# Travis-CI Setup Instructions ## Set Up Instructions 1. Go to https://travis-ci.org/ and 'Sign in with Github' 2. Visit https://travis-ci.org/profile to trigger a Github sync (this may take a minute) 3. Find your project and flip the switch. This would be "<yourname>/angular.dart" 4. Click the little wrench next to the switch, it will take you to github. 5. Scroll down to Travis and click it 6. Click the 'Test Hook' button. ## What does it do? - Every time you push to your repo, Travis will grab the changes from your repo and run a build on it. - The build runs on Chrome, Firefox and Dartium browsers. ## How does it work. All scripts can be found in `.travis.yml` and `scripts/travis` folder. 1. Install the browsers (Chrome, Firefox and Dartium) 2. Install Dart stable or dev channel (see `CHANNEL` in the `.travis.yml` matrix) 3. Run analyzer on the code 4. Run karma 5. Generate documentation 6. Merge "presubmit" branches into master when the build is successful ## What needs to be done - Collect/publish the test runs/times to some dashboard/graphing service