Building a Nix nodejs image
We create three images:
- used to build nixnode image (the baseimage builder)nixnode
- used to build the image containing nodejs and npmnixnodeapp
- the final image with the application in it
# build nix
docker build -t buildnixnode -f build.nixnode.Dockerfile .
# build the image (creates a docker-image file in current path)
# if altering the default.nix rerun this
docker run -v $(pwd):/build -it buildnixnode
# load image into local registry (builds nixnode)
docker load < docker-image
# should be most recent image
docker images
# jump into bash in container
docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/bash nixnode:latest
# check node version
node --version
# build the app image
docker build --no-cache --target prod -t nixnodeapp:latest -f app.Dockerfile .
# run the appimage
docker run -it nixnodeapp:latest
# look inside the app image
dive nixnodeapp:latest
# zero vulnerabilities for bash
docker scan nixnodeapp:latest
# debugging
docker run -v $(pwd):/build -it --entrypoint /bin/sh buildnixnode
nix-build --show-trace
# debugging building app
docker run -v $(pwd):/build -it --entrypoint /bin/bash nixnode:latest
# inside the container - copy the app files.
mkdir /scratch
cp /build/package.json /scratch
cp /build/package-lock.json /scratch
cp /build/index.js /scratch
cd /scratch
node index.js
# debugging the built app
docker run -v $(pwd):/build -it --entrypoint /bin/bash nixnodeapp:latest
# inspect the image
dive nixnodeapp:latest