From 2f5882331237147ccd34fef646e7b38c338430bb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Haim Daniel <>
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2024 16:49:55 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] Add support for Google Pub/Sub as transport broker (#2147)

* Add support for Google Pub/Sub as transport broker

 * Add tests
 * Add docs

* flake8

* flake8

* [] auto fixes from hooks

for more information, see

* Fix future import

* [] auto fixes from hooks

for more information, see

* Add missing test requirements

* [] auto fixes from hooks

for more information, see

* Add monitoring dependency

* Fix test for python3.8

* Mock better google's monitoring api

* Flake8

* Add refdoc

* Add extra url to workaround pypy grpcio

* Add extra index url in tox for grpcio/pypy support

* Revert "Add extra url to workaround pypy grpcio"

This reverts commit dfde4d523c7487990d84d5c4b4b5c7f4a8d17294.

* pin grpcio version to match extra_index wheel

* [] auto fixes from hooks

for more information, see

* Reduce poll calls if qos denies msg rx


Co-authored-by: Haim Daniel <>
Co-authored-by: pre-commit-ci[bot] <66853113+pre-commit-ci[bot]>
Co-authored-by: Tomer Nosrati <>
 docs/reference/kombu.transport.gcpubsub.rst |  24 +
 kombu/transport/                 |   3 +-
 kombu/transport/                 | 810 ++++++++++++++++++++
 requirements/extras/gcpubsub.txt            |   3 +
 requirements/test-ci.txt                    |   1 +                                    |   1 +
 t/unit/transport/           | 793 +++++++++++++++++++
 tox.ini                                     |   4 +-
 8 files changed, 1637 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 docs/reference/kombu.transport.gcpubsub.rst
 create mode 100644 kombu/transport/
 create mode 100644 requirements/extras/gcpubsub.txt
 create mode 100644 t/unit/transport/

diff --git a/docs/reference/kombu.transport.gcpubsub.rst b/docs/reference/kombu.transport.gcpubsub.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf5fc058b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/reference/kombu.transport.gcpubsub.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ Google Cloud Pub/Sub Transport - ``kombu.transport.gcpubsub``
+.. currentmodule:: kombu.transport.gcpubsub
+.. automodule:: kombu.transport.gcpubsub
+    .. contents::
+        :local:
+    Transport
+    ---------
+    .. autoclass:: Transport
+        :members:
+        :undoc-members:
+    Channel
+    -------
+    .. autoclass:: Channel
+        :members:
+        :undoc-members:
diff --git a/kombu/transport/ b/kombu/transport/
index 64dd35c66..180a27b4b 100644
--- a/kombu/transport/
+++ b/kombu/transport/
@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ def supports_librabbitmq() -> bool | None:
     'etcd': 'kombu.transport.etcd:Transport',
     'azurestoragequeues': 'kombu.transport.azurestoragequeues:Transport',
     'azureservicebus': 'kombu.transport.azureservicebus:Transport',
-    'pyro': 'kombu.transport.pyro:Transport'
+    'pyro': 'kombu.transport.pyro:Transport',
+    'gcpubsub': 'kombu.transport.gcpubsub:Transport',
 _transport_cache = {}
diff --git a/kombu/transport/ b/kombu/transport/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..368c7a380
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kombu/transport/
@@ -0,0 +1,810 @@
+"""GCP Pub/Sub transport module for kombu.
+More information about GCP Pub/Sub:
+* Type: Virtual
+* Supports Direct: Yes
+* Supports Topic: No
+* Supports Fanout: Yes
+* Supports Priority: No
+* Supports TTL: No
+Connection String
+Connection string has the following formats:
+.. code-block::
+    gcpubsub://projects/project-name
+Transport Options
+* ``queue_name_prefix``: (str) Prefix for queue names.
+* ``ack_deadline_seconds``: (int) The maximum time after receiving a message
+  and acknowledging it before pub/sub redelivers the message.
+* ``expiration_seconds``: (int) Subscriptions without any subscriber
+  activity or changes made to their properties are removed after this period.
+  Examples of subscriber activities include open connections,
+  active pulls, or successful pushes.
+* ``wait_time_seconds``: (int) The maximum time to wait for new messages.
+  Defaults to 10.
+* ``retry_timeout_seconds``: (int) The maximum time to wait before retrying.
+* ``bulk_max_messages``: (int) The maximum number of messages to pull in bulk.
+  Defaults to 32.
+from __future__ import annotations
+import dataclasses
+import datetime
+import string
+import threading
+from concurrent.futures import (FIRST_COMPLETED, Future, ThreadPoolExecutor,
+                                wait)
+from contextlib import suppress
+from os import getpid
+from queue import Empty
+from threading import Lock
+from time import monotonic, sleep
+from uuid import NAMESPACE_OID, uuid3
+from _socket import gethostname
+from _socket import timeout as socket_timeout
+from google.api_core.exceptions import (AlreadyExists, DeadlineExceeded,
+                                        PermissionDenied)
+from google.api_core.retry import Retry
+from import monitoring_v3
+from import query
+from import PublisherClient, SubscriberClient
+from import exceptions as pubsub_exceptions
+from import exceptions as publisher_exceptions
+from import \
+    exceptions as subscriber_exceptions
+from google.pubsub_v1 import gapic_version as package_version
+from kombu.entity import TRANSIENT_DELIVERY_MODE
+from kombu.log import get_logger
+from kombu.utils.encoding import bytes_to_str, safe_str
+from kombu.utils.json import dumps, loads
+from kombu.utils.objects import cached_property
+from . import virtual
+logger = get_logger('kombu.transport.gcpubsub')
+# dots are replaced by dash, all other punctuation replaced by underscore.
+PUNCTUATIONS_TO_REPLACE = set(string.punctuation) - {'_', '.', '-'}
+    ord('.'): ord('-'),
+    **{ord(c): ord('_') for c in PUNCTUATIONS_TO_REPLACE},
+class UnackedIds:
+    """Threadsafe list of ack_ids."""
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._list = []
+        self._lock = Lock()
+    def append(self, val):
+        # append is atomic
+        self._list.append(val)
+    def extend(self, vals: list):
+        # extend is atomic
+        self._list.extend(vals)
+    def pop(self, index=-1):
+        with self._lock:
+            return self._list.pop(index)
+    def remove(self, val):
+        with self._lock, suppress(ValueError):
+            self._list.remove(val)
+    def __len__(self):
+        with self._lock:
+            return len(self._list)
+    def __getitem__(self, item):
+        # getitem is atomic
+        return self._list[item]
+class AtomicCounter:
+    """Threadsafe counter.
+    Returns the value after inc/dec operations.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, initial=0):
+        self._value = initial
+        self._lock = Lock()
+    def inc(self, n=1):
+        with self._lock:
+            self._value += n
+            return self._value
+    def dec(self, n=1):
+        with self._lock:
+            self._value -= n
+            return self._value
+    def get(self):
+        with self._lock:
+            return self._value
+class QueueDescriptor:
+    """Pub/Sub queue descriptor."""
+    name: str
+    topic_path: str  # projects/{project_id}/topics/{topic_id}
+    subscription_id: str
+    subscription_path: str  # projects/{project_id}/subscriptions/{subscription_id}
+    unacked_ids: UnackedIds = dataclasses.field(default_factory=UnackedIds)
+class Channel(virtual.Channel):
+    """GCP Pub/Sub channel."""
+    supports_fanout = True
+    do_restore = False  # pub/sub does that for us
+    default_wait_time_seconds = 10
+    default_ack_deadline_seconds = 240
+    default_expiration_seconds = 86400
+    default_retry_timeout_seconds = 300
+    default_bulk_max_messages = 32
+    _min_ack_deadline = 10
+    _fanout_exchanges = set()
+    _unacked_extender: threading.Thread = None
+    _stop_extender = threading.Event()
+    _n_channels = AtomicCounter()
+    _queue_cache: dict[str, QueueDescriptor] = {}
+    _tmp_subscriptions: set[str] = set()
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.pool = ThreadPoolExecutor()
+'new GCP pub/sub channel: %s', self.conninfo.hostname)
+        self.project_id = Transport.parse_uri(self.conninfo.hostname)
+        if == 1:
+            Channel._unacked_extender = threading.Thread(
+                target=self._extend_unacked_deadline,
+                daemon=True,
+            )
+            self._stop_extender.clear()
+            Channel._unacked_extender.start()
+    def entity_name(self, name: str, table=CHARS_REPLACE_TABLE) -> str:
+        """Format AMQP queue name into a valid Pub/Sub queue name."""
+        if not name.startswith(self.queue_name_prefix):
+            name = self.queue_name_prefix + name
+        return str(safe_str(name)).translate(table)
+    def _queue_bind(self, exchange, routing_key, pattern, queue):
+        exchange_type = self.typeof(exchange).type
+        queue = self.entity_name(queue)
+        logger.debug(
+            'binding queue: %s to %s exchange: %s with routing_key: %s',
+            queue,
+            exchange_type,
+            exchange,
+            routing_key,
+        )
+        filter_args = {}
+        if exchange_type == 'direct':
+            # Direct exchange is implemented as a single subscription
+            # E.g. for exchange 'test_direct':
+            # -topic:'test_direct'
+            #  -bound queue:'direct1':
+            #  -subscription: direct1' on topic 'test_direct'
+            #   -filter:routing_key'
+            filter_args = {
+                'filter': f'attributes.routing_key="{routing_key}"'
+            }
+            subscription_path = self.subscriber.subscription_path(
+                self.project_id, queue
+            )
+            message_retention_duration = self.expiration_seconds
+        elif exchange_type == 'fanout':
+            # Fanout exchange is implemented as a separate subscription.
+            # E.g. for exchange 'test_fanout':
+            # -topic:'test_fanout'
+            #  -bound queue 'fanout1':
+            #    -subscription:'fanout1-uuid' on topic 'test_fanout'
+            #  -bound queue 'fanout2':
+            #    -subscription:'fanout2-uuid' on topic 'test_fanout'
+            uid = f'{uuid3(NAMESPACE_OID, f"{gethostname()}.{getpid()}")}'
+            uniq_sub_name = f'{queue}-{uid}'
+            subscription_path = self.subscriber.subscription_path(
+                self.project_id, uniq_sub_name
+            )
+            self._tmp_subscriptions.add(subscription_path)
+            self._fanout_exchanges.add(exchange)
+            message_retention_duration = 600
+        else:
+            raise NotImplementedError(
+                f'exchange type {exchange_type} not implemented'
+            )
+        exchange_topic = self._create_topic(
+            self.project_id, exchange, message_retention_duration
+        )
+        self._create_subscription(
+            topic_path=exchange_topic,
+            subscription_path=subscription_path,
+            filter_args=filter_args,
+            msg_retention=message_retention_duration,
+        )
+        qdesc = QueueDescriptor(
+            name=queue,
+            topic_path=exchange_topic,
+            subscription_id=queue,
+            subscription_path=subscription_path,
+        )
+        self._queue_cache[queue] = qdesc
+    def _create_topic(
+        self,
+        project_id: str,
+        topic_id: str,
+        message_retention_duration: int = None,
+    ) -> str:
+        topic_path = self.publisher.topic_path(project_id, topic_id)
+        if self._is_topic_exists(topic_path):
+            # topic creation takes a while, so skip if possible
+            logger.debug('topic: %s exists', topic_path)
+            return topic_path
+        try:
+            logger.debug('creating topic: %s', topic_path)
+            request = {'name': topic_path}
+            if message_retention_duration:
+                request[
+                    'message_retention_duration'
+                ] = f'{message_retention_duration}s'
+            self.publisher.create_topic(request=request)
+        except AlreadyExists:
+            pass
+        return topic_path
+    def _is_topic_exists(self, topic_path: str) -> bool:
+        topics = self.publisher.list_topics(
+            request={"project": f'projects/{self.project_id}'}
+        )
+        for t in topics:
+            if == topic_path:
+                return True
+        return False
+    def _create_subscription(
+        self,
+        project_id: str = None,
+        topic_id: str = None,
+        topic_path: str = None,
+        subscription_path: str = None,
+        filter_args=None,
+        msg_retention: int = None,
+    ) -> str:
+        subscription_path = (
+            subscription_path
+            or self.subscriber.subscription_path(self.project_id, topic_id)
+        )
+        topic_path = topic_path or self.publisher.topic_path(
+            project_id, topic_id
+        )
+        try:
+            logger.debug(
+                'creating subscription: %s, topic: %s, filter: %s',
+                subscription_path,
+                topic_path,
+                filter_args,
+            )
+            msg_retention = msg_retention or self.expiration_seconds
+            self.subscriber.create_subscription(
+                request={
+                    "name": subscription_path,
+                    "topic": topic_path,
+                    'ack_deadline_seconds': self.ack_deadline_seconds,
+                    'expiration_policy': {
+                        'ttl': f'{self.expiration_seconds}s'
+                    },
+                    'message_retention_duration': f'{msg_retention}s',
+                    **(filter_args or {}),
+                }
+            )
+        except AlreadyExists:
+            pass
+        return subscription_path
+    def _delete(self, queue, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Delete a queue by name."""
+        queue = self.entity_name(queue)
+'deleting queue: %s', queue)
+        qdesc = self._queue_cache.get(queue)
+        if not qdesc:
+            return
+        self.subscriber.delete_subscription(
+            request={"subscription": qdesc.subscription_path}
+        )
+        self._queue_cache.pop(queue, None)
+    def _put(self, queue, message, **kwargs):
+        """Put a message onto the queue."""
+        queue = self.entity_name(queue)
+        qdesc = self._queue_cache[queue]
+        routing_key = self._get_routing_key(message)
+        logger.debug(
+            'putting message to queue: %s, topic: %s, routing_key: %s',
+            queue,
+            qdesc.topic_path,
+            routing_key,
+        )
+        encoded_message = dumps(message)
+        self.publisher.publish(
+            qdesc.topic_path,
+            encoded_message.encode("utf-8"),
+            routing_key=routing_key,
+        )
+    def _put_fanout(self, exchange, message, routing_key, **kwargs):
+        """Put a message onto fanout exchange."""
+        self._lookup(exchange, routing_key)
+        topic_path = self.publisher.topic_path(self.project_id, exchange)
+        logger.debug(
+            'putting msg to fanout exchange: %s, topic: %s',
+            exchange,
+            topic_path,
+        )
+        encoded_message = dumps(message)
+        self.publisher.publish(
+            topic_path,
+            encoded_message.encode("utf-8"),
+            retry=Retry(deadline=self.retry_timeout_seconds),
+        )
+    def _get(self, queue: str, timeout: float = None):
+        """Retrieves a single message from a queue."""
+        queue = self.entity_name(queue)
+        qdesc = self._queue_cache[queue]
+        try:
+            response = self.subscriber.pull(
+                request={
+                    'subscription': qdesc.subscription_path,
+                    'max_messages': 1,
+                },
+                retry=Retry(deadline=self.retry_timeout_seconds),
+                timeout=timeout or self.wait_time_seconds,
+            )
+        except DeadlineExceeded:
+            raise Empty()
+        if len(response.received_messages) == 0:
+            raise Empty()
+        message = response.received_messages[0]
+        ack_id = message.ack_id
+        payload = loads(
+        delivery_info = payload['properties']['delivery_info']
+        logger.debug(
+            'queue:%s got message, ack_id: %s, payload: %s',
+            queue,
+            ack_id,
+            payload['properties'],
+        )
+        if self._is_auto_ack(payload['properties']):
+            logger.debug('auto acking message ack_id: %s', ack_id)
+            self._do_ack([ack_id], qdesc.subscription_path)
+        else:
+            delivery_info['gcpubsub_message'] = {
+                'queue': queue,
+                'ack_id': ack_id,
+                'message_id': message.message.message_id,
+                'subscription_path': qdesc.subscription_path,
+            }
+            qdesc.unacked_ids.append(ack_id)
+        return payload
+    def _is_auto_ack(self, payload_properties: dict):
+        exchange = payload_properties['delivery_info']['exchange']
+        delivery_mode = payload_properties['delivery_mode']
+        return (
+            delivery_mode == TRANSIENT_DELIVERY_MODE
+            or exchange in self._fanout_exchanges
+        )
+    def _get_bulk(self, queue: str, timeout: float):
+        """Retrieves bulk of messages from a queue."""
+        prefixed_queue = self.entity_name(queue)
+        qdesc = self._queue_cache[prefixed_queue]
+        max_messages = self._get_max_messages_estimate()
+        if not max_messages:
+            raise Empty()
+        try:
+            response = self.subscriber.pull(
+                request={
+                    'subscription': qdesc.subscription_path,
+                    'max_messages': max_messages,
+                },
+                retry=Retry(deadline=self.retry_timeout_seconds),
+                timeout=timeout or self.wait_time_seconds,
+            )
+        except DeadlineExceeded:
+            raise Empty()
+        received_messages = response.received_messages
+        if len(received_messages) == 0:
+            raise Empty()
+        auto_ack_ids = []
+        ret_payloads = []
+        logger.debug(
+            'batching %d messages from queue: %s',
+            len(received_messages),
+            prefixed_queue,
+        )
+        for message in received_messages:
+            ack_id = message.ack_id
+            payload = loads(bytes_to_str(
+            delivery_info = payload['properties']['delivery_info']
+            delivery_info['gcpubsub_message'] = {
+                'queue': prefixed_queue,
+                'ack_id': ack_id,
+                'message_id': message.message.message_id,
+                'subscription_path': qdesc.subscription_path,
+            }
+            if self._is_auto_ack(payload['properties']):
+                auto_ack_ids.append(ack_id)
+            else:
+                qdesc.unacked_ids.append(ack_id)
+            ret_payloads.append(payload)
+        if auto_ack_ids:
+            logger.debug('auto acking ack_ids: %s', auto_ack_ids)
+            self._do_ack(auto_ack_ids, qdesc.subscription_path)
+        return queue, ret_payloads
+    def _get_max_messages_estimate(self) -> int:
+        max_allowed = self.qos.can_consume_max_estimate()
+        max_if_unlimited = self.bulk_max_messages
+        return max_if_unlimited if max_allowed is None else max_allowed
+    def _lookup(self, exchange, routing_key, default=None):
+        exchange_info = self.state.exchanges.get(exchange, {})
+        if not exchange_info:
+            return super()._lookup(exchange, routing_key, default)
+        ret = self.typeof(exchange).lookup(
+            self.get_table(exchange),
+            exchange,
+            routing_key,
+            default,
+        )
+        if ret:
+            return ret
+        logger.debug(
+            'no queues bound to exchange: %s, binding on the fly',
+            exchange,
+        )
+        self.queue_bind(exchange, exchange, routing_key)
+        return [exchange]
+    def _size(self, queue: str) -> int:
+        """Return the number of messages in a queue.
+        This is a *rough* estimation, as Pub/Sub doesn't provide
+        an exact API.
+        """
+        queue = self.entity_name(queue)
+        if queue not in self._queue_cache:
+            return 0
+        qdesc = self._queue_cache[queue]
+        result = query.Query(
+            self.monitor,
+            self.project_id,
+            '',
+  ,
+            minutes=1,
+        ).select_resources(subscription_id=qdesc.subscription_id)
+        # monitoring API requires the caller to have the monitoring.viewer
+        # role. Since we can live without the exact number of messages
+        # in the queue, we can ignore the exception and allow users to
+        # use the transport without this role.
+        with suppress(PermissionDenied):
+            return sum(
+                content.points[0].value.int64_value for content in result
+            )
+        return -1
+    def basic_ack(self, delivery_tag, multiple=False):
+        """Acknowledge one message."""
+        if multiple:
+            raise NotImplementedError('multiple acks not implemented')
+        delivery_info = self.qos.get(delivery_tag).delivery_info
+        pubsub_message = delivery_info['gcpubsub_message']
+        ack_id = pubsub_message['ack_id']
+        queue = pubsub_message['queue']
+        logger.debug('ack message. queue: %s ack_id: %s', queue, ack_id)
+        subscription_path = pubsub_message['subscription_path']
+        self._do_ack([ack_id], subscription_path)
+        qdesc = self._queue_cache[queue]
+        qdesc.unacked_ids.remove(ack_id)
+        super().basic_ack(delivery_tag)
+    def _do_ack(self, ack_ids: list[str], subscription_path: str):
+        self.subscriber.acknowledge(
+            request={"subscription": subscription_path, "ack_ids": ack_ids},
+            retry=Retry(deadline=self.retry_timeout_seconds),
+        )
+    def _purge(self, queue: str):
+        """Delete all current messages in a queue."""
+        queue = self.entity_name(queue)
+        qdesc = self._queue_cache.get(queue)
+        if not qdesc:
+            return
+        n = self._size(queue)
+            request={
+                "subscription": qdesc.subscription_path,
+                "time":,
+            }
+        )
+        return n
+    def _extend_unacked_deadline(self):
+        thread_id = threading.get_native_id()
+            'unacked deadline extension thread: [%s] started',
+            thread_id,
+        )
+        min_deadline_sleep = self._min_ack_deadline / 2
+        sleep_time = max(min_deadline_sleep, self.ack_deadline_seconds / 4)
+        while not self._stop_extender.wait(sleep_time):
+            for qdesc in self._queue_cache.values():
+                if len(qdesc.unacked_ids) == 0:
+                    logger.debug(
+                        'thread [%s]: no unacked messages for %s',
+                        thread_id,
+                        qdesc.subscription_path,
+                    )
+                    continue
+                logger.debug(
+                    'thread [%s]: extend ack deadline for %s: %d msgs [%s]',
+                    thread_id,
+                    qdesc.subscription_path,
+                    len(qdesc.unacked_ids),
+                    list(qdesc.unacked_ids),
+                )
+                self.subscriber.modify_ack_deadline(
+                    request={
+                        "subscription": qdesc.subscription_path,
+                        "ack_ids": list(qdesc.unacked_ids),
+                        "ack_deadline_seconds": self.ack_deadline_seconds,
+                    }
+                )
+            'unacked deadline extension thread [%s] stopped', thread_id
+        )
+    def after_reply_message_received(self, queue: str):
+        queue = self.entity_name(queue)
+        sub = self.subscriber.subscription_path(self.project_id, queue)
+        logger.debug(
+            'after_reply_message_received: queue: %s, sub: %s', queue, sub
+        )
+        self._tmp_subscriptions.add(sub)
+    @cached_property
+    def subscriber(self):
+        return SubscriberClient()
+    @cached_property
+    def publisher(self):
+        return PublisherClient()
+    @cached_property
+    def monitor(self):
+        return monitoring_v3.MetricServiceClient()
+    @property
+    def conninfo(self):
+        return self.connection.client
+    @property
+    def transport_options(self):
+        return self.connection.client.transport_options
+    @cached_property
+    def wait_time_seconds(self):
+        return self.transport_options.get(
+            'wait_time_seconds', self.default_wait_time_seconds
+        )
+    @cached_property
+    def retry_timeout_seconds(self):
+        return self.transport_options.get(
+            'retry_timeout_seconds', self.default_retry_timeout_seconds
+        )
+    @cached_property
+    def ack_deadline_seconds(self):
+        return self.transport_options.get(
+            'ack_deadline_seconds', self.default_ack_deadline_seconds
+        )
+    @cached_property
+    def queue_name_prefix(self):
+        return self.transport_options.get('queue_name_prefix', 'kombu-')
+    @cached_property
+    def expiration_seconds(self):
+        return self.transport_options.get(
+            'expiration_seconds', self.default_expiration_seconds
+        )
+    @cached_property
+    def bulk_max_messages(self):
+        return self.transport_options.get(
+            'bulk_max_messages', self.default_bulk_max_messages
+        )
+    def close(self):
+        """Close the channel."""
+        logger.debug('closing channel')
+        while self._tmp_subscriptions:
+            sub = self._tmp_subscriptions.pop()
+            with suppress(Exception):
+                logger.debug('deleting subscription: %s', sub)
+                self.subscriber.delete_subscription(
+                    request={"subscription": sub}
+                )
+        if not self._n_channels.dec():
+            self._stop_extender.set()
+            Channel._unacked_extender.join()
+        super().close()
+    @staticmethod
+    def _get_routing_key(message):
+        routing_key = (
+            message['properties']
+            .get('delivery_info', {})
+            .get('routing_key', '')
+        )
+        return routing_key
+class Transport(virtual.Transport):
+    """GCP Pub/Sub transport."""
+    Channel = Channel
+    can_parse_url = True
+    polling_interval = 0.1
+    connection_errors = virtual.Transport.connection_errors + (
+        pubsub_exceptions.TimeoutError,
+    )
+    channel_errors = (
+        virtual.Transport.channel_errors
+        + (
+            publisher_exceptions.FlowControlLimitError,
+            publisher_exceptions.MessageTooLargeError,
+            publisher_exceptions.PublishError,
+            publisher_exceptions.TimeoutError,
+            publisher_exceptions.PublishToPausedOrderingKeyException,
+        )
+        + (subscriber_exceptions.AcknowledgeError,)
+    )
+    driver_type = 'gcpubsub'
+    driver_name = 'pubsub_v1'
+    implements = virtual.Transport.implements.extend(
+        exchange_type=frozenset(['direct', 'fanout']),
+    )
+    def __init__(self, client, **kwargs):
+        super().__init__(client, **kwargs)
+        self._pool = ThreadPoolExecutor()
+        self._get_bulk_future_to_queue: dict[Future, str] = dict()
+    def driver_version(self):
+        return package_version.__version__
+    @staticmethod
+    def parse_uri(uri: str) -> str:
+        # URL like:
+        #  gcpubsub://projects/project-name
+        project = uri.split('gcpubsub://projects/')[1]
+        return project.strip('/')
+    @classmethod
+    def as_uri(self, uri: str, include_password=False, mask='**') -> str:
+        return uri or 'gcpubsub://'
+    def drain_events(self, connection, timeout=None):
+        time_start = monotonic()
+        polling_interval = self.polling_interval
+        if timeout and polling_interval and polling_interval > timeout:
+            polling_interval = timeout
+        while 1:
+            try:
+                self._drain_from_active_queues(timeout=timeout)
+            except Empty:
+                if timeout and monotonic() - time_start >= timeout:
+                    raise socket_timeout()
+                if polling_interval:
+                    sleep(polling_interval)
+            else:
+                break
+    def _drain_from_active_queues(self, timeout):
+        # cleanup empty requests from prev run
+        self._rm_empty_bulk_requests()
+        # submit new requests for all active queues
+        # longer timeout means less frequent polling
+        # and more messages in a single bulk
+        self._submit_get_bulk_requests(timeout=10)
+        done, _ = wait(
+            self._get_bulk_future_to_queue,
+            timeout=timeout,
+            return_when=FIRST_COMPLETED,
+        )
+        empty = {f for f in done if f.exception()}
+        done -= empty
+        for f in empty:
+            self._get_bulk_future_to_queue.pop(f, None)
+        if not done:
+            raise Empty()
+        logger.debug('got %d done get_bulk tasks', len(done))
+        for f in done:
+            queue, payloads = f.result()
+            for payload in payloads:
+                logger.debug('consuming message from queue: %s', queue)
+                if queue not in self._callbacks:
+                    logger.warning(
+                        'Message for queue %s without consumers', queue
+                    )
+                    continue
+                self._deliver(payload, queue)
+            self._get_bulk_future_to_queue.pop(f, None)
+    def _rm_empty_bulk_requests(self):
+        empty = {
+            f
+            for f in self._get_bulk_future_to_queue
+            if f.done() and f.exception()
+        }
+        for f in empty:
+            self._get_bulk_future_to_queue.pop(f, None)
+    def _submit_get_bulk_requests(self, timeout):
+        queues_with_submitted_get_bulk = set(
+            self._get_bulk_future_to_queue.values()
+        )
+        for channel in self.channels:
+            for queue in channel._active_queues:
+                if queue in queues_with_submitted_get_bulk:
+                    continue
+                future = self._pool.submit(channel._get_bulk, queue, timeout)
+                self._get_bulk_future_to_queue[future] = queue
diff --git a/requirements/extras/gcpubsub.txt b/requirements/extras/gcpubsub.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6dfee275f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/requirements/extras/gcpubsub.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/requirements/test-ci.txt b/requirements/test-ci.txt
index f9ffaf950..8882410ed 100644
--- a/requirements/test-ci.txt
+++ b/requirements/test-ci.txt
@@ -16,3 +16,4 @@ urllib3>=1.26.16; sys_platform != 'win32'
 -r extras/zstd.txt
 -r extras/sqlalchemy.txt
 -r extras/etcd.txt
+-r extras/gcpubsub.txt
diff --git a/ b/
index da1ac7303..f4cb25799 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ def readme():
         'redis': extras('redis.txt'),
         'mongodb': extras('mongodb.txt'),
         'sqs': extras('sqs.txt'),
+        'gcpubsub': extras('gcpubsub.txt'),
         'zookeeper': extras('zookeeper.txt'),
         'sqlalchemy': extras('sqlalchemy.txt'),
         'librabbitmq': extras('librabbitmq.txt'),
diff --git a/t/unit/transport/ b/t/unit/transport/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e60336b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/unit/transport/
@@ -0,0 +1,793 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+from concurrent.futures import Future
+from datetime import datetime
+from queue import Empty
+from unittest.mock import MagicMock, call, patch
+import pytest
+from _socket import timeout as socket_timeout
+from google.api_core.exceptions import (AlreadyExists, DeadlineExceeded,
+                                        PermissionDenied)
+from kombu.transport.gcpubsub import (AtomicCounter, Channel, QueueDescriptor,
+                                      Transport, UnackedIds)
+class test_UnackedIds:
+    def setup_method(self):
+        self.unacked_ids = UnackedIds()
+    def test_append(self):
+        self.unacked_ids.append('test_id')
+        assert self.unacked_ids[0] == 'test_id'
+    def test_extend(self):
+        self.unacked_ids.extend(['test_id1', 'test_id2'])
+        assert self.unacked_ids[0] == 'test_id1'
+        assert self.unacked_ids[1] == 'test_id2'
+    def test_pop(self):
+        self.unacked_ids.append('test_id')
+        popped_id = self.unacked_ids.pop()
+        assert popped_id == 'test_id'
+        assert len(self.unacked_ids) == 0
+    def test_remove(self):
+        self.unacked_ids.append('test_id')
+        self.unacked_ids.remove('test_id')
+        assert len(self.unacked_ids) == 0
+    def test_len(self):
+        self.unacked_ids.append('test_id')
+        assert len(self.unacked_ids) == 1
+    def test_getitem(self):
+        self.unacked_ids.append('test_id')
+        assert self.unacked_ids[0] == 'test_id'
+class test_AtomicCounter:
+    def setup_method(self):
+        self.counter = AtomicCounter()
+    def test_inc(self):
+        assert == 1
+        assert == 6
+    def test_dec(self):
+        assert self.counter.dec() == 4
+        assert self.counter.dec(2) == 2
+    def test_get(self):
+        assert self.counter.get() == 7
+def channel():
+    with patch.object(Channel, '__init__', lambda self: None):
+        channel = Channel()
+        channel.connection = MagicMock()
+        channel.queue_name_prefix = "kombu-"
+        channel.project_id = "test_project"
+        channel._queue_cache = {}
+        channel._n_channels = MagicMock()
+        channel._stop_extender = MagicMock()
+        channel.subscriber = MagicMock()
+        channel.publisher = MagicMock()
+        channel.closed = False
+        with patch.object(
+            Channel, 'conninfo', new_callable=MagicMock
+        ), patch.object(
+            Channel, 'transport_options', new_callable=MagicMock
+        ), patch.object(
+            Channel, 'qos', new_callable=MagicMock
+        ):
+            yield channel
+class test_Channel:
+    @patch('kombu.transport.gcpubsub.ThreadPoolExecutor')
+    @patch('kombu.transport.gcpubsub.threading.Event')
+    @patch('kombu.transport.gcpubsub.threading.Thread')
+    @patch(
+        'kombu.transport.gcpubsub.Channel._get_free_channel_id',
+        return_value=1,
+    )
+    @patch(
+        '',
+        return_value=1,
+    )
+    def test_channel_init(
+        self,
+        n_channels_in_mock,
+        channel_id_mock,
+        mock_thread,
+        mock_event,
+        mock_executor,
+    ):
+        mock_connection = MagicMock()
+        ch = Channel(mock_connection)
+        mock_thread.assert_called_once_with(
+            target=ch._extend_unacked_deadline,
+            daemon=True,
+        )
+        mock_thread.return_value.start.assert_called_once()
+    def test_entity_name(self, channel):
+        name = "test_queue"
+        result = channel.entity_name(name)
+        assert result == "kombu-test_queue"
+    @patch('kombu.transport.gcpubsub.uuid3', return_value='uuid')
+    @patch('kombu.transport.gcpubsub.gethostname', return_value='hostname')
+    @patch('kombu.transport.gcpubsub.getpid', return_value=1234)
+    def test_queue_bind_direct(
+        self, mock_pid, mock_hostname, mock_uuid, channel
+    ):
+        exchange = 'direct'
+        routing_key = 'test_routing_key'
+        pattern = 'test_pattern'
+        queue = 'test_queue'
+        subscription_path = 'projects/project-id/subscriptions/test_queue'
+        channel.subscriber.subscription_path = MagicMock(
+            return_value=subscription_path
+        )
+        channel._create_topic = MagicMock(return_value='topic_path')
+        channel._create_subscription = MagicMock()
+        # Mock the state and exchange type
+        mock_connection = MagicMock(name='mock_connection')
+        channel.connection = mock_connection
+        channel.state.exchanges = {exchange: {'type': 'direct'}}
+        mock_exchange = MagicMock(name='mock_exchange', type='direct')
+        channel.exchange_types = {'direct': mock_exchange}
+        channel._queue_bind(exchange, routing_key, pattern, queue)
+        channel._create_topic.assert_called_once_with(
+            channel.project_id, exchange, channel.expiration_seconds
+        )
+        channel._create_subscription.assert_called_once_with(
+            topic_path='topic_path',
+            subscription_path=subscription_path,
+            filter_args={'filter': f'attributes.routing_key="{routing_key}"'},
+            msg_retention=channel.expiration_seconds,
+        )
+        assert channel.entity_name(queue) in channel._queue_cache
+    @patch('kombu.transport.gcpubsub.uuid3', return_value='uuid')
+    @patch('kombu.transport.gcpubsub.gethostname', return_value='hostname')
+    @patch('kombu.transport.gcpubsub.getpid', return_value=1234)
+    def test_queue_bind_fanout(
+        self, mock_pid, mock_hostname, mock_uuid, channel
+    ):
+        exchange = 'test_exchange'
+        routing_key = 'test_routing_key'
+        pattern = 'test_pattern'
+        queue = 'test_queue'
+        uniq_sub_name = 'test_queue-uuid'
+        subscription_path = (
+            f'projects/project-id/subscriptions/{uniq_sub_name}'
+        )
+        channel.subscriber.subscription_path = MagicMock(
+            return_value=subscription_path
+        )
+        channel._create_topic = MagicMock(return_value='topic_path')
+        channel._create_subscription = MagicMock()
+        # Mock the state and exchange type
+        mock_connection = MagicMock(name='mock_connection')
+        channel.connection = mock_connection
+        channel.state.exchanges = {exchange: {'type': 'fanout'}}
+        mock_exchange = MagicMock(name='mock_exchange', type='fanout')
+        channel.exchange_types = {'fanout': mock_exchange}
+        channel._queue_bind(exchange, routing_key, pattern, queue)
+        channel._create_topic.assert_called_once_with(
+            channel.project_id, exchange, 600
+        )
+        channel._create_subscription.assert_called_once_with(
+            topic_path='topic_path',
+            subscription_path=subscription_path,
+            filter_args={},
+            msg_retention=600,
+        )
+        assert channel.entity_name(queue) in channel._queue_cache
+        assert subscription_path in channel._tmp_subscriptions
+        assert exchange in channel._fanout_exchanges
+    def test_queue_bind_not_implemented(self, channel):
+        exchange = 'test_exchange'
+        routing_key = 'test_routing_key'
+        pattern = 'test_pattern'
+        queue = 'test_queue'
+        channel.typeof = MagicMock(return_value=MagicMock(type='unsupported'))
+        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
+            channel._queue_bind(exchange, routing_key, pattern, queue)
+    def test_create_topic(self, channel):
+        channel.project_id = "project_id"
+        topic_id = "topic_id"
+        channel._is_topic_exists = MagicMock(return_value=False)
+        channel.publisher.topic_path = MagicMock(return_value="topic_path")
+        channel.publisher.create_topic = MagicMock()
+        result = channel._create_topic(channel.project_id, topic_id)
+        assert result == "topic_path"
+        channel.publisher.create_topic.assert_called_once()
+        channel._create_topic(
+            channel.project_id, topic_id, message_retention_duration=10
+        )
+        assert (
+            dict(
+                request={
+                    'name': 'topic_path',
+                    'message_retention_duration': '10s',
+                }
+            )
+            in channel.publisher.create_topic.call_args
+        )
+        channel.publisher.create_topic.side_effect = AlreadyExists(
+            "test_error"
+        )
+        channel._create_topic(
+            channel.project_id, topic_id, message_retention_duration=10
+        )
+    def test_is_topic_exists(self, channel):
+        topic_path = "projects/project-id/topics/test_topic"
+        mock_topic = MagicMock()
+ = topic_path
+        channel.publisher.list_topics.return_value = [mock_topic]
+        result = channel._is_topic_exists(topic_path)
+        assert result is True
+        channel.publisher.list_topics.assert_called_once_with(
+            request={"project": f'projects/{channel.project_id}'}
+        )
+    def test_is_topic_not_exists(self, channel):
+        topic_path = "projects/project-id/topics/test_topic"
+        channel.publisher.list_topics.return_value = []
+        result = channel._is_topic_exists(topic_path)
+        assert result is False
+        channel.publisher.list_topics.assert_called_once_with(
+            request={"project": f'projects/{channel.project_id}'}
+        )
+    def test_create_subscription(self, channel):
+        channel.project_id = "project_id"
+        topic_id = "topic_id"
+        subscription_path = "subscription_path"
+        topic_path = "topic_path"
+        channel.subscriber.subscription_path = MagicMock(
+            return_value=subscription_path
+        )
+        channel.publisher.topic_path = MagicMock(return_value=topic_path)
+        channel.subscriber.create_subscription = MagicMock()
+        result = channel._create_subscription(
+            project_id=channel.project_id,
+            topic_id=topic_id,
+            subscription_path=subscription_path,
+            topic_path=topic_path,
+        )
+        assert result == subscription_path
+        channel.subscriber.create_subscription.assert_called_once()
+    def test_delete(self, channel):
+        queue = "test_queue"
+        subscription_path = "projects/project-id/subscriptions/test_queue"
+        qdesc = QueueDescriptor(
+            name=queue,
+            topic_path="projects/project-id/topics/test_topic",
+            subscription_id=queue,
+            subscription_path=subscription_path,
+        )
+        channel.subscriber = MagicMock()
+        channel._queue_cache[channel.entity_name(queue)] = qdesc
+        channel._delete(queue)
+        channel.subscriber.delete_subscription.assert_called_once_with(
+            request={"subscription": subscription_path}
+        )
+        assert queue not in channel._queue_cache
+    def test_put(self, channel):
+        queue = "test_queue"
+        message = {
+            "properties": {"delivery_info": {"routing_key": "test_key"}}
+        }
+        channel.entity_name = MagicMock(return_value=queue)
+        channel._queue_cache[channel.entity_name(queue)] = QueueDescriptor(
+            name=queue,
+            topic_path="topic_path",
+            subscription_id=queue,
+            subscription_path="subscription_path",
+        )
+        channel._get_routing_key = MagicMock(return_value="test_key")
+        channel.publisher.publish = MagicMock()
+        channel._put(queue, message)
+        channel.publisher.publish.assert_called_once()
+    def test_put_fanout(self, channel):
+        exchange = "test_exchange"
+        message = {
+            "properties": {"delivery_info": {"routing_key": "test_key"}}
+        }
+        routing_key = "test_key"
+        channel._lookup = MagicMock()
+        channel.publisher.topic_path = MagicMock(return_value="topic_path")
+        channel.publisher.publish = MagicMock()
+        channel._put_fanout(exchange, message, routing_key)
+        channel._lookup.assert_called_once_with(exchange, routing_key)
+        channel.publisher.topic_path.assert_called_once_with(
+            channel.project_id, exchange
+        )
+        assert 'topic_path', (
+            b'{"properties": {"delivery_info": {"routing_key": "test_key"}}}'
+            in channel.publisher.publish.call_args
+        )
+    def test_get(self, channel):
+        queue = "test_queue"
+        channel.entity_name = MagicMock(return_value=queue)
+        channel._queue_cache[queue] = QueueDescriptor(
+            name=queue,
+            topic_path="topic_path",
+            subscription_id=queue,
+            subscription_path="subscription_path",
+        )
+        channel.subscriber.pull = MagicMock(
+            return_value=MagicMock(
+                received_messages=[
+                    MagicMock(
+                        ack_id="ack_id",
+                        message=MagicMock(
+                            data=b'{"properties": '
+                            b'{"delivery_info": '
+                            b'{"exchange": "exchange"},"delivery_mode": 1}}'
+                        ),
+                    )
+                ]
+            )
+        )
+        channel.subscriber.acknowledge = MagicMock()
+        payload = channel._get(queue)
+        assert (
+            payload["properties"]["delivery_info"]["exchange"] == "exchange"
+        )
+        channel.subscriber.pull.side_effect = DeadlineExceeded("test_error")
+        with pytest.raises(Empty):
+            channel._get(queue)
+    def test_get_bulk(self, channel):
+        queue = "test_queue"
+        subscription_path = "projects/project-id/subscriptions/test_queue"
+        qdesc = QueueDescriptor(
+            name=queue,
+            topic_path="projects/project-id/topics/test_topic",
+            subscription_id=queue,
+            subscription_path=subscription_path,
+        )
+        channel._queue_cache[channel.entity_name(queue)] = qdesc
+        data = b'{"properties": {"delivery_info": {"exchange": "exchange"}}}'
+        received_message = MagicMock(
+            ack_id="ack_id",
+            message=MagicMock(data=data),
+        )
+        channel.subscriber.pull = MagicMock(
+            return_value=MagicMock(received_messages=[received_message])
+        )
+        channel.bulk_max_messages = 10
+        channel._is_auto_ack = MagicMock(return_value=True)
+        channel._do_ack = MagicMock()
+        channel.qos.can_consume_max_estimate = MagicMock(return_value=None)
+        queue, payloads = channel._get_bulk(queue, timeout=10)
+        assert len(payloads) == 1
+        assert (
+            payloads[0]["properties"]["delivery_info"]["exchange"]
+            == "exchange"
+        )
+        channel._do_ack.assert_called_once_with(["ack_id"], subscription_path)
+        channel.subscriber.pull.side_effect = DeadlineExceeded("test_error")
+        with pytest.raises(Empty):
+            channel._get_bulk(queue, timeout=10)
+    def test_lookup(self, channel):
+        exchange = "test_exchange"
+        routing_key = "test_key"
+        default = None
+        channel.connection = MagicMock()
+        channel.state.exchanges = {exchange: {"type": "direct"}}
+        channel.typeof = MagicMock(
+            return_value=MagicMock(lookup=MagicMock(return_value=["queue1"]))
+        )
+        channel.get_table = MagicMock(return_value="table")
+        result = channel._lookup(exchange, routing_key, default)
+        channel.typeof.return_value.lookup.assert_called_once_with(
+            "table", exchange, routing_key, default
+        )
+        assert result == ["queue1"]
+        # Test the case where no queues are bound to the exchange
+        channel.typeof.return_value.lookup.return_value = None
+        channel.queue_bind = MagicMock()
+        result = channel._lookup(exchange, routing_key, default)
+        channel.queue_bind.assert_called_once_with(
+            exchange, exchange, routing_key
+        )
+        assert result == [exchange]
+    @patch('kombu.transport.gcpubsub.monitoring_v3')
+    @patch('kombu.transport.gcpubsub.query.Query')
+    def test_size(self, mock_query, mock_monitor, channel):
+        queue = "test_queue"
+        subscription_id = "test_subscription"
+        qdesc = QueueDescriptor(
+            name=queue,
+            topic_path="projects/project-id/topics/test_topic",
+            subscription_id=subscription_id,
+            subscription_path="projects/project-id/subscriptions/test_subscription",  # E501
+        )
+        channel._queue_cache[channel.entity_name(queue)] = qdesc
+        mock_query_result = MagicMock()
+        mock_query_result.select_resources.return_value = [
+            MagicMock(points=[MagicMock(value=MagicMock(int64_value=5))])
+        ]
+        mock_query.return_value = mock_query_result
+        size = channel._size(queue)
+        assert size == 5
+        # Test the case where the queue is not in the cache
+        size = channel._size("non_existent_queue")
+        assert size == 0
+        # Test the case where the query raises PermissionDenied
+        mock_item = MagicMock()
+        mock_item.points.__getitem__.side_effect = PermissionDenied(
+            'test_error'
+        )
+        mock_query_result.select_resources.return_value = [mock_item]
+        size = channel._size(queue)
+        assert size == -1
+    def test_basic_ack(self, channel):
+        delivery_tag = "test_delivery_tag"
+        ack_id = "test_ack_id"
+        queue = "test_queue"
+        subscription_path = (
+            "projects/project-id/subscriptions/test_subscription"
+        )
+        qdesc = QueueDescriptor(
+            name=queue,
+            topic_path="projects/project-id/topics/test_topic",
+            subscription_id="test_subscription",
+            subscription_path=subscription_path,
+        )
+        channel._queue_cache[queue] = qdesc
+        delivery_info = {
+            'gcpubsub_message': {
+                'queue': queue,
+                'ack_id': ack_id,
+                'subscription_path': subscription_path,
+            }
+        }
+        channel.qos.get = MagicMock(
+            return_value=MagicMock(delivery_info=delivery_info)
+        )
+        channel._do_ack = MagicMock()
+        channel.basic_ack(delivery_tag)
+        channel._do_ack.assert_called_once_with([ack_id], subscription_path)
+        assert ack_id not in qdesc.unacked_ids
+    def test_do_ack(self, channel):
+        ack_ids = ["ack_id1", "ack_id2"]
+        subscription_path = (
+            "projects/project-id/subscriptions/test_subscription"
+        )
+        channel.subscriber = MagicMock()
+        channel._do_ack(ack_ids, subscription_path)
+        assert subscription_path, (
+            ack_ids in channel.subscriber.acknowledge.call_args
+        )
+    def test_purge(self, channel):
+        queue = "test_queue"
+        subscription_path = f"projects/project-id/subscriptions/{queue}"
+        qdesc = QueueDescriptor(
+            name=queue,
+            topic_path="projects/project-id/topics/test_topic",
+            subscription_id="test_subscription",
+            subscription_path=subscription_path,
+        )
+        channel._queue_cache[channel.entity_name(queue)] = qdesc
+        channel.subscriber = MagicMock()
+        with patch.object(channel, '_size', return_value=10), patch(
+            'kombu.transport.gcpubsub.datetime.datetime'
+        ) as dt_mock:
+   = datetime(2021, 1, 1)
+            result = channel._purge(queue)
+            assert result == 10
+                request={
+                    "subscription": subscription_path,
+                    "time": datetime(2021, 1, 1),
+                }
+            )
+        # Test the case where the queue is not in the cache
+        result = channel._purge("non_existent_queue")
+        assert result is None
+    def test_extend_unacked_deadline(self, channel):
+        queue = "test_queue"
+        subscription_path = (
+            "projects/project-id/subscriptions/test_subscription"
+        )
+        ack_ids = ["ack_id1", "ack_id2"]
+        qdesc = QueueDescriptor(
+            name=queue,
+            topic_path="projects/project-id/topics/test_topic",
+            subscription_id="test_subscription",
+            subscription_path=subscription_path,
+        )
+        channel.transport_options = {"ack_deadline_seconds": 240}
+        channel._queue_cache[channel.entity_name(queue)] = qdesc
+        qdesc.unacked_ids.extend(ack_ids)
+        channel._stop_extender.wait = MagicMock(side_effect=[False, True])
+        channel.subscriber.modify_ack_deadline = MagicMock()
+        channel._extend_unacked_deadline()
+        channel.subscriber.modify_ack_deadline.assert_called_once_with(
+            request={
+                "subscription": subscription_path,
+                "ack_ids": ack_ids,
+                "ack_deadline_seconds": 240,
+            }
+        )
+        for _ in ack_ids:
+            qdesc.unacked_ids.pop()
+        channel._stop_extender.wait = MagicMock(side_effect=[False, True])
+        modify_ack_deadline_calls = (
+            channel.subscriber.modify_ack_deadline.call_count
+        )
+        channel._extend_unacked_deadline()
+        assert (
+            channel.subscriber.modify_ack_deadline.call_count
+            == modify_ack_deadline_calls
+        )
+    def test_after_reply_message_received(self, channel):
+        queue = 'test-queue'
+        subscription_path = f'projects/test-project/subscriptions/{queue}'
+        channel.subscriber.subscription_path.return_value = subscription_path
+        channel.after_reply_message_received(queue)
+        # Check that the subscription path is added to _tmp_subscriptions
+        assert subscription_path in channel._tmp_subscriptions
+    def test_subscriber(self, channel):
+        assert channel.subscriber
+    def test_publisher(self, channel):
+        assert channel.publisher
+    def test_transport_options(self, channel):
+        assert channel.transport_options
+    def test_bulk_max_messages_default(self, channel):
+        assert channel.bulk_max_messages == channel.transport_options.get(
+            'bulk_max_messages'
+        )
+    def test_close(self, channel):
+        channel._tmp_subscriptions = {'sub1', 'sub2'}
+        channel._n_channels.dec.return_value = 0
+        with patch.object(
+            Channel._unacked_extender, 'join'
+        ) as mock_join, patch(
+            'kombu.transport.virtual.Channel.close'
+        ) as mock_super_close:
+            channel.close()
+            channel.subscriber.delete_subscription.assert_has_calls(
+                [
+                    call(request={"subscription": 'sub1'}),
+                    call(request={"subscription": 'sub2'}),
+                ],
+                any_order=True,
+            )
+            channel._stop_extender.set.assert_called_once()
+            mock_join.assert_called_once()
+            mock_super_close.assert_called_once()
+def transport():
+    return Transport(client=MagicMock())
+class test_Transport:
+    def test_driver_version(self, transport):
+        assert transport.driver_version()
+    def test_as_uri(self, transport):
+        result = transport.as_uri('gcpubsub://')
+        assert result == 'gcpubsub://'
+    def test_drain_events_timeout(self, transport):
+        transport.polling_interval = 4
+        with patch.object(
+            transport, '_drain_from_active_queues', side_effect=Empty
+        ), patch(
+            'kombu.transport.gcpubsub.monotonic',
+            side_effect=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
+        ), patch(
+            'kombu.transport.gcpubsub.sleep'
+        ) as mock_sleep:
+            with pytest.raises(socket_timeout):
+                transport.drain_events(None, timeout=3)
+            mock_sleep.assert_called()
+    def test_drain_events_no_timeout(self, transport):
+        with patch.object(
+            transport, '_drain_from_active_queues', side_effect=[Empty, None]
+        ), patch(
+            'kombu.transport.gcpubsub.monotonic', side_effect=[0, 1]
+        ), patch(
+            'kombu.transport.gcpubsub.sleep'
+        ) as mock_sleep:
+            transport.drain_events(None, timeout=None)
+            mock_sleep.assert_called()
+    def test_drain_events_polling_interval(self, transport):
+        transport.polling_interval = 2
+        with patch.object(
+            transport, '_drain_from_active_queues', side_effect=[Empty, None]
+        ), patch(
+            'kombu.transport.gcpubsub.monotonic', side_effect=[0, 1, 2]
+        ), patch(
+            'kombu.transport.gcpubsub.sleep'
+        ) as mock_sleep:
+            transport.drain_events(None, timeout=5)
+            mock_sleep.assert_called_with(2)
+    def test_drain_from_active_queues_empty(self, transport):
+        with patch.object(
+            transport, '_rm_empty_bulk_requests'
+        ) as mock_rm_empty, patch.object(
+            transport, '_submit_get_bulk_requests'
+        ) as mock_submit, patch(
+            'kombu.transport.gcpubsub.wait', return_value=(set(), set())
+        ) as mock_wait:
+            with pytest.raises(Empty):
+                transport._drain_from_active_queues(timeout=10)
+            mock_rm_empty.assert_called_once()
+            mock_submit.assert_called_once_with(timeout=10)
+            mock_wait.assert_called_once()
+    def test_drain_from_active_queues_done(self, transport):
+        future = Future()
+        future.set_result(('queue', [{'properties': {'delivery_info': {}}}]))
+        with patch.object(
+            transport, '_rm_empty_bulk_requests'
+        ) as mock_rm_empty, patch.object(
+            transport, '_submit_get_bulk_requests'
+        ) as mock_submit, patch(
+            'kombu.transport.gcpubsub.wait', return_value=({future}, set())
+        ) as mock_wait, patch.object(
+            transport, '_deliver'
+        ) as mock_deliver:
+            transport._callbacks = {'queue'}
+            transport._drain_from_active_queues(timeout=10)
+            mock_rm_empty.assert_called_once()
+            mock_submit.assert_called_once_with(timeout=10)
+            mock_wait.assert_called_once()
+            mock_deliver.assert_called_once_with(
+                {'properties': {'delivery_info': {}}}, 'queue'
+            )
+            mock_deliver_call_count = mock_deliver.call_count
+            transport._callbacks = {}
+            transport._drain_from_active_queues(timeout=10)
+            assert mock_deliver_call_count == mock_deliver.call_count
+    def test_drain_from_active_queues_exception(self, transport):
+        future = Future()
+        future.set_exception(Exception("Test exception"))
+        with patch.object(
+            transport, '_rm_empty_bulk_requests'
+        ) as mock_rm_empty, patch.object(
+            transport, '_submit_get_bulk_requests'
+        ) as mock_submit, patch(
+            'kombu.transport.gcpubsub.wait', return_value=({future}, set())
+        ) as mock_wait:
+            with pytest.raises(Empty):
+                transport._drain_from_active_queues(timeout=10)
+            mock_rm_empty.assert_called_once()
+            mock_submit.assert_called_once_with(timeout=10)
+            mock_wait.assert_called_once()
+    def test_rm_empty_bulk_requests(self, transport):
+        # Create futures with exceptions to simulate empty requests
+        future_with_exception = Future()
+        future_with_exception.set_exception(Exception("Test exception"))
+        transport._get_bulk_future_to_queue = {
+            future_with_exception: 'queue1',
+        }
+        transport._rm_empty_bulk_requests()
+        # Assert that the future with exception is removed
+        assert (
+            future_with_exception not in transport._get_bulk_future_to_queue
+        )
+    def test_submit_get_bulk_requests(self, transport):
+        channel_mock = MagicMock(spec=Channel)
+        channel_mock._active_queues = ['queue1', 'queue2']
+        transport.channels = [channel_mock]
+        with patch.object(
+            transport._pool, 'submit', return_value=MagicMock()
+        ) as mock_submit:
+            transport._submit_get_bulk_requests(timeout=10)
+            # Check that submit was called twice, once for each queue
+            assert mock_submit.call_count == 2
+            mock_submit.assert_any_call(channel_mock._get_bulk, 'queue1', 10)
+            mock_submit.assert_any_call(channel_mock._get_bulk, 'queue2', 10)
+    def test_submit_get_bulk_requests_with_existing_futures(self, transport):
+        channel_mock = MagicMock(spec=Channel)
+        channel_mock._active_queues = ['queue1', 'queue2']
+        transport.channels = [channel_mock]
+        # Simulate existing futures
+        future_mock = MagicMock()
+        transport._get_bulk_future_to_queue = {future_mock: 'queue1'}
+        with patch.object(
+            transport._pool, 'submit', return_value=MagicMock()
+        ) as mock_submit:
+            transport._submit_get_bulk_requests(timeout=10)
+            # Check that submit was called only once for the new queue
+            assert mock_submit.call_count == 1
+            mock_submit.assert_called_with(
+                channel_mock._get_bulk, 'queue2', 10
+            )
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index b1259e0ec..7b45b9b49 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -25,7 +25,9 @@ python =
 sitepackages = False
-setenv = C_DEBUG_TEST = 1
+setenv =
+    C_DEBUG_TEST = 1
 passenv =