import re from collections import namedtuple from functools import partial from random import randint from time import sleep from livestreamer.compat import urlparse, urljoin, range from livestreamer.exceptions import StreamError, PluginError, NoStreamsError from livestreamer.packages.flashmedia.types import ScriptDataReference from livestreamer.plugin import Plugin, PluginOptions from livestreamer.plugin.api import http, validate from import RTMPStream, HLSStream, HTTPStream, Stream from import FLVTagConcat from import ( SegmentedStreamReader, SegmentedStreamWriter, SegmentedStreamWorker ) try: import librtmp HAS_LIBRTMP = True except ImportError: HAS_LIBRTMP = False _url_re = re.compile(""" http(s)?://(www\.)? (?: (/embed/|/channel/id/)(?P\d+) )? (?: /recorded/(?P\d+) )? """, re.VERBOSE) _channel_id_re = re.compile("\"channelId\":(\d+)") HLS_PLAYLIST_URL = ( "" "/uhls/{0}/streams/live/iphone/playlist.m3u8" ) RECORDED_URL = "{0}" RTMP_URL = "rtmp://r{0}-1-{1}" #SWF_URL = "" SWF_URL = "" _module_info_schema = validate.Schema( list, validate.length(1), validate.get(0), dict ) _amf3_array = validate.Schema( validate.any( validate.all( {int: object}, validate.transform(lambda a: list(a.values())), ), list ) ) _recorded_schema = validate.Schema({ validate.optional("stream"): validate.all( _amf3_array, [{ "name": validate.text, "streams": validate.all( _amf3_array, [{ "streamName": validate.text, "bitrate": float, }], ), validate.optional("url"): validate.text, }] ) }) _stream_schema = validate.Schema({ "name": validate.text, "url": validate.text, "streams": validate.any( validate.all( _amf3_array, [{ "chunkId": validate.any(int, float), "chunkRange": {validate.text: validate.text}, "chunkTime": validate.any(int, float), "offset": validate.any(int, float), "offsetInMs": validate.any(int, float), "streamName": validate.text, validate.optional("bitrate"): validate.any(int, float), validate.optional("height"): validate.any(int, float), validate.optional("description"): validate.text, validate.optional("isTranscoded"): bool }], ), ScriptDataReference ) }) _channel_schema = validate.Schema({ validate.optional("stream"): validate.any( validate.all( _amf3_array, [_stream_schema], ), "offline" ), validate.optional("viewers"): validate.any(int, float) }) Chunk = namedtuple("Chunk", "num url offset") if HAS_LIBRTMP: from io import BytesIO from time import time from librtmp.rtmp import RTMPTimeoutError, PACKET_TYPE_INVOKE from livestreamer.packages.flashmedia.types import AMF0Value def decode_amf(body): def generator(): fd = BytesIO(body) while True: try: yield except IOError: break return list(generator()) class FlashmediaRTMP(librtmp.RTMP): """RTMP connection using python-flashmedia's AMF decoder. TODO: Move to python-librtmp instead. """ def process_packets(self, transaction_id=None, invoked_method=None, timeout=None): start = time() while self.connected and transaction_id not in self._invoke_results: if timeout and (time() - start) >= timeout: raise RTMPTimeoutError("Timeout") packet = self.read_packet() if packet.type == PACKET_TYPE_INVOKE: try: decoded = decode_amf(packet.body) except IOError: continue try: method, transaction_id_, obj = decoded[:3] args = decoded[3:] except ValueError: continue if method == "_result": if len(args) > 0: result = args[0] else: result = None self._invoke_results[transaction_id_] = result else: handler = self._invoke_handlers.get(method) if handler: res = handler(*args) if res is not None:"_result", res, transaction_id=transaction_id_) if method == invoked_method: self._invoke_args[invoked_method] = args break if transaction_id_ == 1.0: self._connect_result = packet else: self.handle_packet(packet) else: self.handle_packet(packet) if transaction_id: result = self._invoke_results.pop(transaction_id, None) return result if invoked_method: args = self._invoke_args.pop(invoked_method, None) return args def create_ums_connection(app, media_id, page_url, password, exception=PluginError): url = RTMP_URL.format(randint(0, 0xffffff), media_id) params = { "application": app, "media": str(media_id), "password": password } conn = FlashmediaRTMP(url, swfurl=SWF_URL, pageurl=page_url, connect_data=params) try: conn.connect() except librtmp.RTMPError: raise exception("Failed to connect to RTMP server") return conn class UHSStreamWriter(SegmentedStreamWriter): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): SegmentedStreamWriter.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.concater = FLVTagConcat(flatten_timestamps=True, sync_headers=True) def fetch(self, chunk, retries=None): if not retries or self.closed: return try: params = {} if chunk.offset: params["start"] = chunk.offset return http.get(chunk.url, timeout=self.timeout, params=params, exception=StreamError) except StreamError as err: self.logger.error("Failed to open chunk {0}: {1}", chunk.num, err) return self.fetch(chunk, retries - 1) def write(self, chunk, res, chunk_size=8192): try: for data in self.concater.iter_chunks(buf=res.content, skip_header=not chunk.offset): self.reader.buffer.write(data) if self.closed: break else: self.logger.debug("Download of chunk {0} complete", chunk.num) if self.playing == 1: self.playing += 1 except IOError as err: self.logger.error("Failed to read chunk {0}: {1}", chunk.num, err) class UHSStreamWorker(SegmentedStreamWorker): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): SegmentedStreamWorker.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.chunk_ranges = {} self.chunk_id = None self.chunk_id_max = None self.chunks = [] self.filename_format = "" self.module_info_reload_time = 2 self.conn = None self.writer.playing = 0 #0 is stopped, sending bool false #1 is playing sent bool false, waiting for downloaded chunk #2 is chunk downloaded, ready to send bool true #3 is playing sent bool true self.process_module_info() def fetch_module_info(self): self.logger.debug("Fetching module info") if not self.conn or not self.conn.connected: self.logger.debug("creating new connection.") self.conn = create_ums_connection("channel",,,, exception=StreamError) else: self.logger.debug("reusing existing connection.") if self.writer.playing == 0 or self.writer.playing == 2: if self.writer.playing == 0: playparm = False else: playparm = True reason = { "reason": "" } uhs_setPlaying = self.conn.remote_method("playing", block=False) uhs_setPlaying(str(, playparm, reason) self.writer.playing+= 1 try: result = self.conn.process_packets(invoked_method="moduleInfo", timeout=10) except (IOError, librtmp.RTMPError) as err: raise StreamError("Failed to get module info: {0}".format(err)) finally: #conn.close() pass result = _module_info_schema.validate(result) return _channel_schema.validate(result, "module info") def process_module_info(self): if self.closed: return attempts = 50 result = None providers = None viewers = None while attempts and not self.closed: try: result = self.fetch_module_info() except PluginError as err: self.logger.error("{0}", err) return providers = result.get("stream") if not providers: attempts -= 1 else: attempts=0 viewers = result.get("viewers") if viewers: self.logger.debug("There are {0} viewers.",int(viewers)) if not providers or providers == "offline": self.logger.debug("Stream went offline") self.close() return for provider in providers: if provider.get("name") == break else: return try: stream = provider["streams"][] except IndexError: self.logger.error("Stream index not in result") return filename_format = stream["streamName"].replace("%", "%s") filename_format = urljoin(provider["url"], filename_format) self.filename_format = filename_format self.update_chunk_info(stream) def update_chunk_info(self, result): chunk_range = result["chunkRange"] if not chunk_range: return chunk_id = int(result["chunkId"]) chunk_offset = int(result["offset"]) chunk_range = dict(map(partial(map, int), chunk_range.items())) self.chunk_ranges.update(chunk_range) self.chunk_id_min = sorted(chunk_range)[0] self.chunk_id_max = int(result["chunkId"]) if self.chunk_id and self.chunk_id < self.chunk_id_min: self.chunk_id_min = self.chunk_id self.chunks = [Chunk(i, self.format_chunk_url(i), not self.chunk_id and i == chunk_id and chunk_offset) for i in range(self.chunk_id_min, self.chunk_id_max + 1)] if self.chunk_id is None and self.chunks: self.chunk_id = chunk_id def format_chunk_url(self, chunk_id): chunk_hash = "" for chunk_start in sorted(self.chunk_ranges): if chunk_id >= chunk_start: chunk_hash = self.chunk_ranges[chunk_start] return self.filename_format % (chunk_id, chunk_hash) def valid_chunk(self, chunk): return self.chunk_id and chunk.num >= self.chunk_id def iter_segments(self): while not self.closed: for chunk in filter(self.valid_chunk, self.chunks): self.logger.debug("Adding chunk {0} to queue", chunk.num) yield chunk # End of stream if self.closed: return self.chunk_id = chunk.num + 1 if self.wait(self.module_info_reload_time): try: self.process_module_info() except StreamError as err: self.logger.warning("Failed to process module info: {0}", err) class UHSStreamReader(SegmentedStreamReader): __worker__ = UHSStreamWorker __writer__ = UHSStreamWriter def __init__(self, stream, *args, **kwargs): self.logger = stream.session.logger.new_module("stream.uhs") SegmentedStreamReader.__init__(self, stream, *args, **kwargs) class UHSStream(Stream): __shortname__ = "uhs" def __init__(self, session, channel_id, page_url, provider, stream_index, password=""): Stream.__init__(self, session) self.channel_id = channel_id self.page_url = page_url self.provider = provider self.stream_index = stream_index self.password = password def __repr__(self): return "".format( self.channel_id, self.page_url, self.provider, self.stream_index, self.password ) def __json__(self): json = Stream.__json__(self) json.update({ "channel_id": self.channel_id, "page_url": self.page_url, "provider": self.provider, "stream_index": self.stream_index, "password": self.password }) return json def open(self): reader = UHSStreamReader(self) return reader class UStreamTV(Plugin): options = PluginOptions({ "password": "" }) @classmethod def can_handle_url(cls, url): return _url_re.match(url) @classmethod def stream_weight(cls, stream): match = re.match("mobile_(\w+)", stream) if match: weight, group = Plugin.stream_weight( weight -= 1 group = "mobile_ustream" elif stream == "recorded": weight, group = 720, "ustream" else: weight, group = Plugin.stream_weight(stream) return weight, group def _get_channel_id(self): res = http.get(self.url) match = if match: return int( def _get_hls_streams(self, channel_id, wait_for_transcode=False): # HLS streams are created on demand, so we may have to wait # for a transcode to be started. attempts = wait_for_transcode and 10 or 1 playlist_url = HLS_PLAYLIST_URL.format(channel_id) streams = {} while attempts and not streams: try: streams = HLSStream.parse_variant_playlist(self.session, playlist_url, nameprefix="mobile_") except IOError: # Channel is probably offline break attempts -= 1 sleep(3) return streams def _create_rtmp_stream(self, cdn, stream_name): parsed = urlparse(cdn) params = { "rtmp": cdn, "app": parsed.path[1:], "playpath": stream_name, "pageUrl": self.url, "swfUrl": SWF_URL, "live": True } return RTMPStream(self.session, params) def _get_module_info(self, app, media_id, password="", schema=None): self.logger.debug("Waiting for moduleInfo invoke") conn = create_ums_connection(app, media_id, self.url, password) attempts = 3 while conn.connected and attempts: try: result = conn.process_packets(invoked_method="moduleInfo", timeout=10) except (IOError, librtmp.RTMPError) as err: raise PluginError("Failed to get stream info: {0}".format(err)) try: result = _module_info_schema.validate(result) break except PluginError: attempts -= 1 conn.close() if schema: result = schema.validate(result) return result def _get_desktop_streams(self, channel_id): password = self.options.get("password") channel = self._get_module_info("channel", channel_id, password, schema=_channel_schema) if not isinstance(channel.get("stream"), list): raise NoStreamsError(self.url) streams = {} for provider in channel["stream"]: if provider["name"] == u"uhs_akamai": # not heavily tested, but got a stream working continue try: provider_url = provider["url"] provider_name = provider["name"] except KeyError: continue for stream_index, stream_info in enumerate(provider["streams"]): if not isinstance(stream_info, dict): continue stream = None stream_height = int(stream_info.get("height", 0)) stream_name = stream_info.get("description") if not stream_name: if stream_height > 0: if not stream_info.get("isTranscoded"): stream_name = "{0}p+".format(stream_height) else: stream_name = "{0}p".format(stream_height) else: stream_name = "live" if stream_name in streams: provider_name_clean = provider_name.replace("uhs_", "") stream_name += "_alt_{0}".format(provider_name_clean) if provider_name.startswith("uhs_"): stream = UHSStream(self.session, channel_id, self.url, provider_name, stream_index, password) elif provider_url.startswith("rtmp"): playpath = stream_info["streamName"] stream = self._create_rtmp_stream(provider_url, playpath) if stream: streams[stream_name] = stream return streams def _get_live_streams(self, channel_id): has_desktop_streams = False if HAS_LIBRTMP: try: streams = self._get_desktop_streams(channel_id) # TODO: Replace with "yield from" when dropping Python 2. for stream in streams.items(): has_desktop_streams = True yield stream except PluginError as err: self.logger.error("Unable to fetch desktop streams: {0}", err) except NoStreamsError: pass else: self.logger.warning( "python-librtmp is not installed, but is needed to access " "the desktop streams" ) try: streams = self._get_hls_streams(channel_id, wait_for_transcode=not has_desktop_streams) # TODO: Replace with "yield from" when dropping Python 2. for stream in streams.items(): yield stream except PluginError as err: self.logger.error("Unable to fetch mobile streams: {0}", err) except NoStreamsError: pass def _get_recorded_streams(self, video_id): if HAS_LIBRTMP: recording = self._get_module_info("recorded", video_id, schema=_recorded_schema) if not isinstance(recording.get("stream"), list): return for provider in recording["stream"]: base_url = provider.get("url") for stream_info in provider["streams"]: bitrate = int(stream_info.get("bitrate", 0)) stream_name = (bitrate > 0 and "{0}k".format(bitrate) or "recorded") url = stream_info["streamName"] if base_url: url = base_url + url if url.startswith("http"): yield stream_name, HTTPStream(self.session, url) elif url.startswith("rtmp"): params = dict(rtmp=url, pageUrl=self.url) yield stream_name, RTMPStream(self.session, params) else: self.logger.warning( "The proper API could not be used without python-librtmp " "installed. Stream URL is not guaranteed to be valid" ) url = RECORDED_URL.format(video_id) random_hash = "{0:02x}{1:02x}".format(randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255)) params = dict(hash=random_hash) stream = HTTPStream(self.session, url, params=params) yield "recorded", stream def _get_streams(self): match = _url_re.match(self.url) video_id ="video_id") if video_id: return self._get_recorded_streams(video_id) channel_id ="channel_id") or self._get_channel_id() if channel_id: return self._get_live_streams(channel_id) __plugin__ = UStreamTV