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File metadata and controls

323 lines (236 loc) · 12.5 KB

+++ title = "About Cookbook Versioning" draft = false gh_repo = "chef-web-docs" aliases = ["/cookbook_versioning.html", "/cookbook_versions.html"] product = ["client", "server", "workstation"]

[menu] [menu.infra] title = "Versioning Cookbooks" identifier = "chef_infra/cookbook_reference/ Versioning Cookbooks" parent = "chef_infra/cookbook_reference" weight = 150 +++

{{< readfile file="content/reusable/md/" >}}


A cookbook version always takes the form x.y.z, where x, y, and z are decimal numbers that are used to represent major (x), minor (y), and patch (z) versions. A two-part version (x.y) is also allowed. Alphanumeric version numbers (1.2.a3) and version numbers with more than three parts ( are not allowed.


A version constraint is a string that combines the cookbook version syntax with an operator, in the following format:

operator cookbook_version_syntax

{{< note >}}

Single digit cookbook versions are not allowed. Cookbook versions must specify at least the major and minor version. For example, use 1.0 or 1.0.1; do not use 1.

{{< /note >}}

{{< readfile file="content/reusable/md/" >}}

For example, a version constraint for "equals version 1.0.7" is expressed like this:

= 1.0.7

A version constraint for "greater than version 1.0.2" is expressed like this:

> 1.0.2

An optimistic version constraint is one that looks for versions greater than or equal to the specified version. For example:

>= 2.6.5

will match cookbooks greater than or equal to 2.6.5, such as 2.6.5, 2.6.7 or 3.1.1.

A pessimistic version constraint is one that will find the upper limit version number within the range specified by the minor version number or patch version number. For example, a pessimistic version constraint for minor version numbers:

~> 2.6

will match cookbooks that are greater than or equal to version 2.6, but less than version 3.0.

Or, a pessimistic version constraint for patch version numbers:

~> 2.6.5

will match cookbooks that are greater than or equal to version 2.6.5, but less than version 2.7.0.

Or, a pessimistic version constraint that matches cookbooks less than a version number:

< 2.3.4

or will match cookbooks less than or equal to a specific version number:

<= 2.6.5


{{< readfile file="content/reusable/md/" >}}

Versions and version constraints can be specified in a cookbook's metadata.rb file by using the following functions. Each function accepts a name and an optional version constraint; if a version constraint is not provided, >= 0.0.0 is used as the default.

Function Description


Show that a cookbook has a dependency on another cookbook. Use a version constraint to define dependencies for cookbook versions: < (less than), <= (less than or equal to), = (equal to), >= (greater than or equal to; also known as "optimistically greater than", or "optimistic"), ~> (approximately greater than; also known as "pessimistically greater than", or "pessimistic"), or > (greater than). This field requires that a cookbook with a matching name and version exists on the Chef Infra Server. When the match exists, the Chef Infra Server includes the dependency as part of the set of cookbooks that are sent to the node when Chef Infra Client runs. It is important that the depends field contain accurate data. If a dependency statement is inaccurate, Chef Infra Client may not be able to complete the configuration of the system. For example:

depends 'opscode-base'


depends 'opscode-github', '> 1.0.0'


depends 'runit', '~> 1.2.3'
provides Add a recipe, definition, or resource that is provided by this cookbook, should the populated list be insufficient.
supports Show that a cookbook has a supported platform. Use a version constraint to define dependencies for platform versions: < (less than), <= (less than or equal to), = (equal to), >= (greater than or equal to), ~> (approximately greater than), or > (greater than). To specify more than one platform, use more than one supports field, once for each platform.


An environment can use version constraints to specify a list of allowed cookbook versions by specifying the cookbook's name, along with the version constraint. For example:

cookbook 'apache2', '~> 1.2.3'


cookbook 'runit', '= 4.2.0'

If a cookbook is not explicitly given a version constraint the environment will assume the cookbook has no version constraint and will use any version of that cookbook with any node in the environment.

Freeze Versions

A cookbook version can be frozen, which will prevent updates from being made to that version of a cookbook. (A user can always upload a new version of a cookbook.) Using cookbook versions that are frozen within environments is a reliable way to keep a production environment safe from accidental updates while testing changes that are made to a development infrastructure.

For example, to freeze a cookbook version using knife, enter:

knife cookbook upload redis --freeze

To return:

Uploading redis...
Upload completed

Once a cookbook version is frozen, only by using the --force option can an update be made. For example:

knife cookbook upload redis --force

Without the --force option specified, an error will be returned similar to:

Version 0.0.0 of cookbook redis is frozen. Use --force to override

Managing Many Cookbook Versions

{{< warning >}}

If you continually upload all versions of many cookbooks to your Chef Infra Server, you may overload the Chef Infra Server's dependency solver, causing it to time out and leading to a failed Chef Infra Client run.

There are three solutions to this problem:

  • use Policyfiles (recommended)
  • place version constraints on all cookbooks and all dependencies of all cookbooks in any run list you use for a Chef Infra Client run
  • upload only the required cookbook versions to a Chef Infra Server

{{< /warning >}}

In a CI/CD workflow where new cookbook versions are continually uploaded to a Chef Infra Server, the Chef Infra Server dependency solver must look at more and more cookbook versions while trying to solve the constraints given to it from the run list of each Chef Infra Client that starts up. Eventually, it runs out of time to produce a solution, times out, and the Chef Infra Client run fails as a result. The Chef Infra Server may also pick older cookbook versions than the versions that you intended.

The dependency solver workers in a Chef Infra Server have a default timeout of five seconds. The solution is not to increase their timeout, but to control the problem so that the dependency solvers can solve it in a reasonable amount of time.


The current best practice is to control cookbook versions through Policyfiles. In this way, the dependency resolution is shifted left to the cookbook author designing the cookbook, its dependency structure, and the needed versions of all involved cookbooks. See the Policyfiles documentation for more information.

Version Constraints

In a CI/CD environment where you have many versions of cookbooks, place version constraints on all cookbooks and all dependencies of all cookbooks in any run list you use for a Chef Infra Client run.

The way to control the problem traditionally is by pinning the versions of cookbooks in an environment file or by using a wrapper cookbook that calls out the dependencies AND their versions in its metadata.rb file, and the dependencies do the same in their own metadata.rb files. See the Cookbook Metadata Files for more information.

Minimum Number of Cookbook Versions

The dependency solver will also work properly if you upload the minimum number of cookbook versions needed to the Chef Infra Server.

You can make a start at this by only uploading tested and blessed cookbook versions to your Chef Infra Server. These cookbooks would be ones where each scenario or role for the nodes is considered and that small set of cookbook versions are made available for those sets of nodes. Before Policyfiles, this policy could be implemented by constraining dependency solver access to candidate versions using an [environment]({{< relref "environments" >}}) file.

Version Source Control

There are two strategies to consider when using version control as part of the cookbook management process:

  • Use maximum version control when it is important to keep every bit of data within version control
  • Use branch tracking when cookbooks are being managed in separate environments using git branches and the versioning policy information is already stored in a cookbook's metadata.

Branch Tracking

Using a branch tracking strategy requires that a branch for each environment exists in the source control and that each cookbook's versioning policy is tracked at the branch level. This approach is relatively simple and lightweight: for development environments that track the latest cookbooks, just bump the version before a cookbook is uploaded for testing. For any cookbooks that require higher levels of version control, knife allows cookbooks to be uploaded to specific environments and for cookbooks to be frozen (which prevents others from being able to make changes to that cookbook).

The typical workflow with a branch tracking version control strategy includes:

  1. Bumping the version number as appropriate.
  2. Making changes to a cookbook.
  3. Uploading and testing a cookbook.
  4. Moving a tested cookbook to production.

For example, to bump a version number, first make changes to the cookbook, and then upload and test it. Repeat this process as required, and then upload it using a knife command similar to:

knife cookbook upload my-app

When the cookbook is finished, move those changes to the production environment and use the --freeze option to prevent others from making further changes:

knife cookbook upload  my-app -E production --freeze

Maximum Versions

Using a maximum version control strategy is required when everything needs to be tracked in source control. This approach is similar to a branch tracking strategy while the cookbook is in development and being tested, but is more complicated and time-consuming (and requires file-level editing for environment data) to get the cookbook deployed to a production environment.

The typical workflow with a maximum version control strategy includes:

  1. Bumping the version number as appropriate.
  2. Making changes to a cookbook.
  3. Uploading and testing a cookbook.
  4. Moving a tested cookbook to production.

For example, to bump a version number, first make changes to the cookbook, and then upload and test it. Repeat this process as required, and then upload it using a knife command similar to:

knife cookbook upload my-app

When the cookbook is finished, move those changes to the production environment and use the --freeze option to prevent others from making further changes:

knife cookbook upload  my-app -E production --freeze

Then modify the environment so that it prefers the newly uploaded version:

(vim|emacs|mate|ed) YOUR_REPO/environments/production.rb

Upload the updated environment:

knife environment from file production.rb

And then deploy the new cookbook version.