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A useful tool for various scripts that we as an engineering team might run. There are two versions, one in python and one in typescript. The TS version is being more actively developed at this time.

CelotoolJs (Typescript)


# Install packages

If you want to use this tool from anywhere, add an alias to your ~/.bash_profile.

alias celotooljs=<YOUR_PATH_TO_MONOREPO>/packages/celotool/bin/


Running celotooljs should give you the output like the following that let's you know what you can do:

celotooljs <command>

celotooljs account <accountCommand>     commands for inviting, fauceting,
                                        looking up accounts and users
celotooljs backup                       command for backing up a miner's
                                        persistent volume (PVC)
celotooljs copy-contract-artifacts      command for copying contract
                                        artifacts in a format to be easily
                                        consumed by other (typescript)
                                        packages. It will use the ABI of a
                                        particular contract and swap the
                                        address for the address of the
celotooljs copy-policies                command for copying stackdriver
                                        alerting policies from one
                                        environment to another
celotooljs deploy <deployMethod>        commands for deployment of various
<deployPackage>                         packages in the monorepo
celotooljs geth <command>               commands for geth
celotooljs links <resource>             commands for various useful links
celotooljs port-forward                 command for port-forwarding to a
                                        specific network
celotooljs restore                      command for restoring a miner's
                                        persistent volume (PVC) from
celotooljs switch                       command for switching to a
                                        particular environment
celotooljs transactions <command>       commands for reading transaction

--version     Show version number                                  [boolean]
--verbose     Whether to show a bunch of debugging output like stdout and
              stderr of shell commands            [boolean] [default: false]
--yesreally   Reply "yes" to prompts about changing staging/production
              (be careful!)                       [boolean] [default: false]
--help        Show help                                            [boolean]

How to Invite Yourself

Run this command: celotooljs account invite --celo-env integration --phone +<YOUR_E164_PHONE_NUMBER>

How to Faucet an Account

Run this command: celotooljs account faucet --celo-env <integration-or-your-testnet> --account <account-address> --gold 10 --dollar 10

How to Setup a Local Celo Blockchain Node

You might need to setup a local node for some reasons, therefore celotooljs provides you with a few useful commands to make running a node really easy.

  • Clone Celo Blockchain repo
  • Build celotooljs geth build --geth-dir <directory-where-you-cloned-geth-repo> -c
  • Init celotooljs geth init --geth-dir <directory-where-you-cloned-geth-repo> --data-dir <geth-data-dir> -e <env-name>
  • Run celotooljs geth run --geth-dir <directory-where-you-cloned-geth-repo> --data-dir <geth-data-dir> --sync-mode <full | fast | light | ultralight>

How to Deploy a Test Network to the Cloud

  • Setup the environment variables: MNEMONIC, and GETH_ACCOUNT_SECRET.

  • Deploy: celotooljs deploy initial testnet -e yourname

  • Get pods: kubectl get pods -n yourname

  • Start shell: kubectl exec -n podname -it podname /bin/sh

  • Tear down: celotooljs deploy destroy testnet -e yourname

MacOS Setup

  • Install Helm 2.14.0 from (Homebrew lacks this version.) To get past the Unidentified Developer error: open the directory containing helm, then ctrl-click helm and select Open then Open again. Repeat for tiller.