Provers for intuitionistic and classical linear logic.
The project was tested in Maude 2.7.1. No extra library is needed for execution.
The implementation includes the following files:
- syntax.maude: Syntax of Propositional Linear Logic
- ILL-Prover.maude: Focused system for Intuitionistic Linear Logic
- cll-system.maude: Focused system for Classical Linear Logic
- LJ-Prover.maude: LJ System (propositional intuitionistic logic)
- translations-ILL.maude: Different translations from LJ sequents into linear logic formulas.
The directory utils
contains some scripts to execute LLTP files (see The file benchmark.txt contains some intuitionistic sequents (see syntax below) that can be translated into linear logic sequents (translations-ILL.maude). The directory output
shows the proofs generated by the prover.
Loading the system:
maude ILL-Prover.maude
Searching for a proof:
search [1] prove([emp] 1 , ! 'p * ! 'q |~ ! ('p * 'q)) =>* proved(Tr) .
Printing the LaTex code of the proof
red solve([emp] ! 'p * ! 'q |~ ( 'p * 'q) & (( 'q * 'p) & ('q * 'q ))) .
The syntax to perform the translation is the following:
Propositions: A B C P Q R ...
Formulas: F to F --- implication
F sim F --- biimplication
F land F --- conjunction
F lor F --- disjunction
neg F --- negation
True / False --- Constants
Contexts: nil | C , C
Sequents: C vdash F
For instance, by loading translations-ILL.maude:
maude translations-ILL.maude
The following command will prove, using the CALL-BY-NAME translation, the given intuitionistic sequent
select CALL-BY-NAME .
red proveIt( nil vdash A to A) .