All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- More V12 support fixes and relative path fix
- V12 support fixes
- V12 support
- V11 update
- V11 support
- V10 support
- V9 support
- Fixed bug for tab rendering in V9 CSS
- Fixed bug in consumable counters for enemies and vehicles
- Fixed bug in AAC rolling
- Fixed bugs in party sheet.
- Upgraded to support 0.8.x
- Added integration support for the Drag Ruler Module
- Redesigned Attributes layout and removed the multiple versions of movement
- Removed min-height sizes on tabs to prevent scrollbar getting triggered unnecessarily.
- More online documentation improvements.
- Increase font line height to improve legibility.
- documentation site, available in-game.
- fixed up settings and minor bug fixes.
- initial version