(TimezoneName)]; TOO_LONG);
+    check!(" CEST",     [fix!(TimezoneName)]; TOO_LONG);
     // some practical examples
@@ -789,23 +966,57 @@ fn test_parse() {
             num!(Hour), lit!(":"), num!(Minute), lit!(":"), num!(Second), fix!(TimezoneOffset)];
            year: 2015, month: 2, day: 4, hour_div_12: 1, hour_mod_12: 2,
            minute: 37, second: 5, offset: 32400);
+    // XXX: known failures
+    //check!("2015-02-04T14:37:05+09 ",
+    //    [num!(Year), lit!("-"), num!(Month), lit!("-"), num!(Day), lit!("T"),
+    //        num!(Hour), lit!(":"), num!(Minute), lit!(":"), num!(Second), fix!(TimezoneOffset),
+    //        lit!(" ")];
+    //       year: 2015, month: 2, day: 4, hour_div_12: 1, hour_mod_12: 2,
+    //       minute: 37, second: 5, offset: 32400);
+    //check!("2015-02-04T14:37:05+09๐Ÿค ",
+    //       [num!(Year), lit!("-"), num!(Month), lit!("-"), num!(Day), lit!("T"),
+    //        num!(Hour), lit!(":"), num!(Minute), lit!(":"), num!(Second), fix!(TimezoneOffset),
+    //        lit!("๐Ÿค ")];
+    //       year: 2015, month: 2, day: 4, hour_div_12: 1, hour_mod_12: 2,
+    //       minute: 37, second: 5, offset: 32400);
             [num!(Year), num!(Month), num!(Day),
             num!(Hour), num!(Minute), num!(Second), internal_fix!(Nanosecond3NoDot)];
             year: 2015, month: 2, day: 4, hour_div_12: 1, hour_mod_12: 2,
             minute: 37, second: 5, nanosecond: 567000000);
-    check!("Mon, 10 Jun 2013 09:32:37 GMT",
+    check!("20150204143705.567",
+            [num!(Year), num!(Month), num!(Day),
+            num!(Hour), num!(Minute), num!(Second), fix!(Nanosecond)];
+            year: 2015, month: 2, day: 4, hour_div_12: 1, hour_mod_12: 2,
+            minute: 37, second: 5, nanosecond: 567000000);
+    check!("20150204143705.567891",
+            [num!(Year), num!(Month), num!(Day),
+            num!(Hour), num!(Minute), num!(Second), fix!(Nanosecond)];
+            year: 2015, month: 2, day: 4, hour_div_12: 1, hour_mod_12: 2,
+            minute: 37, second: 5, nanosecond: 567891000);
+    check!("20150204143705.567891023",
+            [num!(Year), num!(Month), num!(Day),
+            num!(Hour), num!(Minute), num!(Second), fix!(Nanosecond)];
+            year: 2015, month: 2, day: 4, hour_div_12: 1, hour_mod_12: 2,
+            minute: 37, second: 5, nanosecond: 567891023);
+    check!("Mon, 10 Jun 2013 09:32:37  GMT",
            [fix!(ShortWeekdayName), lit!(","), sp!(" "), num!(Day), sp!(" "),
             fix!(ShortMonthName), sp!(" "), num!(Year), sp!(" "), num!(Hour), lit!(":"),
-            num!(Minute), lit!(":"), num!(Second), sp!(" "), lit!("GMT")];
+            num!(Minute), lit!(":"), num!(Second), sp!("  "), lit!("GMT")];
+           year: 2013, month: 6, day: 10, weekday: Weekday::Mon,
+           hour_div_12: 0, hour_mod_12: 9, minute: 32, second: 37);
+    check!("๐Ÿค Mon, 10 Jun๐Ÿค 2013 09:32:37  GMT๐Ÿค ",
+           [lit!("๐Ÿค "), fix!(ShortWeekdayName), lit!(","), sp!(" "), num!(Day), sp!(" "),
+            fix!(ShortMonthName), lit!("๐Ÿค "), num!(Year), sp!(" "), num!(Hour), lit!(":"),
+            num!(Minute), lit!(":"), num!(Second), sp!("  "), lit!("GMT"), lit!("๐Ÿค ")];
            year: 2013, month: 6, day: 10, weekday: Weekday::Mon,
            hour_div_12: 0, hour_mod_12: 9, minute: 32, second: 37);
     check!("Sun Aug 02 13:39:15 CEST 2020",
-            [fix!(ShortWeekdayName), sp!(" "), fix!(ShortMonthName), sp!(" "),
+           [fix!(ShortWeekdayName), sp!(" "), fix!(ShortMonthName), sp!(" "),
             num!(Day), sp!(" "), num!(Hour), lit!(":"), num!(Minute), lit!(":"),
             num!(Second), sp!(" "), fix!(TimezoneName), sp!(" "), num!(Year)];
-            year: 2020, month: 8, day: 2, weekday: Weekday::Sun,
-            hour_div_12: 1, hour_mod_12: 1, minute: 39, second: 15);
+           year: 2020, month: 8, day: 2, weekday: Weekday::Sun,
+           hour_div_12: 1, hour_mod_12: 1, minute: 39, second: 15);
            [num!(Year), num!(Month), num!(Day), num!(Hour), num!(Minute), num!(Second)];
            year: 2006, month: 1, day: 2, hour_div_12: 1, hour_mod_12: 3, minute: 4, second: 5);
@@ -818,6 +1029,22 @@ fn test_parse() {
            [num!(Timestamp), fix!(Nanosecond)];
            nanosecond: 567_890_000, timestamp: 12_345_678_901_234);
+    // docstring examples from `impl str::FromStr`
+    check!("2000-01-02T03:04:05Z",
+           [num!(Year), lit!("-"), num!(Month), lit!("-"), num!(Day), lit!("T"),
+           num!(Hour), lit!(":"), num!(Minute), lit!(":"), num!(Second),
+           internal_fix!(TimezoneOffsetPermissive)];
+           year: 2000, month: 1, day: 2,
+           hour_div_12: 0, hour_mod_12: 3, minute: 4, second: 5,
+           offset: 0);
+    check!("2000-01-02 03:04:05Z",
+           [num!(Year), lit!("-"), num!(Month), lit!("-"), num!(Day), sp!(" "),
+           num!(Hour), lit!(":"), num!(Minute), lit!(":"), num!(Second),
+           internal_fix!(TimezoneOffsetPermissive)];
+           year: 2000, month: 1, day: 2,
+           hour_div_12: 0, hour_mod_12: 3, minute: 4, second: 5,
+           offset: 0);
@@ -834,6 +1061,8 @@ fn test_parse_rfc2822() {
         ("Fri,  2 Jan 2015 17:35:20 -0800", Ok("Fri, 02 Jan 2015 17:35:20 -0800")), // folding whitespace
         ("Fri, 02 Jan 2015 17:35:20 -0800", Ok("Fri, 02 Jan 2015 17:35:20 -0800")), // leading zero
         ("Tue, 20 Jan 2015 17:35:20 -0800 (UTC)", Ok("Tue, 20 Jan 2015 17:35:20 -0800")), // trailing comment
+        ("Tue,  20 Jan 2015 17:35:20 -0800 (UTC)", Ok("Tue, 20 Jan 2015 17:35:20 -0800")), // intermixed arbitrary whitespace
+        ("Tue, 20     Jan   2015\t17:35:20\t-0800\t\t(UTC)", Ok("Tue, 20 Jan 2015 17:35:20 -0800")), // intermixed arbitrary whitespace
             r"Tue, 20 Jan 2015 17:35:20 -0800 ( (UTC ) (\( (a)\(( \t ) ) \\( \) ))",
             Ok("Tue, 20 Jan 2015 17:35:20 -0800"),
@@ -858,6 +1087,7 @@ fn test_parse_rfc2822() {
         ("Tue, 20 Jan 2015 17:35:20 -0890", Err(OUT_OF_RANGE)), // bad offset
         ("6 Jun 1944 04:00:00Z", Err(INVALID)),            // bad offset (zulu not allowed)
         ("Tue, 20 Jan 2015 17:35:20 HAS", Err(NOT_ENOUGH)), // bad named time zone
+        ("Tue, 20 Jan 2015๐Ÿ˜ˆ17:35:20 -0800", Err(INVALID)), // bad character!
     fn rfc2822_to_datetime(date: &str) -> ParseResult<DateTime<FixedOffset>> {
diff --git a/src/format/ b/src/format/
index 7334a3b2ed..512c410e30 100644
--- a/src/format/
+++ b/src/format/
@@ -198,9 +198,69 @@ pub(super) fn space(s: &str) -> ParseResult<&str> {
-/// Consumes any number (including zero) of colon or spaces.
+/// returns slice `s` remaining after first char
+/// if `s.len() <= 1` then return an empty slice
+pub(super) fn s_next(s: &str) -> &str {
+    if s.len() <= 1 {
+        return &s[s.len()..];
+    }
+    match s.char_indices().nth(1) {
+        Some((offset, _)) => &s[offset..],
+        None => {
+            panic!("unexpected None for s {:?}.char_indices().nth(1)", s)
+        }
+    }
+/// Consume one whitespace from the start of `s` if the first `char` is
+/// whitespace.
+pub(super) fn space1(s: &str) -> &str {
+    match s.chars().next() {
+        Some(c) if c.is_whitespace() => s_next(s),
+        Some(_) | None => s,
+    }
+/// Allow a colon with possible whitespace padding.
+/// Consumes zero or one of leading patterns
+/// `":"`, `" "`, `" :"`, `": "`, or `" : "`
 pub(super) fn colon_or_space(s: &str) -> ParseResult<&str> {
-    Ok(s.trim_left_matches(|c: char| c == ':' || c.is_whitespace()))
+    let c0_ = match s.chars().next() {
+        Some(c) => c,
+        None => {
+            return Ok(s);
+        }
+    };
+    if c0_ != ':' && !c0_.is_whitespace() {
+        return Ok(s);
+    }
+    let c1_ = s.chars().nth(1);
+    match (c0_, c1_) {
+        (c0, None) if c0 == ':' || c0.is_whitespace() => {
+            return Ok(s_next(s));
+        }
+        (c0, Some(c1)) if c0 == ':' && c1.is_whitespace() => {
+            return Ok(s_next(s_next(s)));
+        }
+        (c0, Some(c1)) if c0 == ':' && !c1.is_whitespace() => {
+            return Ok(s_next(s));
+        }
+        (c0, Some(c1)) if c0.is_whitespace() && (!c1.is_whitespace() && c1 != ':') => {
+            return Ok(s_next(s));
+        }
+        _ => {}
+    }
+    let c2_ = s.chars().nth(2);
+    match (c0_, c1_, c2_) {
+        (c0, Some(c1), None) if c0.is_whitespace() && c1 == ':' => Ok(s_next(s_next(s))),
+        (c0, Some(c1), Some(c2)) if c0.is_whitespace() && c1 == ':' && !c2.is_whitespace() => {
+            Ok(s_next(s_next(s)))
+        }
+        (c0, Some(c1), Some(c2)) if c0.is_whitespace() && c1 == ':' && c2.is_whitespace() => {
+            Ok(s_next(s_next(s_next(s))))
+        }
+        _ => Ok(s),
+    }
 /// Tries to parse `[-+]\d\d` continued by `\d\d`. Return an offset in seconds if possible.
@@ -238,6 +298,16 @@ where
     s = &s[1..];
+    // special check for `Z` to return more accurate error `INVALID`.
+    // Otherwise the upcoming match for digits might return error `TOO_SHORT`
+    // which is confusing for the user.
+    match s.as_bytes().first() {
+        Some(&b'Z') | Some(&b'z') => {
+            return Err(INVALID);
+        }
+        _ => {}
+    }
     // hours (00--99)
     let hours = match digits(s)? {
         (h1 @ b'0'..=b'9', h2 @ b'0'..=b'9') => i32::from((h1 - b'0') * 10 + (h2 - b'0')),
@@ -413,3 +483,68 @@ fn test_rfc2822_comments() {
+fn test_space() {
+    assert_eq!(space(""), Err(TOO_SHORT));
+    assert_eq!(space(" "), Ok(""));
+    assert_eq!(space(" \t"), Ok(""));
+    assert_eq!(space(" \ta"), Ok("a"));
+    assert_eq!(space(" \ta "), Ok("a "));
+    assert_eq!(space("a"), Err(INVALID));
+    assert_eq!(space("a "), Err(INVALID));
+fn test_s_next() {
+    assert_eq!(s_next(""), "");
+    assert_eq!(s_next(" "), "");
+    assert_eq!(s_next("a"), "");
+    assert_eq!(s_next("ab"), "b");
+    assert_eq!(s_next("abc"), "bc");
+    assert_eq!(s_next("๐Ÿ˜พb"), "b");
+    assert_eq!(s_next("a๐Ÿ˜พ"), "๐Ÿ˜พ");
+    assert_eq!(s_next("๐Ÿ˜พbc"), "bc");
+    assert_eq!(s_next("a๐Ÿ˜พc"), "๐Ÿ˜พc");
+fn test_space1() {
+    assert_eq!(space1(""), "");
+    assert_eq!(space1(" "), "");
+    assert_eq!(space1("\t"), "");
+    assert_eq!(space1("\t\t"), "\t");
+    assert_eq!(space1("  "), " ");
+    assert_eq!(space1("a"), "a");
+    assert_eq!(space1("a "), "a ");
+    assert_eq!(space1("ab"), "ab");
+    assert_eq!(space1("๐Ÿ˜ผ"), "๐Ÿ˜ผ");
+    assert_eq!(space1("๐Ÿ˜ผb"), "๐Ÿ˜ผb");
+fn test_colon_or_space() {
+    assert_eq!(colon_or_space(""), Ok(""));
+    assert_eq!(colon_or_space(" "), Ok(""));
+    assert_eq!(colon_or_space(":"), Ok(""));
+    assert_eq!(colon_or_space(" :"), Ok(""));
+    assert_eq!(colon_or_space(": "), Ok(""));
+    assert_eq!(colon_or_space(" : "), Ok(""));
+    assert_eq!(colon_or_space(" :: "), Ok(": "));
+    assert_eq!(colon_or_space("๐Ÿ˜ธ"), Ok("๐Ÿ˜ธ"));
+    assert_eq!(colon_or_space("๐Ÿ˜ธ๐Ÿ˜ธ"), Ok("๐Ÿ˜ธ๐Ÿ˜ธ"));
+    assert_eq!(colon_or_space("๐Ÿ˜ธ:"), Ok("๐Ÿ˜ธ:"));
+    assert_eq!(colon_or_space("๐Ÿ˜ธ "), Ok("๐Ÿ˜ธ "));
+    assert_eq!(colon_or_space(" ๐Ÿ˜ธ"), Ok("๐Ÿ˜ธ"));
+    assert_eq!(colon_or_space(":๐Ÿ˜ธ"), Ok("๐Ÿ˜ธ"));
+    assert_eq!(colon_or_space(":๐Ÿ˜ธ "), Ok("๐Ÿ˜ธ "));
+    assert_eq!(colon_or_space(" :๐Ÿ˜ธ"), Ok("๐Ÿ˜ธ"));
+    assert_eq!(colon_or_space(" :๐Ÿ˜ธ "), Ok("๐Ÿ˜ธ "));
+    assert_eq!(colon_or_space(" :๐Ÿ˜ธ:"), Ok("๐Ÿ˜ธ:"));
+    assert_eq!(colon_or_space(": ๐Ÿ˜ธ"), Ok("๐Ÿ˜ธ"));
+    assert_eq!(colon_or_space(":  ๐Ÿ˜ธ"), Ok(" ๐Ÿ˜ธ"));
+    assert_eq!(colon_or_space(": :๐Ÿ˜ธ"), Ok(":๐Ÿ˜ธ"));
+    assert_eq!(colon_or_space(" : ๐Ÿ˜ธ"), Ok("๐Ÿ˜ธ"));
+    assert_eq!(colon_or_space(" ::๐Ÿ˜ธ"), Ok(":๐Ÿ˜ธ"));
+    assert_eq!(colon_or_space(" :: ๐Ÿ˜ธ"), Ok(": ๐Ÿ˜ธ"));
diff --git a/src/format/ b/src/format/
index bece1b58a3..eacb68a485 100644
--- a/src/format/
+++ b/src/format/
@@ -466,28 +466,54 @@ impl<'a> Iterator for StrftimeItems<'a> {
-            // the next item is space
+            // whitespace
             Some(c) if c.is_whitespace() => {
-                // `%` is not a whitespace, so `c != '%'` is redundant
-                let nextspec = self
-                    .remainder
-                    .find(|c: char| !c.is_whitespace())
-                    .unwrap_or(self.remainder.len());
-                assert!(nextspec > 0);
-                let item = sp!(&self.remainder[..nextspec]);
-                self.remainder = &self.remainder[nextspec..];
+                // LAST WORKING HERE 20220830 must compare whitespace chars
+                // wait, are any tests checking for mismatching whitespace? what about wide chars?
+                // same for case of literals below
+                let ws = self.remainder;
+                let mut end: usize = 0;
+                for (offset, c_) in self.remainder.char_indices() {
+                    if !c_.is_whitespace() {
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    // advance `end` by 1 char
+                    end = offset;
+                }
+                // get the offset of the last char too
+                end += match &self.remainder[end..].char_indices().nth(1) {
+                    Some((offset, _c)) => *offset,
+                    None => self.remainder[end..].len(),
+                };
+                self.remainder = &self.remainder[end..];
+                let item = sp!(&ws[..end]);
-            // the next item is literal
-            _ => {
-                let nextspec = self
-                    .remainder
-                    .find(|c: char| c.is_whitespace() || c == '%')
-                    .unwrap_or(self.remainder.len());
-                assert!(nextspec > 0);
-                let item = lit!(&self.remainder[..nextspec]);
-                self.remainder = &self.remainder[nextspec..];
+            // literals
+            Some(_c) => {
+                let ws = self.remainder;
+                let mut end: usize = 0;
+                fn is_literal(c: &char) -> bool {
+                    if !c.is_whitespace() && c != &'%' {
+                        return true;
+                    }
+                    false
+                }
+                for (offset, c_) in self.remainder.char_indices() {
+                    if !is_literal(&c_) {
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    // advance `end` by 1 char
+                    end = offset;
+                }
+                // get the offset of the last char too
+                end += match &self.remainder[end..].char_indices().nth(1) {
+                    Some((offset, _c)) => *offset,
+                    None => self.remainder[end..].len(),
+                };
+                self.remainder = &self.remainder[end..];
+                let item = lit!(&ws[..end]);
@@ -499,8 +525,11 @@ impl<'a> Iterator for StrftimeItems<'a> {
 fn test_strftime_items() {
     fn parse_and_collect(s: &str) -> Vec<Item<'_>> {
         // map any error into `[Item::Error]`. useful for easy testing.
+        eprintln!("test_strftime_items: parse_and_collect({:?})", s);
         let items = StrftimeItems::new(s);
+        eprintln!("  items: {:?}", &items);
         let items =|spec| if spec == Item::Error { None } else { Some(spec) });
+        eprintln!("  items: {:?}", &items);
         items.collect::<Option<Vec<_>>>().unwrap_or_else(|| vec![Item::Error])
@@ -518,6 +547,7 @@ fn test_strftime_items() {
         [num0!(Year), lit!("-"), num0!(Month), lit!("-"), num0!(Day)]
+    assert_eq!(parse_and_collect("%Y--%m"), [num0!(Year), lit!("--"), num0!(Month)]);
     assert_eq!(parse_and_collect("[%F]"), parse_and_collect("[%Y-%m-%d]"));
     assert_eq!(parse_and_collect("%m %d"), [num0!(Month), sp!(" "), num0!(Day)]);
     assert_eq!(parse_and_collect("%"), [Item::Error]);
@@ -543,6 +573,9 @@ fn test_strftime_items() {
     assert_eq!(parse_and_collect("%0e"), [num0!(Day)]);
     assert_eq!(parse_and_collect("%_e"), [nums!(Day)]);
     assert_eq!(parse_and_collect("%z"), [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]);
+    assert_eq!(parse_and_collect("%:z"), [fix!(TimezoneOffsetColon)]);
+    assert_eq!(parse_and_collect("%Z"), [fix!(TimezoneName)]);
+    assert_eq!(parse_and_collect("%ZZZZ"), [fix!(TimezoneName), lit!("ZZZ")]);
     assert_eq!(parse_and_collect("%#z"), [internal_fix!(TimezoneOffsetPermissive)]);
     assert_eq!(parse_and_collect("%#m"), [Item::Error]);
@@ -643,6 +676,13 @@ fn test_strftime_format() {
     assert_eq!(dt.format("%t").to_string(), "\t");
     assert_eq!(dt.format("%n").to_string(), "\n");
     assert_eq!(dt.format("%%").to_string(), "%");
+    // complex format specifiers
+    assert_eq!(dt.format("  %Y%d%m%%%%%t%H%M%S\t").to_string(), "  20010807%%\t003460\t");
+    assert_eq!(
+        dt.format("  %Y%d%m%%%%%t%H:%P:%M%S%:::z\t").to_string(),
+        "  20010807%%\t00:am:3460+09\t"
+    );
 #[cfg(feature = "unstable-locales")]
diff --git a/src/naive/ b/src/naive/
index cb2898dcfb..c473d7ff3e 100644
--- a/src/naive/
+++ b/src/naive/
@@ -1953,13 +1953,10 @@ impl str::FromStr for NaiveDate {
     fn from_str(s: &str) -> ParseResult<NaiveDate> {
         const ITEMS: &[Item<'static>] = &[
             Item::Numeric(Numeric::Year, Pad::Zero),
-            Item::Space(""),
             Item::Numeric(Numeric::Month, Pad::Zero),
-            Item::Space(""),
             Item::Numeric(Numeric::Day, Pad::Zero),
-            Item::Space(""),
         let mut parsed = Parsed::new();
@@ -2611,24 +2608,28 @@ mod tests {
         // valid cases
         let valid = [
-            "    -123456 - 1 - 2    ",
+            "-123456-1-2",
-            "2015-2 -18",
+            "2015-2-18",
+            "2015-02-18",
         for &s in &valid {
+            eprintln!("test_date_from_str test case {:?}", s);
             let d = match s.parse::<NaiveDate>() {
                 Ok(d) => d,
                 Err(e) => panic!("parsing `{}` has failed: {}", s, e),
+            eprintln!("d  {:?} (NaiveDate)", d);
             let s_ = format!("{:?}", d);
+            eprintln!("s_ {:?}", s_);
             // `s` and `s_` may differ, but `s.parse()` and `s_.parse()` must be same
             let d_ = match s_.parse::<NaiveDate>() {
                 Ok(d) => d,
@@ -2636,6 +2637,7 @@ mod tests {
                     panic!("`{}` is parsed into `{:?}`, but reparsing that has failed: {}", s, d, e)
+            eprintln!("d_ {:?} (NaiveDate)", d_);
                 d == d_,
                 "`{}` is parsed into `{:?}`, but reparsed result \
@@ -2653,6 +2655,7 @@ mod tests {
+        assert!("2014-11-32".parse::<NaiveDate>().is_err());
         assert!("9999999-9-9".parse::<NaiveDate>().is_err()); // out-of-bounds
@@ -2665,7 +2668,7 @@ mod tests {
             Ok(ymd(2014, 5, 7))
         ); // ignore time and offset
-            NaiveDate::parse_from_str("2015-W06-1=2015-033", "%G-W%V-%u = %Y-%j"),
+            NaiveDate::parse_from_str("2015-W06-1=2015-033", "%G-W%V-%u=%Y-%j"),
             Ok(ymd(2015, 2, 2))
diff --git a/src/naive/datetime/ b/src/naive/datetime/
index 49cc091504..97f2614645 100644
--- a/src/naive/datetime/
+++ b/src/naive/datetime/
@@ -1619,23 +1619,17 @@ impl str::FromStr for NaiveDateTime {
     fn from_str(s: &str) -> ParseResult<NaiveDateTime> {
         const ITEMS: &[Item<'static>] = &[
             Item::Numeric(Numeric::Year, Pad::Zero),
-            Item::Space(""),
             Item::Numeric(Numeric::Month, Pad::Zero),
-            Item::Space(""),
             Item::Numeric(Numeric::Day, Pad::Zero),
-            Item::Space(""),
             Item::Literal("T"), // XXX shouldn't this be case-insensitive?
             Item::Numeric(Numeric::Hour, Pad::Zero),
-            Item::Space(""),
             Item::Numeric(Numeric::Minute, Pad::Zero),
-            Item::Space(""),
             Item::Numeric(Numeric::Second, Pad::Zero),
-            Item::Space(""),
         let mut parsed = Parsed::new();
diff --git a/src/naive/datetime/ b/src/naive/datetime/
index c313d586b5..12e73a92c3 100644
--- a/src/naive/datetime/
+++ b/src/naive/datetime/
@@ -113,11 +113,13 @@ fn test_datetime_timestamp() {
 fn test_datetime_from_str() {
     // valid cases
     let valid = [
-        "2015-2-18T23:16:9.15",
+        "2015-02-18T23:16:09.153",
+        "2015-2-18T23:16:09.153",
-        "  +82701  -  05  -  6  T  15  :  9  : 60.898989898989   ",
+        //"  +82701  -  05  -  6  T  15  :  9  : 60.898989898989   ",
     for &s in &valid {
+        eprintln!("test_datetime_from_str {:?}", s);
         let d = match s.parse::<NaiveDateTime>() {
             Ok(d) => d,
             Err(e) => panic!("parsing `{}` has failed: {}", s, e),
diff --git a/src/naive/time/ b/src/naive/time/
index 84305bf8f5..7ab0dffb73 100644
--- a/src/naive/time/
+++ b/src/naive/time/
@@ -1300,14 +1300,11 @@ impl str::FromStr for NaiveTime {
     fn from_str(s: &str) -> ParseResult<NaiveTime> {
         const ITEMS: &[Item<'static>] = &[
             Item::Numeric(Numeric::Hour, Pad::Zero),
-            Item::Space(""),
             Item::Numeric(Numeric::Minute, Pad::Zero),
-            Item::Space(""),
             Item::Numeric(Numeric::Second, Pad::Zero),
-            Item::Space(""),
         let mut parsed = Parsed::new();
diff --git a/src/naive/time/ b/src/naive/time/
index 4df26d9402..98b5167ac3 100644
--- a/src/naive/time/
+++ b/src/naive/time/
@@ -196,12 +196,38 @@ fn test_time_parse_from_str() {
-        " 4 : 3 : 2.1 ",
-        " 09:08:07 ",
-        " 9:8:07 ",
+        "01:02:03",
+        "4:3:2.1",
+        "9:8:7",
+        "09:8:7",
+        "9:08:7",
+        "9:8:07",
+        "09:08:7",
+        "09:8:07",
+        "09:08:7",
+        //"09:08:00000000007",
+        "9:08:07",
+        "09:08:07",
+        "9:8:07.123",
+        "9:08:7.123",
+        "09:8:7.123",
+        "09:08:7.123",
+        "9:08:07.123",
+        "09:8:07.123",
+        "09:08:07.123",
+        "09:08:07.123",
+        "09:08:07.1234",
+        "09:08:07.12345",
+        "09:08:07.123456",
+        "09:08:07.1234567",
+        "09:08:07.12345678",
+        "09:08:07.123456789",
+        "09:08:07.1234567891",
+        "09:08:07.12345678912",
     for &s in &valid {
+        eprintln!("test_time_parse_from_str: {:?}", s);
         let d = match s.parse::<NaiveTime>() {
             Ok(d) => d,
             Err(e) => panic!("parsing `{}` has failed: {}", s, e),
@@ -233,6 +259,9 @@ fn test_time_parse_from_str() {
+    assert!("001:02:03".parse::<NaiveTime>().is_err());
+    assert!("01:002:03".parse::<NaiveTime>().is_err());
+    assert!("01:02:003".parse::<NaiveTime>().is_err());
     assert!("12:34:56. 0".parse::<NaiveTime>().is_err());
@@ -245,6 +274,15 @@ fn test_naivetime_parse_from_str() {
         Ok(hms(12, 34, 56))
     ); // ignore date and offset
     assert_eq!(NaiveTime::parse_from_str("PM 12:59", "%P %H:%M"), Ok(hms(12, 59, 0)));
+    assert_eq!(NaiveTime::parse_from_str("12:59 \n\t PM", "%H:%M \n\t %P"), Ok(hms(12, 59, 0)));
+    assert_eq!(NaiveTime::parse_from_str("\t\t12:59\tPM\t", "\t\t%H:%M\t%P\t"), Ok(hms(12, 59, 0)));
+    assert_eq!(
+        NaiveTime::parse_from_str("\t\t1259\t\tPM\t", "\t\t%H%M\t\t%P\t"),
+        Ok(hms(12, 59, 0))
+    );
+    assert!(NaiveTime::parse_from_str("12:59 PM", "%H:%M\t%P").is_err());
+    assert!(NaiveTime::parse_from_str("\t\t12:59 PM\t", "\t\t%H:%M\t%P\t").is_err());
+    assert!(NaiveTime::parse_from_str("12:59  PM", "%H:%M %P").is_err());
     assert!(NaiveTime::parse_from_str("12:3456", "%H:%M:%S").is_err());