diff --git a/spec.html b/spec.html
index e884d6f43f8..7d16a11fba5 100644
--- a/spec.html
+++ b/spec.html
@@ -1740,7 +1740,7 @@
Number::toString ( _x_ )
1. If _x_ is *+0* or *-0*, return the String `"0"`.
1. If _x_ is less than zero, return the string-concatenation of `"-"` and ! Number::toString(-_x_).
1. If _x_ is *+∞*, return the String `"Infinity"`.
- 1. Otherwise, let _n_, _k_, and _s_ be integers such that _k_ ≥ 1, 10_k_ - 1 ≤ _s_ < 10_k_, the Number value for _s_ × 10_n_ - _k_ is _x_, and _k_ is as small as possible. Note that _k_ is the number of digits in the decimal representation of _s_, that _s_ is not divisible by 10, and that the least significant digit of _s_ is not necessarily uniquely determined by these criteria.
+ 1. Otherwise, let _n_, _k_, and _s_ be integers such that _k_ ≥ 1, 10_k_ - 1 ≤ _s_ < 10_k_, the Number value for ℝ(_s_) × 10ℝℝ(_n_) - ℝ(_k_) is _x_, and _k_ is as small as possible. Note that _k_ is the number of digits in the decimal representation of _s_, that _s_ is not divisible by 10ℝ, and that the least significant digit of _s_ is not necessarily uniquely determined by these criteria.
1. If _k_ ≤ _n_ ≤ 21, return the string-concatenation of:
* the code units of the _k_ digits of the decimal representation of _s_ (in order, with no leading zeroes)
* _n_ - _k_ occurrences of the code unit 0x0030 (DIGIT ZERO)
@@ -1780,7 +1780,7 @@ Number::toString ( _x_ )
For implementations that provide more accurate conversions than required by the rules above, it is recommended that the following alternative version of step 5 be used as a guideline:
- 5. Otherwise, let _n_, _k_, and _s_ be integers such that _k_ ≥ 1, 10_k_ - 1 ≤ _s_ < 10_k_, the Number value for _s_ × 10_n_ - _k_ is _x_, and _k_ is as small as possible. If there are multiple possibilities for _s_, choose the value of _s_ for which _s_ × 10_n_ - _k_ is closest in value to _x_. If there are two such possible values of _s_, choose the one that is even. Note that _k_ is the number of digits in the decimal representation of _s_ and that _s_ is not divisible by 10.
+ 5. Otherwise, let _n_, _k_, and _s_ be integers such that _k_ ≥ 1, 10_k_ - 1 ≤ _s_ < 10_k_, the Number value for ℝ(_s_) × 10ℝℝ(_n_) - ℝ(_k_) is _x_, and _k_ is as small as possible. If there are multiple possibilities for _s_, choose the value of _s_ for which ℝ(_s_) × 10ℝℝ(_n_) - ℝ(_k_) is closest in value to ℝ(_x_). If there are two such possible values of _s_, choose the one that is even. Note that _k_ is the number of digits in the decimal representation of _s_ and that _s_ is not divisible by 10ℝ.
@@ -9526,7 +9526,7 @@ IntegerIndexedElementSet ( _O_, _index_, _value_ )
1. If _index_ < 0 or _index_ ≥ _length_, return *false*.
1. Let _offset_ be _O_.[[ByteOffset]].
1. Let _arrayTypeName_ be the String value of _O_.[[TypedArrayName]].
- 1. Let _elementSize_ be the Number value of the Element Size value specified in for _arrayTypeName_.
+ 1. Let _elementSize_ be the Element Size value specified in for _arrayTypeName_.
1. Let _indexedPosition_ be (_index_ × _elementSize_) + _offset_.
1. Let _elementType_ be the String value of the Element Type value in for _arrayTypeName_.
1. Perform SetValueInBuffer(_buffer_, _indexedPosition_, _elementType_, _numValue_, *true*, `"Unordered"`).
@@ -37377,7 +37377,7 @@ AtomicReadModifyWrite ( _typedArray_, _index_, _value_, _op_ )
1. Let _arrayTypeName_ be _typedArray_.[[TypedArrayName]].
1. If _typedArray_.[[ContentType]] is `"BigInt"`, let _v_ be ? ToBigInt(_v_).
1. Otherwise, let _v_ be ? ToInteger(_value_).
- 1. Let _elementSize_ be the Number value of the Element Size value specified in for _arrayTypeName_.
+ 1. Let _elementSize_ be the Element Size value specified in for _arrayTypeName_.
1. Let _elementType_ be the String value of the Element Type value in for _arrayTypeName_.
1. Let _offset_ be _typedArray_.[[ByteOffset]].
1. Let _indexedPosition_ be (_i_ × _elementSize_) + _offset_.
@@ -37435,7 +37435,7 @@ Atomics.compareExchange ( _typedArray_, _index_, _expectedValue_, _replaceme
1. Let _elementType_ be the String value of the Element Type value in for _arrayTypeName_.
1. Let _isLittleEndian_ be the value of the [[LittleEndian]] field of the surrounding agent's Agent Record.
1. Let _expectedBytes_ be NumericToRawBytes(_elementType_, _expected_, _isLittleEndian_).
- 1. Let _elementSize_ be the Number value of the Element Size value specified in for _arrayTypeName_.
+ 1. Let _elementSize_ be the Element Size value specified in for _arrayTypeName_.
1. Let _offset_ be _typedArray_.[[ByteOffset]].
1. Let _indexedPosition_ be (_i_ × _elementSize_) + _offset_.
1. Let `compareExchange` denote a semantic function of two List of byte values arguments that returns the second argument if the first argument is element-wise equal to _expectedBytes_.
@@ -37528,7 +37528,7 @@ Atomics.wait ( _typedArray_, _index_, _value_, _timeout_ )
1. If _B_ is *false*, throw a *TypeError* exception.
1. Let _block_ be _buffer_.[[ArrayBufferData]].
1. Let _offset_ be _typedArray_.[[ByteOffset]].
- 1. Let _elementSize_ be the Number value of the Element Size value specified in for _arrayTypeName_.
+ 1. Let _elementSize_ be the Element Size value specified in for _arrayTypeName_.
1. Let _indexedPosition_ be (_i_ × _elementSize_) + _offset_.
1. Let _WL_ be GetWaiterList(_block_, _indexedPosition_).
1. Perform EnterCriticalSection(_WL_).
@@ -37561,7 +37561,7 @@ Atomics.notify ( _typedArray_, _index_, _count_ )
1. Let _c_ be max(_intCount_, 0).
1. Let _block_ be _buffer_.[[ArrayBufferData]].
1. Let _offset_ be _typedArray_.[[ByteOffset]].
- 1. Let _elementSize_ be the Number value of the Element Size value specified in for _arrayTypeName_.
+ 1. Let _elementSize_ be the Element Size value specified in for _arrayTypeName_.
1. Let _indexedPosition_ be (_i_ × _elementSize_) + _offset_.
1. Let _WL_ be GetWaiterList(_block_, _indexedPosition_).
1. Let _n_ be 0.