Your personal markdown scribe with template-engine and Git(Hub) & RSS powers 📜
You can run markscribe as a GitHub Action: readme-scribe
Render a template to stdout:
markscribe template.tpl
Render to a file:
markscribe -write /tmp/ template.tpl
If you use Brew, you can simply install the package:
brew install charmbracelet/tap/markscribe
Or download a binary from the releases page. Linux (including ARM) binaries are available, as well as Debian and RPM packages.
Alternatively you can also build markscribe
from source. Make sure you have a
working Go environment (Go 1.16 or higher is required). See the
install instructions.
To install markscribe, simply run:
go get
You can find an example template to generate a GitHub profile README under
. Make sure to fill in (or remove) placeholders,
like the RSS-feed or social media URLs.
Rendered it looks a little like my own profile page:
{{range rss "https://domain.tld/feed.xml" 5}}
Title: {{.Title}}
URL: {{.URL}}
Published: {{humanize .PublishedAt}}
{{range recentContributions 10}}
Name: {{.Repo.Name}}
Description: {{.Repo.Description}}
URL: {{.Repo.URL}})
Occurred: {{humanize .OccurredAt}}
This function requires GitHub authentication with the following API scopes:
, public_repo
, read:user
{{range recentPullRequests 10}}
Title: {{.Title}}
URL: {{.URL}}
State: {{.State}}
CreatedAt: {{humanize .CreatedAt}}
Repository name: {{.Repo.Name}}
Repository description: {{.Repo.Description}}
Repository URL: {{.Repo.URL}}
This function requires GitHub authentication with the following API scopes:
, public_repo
, read:user
{{range recentStars 10}}
Name: {{.Repo.Name}}
Description: {{.Repo.Description}}
URL: {{.Repo.URL}})
Stars: {{.Repo.Stargazers}}
This function requires GitHub authentication with the following API scopes:
, public_repo
, read:user
{{range recentCreatedRepos "charmbracelet" 10}}
Name: {{.Name}}
Description: {{.Description}}
URL: {{.URL}})
Stars: {{.Stargazers}}
This function requires GitHub authentication with the following API scopes:
, public_repo
, read:user
or read:org
if you provide an organization name.
{{range popularRepos "charmbracelet" 10}}
Name: {{.Name}}
NameWithOwner: {{.NameWithOwner}}
Description: {{.Description}}
URL: {{.URL}})
Stars: {{.Stargazers}}
This function requires GitHub authentication with the following API scopes:
, public_repo
, read:user
Use {{with repo "charmbracelet .Name"}}
to create a pipeline that grabs additional information about the repo including releases.
{{with repo "charmbracelet" "markscribe"}}
Name: {{.Name}}
Description: {{.Description}}
URL: {{.URL}}
Stars: {{.Stargazers}}
Is Private: {{.IsPrivate}}
Last Git Tag: {{.LastRelease.TagName}}
Last Release: {{humanize .LastRelease.PublishedAt}}
{{range recentRepoReleases "charmbracelet" "markscribe" 10}}
Name: {{.Name}}
Git Tag: {{.TagName}}
URL: {{.URL}}
Published: {{humanize .PublishedAt}}
CreatedAt: {{humanize .CreatedAt}}
IsPreRelease: {{.IsPreRelease}}
IsDraft: {{.IsDraft}}
IsLatest: {{.IsLatest}}
This function requires GitHub authentication with the following API scopes:
, public_repo
, read:user
{{range recentForkedRepos "charmbracelet" 10}}
Name: {{.Name}}
Description: {{.Description}}
URL: {{.URL}})
Stars: {{.Stargazers}}
This function requires GitHub authentication with the following API scopes:
, public_repo
, read:user
or read:org
if you provide an organization name.
{{range latestReleasedRepos "charmbracelet" 10}}
Name: {{.Name}}
Description: {{.Description}}
URL: {{.URL}})
Stars: {{.Stargazers}}
Last Release Name: {{.LastRelease.TagName}}
Last Release URL: {{.LastRelease.URL}}
Last Release Date: {{humanize .LastRelease.PublishedAt}}
This function requires GitHub authentication with the following API scopes:
, public_repo
, read:user
, read:org
{{range recentReleases 10}}
Name: {{.Name}}
Git Tag: {{.LastRelease.TagName}}
URL: {{.LastRelease.URL}}
Published: {{humanize .LastRelease.PublishedAt}}
This function requires GitHub authentication with the following API scopes:
, public_repo
, read:user
{{range recentPushedRepos "charmbracelet" 10}}
Name: {{.Name}}
URL: {{.URL}}
Description: {{.Description}}
Stars: {{.Stargazers}}
This function requires GitHub authentication with the following API scopes:
, read:org
Use {{with repo "charmbracelet .Name"}}
to create a pipeline that grabs additional information about the repo including releases.
{{range gists 10}}
Name: {{.Name}}
Description: {{.Description}}
URL: {{.URL}}
Created: {{humanize .CreatedAt}}
This function requires GitHub authentication with the following API scopes:
, public_repo
, read:user
{{range followers 5}}
Username: {{.Login}}
Name: {{.Name}}
Avatar: {{.AvatarURL}}
URL: {{.URL}}
This function requires GitHub authentication with the following API scopes:
{{range sponsors 5}}
Username: {{.User.Login}}
Name: {{.User.Name}}
Avatar: {{.User.AvatarURL}}
URL: {{.User.URL}}
Created: {{humanize .CreatedAt}}
This function requires GitHub authentication with the following API scopes:
, public_repo
, read:user
, read:org
{{range goodReadsReviews 5}}
- {{.Book.Title}} - {{.Book.Link}} - {{.Rating}} - {{humanize .DateUpdated}}
{{- end}}
This function requires GoodReads API key!
{{range goodReadsCurrentlyReading 5}}
- {{.Book.Title}} - {{.Book.Link}} - {{humanize .DateUpdated}}
{{- end}}
This function requires GoodReads API key!
{{range literalClubCurrentlyReading 5}}
- {{.Title}} - {{.Subtitle}} - {{.Description}} -{{.Slug}}
{{- range .Authors }}{{ .Name }}{{ end }}
{{- end}}
This function requires a LITERAL_EMAIL
markscribe uses Go's powerful template engine. You can find its documentation here:
markscribe comes with sprout and a few more template helpers:
To format timestamps, call humanize
{{humanize .Timestamp}}
In order to access some of GitHub's API, markscribe requires you to provide a
valid GitHub token in an environment variable called GITHUB_TOKEN
. You can
create a new token by going to your profile settings:
Developer settings
> Personal access tokens
> Generate new token
In order to access some of GoodReads' API, markscribe requires you to provide a
valid GoodReads key in an environment variable called GOODREADS_TOKEN
. You can
create a new token by going here.
Then you need to go to your repository and add it, Settings -> Secrets -> New secret
You also need to set your GoodReads user ID in your secrets as GOODREADS_USER_ID
Q: That's awesome, but can you expose more APIs and data?
A: Of course, just open a new issue and let me know what you'd like to do with markscribe!
Q: That's awesome, but I don't have my own server to run this on. Can you help?
A: Check out readme-scribe, a GitHub Action that runs markscribe for you!