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Releases: chaoss/grimoirelab-sortinghat


20 Apr 17:00
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sortinghat 0.9.0-rc.1 - (2023-04-20)

New features:

  • Set top domain from UI (#729)
    Add the option to set an organization's domain as top domain from the
  • Order individuals by indentities (#732)
    Adds the option to order the individuals by the number of identities
    they have.
  • Import identities automatically (#746)
    Create a schema to import identities to SortingHat automatically using
    custom backends. The jobs will be executed periodically, at the given
    interval. The tasks can be configured using the GraphQL API. To
    create a custom importer you need to extend IdentitiesImporter,
    define a NAME for your importer (that will be used in the UI), and
    implement get_identities method that returns a list of individuals
    with the related identities that will be imported into SortingHat. If
    your importer requires extra parameters, you must extend the
    __init__ method with the required parameters. Those parameters can
    be defined using the API.
  • Create account command
    Include a new command to create users in SortingHat. The command can
    be executed as sortinghat-admin create-user.
  • Drag and drop to enroll in teams
    Expanding an organization on the table now shows the full list of
    teams. Individuals can be dragged and dropped into a team and
    viceversa to affiliate them. The buttons to add, edit and delete
    organization and team information are reorganized into a dropdown menu
    to simplify the interface.
  • Multi-tenancy mode
    SortingHat allows hosting multiple instances with a single service
    having each instance's data isolated in different databases. To enable
    this feature follow these guidelines: - Set MULTI_TENANT settings to
    True. - Define the tenants in sortinghat/config/tenants.json. -
    Assign users to tenants with sortinghat-admin set-user-tenant
  • Verify SSL option for client
    Include an option for the client to verify if the certificate is
    valid. By default it is verified.

Bug fixes:

  • Fix outdated recommendation count (#733)
    The number of remaining recommendations on the UI was wrong each time
    a recommendation was applied or dismissed.
  • Fix search syntax link (#735)
    Fixes the link to the search syntax page on the search bar.

Feature removals:

  • Groups table removed from the UI
    Groups and organizations are very similar, and having both tables in
    the dashboard can be confusing to users. To simplify the view, the
    table is removed from the user interface, but groups remain available
    through the API.


03 Feb 08:35
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sortinghat 0.8.1 - (2023-02-03)

  • Update Poetry's package dependencies


01 Feb 09:16
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sortinghat 0.8.0-rc.9 - (2023-02-01)

New features:

  • Migration command for SortingHat 0.7 (#726)
    Include a new command to migrate SortingHat 0.7 database schema to
    0.8. The command can be executed as sortinghat-admin migrate-old- database. It will migrate all the data from the old version.


01 Feb 11:04
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sortinghat 0.8.0 - (2023-02-01)

New features:

  • Migration command for SortingHat 0.7 (#726)
    Include a new command to migrate SortingHat 0.7 database schema to
    0.8. The command can be executed as sortinghat-admin migrate-old- database. It will migrate all the data from the old version.

Bug fixes:

  • GraphQL client headers updated
    SortingHat client headers are updated adding Referer and Host to
    fix the CSRF token issue.

Breaking changes:

  • SortingHat as a service
    SortingHat started as a command line tool but, after some years, we
    saw its potential and we decided to create a new version of it. Now,
    it works as an individual service. This new version provides a new
    GraphQL API to operate with the server and a UI web-based app, that
    replaces Hatstall, the old UI for SortingHat. Moreover, the new
    version adds some features requested long time ago, such as
    groups/teams management, recommendations of affiliations and
    individuals, or a totally renwed user interface.


23 Jan 10:09
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sortinghat 0.8.0-rc.8 - (2023-01-23)

Bug fixes:

  • GraphQL client headers updated
    SortingHat client headers are updated adding Referer and Host to
    fix the CSRF token issue.

Breaking changes:

  • SortingHat as a service
    SortingHat started as a command line tool but, after some years, we
    saw its potential and we decided to create a new version of it. Now,
    it works as an individual service. This new version provides a new
    GraphQL API to operate with the server and a UI web-based app, that
    replaces Hatstall, the old UI for SortingHat. Moreover, the new
    version adds some features requested long time ago, such as
    groups/teams management, recommendations of affiliations and
    individuals, or a totally renwed user interface.


20 Jan 15:16
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sortinghat 0.8.0-rc.7 - (2023-01-20)

Bug fixes:

  • GraphQL client headers updated
    SortingHat client headers are updated adding Referer and Host to
    fix the CSRF token issue.

Breaking changes:

  • SortingHat as a service
    SortingHat started as a command line tool but, after some years, we
    saw its potential and we decided to create a new version of it. Now,
    it works as an individual service. This new version provides a new
    GraphQL API to operate with the server and a UI web-based app, that
    replaces Hatstall, the old UI for SortingHat. Moreover, the new
    version adds some features requested long time ago, such as
    groups/teams management, recommendations of affiliations and
    individuals, or a totally renwed user interface.


20 Jan 12:27
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sortinghat 0.8.0-rc.6 - (2023-01-20)

Bug fixes:

  • GraphQL client headers updated
    SortingHat client headers are updated adding Referer and Host to
    fix the CSRF token issue.

Breaking changes:

  • SortingHat as a service
    SortingHat started as a command line tool but, after some years, we
    saw its potential and we decided to create a new version of it. Now,
    it works as an individual service. This new version provides a new
    GraphQL API to operate with the server and a UI web-based app, that
    replaces Hatstall, the old UI for SortingHat. Moreover, the new
    version adds some features requested long time ago, such as
    groups/teams management, recommendations of affiliations and
    individuals, or a totally renwed user interface.


20 Jan 11:21
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sortinghat 0.8.0-rc.5 - (2023-01-20)

Bug fixes:

  • GraphQL client headers updated
    SortingHat client headers are updated adding Referer and Host to
    fix the CSRF token issue.

Breaking changes:

  • SortingHat as a service
    SortingHat started as a command line tool but, after some years, we
    saw its potential and we decided to create a new version of it. Now,
    it works as an individual service. This new version provides a new
    GraphQL API to operate with the server and a UI web-based app, that
    replaces Hatstall, the old UI for SortingHat. Moreover, the new
    version adds some features requested long time ago, such as
    groups/teams management, recommendations of affiliations and
    individuals, or a totally renwed user interface.


10 Jan 10:34
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sortinghat 0.8.0-rc.4 - (2023-01-10)

Breaking changes:

  • SortingHat as a service
    SortingHat started as a command line tool but, after some years, we
    saw its potential and we decided to create a new version of it. Now,
    it works as an individual service. This new version provides a new
    GraphQL API to operate with the server and a UI web-based app, that
    replaces Hatstall, the old UI for SortingHat. Moreover, the new
    version adds some features requested long time ago, such as
    groups/teams management, recommendations of affiliations and
    individuals, or a totally renwed user interface.


10 Jan 09:08
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sortinghat 0.8.0-rc.3 - (2023-01-10)

Breaking changes:

  • SortingHat as a service
    SortingHat started as a command line tool but, after some years, we
    saw its potential and we decided to create a new version of it. Now,
    it works as an individual service. This new version provides a new
    GraphQL API to operate with the server and a UI web-based app, that
    replaces Hatstall, the old UI for SortingHat. Moreover, the new
    version adds some features requested long time ago, such as
    groups/teams management, recommendations of affiliations and
    individuals, or a totally renwed user interface.