chef-shell can be used to debug existing recipes. The recipe first needs to be added to a run-list for the node, so that it is cached when starting chef-shell and then used for debugging. chef-shell will report which recipes are being cached when it is started:
loading configuration: none (standalone session)
Session type: standalone
Welcome to the chef-shell 15.8.23
For usage see
run `help' for help, `exit' or ^D to quit.
chef (15.8.23)>
To just load one recipe from the run-list, go into the recipe and use
the include_recipe
command. For example:
chef > recipe_mode
chef:recipe > include_recipe "getting-started"
=> [#< Chef::Recipe:0x10256f9e8 @cookbook_name="getting-started",
... output truncated ...
To load all of the recipes from a run-list, use code similar to the following:
node.run_list.expand(node.chef_environment).recipes.each do |r|
include_recipe r
After the recipes that are to be debugged have been loaded, use the
command to run them.