AWS Infinidash is an Amazon Web Services reactive cryptography API based on multiple ciphered multiplexers. It can be deployed to work as a decentralized (federated) network of redundant multiplexers. Read the official documentation for more details [TODO: add link].
This system provides a Lisp API to the Infinidash service. It is implemented as different layers of abstractions.
The cl-infinidash.raw
package is responsible for fetching and
parsing the JSON schema for AWS Infinidash. It generates the set of
HTTP GET/POST/PUT methods used to communicate with AWS Infinidash.
The cl-infinidash.pure.N
layers (where N is the version of the
protocol, currently only v0 is supported) are a more user-friendly API
wrapping the raw methods. For example:
(cl-infinidash.pure.0:authenticate "user" "password") => #<CL-INFINIDASH.PURE.0:USER 5C02135>
returns an opaque handle that can be used in other operations:
(cl-infinidash.pure.0:list-registered-multiplexers ...)
On top of the functional layers, we define cl-infinidash.api.N
packages that export a set of macros that simplify the use of the API
by defining a domain-specific language.
(use-package :cl-ininidash.api.0)
(with-infinidash-session (:user "user" :password "pwd")
:select "*" :from "multiplexers"
:aggregate :by "hash-function"