A pure Rust, light-weight, and performant implementation of the Arcturus zero-knowledge proof system [link].
Arcturus enables efficient proof and verification of confidential transactions with very large anonymity sets. A correct proof provides the following guarantees:
- The signer posesses the signing key for each spent output in the ring.
- The sum of spent inputs matches the sum of newly minted outputs.1
- Each spent input is accompanied with a unique, deterministic, linking tag to detect double spends.2
- The transaction input and output values are hidden (aka confidential).
- The transaction inputs and signing keys are hidden in a large anonymity set.3
This crate is a work in progress and has not been independently audited!
Detailed documentation can be found here.
use arcturus::*;
use curve25519_dalek::ristretto::RistrettoPoint;
use curve25519_dalek::scalar::Scalar;
use merlin::Transcript;
use rand::rngs::OsRng; // You should use a more secure RNG
// Set up proof generators for 5 bit binary proofs with up to 2 spends in a proof.
let gens = ArcturusGens::new(2, 5, 2).unwrap();
// Given a ring of UTXOs, assume the signer controls outputs at indices 13 & 14 (signer knows spend
// key, amount, and blinding factor for each of his inputs) and wishes to spend those inputs in a
// transaction which mints a new output whose value balances against the inputs:
let ring: Vec<Arcturus::Output> = ...;
// Indices of UTXOs to spend as transaction inputs
let idxs = vec![13, 14];
// Secret data to spend each input UTXO
let spends = vec![ // Secret data to spend each input UTXO
SpendSecret::new(spend_key_13, spend_amt_13, spend_blind_13),
SpendSecret::new(spend_key_14, spend_amt_14, spend_blind_14)
// Secret data for new minted outputs (Total mint ammounts must balance total input ammounts).
let mints = vec![MintSecret::new(mint_pubkey, mint_amt, mint_blind)];
// Signer computes the transaction proof
let mut t = Transcript::new(b"Test proof");
let proof = gens.prove(&mut t, &ring[..], &idxs[..], &spends[..], &mints[..]).unwrap();
// The verifier my verify the proof as follows:
let mut t = Transcript::new(b"Test proof");
let proofs = vec![proof];
assert!(gens.verify(&mut t, &ring[..], &proofs[..]).is_ok());
Benchmarks are run using criterion.rs.
export RUSTFLAGS="-C target_cpu=native"
cargo bench
Please see CONTRIBUTING.md.
Note 1: This library does not include range proofs. To ensure no input or output value is negative, each input and output commitment should be accompanied with a range proof, such as bulletproofs. Failure to prevent negative inputs or outputs could allow an attacker to create new coins (e.g. inflation bug).
Note 2: To prevent double spends, each input's linking tag should be checke for uniqueness and recorded in a list of spent outputs. If a tag is ever seen twice, this means that the corresponding input has already been spent.
Note 3: This library leaves selection of the anonymity set up to the user. Selecting a good ring of UTXOs is essential to providing anonymity for the signer and his transaction inputs.