Generally, we use Adobe Experience League Markdown Syntax Style Guide, but there are some differences and exceptions. Also, certain HTML tags are required in certain cases.
The following are examples of the Markdown formatting that is most commonly used in our repo.
To format text as bold, enclose it in two asterisks:
This will be **bold** text
To format text as italics, use a single asterisk:
This text will be *italics*
To format text as underlined, use the <ins>
<ins>This text will be underlined</ins>
To add a line break, use the <br>
HTML tag.
Use the following formatting for headers from H2 to H5. H1 is never used since the article title is considered H1.
## Header 2
### Header 3
#### Header 4
##### Header 5
Use single backticks to enclose the code element you would like to highlight:
This is `inline code` within a paragraph of text.
To insert a code block, enclose the code block in triple backticks and specify the language after opening triple backticks:
``` sql
ROUND((DATA_LENGTH + INDEX_LENGTH) / 1024 / 1024) AS Size (MB)
FROM information_schema.TABLES
WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = "%project_id%"
This will render as:
ROUND((DATA_LENGTH + INDEX_LENGTH) / 1024 / 1024) AS `Size (MB)`
FROM information_schema.TABLES
WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = "%project_id%"
According to our linting rules, you always need to specify a language for the code block.
For the list of supported languages check
If the highlighting doesn't work for a certain language in markdown (that is, language is not supported), to make it at least highlighted when published to, use the following HTML:
<pre><code class="language-%language-code%"
your code here
Where %language-code%
are the codes defined by Prism.js supported languages.
Always separate lists from the rest of content by blank lines. Lists should be preceded and followed by a blank line.
Use the following formatting for ordered lists:
1. First numbered list item.
1. Second numbered list item.
1. Last numbered list item.
To create unordered bulleted list, begin a line with *, or +, or -. But select one method and use it consistently throughout the article.
* Unordered list item.
* Unordered list item.
* Last unordered list item.
To add content between list items, add 4 spaces in the beginning of the line:
* List item.
* List item.
Here's some content between list items.
* Here we continue the list
You can embed lists this way as well.
External links are straightforward:
Any kind of attachment should be in .png, .jpg, and .jpeg formats. For security purpose, we only accept attachments that are in one of the three formats.
To insert an image, place the image to assets sub-folder in the same section folder as the article, and use the following syntax to insert the image to your article:

If you want to customize the size of your image, you will need to do that using the following HTML tag:
<img src = "assets/image.png" alt = "your alt text" width="custom width, ex: 250px">
If you need to reference a section inside your article, you don't need to create a separate anchor. They’re automatically generated at publishing time for all H2-H6 headings. The anchors are generated from header by making all words lowercase and using "-" for separating words.
## This is header
This is a link to this header:
[this is link to the anchor in the same article](#this-is-header)
If you need to reference an element other than header, use HTML to define the element to add use the id attribute. You can then use Markdown or HTML to reference this ID.
Do not use relative links to reference our support knowledge base articles. Those links will not work when your article gets published in the Adobe Commerce Help Center. Please use complete hyperlinks from the Adobe Commerce Help Center.
Use HTML formatting for tables.
Success note block:
>This is a success note
Warning block:
>This is a warning
Info note block:
>This is a block with additional info