Provide high level description of what the changes are.
- Existing tests are passing.
- New tests are included if new functionalities are added.
- Documentation is updated or added.
Fork the project on GitHub and clone the fork locally.
$ git clone
$ cd packetbroker
Add the upstream so any changes can be pulled in to your clone.
$ git remote add upstream
Branch from master to do the development.
$ git checkout -b my-branch
Fetch new changes from upstream from time to time as you code.
# Fetch from upstream remote
$ git fetch upstream
# View all branches, including those from upstream
$ git branch -va
# Checkout your local master branch and merge in changes from upstream/master
$ git checkout master
$ git merge upstream/master
# Rebase on latest master
$ git rebase master
Before doing anything ensure your local repo has the latest from upstream by doing Fetch Upstream Changes.
Clean up your branch by doing a rebase on the latest upstream master to make sure there are no integration issues. It is a good idea to squash all local commits on the feature or topic branch to keep the history clean.
$ git checkout my-branch
$ git rebase -i master
Push the feature or topic branch to your fork.
$ git push origin my-branch
From within GitHub, open a PR from your branch in the fork to the upstream.
If additional changes are required, update your branch. Remember to Fetch Upstream Changes if upstream has changed.
$ git add updated/changed/files
$ git commit
$ git push origin my-branch