Made as a project for Holberton School
Please contact Susan or Chris for any questions, suggestions, or opportunities you would like to discuss!
A custom made printf function built in C using only the write, malloc, free, va_start, va_copy, va__arg, and va_end non custom functions.
The custom printf function is called using _printf() and will take in a format string, followed by an optional comma and argument list.
int _printf(const char *format, ...);
This is the prototype for our custom printf and will return the number of chararacters printed or in the case of a percentage sign at the end of a string, -1. A percentage sign and a specific conversion specifier in our format string will indicate a special print within the format string when matched with a corresponding provided argument.
%c : with a char argument, prints that char
%s : with a string argument, prints that string
%d : with an integer argument, prints that integer
%i : with an integer argument, prints that integer
%% : will print out just one of the percentage signs
%r : with a string argument, prints the reversed string
%R : with a string argument, prints the rot13 encoded version of string
%p : with a pointer address argument, prints the address in hexadecimal with preceding 0x
%S : with a string argument, prints any unprintable characters as \x and the 2 digit hexadecimal representation of the character
%u : with an integer argument, prints the unsigned integer
%o : with an integer argument, prints the octal notation
%x : with an integer argument, prints the hexadecimal notation with lowercase letters
%X : with an integer argument, prints the hexadecimal notation with uppercase letters
%b : with an integer argument, prints the binary conversion of that integer
File | Description |
extra_types.c | contains function for printing an address |
holberton.h | header file with all prototypes, libraries, and struct that used to identify correct function |
man_3_printf | man page for custom printf function |
print_basic_types.c | functions for printing chars, integers, and strings using %c, %s, %d, %i |
printf.c | file with main function for calling printf and iterating through format string to print correct output |
string_utility | file with functions used by strings.c to print different types of strings |
strings.c | contains functions for printing strings in rot13, reverse, or with unprinted characters represented as hexadecimal |
unsigned_type.c | file with functions for printing unsigned integer recieving conversions (unsigned, octal, hexadecimal upper and lower case) |
utility.c | file with helper functions for conversion functions |
- Holberton School
- Wendy Leung, Raven
- The C Programming Language by Brian Kernighan