- #440 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URL is malformed
- #391 Parameters window too big for screen (Try to Restore last width)
- #443 [Intellij] Error while loading a workspace
- #450 Show log of a selected build
- #406 Need Proxy (use jetbrains setting)
- #415 Unable to enter parameters
- Show error for trigger builds (Read from Header X-Error)
- Fix Proxy Handling
- #426 Plugin Failing After IntelliJ Upgrade to 0.13.15 if jenkins is hosted Tomcat or QUery Parameters are not relaxed
- Add Trace Logging for Url calls with
- #413 0.13.15-2022.2 - still not working with Intellij 2022.3
- maximum timeout increased to 300
- add Support for 2022.3
- #409 IDEA 2022.3: Access is allowed from event dispatch thread only
- Add "Go to server" to context menu
- #349 Extend support for Git Parameter. Thanks to @chrisxiao
- 2022.1 API Compatibility
- Change icons for show log actions
- #251 Enable ActiveChoicesParameter. Rendered as Textfield because missing API.
- #309 Exception in plugin Jenkins Control
- #322 Nullpointer if Jenkins if not running
- move classes with module 'com.intellij.modules.vcs' to optional dependency
- #308 Log streaming should cancelable
- #280 render DateParameterDefinition as textfield
- 2021.2 API Compatibility
- #297 NPE on Startup
- #298 Configure Action for Double Click Build
- #289 Light service class class org.codinjutsu.tools.jenkins.logic.JenkinsNotifier must be final
- Expand Job Node after Load Build for first time
- #301 ExtensibleChoiceParameterDefinition support request
- #159 "Unknown parameter" for "Extensible Choice" parameters
- Reload job if trigger build and paramter exists
- #275 Please rename password label to "Password/API Token"
- Rename Plugin to 'Jenkins Control' to respect Jetbrains naming convention
- #84 Handle connection exceptions
RSS change: Use Notification system. First failed build will shown as warning in Notification Group 'Jenkins Notification' instead as balloon over Build Status Summary widget. - #270 Multiline String Parameter Turkish Character Problem
- #240 PT_MULTI_SELECT and PT_CHECKBOX not supported:
Render Select items as text input
- #253 [Feature Request] Log in progress
Introduce own tool window for Jenkins logs (can be used in Services View). - #181 Change to Dynamic Plugin for 2020.3+
- display build parameters (PR #246)
- auto load builds option in settings (PR #246)
- #249 PT_BRANCH_TAG is unsupported
- #247 Plugin 'Jenkins Control Plugin' failed to initialize in Android Studio 4.1
- Initialize Notification on Load
- add About Entry for 2020.1+
- #231 jobs in folders: collapsed after refresh: Last Expanded and Selections are restored after Restart IDE too.
Loaded Builds are not reloaded on restore last state. - #197 Show log for individual builds of selected jobs
- #232 PersistentStringParameter not supported
- #233 Error overlay over whole of screen if connection is lost.
Add Notification group to configure the behaviour in IDE settings.(Settings -> Appearance -> Notifications -> Jenkins Notifications) - #234 Can't seem to connect to my jenkins server with the latest version 0.13.6-2020.1
- Fix: regression: remove trailing Slash for URL Validation
- #230: jobs in folders: job name too long
- #231: jobs in folders: collapsed after refresh
- #225 Git Branch Parameter is unsupported
- #227 Jenkins invalid configuration causes AuthenticationException and UI not respond correctly to this
- #221 Allow showing all build results in the status bar. Thanks to @nvdweem
- #222 Separate icon for running builds. Thanks to @nvdweem
- #217 Show Log not possible for selected Job if self-signed or invalid SSL certificate is used
- #223 FileParameterDefinition is unsupported
- #219 How to run a jenkins job with hidden fields?
- #218 "Show log" on Job without Build leads to error
- add GoTo Allure report
- #213 NodeParameterDefinition is unsupported
- #215 Read timed out: Add socket and connection timeout to Configuration (default 10 sec.)
- #64: NumberFormatException on start of IntelliJ
- #207: NumberFormatException from Build.createBuildFromRss #207
- #208: Jenkins.LoadBuilds already registered Exception
- #202: Upload Patch not work for 2019.3.4+
- #201: Error reading jenkins.diff file
- #204: Password Parameter default value ignored
- 2020.1 API Compatibility
- require JBR11 for version 2020.1+
- #195: NullPointerException when "Show log" is clicked and Job Url is used as Server Address
- #145: parameter separator plugin problems
- #80: Support text parameters in builds
- #190: Trigger Build on Double click
- new Icons: Reuse Idea Icons and use Idea guideline for status color
- #141: Multibranch pipeline builds not shown
- new Icons: Reuse Idea Icons and use Idea guideline for status color
- #183: Feature Request: Offer option to use green balls instead of blue ones
- #185: Error while parsing last Build Date for some Build
- #110: org.json.simple.JSONObject cannot be cast to java.lang.String
- #127: Argument for @NotNull parameter 'htmlBody'
- Improve startup: Jenkins Window is show earlier
- IDEA 2019.2+ Support
- [fix] #161: Retry Failed Builds
- [fix] #163: spelling error in config form
- [add] #161: Retry Failed Builds
- [add] #140: Add View Log and Test Results
- [add] #162: Add description text in build param dialog
- [fix] #143: NullPointer when "Sort by Build Status" is active
- [fix] #157: NullPointerException when trying to load builds (IntelliJ Version : 2017.3)
- #180: Show Test Results As Junit is only available if Plugin dependency 'com.intellij.java' exists
- update JSON.simple to 3.1.0
- Announcement: Deprecate Builds < 2019.3
- Announcement: Deprecate Jenkins 1 Support
- [fix] #137: Jenkins 2 compatibility
- [fix] #135: NPE when Jenkins has some folder
- [add] #131: View job builds + related actions
- Idea 2016 version Version 0.9.6
- Idea 15 version Version 0.9.5
- [fix] #105 and #107: empty fields in the RSS JSON breaks the content reading
- [fix] Fix Job parser when property has no parameter
- [fix] Fix major issue on Idea 15
0.9.3 (thx Cezary for your great work)
- [update] Improve background task running
- [fix] fix Idea 14 and 15 compatibility
- [fix] Fixed threading issues
- [fix] API issues in idea 13
- [fix] limit version for idea 12 due to some API changes API in idea 13
- [Add] [Patch Parameter Plugin] Notification about build progress (thx Yuri for your nice work)
- [Add] [Patch Parameter Plugin] Action "Create Patch and build on Jenkins" in Changelist's context menu (same than above)
- [Add] [Patch Parameter Plugin] Macros
$JobName$ for suffix setting (same than above) - [Add] [Patch Parameter Plugin] Support of Patch Parameter Plugin (https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Patch+Parameter+Plugin)
- [Upd] [HttpClient][workaround] Set socket and connection timeout to 10 sec.
- [Upd] #55 If 'display name' of the job is set, use it instead of the 'name' value
- [Fix] EDT thread violation
- [Fix] #54 last selected view is not saved after closing the IDE
- [Add] #43 Support multiple selection for favorites
- [Add] #51 Check the hostname sent by the jenkins server
- [Upd] Improve background loading of jenkins data
- [Upd] Browser: Complete UI refactor
- [Upd] Integrate Rss Reader in the Event Log
- [Upd] Replace Jackson lib by json-simple
- [Upd] Migrate to IntelliJ 11
- [Upd] Color and icons for Darcula theme
- [Upd] UI: Fix Color for new Look&Feel Darcula of IDEA 12
- [Upd] UI: Remove unecessary titled 'job' panel
- [Upd] Configuration: Complete UI Refactor
- [Upd] #38 Password storage is managed by IntelliJ (not backward compatible)
- [Upd] #37 user specific configuration is stored in IWS file instead of IPR file (not backward compatible)
- [Upd] Search: Add UP and DOWN key for key shortcut
- [Upd] Search: Replace matcher by contains
- [Fix] Bug in JSON parsing causes infinite loop
- [Add] Support Cloudbees repository
- [Add] Browser : Favorite Job feature (See README.md on github project)
- [Add] Configuration Panel: when clicking on the Test Connection, if the HTTP code is 401 or 403 then the response body is displayed in a panel
- [Upd] Handling JSON data instead of XML
- [Fix] Regression: NPE when clicking on the Test Connection
- [Add] Job can be sorted by status (fail, unstable, success) - See the new button on the panel
- [Upd] Widget: UI layout modification
- [Fix] IDEA-86137 Thread leak in the EDT
- [Fix] #25 The plugin should compare the configured port and the jenkins server one
- [Fix] #26 Incorrect feedback message when clicking on the 'Test Connection' button
- [Fix] Jenkins Panel disappears when typing CTRL + F4
- [Fix] Widget : UI Issue on Windows and MacOS environment
- [Add] Widget : when clicking on the status icon, a popup is displayed with builds status summary info
- [Add] The plugin starts up with the last selected view
- [Upd] Improvement in handling Exception
- [Upd] Job are loaded in background (with a waiting UI decorator)
- [Fix] The Widget should not be duplicated when opening new Project Window
- [Fix] Build Parameter dialog does not work
- [Fix] Regression : When the server url is not set (or set to a dummy url), the plugin should not try to connect
- [Fix] Browser Panel : OneTouch Expandable should be accessible
- [Add] Job Tree : Search job panel (CTRL + F, F3 to search forward, SHIFT + F3 to search backward, the search feature is cyclic)
- [Add] Jenkins Widget that displays either a red icon when the number of the broken builds > 0 or else a blue icon.
- [Upd] Increase loading performance
- [Fix] Connection issue when Job and Rss autorefresh are both enabled
- [Fix] Configuration Panel: File input fields should have a validator
- [Fix] Configuration Panel: Rename 'Password' to 'Password file'
- [Add] Nested View support (1 level only)
- [Add] Job Tree : Build Description is displayed as tooltip
- [Upd] Plugin SDK Migration to ## [107.587] (IDEA 10.5.2)
- [Fix] Handle Http redirection
- [Fix] Jetbrains plateform version used in Phpstorm IDE makes the plugin crash
- [Fix] Rss toolbar Panel Layout should be fixed (again)
- [Upd] Support other JetBrains product
- [Fix] Unsupported build parameters should not raise an error
- [Fix] Regression in refreshing job
- [fix] Rss toolbar Panel Layout should be fixed
- [Fix] After clearing all rss entries, when clicking on update button, rss entries do not appear on the panel
- [Add] Configuration Panel: Crumb Data can be read from a local file (see explaination on the wiki)
- [Rem] Discover Wizard button does not work well
- [Fix] Bad Implementation of Cross Site Request Forgery Prevention Support makes the plugin crash
- [Fix] Remove HttpClient from package (already embedded in Idea 10) and limit this version to Idea 10.x
- [Fix] Cross Site Request Forgery Prevention Support (see wiki for limitations)
- [Fix] Encoded space character in url
- [Add] Parameterized Builds are supported (see wiki to see limitations)
- [Add] Browser Panel: health icon for each job
- [Update] Configuration Panel : add Button Wizard which try to resolve security configuration
- [Update] Security Support : Rewrite from scratch with replacing CLI by HttpClient (see wiki for more info)
- [Fix] issue #5 : When clicking on the Jenkins plugin settings button, the Jenkins plugin configuration should be always selected
- [Add] Jenkins Security Support (See https://github.com/dboissier/jenkins-control-plugin/wiki to check how to and see limitations)
- [Add] Settings shortcut on the upper toolbar
- Server configuration
- Jenkins jobs display with autorefreshed job list and view selection
- Job Build runner
- Open Job web page and its last build web page on browser
- Autorefreshed Rss Reader View
- Autorefresh functions can be disabled on the Jenkins Configuration Panel