diff --git a/web-components/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/link/link-story.ts b/web-components/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/link/link-story.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 33f0949c54c2..000000000000
--- a/web-components/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/link/link-story.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
- * @license
- *
- * Copyright IBM Corp. 2019, 2023
- *
- * This source code is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license found in the
- * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
- */
-import { html } from 'lit';
-import { ifDefined } from 'lit/directives/if-defined.js';
-import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
-import { boolean, select } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
-// Below path will be there when an application installs `@carbon/web-components` package.
-// In our dev env, we auto-generate the file and re-map below path to to point to the generated file.
-// @ts-ignore
-import { prefix } from '../../globals/settings';
-import Download16 from '@carbon/web-components/es/icons/download/16';
-import textNullable from '../../../.storybook/knob-text-nullable';
-import { LINK_SIZE } from './link';
-import storyDocs from './link-story.mdx';
-const sizes = {
- [`Small size (${LINK_SIZE.SMALL})`]: LINK_SIZE.SMALL,
- [`Large size (${LINK_SIZE.LARGE})`]: LINK_SIZE.LARGE,
-export const Default = () => {
- return html` Link `;
-Default.storyName = 'Default';
-export const Inline = () => {
- return html`
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
- Ut facilisis semper lorem in aliquet. Aliquam accumsan ante justo, vitae
- fringilla eros vehicula id. Ut at enim quis libero pharetra ullamcorper.
- Maecenas feugiat sodales arcu ut porttitor. In blandit ultricies est.
- Vivamus risus massa, cursus eu tellus sed, sagittis commodo nunc.
- Maecenas nunc mauris, consequat quis mauris sit amet,
- finibus suscipit nunc. Phasellus ex quam, placerat quis tempus sit amet,
- pretium nec sem. Etiam dictum scelerisque mauris, blandit ultrices erat
- pellentesque id. Quisque venenatis purus sit amet sodales condimentum.
- Duis at tincidunt orci. Ut velit ipsum, lacinia at ex quis, aliquet
- rhoncus purus. Praesent et scelerisque ligula.
- `;
-export const pairedWithIcon = (args) => {
- const {
- disabled,
- download,
- href,
- hreflang,
- linkRole,
- ping,
- rel,
- size,
- target,
- type,
- onClick,
- } = args?.[`${prefix}-link`] ?? {};
- return html`
- Download ${Download16({ slot: 'icon' })}
- `;
-export const Playground = (args) => {
- const { disabled, inline, visited, href, size } =
- args?.[`${prefix}-link`] ?? {};
- return html`
- Link
- `;
-Playground.story = {
- parameters: {
- ...storyDocs.parameters,
- knobs: {
- [`${prefix}-link`]: () => ({
- disabled: boolean('Disabled (disabled)', false),
- href: textNullable('Link href (href)', 'https://example.com/'),
- inline: boolean('Inline (inline)', false),
- size: select('Link size (size)', sizes, LINK_SIZE.REGULAR),
- visited: boolean('Visited (visited)', false),
- onClick: action('click'),
- }),
- },
- },
-export default {
- title: 'Components/Link',
- parameters: {
- ...storyDocs.parameters,
- },
diff --git a/web-components/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/link/link-story.mdx b/web-components/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/link/link.mdx
similarity index 94%
rename from web-components/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/link/link-story.mdx
rename to web-components/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/link/link.mdx
index fb27eaab2d23..e33de1b0924a 100644
--- a/web-components/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/link/link-story.mdx
+++ b/web-components/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/link/link.mdx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { Props, Description } from '@storybook/addon-docs/blocks';
+import { ArgsTable, Description } from '@storybook/blocks';
import { cdnJs, cdnCss } from '../../globals/internal/storybook-cdn';
# Link
@@ -51,5 +51,5 @@ Note: For `boolean` attributes, `true` means simply setting the attribute (e.g.
``) and `false` means not setting the attribute (e.g.
`` without `disabled` attribute).
diff --git a/web-components/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/link/link.stories.ts b/web-components/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/link/link.stories.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8664d1b8098e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web-components/packages/carbon-web-components/src/components/link/link.stories.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+ * @license
+ *
+ * Copyright IBM Corp. 2019, 2023
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+ */
+import { html } from 'lit';
+import { ifDefined } from 'lit/directives/if-defined.js';
+import Download16 from '@carbon/web-components/es/icons/download/16';
+import { LINK_SIZE } from './link';
+import storyDocs from './link.mdx';
+const defaultArgs = {
+ disabled: false,
+ href: 'https://example.com',
+ inline: false,
+ visited: false,
+const controls = {
+ disabled: {
+ control: 'boolean',
+ description: `Specify if the control should be disabled, or not`,
+ },
+ href: {
+ control: 'text',
+ description: `Provide the href attribute for the node`,
+ },
+ size: {
+ control: 'radio', options: [LINK_SIZE.SMALL, LINK_SIZE.REGULAR, LINK_SIZE.LARGE],
+ description: `Specify the size of the Link. Currently supports either sm, 'md' (default) or 'lg' as an option.`
+ },
+ visited: {
+ control: 'boolean',
+ description: `Specify whether you want the link to receive visited styles after the link has been clicked`,
+ },
+export const Default = {
+ render: () => html` Link `
+export const Inline = {
+ render: () => html`
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
+ Ut facilisis semper lorem in aliquet. Aliquam accumsan ante justo, vitae
+ fringilla eros vehicula id. Ut at enim quis libero pharetra ullamcorper.
+ Maecenas feugiat sodales arcu ut porttitor. In blandit ultricies est.
+ Vivamus risus massa, cursus eu tellus sed, sagittis commodo nunc.
+ Maecenas nunc mauris, consequat quis mauris sit amet,
+ finibus suscipit nunc. Phasellus ex quam, placerat quis tempus sit amet,
+ pretium nec sem. Etiam dictum scelerisque mauris, blandit ultrices erat
+ pellentesque id. Quisque venenatis purus sit amet sodales condimentum.
+ Duis at tincidunt orci. Ut velit ipsum, lacinia at ex quis, aliquet
+ rhoncus purus. Praesent et scelerisque ligula.
+ `
+export const pairedWithIcon = {
+ args: defaultArgs,
+ parameters: {
+ controls: { exclude: /(.*?)/ },
+ },
+ render: ({
+ disabled,
+ href,
+ size,
+ onClick
+ }) => html`
+ Download ${Download16({ slot: 'icon' })}
+ `,
+export const Playground = {
+ argTypes: controls,
+ args: defaultArgs,
+ render: ({
+ disabled,
+ href,
+ inline,
+ size,
+ visited,
+ onClick
+ }) => html`
+ Link
+ `,
+const meta = {
+ title: 'Components/Link',
+ parameters: {
+ docs: {
+ page: storyDocs,
+ },
+ },
+export default meta;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web-components/packages/carbon-web-components/tests/spec/link_spec.ts b/web-components/packages/carbon-web-components/tests/spec/link_spec.ts
index 91213c133217..ca111458a12a 100644
--- a/web-components/packages/carbon-web-components/tests/spec/link_spec.ts
+++ b/web-components/packages/carbon-web-components/tests/spec/link_spec.ts
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
import { render } from 'lit';
import '../../src/components/link/link';
-import { pairedWithIcon } from '../../src/components/link/link-story';
+import { pairedWithIcon } from '../../src/components/link/link.stories';
const template = (props?) =>