Demonstrate how to use nix flakes
- What is nix bundle?
- How do I just build flake without entering it? Or if I enter it how do I then run all the tools I need?
nix run
error: flake 'path:/work/jq' does not provide attribute 'apps.x86_64-linux.default', 'defaultApp.x86_64-linux', 'packages.x86_64-linux.default' or 'defaultPackage.x86_64-linux'
- The
file lock to a specific revision of the nix pkg. - commits in nixpkgs here
- To lock to a retrospective version you can copy the commitid into the lock. If you run
nix flake check --impure
you can copy the NAR hash to match.
# build nix
docker build -f Dockerfile -t nix-flakes .
# debugging and host repo in build folder
docker run -v "$(pwd):/work" --rm -it --entrypoint /root/.nix-profile/bin/bash nix-flakes
# inside container
nix --help
nix flake --help
# there are a set of templates that can be used.
nix flake show templates
# get version
nix-env --version
NOTE: This is not required for the Dockerfile
as it is done on docker build
find / -iname "nix.conf"
nix-shell -p nano
cat /etc/nix/nix.conf
nano /etc/nix/nix.conf
# add the following line
experimental-features = nix-command flakes
# or each command can use the overrides
nix flake new hello --extra-experimental-features nix-command --extra-experimental-features flakes
cd ./hello-world
nix flake new hello-world
# check the validity of the flake
# NOTE: forgot exactly what imupure does (volatile output)
nix flake check
nix flake check --impure
nix build --impure
cd ./ffmpeg5
# nix read evaluate print loop
nix repl
nix flake update
# enter flake
echo $SHLVL
echo $PATH
nix develop --impure
echo $SHLVL
echo $PATH
# show environments
nix flake show --impure
Installing specific versions of ffmpeg.
# inside the container
cd ./ffmpeg5.1.2
# enter (this will install)
nix develop --impure --command bash -c 'ffmpeg -version'
# ffmpeg version 5.1.2
cd ./ffmpeg4
# enter (this will install)
nix develop --impure --command bash -c 'ffmpeg -version'
# ffmpeg version 4.4.3
To a specific commit. To lock to a retrospective version you can copy the commitid from (nixos/nixpkgs) into the lock. You can then run nix flake check --impure
and copy the output conflicting NAR hash to match. I also had to remove the "lastModified": 1677074004,
# inside the container
cd ./ffmpeg5.1.1
# enter (this will install)
nix develop --impure --command bash -c 'ffmpeg -version'
# ffmpeg version 5.1.1
cd ./jq
nix develop --impure --command bash -c 'echo $SHLVL && echo $PATH && jq --version'
echo $SHLVL
echo $PATH
the-nix-way/dev-templates here
Error: experimental Nix feature ‘nix-command’ is disabled here
the-nix-way/nix-flake-dev-environments here
Nix Flakes: an Introduction here
Nix from First Principles: Flake Edition here
Nix Flakes: first steps here
Nix Language here
Nix Pills here
How to Learn Nix, Part 43: My first brush with flakes here
the-nix-way/nix-flake-dev-environments here
attribute self.lastModifiedDate missing #13 here
Flakes templates