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Smart contracts for the Celo protocols, including identity and stability.


The contents of this package are licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License V3

Initial deployment

See the the testnet helm chart README for how to expose the RPC endpoint.

Then, to deploy contracts to a network run:

yarn run init-network -n NETWORK

This will deploy the contracts to the network specified in truffle-config.js and save the artifacts to build/NETWORK. If your network was deployed with helm, you will probably set NETWORK the same as your NAME (which sets NAMESPACE_NAME and RELEASE_NAME). For more clarity on these names, also see the testnet helm chart README


If a new contract needs to be deployed, create a migration file in the migrations/ directory, prefixing it with the successor of the highest current migration number.

To apply any new migrations to a network, run:

yarn run migrate -n NETWORK


To give an account some gold, wrapped gold, and stable token, run:

yarn run faucet -n NETWORK -a ACCOUNT_ADDRESS

You can check balances by running:

yarn run get-balances -n NETWORK -a ACCOUNT_ADDRESS

You can run 'onlyOwner' methods via the MultiSig by running:

yarn run govern -n NETWORK -c "stableToken.setMinter(0x1234)"

Build artifacts

When interacting with one of our Kubernetes-deployed networks, you can download the build artifacts to a local directory using:

yarn run download-artifacts -n NAME

You must run this before interacting with one of these networks to have the build artifacts available locally.

If you changed the build artifacts (e.g. by running the init-network, migrate, or upgrade script), upload the new build artifacts with:

yarn run upload-artifacts -n NAME

By default, NAME will be set as RELEASE_NAME, NAMESPACE_NAME, TESTNET_NAME which you should have used with the same name in prior instructions. If you used separate names for the above, you can customize the run with the -r -n -t flags respectively.


To test the smart contracts, run:

yarn run test

Adding the optional --gas flag will print out a report of contract gas usage.