index 89c520b0143..8f188676981 100644
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ the Apache Spark contributor guidelines, and the Kubernetes contributor guide.
[GitHub]: https://lab.github.com/
[Contributor License Agreement]: https://cla-assistant.io/camunda-cloud/camunda-cloud-documentation
[code style guidelines]: https://github.com/camunda-cloud/zeebe/wiki/Code-Style
-[testing best practices]: https://docs.camunda.io/docs/apis-clients/java-client/testing/
+[testing best practices]: https://docs.camunda.io/docs/apis-clients/java-client/zeebe-process-test/
[Conventional Commits]: ./conventional-commits
[template and settings files]: https://github.com/camunda/camunda-bpm-platform/tree/master/settings
[Technical Writing Style Guide]: https://github.com/camunda-cloud/camunda-cloud-documentation/blob/master/howtos/technical-writing-styleguide.md
diff --git a/docs/apis-clients/java-client/index.md b/docs/apis-clients/java-client/index.md
index eb0ddb82c69..d3204db178d 100644
--- a/docs/apis-clients/java-client/index.md
+++ b/docs/apis-clients/java-client/index.md
@@ -92,5 +92,5 @@ ZeebeClient client =
- [Getting Started Guide](https://github.com/camunda-cloud/camunda-cloud-get-started): A comprehensive tutorial that covers Camunda Modeler, Operate, and the Java client.
- [Job worker](job-worker.md): An introduction to the Java client's job worker.
- [Logging](logging.md): An introduction to configuring logging for a Zeebe client.
-- [Writing tests](testing.md): An introduction to writing tests that use an embedded version of the workflow engine.
+- [Writing tests](zeebe-process-test.md): An introduction to unit testing processes.
- [Examples](/apis-clients/java-client-examples/index.md): A collection of specific examples for different use cases.
diff --git a/docs/apis-clients/java-client/testing.md b/docs/apis-clients/java-client/testing.md
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/docs/apis-clients/java-client/testing.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-id: testing
-title: "Writing tests"
-description: "Use the zeebe-test module to write JUnit tests for your job worker and BPMN process."
-You can use the `zeebe-test` module to write JUnit tests for your job worker and BPMN process. This provides a JUnit rule to bootstrap the broker and some basic assertions.
-`zeebe-test` is [deprecated for removal](./reference/announcements.md).
-## Usage in a Maven project
-Add `zeebe-test` as a Maven test dependency to your project:
- io.camunda
- zeebe-test
- test
-## Bootstrap the broker
-Use the `ZeebeTestRule` in your test case to start an embedded broker. This contains a client which can be used to deploy a BPMN process or create an instance.
-import io.camunda.zeebe.client.ZeebeClient;
-import io.camunda.zeebe.client.api.response.ProcessInstanceEvent;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Rule;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class MyTest {
- @Rule public final ZeebeTestRule testRule = new ZeebeTestRule();
- private ZeebeClient client;
- @Test
- public void test() {
- client = testRule.getClient();
- client
- .newDeployCommand()
- .addResourceFromClasspath("process.bpmn")
- .send()
- .join();
- final ProcessInstanceEvent processInstance =
- client
- .newCreateInstanceCommand()
- .bpmnProcessId("process")
- .latestVersion()
- .send()
- .join();
- }
-## Verify the result
-The `ZeebeTestRule` also provides some basic assertions in AssertJ style. The entry point of the assertions is `ZeebeTestRule.assertThat(...)`.
-final ProcessInstanceEvent processInstance = ...
- .isEnded()
- .hasPassed("start", "task", "end")
- .hasVariable("result", 21.0);
diff --git a/docs/apis-clients/java-client/zeebe-process-test.md b/docs/apis-clients/java-client/zeebe-process-test.md
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index 00000000000..9ef8b628056
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/apis-clients/java-client/zeebe-process-test.md
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+id: zeebe-process-test
+title: "Zeebe Process Test"
+[Zeebe Process Test](https://github.com/camunda-cloud/zeebe-process-test) allows you to unit test your Camunda Cloud BPMN
+processes. It will start a Zeebe test engine and provide you with a set of assertions you can use to verify your process
+behaves as expected.
+## Prerequisites
+This library requires the following:
+* Java 17+ when running with an embedded engine (`zeebe-process-test-extension`)
+* Java 8+ and Docker when running using testcontainers (`zeebe-process-test-extension-testcontainer`)
+* JUnit 5
+## Dependency
+Zeebe Process Test provides you with two dependencies. Which one you need to use is dependent on the
+Java version you are using.
+#### Testcontainers (JDK 8+)
+If you are building your project with a JDK lower than 17, you need to use the `testcontainer` dependency. It
+starts a `testcontainer` in which a Zeebe test engine is running. The advantage of using this version
+instead of the embedded version is that your code can be implemented independently of the Java
+version that is used by the Zeebe engine. The downside is that `testcontainers` provide some
+overhead, which means tests will be slower. There is also the extra requirement that Docker must be
+running to execute the tests.
+ io.camunda
+ zeebe-process-test-extension-testcontainer
+ X.Y.Z
+ test
+#### Embedded (JDK 17+)
+If you are building your project with JDK 17+, you can make use of an embedded Zeebe test engine. The
+advantage of using this instead of the `testcontainer` version is that this is the faster solution.
+This also does not require Docker to be running. The downside to this solution is that the JDK
+requirement is bound to the Java version of the Zeebe engine. Whenever this Java version changes,
+you'd either have to [switch to the testcontainer version](#switching-between-testcontainers-and-embedded),
+or upgrade your own JDK to match the Zeebe engine.
+ io.camunda
+ zeebe-process-test-extension
+ X.Y.Z
+ test
+## Annotation
+Annotate your test class with the `@ZeebeProcessTest` annotation. This annotation will do a couple of things:
+1. It will manage the lifecycle of the testcontainer/embedded test engine.
+2. It will create a client which can be used to interact with the engine.
+3. It will (optionally) inject three fields in your test class:
+ 1. `ZeebeTestEngine` - This is the engine that will run your process. It will provide some basic functionality
+ to help you write your tests, such as waiting for an idle state and increasing the time.
+ 2. `ZeebeClient` - This is the client that allows you to send commands to the engine, such as
+ starting a process instance. The interface of this client is identical to the interface you
+ use to connect to a real Zeebe engine.
+ 3. `RecordStream` - This gives you access to all the records processed by the engine.
+ Assertions use the records for verifying expectations. This grants you the freedom to create your own assertions.
+// When using the embedded test engine (Java 17+)
+import io.camunda.zeebe.process.test.extension.ZeebeProcessTest;
+// When using testcontainers (Java 8+)
+import io.camunda.zeebe.process.test.extension.testcontainer.ZeebeProcessTest;
+class DeploymentAssertTest {
+ private ZeebeTestEngine engine;
+ private ZeebeClient client;
+ private RecordStream recordStream;
+## Switching between testcontainers and embedded
+Switching between testcontainers and embedded requires just two steps:
+1. Switch to the relevant dependency.
+ * Testcontainers: `zeebe-process-test-extension-testcontainer`
+ * Embedded: `zeebe-process-test-extension`
+2. Change the import of `@ZeebeProcessTest`.
+ * Testcontainers: `import io.camunda.zeebe.process.test.extension.testcontainer.ZeebeProcessTest;`
+ * Embedded: `import io.camunda.zeebe.process.test.extension.ZeebeProcessTest;`
+## Assertions
+Start an assertion using the following entry points:
+### Deployment assertions
+DeploymentEvent event = client.newDeployCommand()
+ .addResourceFromClasspath("my-process.bpmn")
+ .send()
+ .join();
+DeploymentAssert assertions = BpmnAssert.assertThat(event);
+### Process instance assertions
+Started by manually sending an event:
+ProcessInstanceEvent event = client.newCreateInstanceCommand()
+ .bpmnProcessId("")
+ .latestVersion()
+ .send()
+ .join();
+ProcessInstanceAssert assertions = BpmnAssert.assertThat(event);
+ProcessInstanceResult event = client.newCreateInstanceCommand()
+ .bpmnProcessId("")
+ .latestVersion()
+ .withResult()
+ .send()
+ .join();
+ ProcessInstanceAssert assertions = BpmnAssert.assertThat(event);
+Started by a timer:
+Optional firstProcessInstance = InspectionUtility.findProcessEvents()
+ .triggeredByTimer(ProcessPackTimerStartEvent.TIMER_ID)
+ .findFirstProcessInstance();
+ProcessInstanceAssert assertions = BpmnAssert.assertThat(firstProcessInstance.get());
+Started by a call activity:
+Optional firstProcessInstance = InspectionUtility.findProcessInstances()
+ .withParentProcessInstanceKey()
+ .withBpmnProcessId("")
+ .findFirstProcessInstance();
+ProcessInstanceAssert assertions = BpmnAssert.assertThat(firstProcessInstance.get());
+### Job assertions
+ActivateJobsResponse response = client.newActivateJobsCommand()
+ .jobType("")
+ .maxJobsToActivate(1)
+ .send()
+ .join();
+ActivatedJob activatedJob = response.getJobs().get(0);
+JobAssert assertions = BpmnAssert.assertThat(activatedJob);
+### Message assertions
+PublishMessageResponse response = client
+ .newPublishMessageCommand()
+ .messageName("")
+ .correlationKey("")
+ .send()
+ .join();
+MessageAssert assertions = BpmnAssert.assertThat(response);
+### Incident assertions
+Via a process instance
+ProcessInstanceEvent event = client.newCreateInstanceCommand()
+ .bpmnProcessId("")
+ .latestVersion()
+ .send()
+ .join();
+IncidentAssert assertions = BpmnAssert.assertThat(event)
+ .extractingLatestIncident();
+Via a job:
+ActivateJobsResponse response = client.newActivateJobsCommand()
+ .jobType("")
+ .maxJobsToActivate(1)
+ .send()
+ .join();
+ActivatedJob activatedJob = response.getJobs().get(0);
+IncidentAssert assertions = BpmnAssert.assertThat(activatedJob)
+ .extractingLatestIncident();
+## Waiting for idle state
+Waiting for idle state is a new feature. When the engine is detected to be idle, it
+will wait 30ms before checking again. If it is still idle at that stage, it is considered to be in
+an idle state.
+**It is unknown if the 30ms delay is sufficient. Using it could result in flaky tests!**
+Any feedback about the wait for idle state is highly appreciated. Let us know if the delay should be higher or configurable.
+Leave your feedback on our [GitHub page](https://github.com/camunda-cloud/zeebe-process-test/issues).
+`engine.waitForIdleState(timeout)` will cause your test to stop executing until the engine has
+reached an idle state. If the engine does not reach an idle state within the specified timeout, a
+`TimeoutException` will be thrown.
+We have defined an idle state as a state in which the engine makes no progress and is waiting for
+new commands or events to trigger. Once the engine has detected it has become idle, it will wait for
+a delay (30ms) and check if it is still idle. If this is the case, it is considered to be in idle
+state and continue your test.
+## Wait for busy state
+`engine.waitForBusyState(timeout)` will cause your test to stop executing until the engine has
+reached a busy state. If the engine does not reach a busy state within the specified timeout, a
+`TimeoutException` is thrown.
+We consider the engine to have reached a busy state when any new record/command is processed since
+we've started waiting.
+Waiting for a busy state is useful in scenarios where you're expecting the engine to start doing
+something, without explicitly triggering it yourself. An example of this would be a process with a
+timer event. We can increase the time of the engine, but we cannot trigger the timer explicitly.
+Because of this, we should wait for a busy state after increasing the engine time.
+## Examples
+For example tests, refer to [GitHub](https://github.com/camunda-cloud/zeebe-process-test).
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@@ -341,21 +341,21 @@ module.exports = {
- "apis-clients/java-client/testing",
- {
- Examples: [
- "apis-clients/java-client-examples/index",
- "apis-clients/java-client-examples/process-deploy",
- "apis-clients/java-client-examples/process-instance-create",
- "apis-clients/java-client-examples/process-instance-create-nonblocking",
- "apis-clients/java-client-examples/process-instance-create-with-result",
- "apis-clients/java-client-examples/job-worker-open",
- "apis-clients/java-client-examples/data-pojo",
- "apis-clients/java-client-examples/cluster-topology-request",
- ],
- },
- ],
- },
+ "apis-clients/java-client/zeebe-process-test",
+ {
+ Examples: [
+ "apis-clients/java-client-examples/index",
+ "apis-clients/java-client-examples/process-deploy",
+ "apis-clients/java-client-examples/process-instance-create",
+ "apis-clients/java-client-examples/process-instance-create-nonblocking",
+ "apis-clients/java-client-examples/process-instance-create-with-result",
+ "apis-clients/java-client-examples/job-worker-open",
+ "apis-clients/java-client-examples/data-pojo",
+ "apis-clients/java-client-examples/cluster-topology-request",
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
"Go client": [
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# rules required after update to docusaurs 2.0.0-beta.15 see https://github.com/camunda-cloud/camunda-cloud-documentation/pull/531
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