Introducing our advanced multi-lingual school library management system! This cutting-edge platform boasts a wide range of state-of-the-art features, all designed to revolutionize the library management process and take user experience to the next level.
With our system, you'll enjoy the flexibility to assign roles and permissions, ensuring optimal security and access control. Our robust full text search feature allows for quick and easy content discovery, while our API integration streamlines data management.
Plus, our system offers unparalleled image processing capabilities, including cropping and compressing, making image management a breeze. For easy access and user convenience, we offer seamless GitHub login integration, and data importing is a snap thanks to our CSV import feature.
Stay connected and keep your users in the loop with our newsletter feature, and ensure optimal security with our cutting-edge reCAPTCHA integration. With our innovative multi-language school library management system, the possibilities are endless!
- PHP >= v.8.0
- Composer >= v.2.4
- We suggest you visit Laravel's official website
In this project are used packages for dynamically manipulating the attached photos, so it is possible that an error may appear if your "php.ini" file is not configured correctly. By default, this file disables certain extensions and these packages (dependencies) that we used in the project. All you need is:
-> Open your "php.ini" file as a text document (using Notepad or other similar software)
-> Find the line ;extension=gd
and change it to extension=gd
-> Restart your apache server
If you don't know how to find the "php.ini" file... the most common path is
. You can also type the command: `php --ini' in the command prompt to get more information
-> "Unsupported cipher or incorrect key length. Supported ciphers are..."
It is a wrong generated APP_KEY ie. an application encryption key. Open the ".env" file located at the root of the project. Delete the entered value and run the command:
php artisan key:generate
-> "SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it"
You may not have started your local server. Depending on which software you are using as a server package, start it as well as the Apache server and try again. Known softwares: WAMP, XAMPP, ampss, and so on.
-> "Could not find driver (SQL: SHOW FULL TABLES WHERE table_type = 'BASE TABLE').."
The error message "Could not find driver" usually indicates that the PHP extension for the database driver you are using is not installed or enabled on your system.
Open the "php.ini" file in a text editor and look for the line that starts with "extension=". Remove the semicolon (;) at the beginning of the line and replace with the name of the PHP extension you installed in step 2.
- Clone this repository using this command:
git clone
Enter the root folder if you are not already there
Install/update composer packages:
composer install | composer update
- Copy .env.example file to the .env file and configure the variables according to your environment
- You can do this with the following command:
cp .env.example .env
- Since this application uses Algolia for searching, you will need to ask the administrator for the keys of the following variables:
- Also, since this app uses Laravel Socialite for registration/log in using a third-party app/platform like Google, GitHub, etc. you will need to ask the administrator for the keys of the following variants:
- If you want to integrate the newsletter, you can define your own values for the specified variables:
We use a newsletter mail service: Mailchimp
- If you want to visit your local database in a fast, efficient, and modern way, you can easily do it with the admin that we have integrated together with the application. You can visit the Admin UI by going to:
We use the theme: Hydra Dark
- Generate encryption key:
php artisan key:generate
- Run migrations:
php artisan migrate
- If your database is already filled use this command:
php artisan migrate:fresh
- For testing purposes, you can use Laravel's already built-in server with the command:
php artisan serve
After executing all the above commands, you should run the application and see it at http::/localhost of your domain depending on your configuration.
Note 1.1: If you want to write/execute already existing tests, be sure to change the env variable: APP_ENV=local -> APP_ENV=testing
Note 1.2: If you want to back up your database, do so using the integrated package command:
php artisan backup:run
All progress is tracked on the following project management platform:
- Trello
- Asana
for links contact the administrator
You can log in with the following credentials:
- Email address: [email protected]
- Password: nekalozinka
Project Workflow
- When starting the application, you will be shown a "welcome" page with additional information
- When you log in, you will be redirected to the "dashboard" page where you can see more things like the latest activities (same day), latest book bookings, book statistics, and so on
- On this page you can go to other pages using the side menu (sidebar), enter your profile, log out, and more
- Click on the image in the upper right corner to enter your profile or log out
- Each user can delete his account, with a previously confirmed (dialog box) after which the application redirects him to a special "Goodbye" page
There are three roles:
- The administrator has access to everything on the application
- Ability to create, modify and delete:
- student
- book
- author
- category, genre, publisher, binding, format, letter
- Available operations:
- To issue a copy of the book
- To write off a copy of the book
- To return a copy of the book
- To reserve a copy of the book
- Available operations:
- To issue a copy of the book and just one in the moment
- If the student has:
- an active reservation or a pending reservation, a book reservation request cannot be sent
- if you have a rejected or expired reservation, you can send a request for a book reservation
Functionality | Administrator | Librarian | Student |
Shutting down the application | ✔️ | ❌ | ❌ |
Application activation | ✔️ | ❌ | ❌ |
Database management - CSV | ✔️ | ❌ | ❌ |
Alteration of meta information | ✔️ | ❌ | ❌ |
Changing global variables | ✔️ | ❌ | ❌ |
CRUD over admins | ✔️ | ❌ | ❌ |
CRUD over librarians | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❌ |
CRUD over students | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❌ |
CRUD over books | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❌ |
CRUD over authors | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❌ |
CRUD over settings | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❌ |
Editing your profile | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Display of available books | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Rented books | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❌ |
Returned books | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❌ |
Overdue books | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❌ |
Active book reservations | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Archived book reservations | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Book reservations | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
If the reservation is made by a librarian, it immediately gets the status "Accepted", and if it is made by a student, it gets the status "Pending" until the librarian accepts it.
Action - the book return operation is available only if the book has been issued
Action - the book write-off operation is available only if the book is overdrawn
Reservations have 5 statuses:
- Accepted
- Rejected
- On hold
- Archived
- Expired
- Info
- Successfully
- Failed
- Middleware protection on all routes (web and API)
- CSRF token - protection
- Used policies
- Password hashing - bcrypt
- Protection on three levels.. by roles -> administrator, librarian, and student
- Honeypot
- XSS protection
There are 3 tasks:
- The first task that is executed on a daily basis and that automatically archives active expired reservations
- Another task that is executed on a monthly basis and automatically deletes users who have not logged in for more than 365 days
- The third task is executed twice a day and automatically changes the status of the library in terms of work. When the library is closed, the status is '0', and when it is open, it is '1'. With defined working hours, start and end in hours, this task executes in those times and changes the status
The administrator can "send" the application to the so-called "shutdown" mode. Laravel has a built-in "php artisan down" command that "shuts down" the application. Our application work using the web route "/shutdown" which is protected.
- When you want to shut down the application -> Go to URL "{{base_url}}/shutdown" ! note: you must be logged in and be an "administrator"
- When you want to start the application -> Go to the URL "{{base_url}}/live.php" after which a "redirect" page will appear
- Auto deployment - cPanel
- Cron jobs
- Ajax requests
- Detailed flash-session messages
- Users, categories and genres have standard (default) photo
- Dynamic statistics on the "dashboard" page
- Implemented Tailwind pagination with a dropdown list
- Laravel Events & Listeners (last login at, login count)
- Laravel Accessors
- Laravel Task Scheduling
- Laravel Eloquent / Query Builder
- Custom Laravel Validation rules
- Laravel components
- Pagination policy
- Organized routes by folders
- Notification count
- Password indicator - functionality
- Full text search | Algolia | Laravel Scout
- Multiple delete
- Autocomplete fields for email, username - functionality
- Added CKEditor as "rich" text editor
- Compressing and resizing (automatically fitting width) uploaded photos
- Image cropping
- Maintenance mode and page for it
- Optimal performance(242ms) GTmetrix Grade
- "Not found" page
- "Not allowed" page
- Appropriate title and meta tags
- Individual information during the selection
- API Token expire -> 1h -> 3600s
- API Token revoke after password change
- API Resources and Collections
- Validation of email address (school email)
- Preloader - animation
- User genders
- Password eye - functionality
- PDF attachment for books
- Word Matching (1 copy, 4 copies)
- Custom web routes for log in and register
- CSV manual
- 3 login attempts allowed
- Multi filters
- Standard (default) data during migrations
- Scroll indicator - functionality
- Scroll to top - functionality
- Structured code, routes and folders
- Correct HTTP status codes
- Full screen - functionality
- Sorting in both directions (asc,desc) - functionality
- SEO optimized routes
- Minified code
- Load more - animation
- Customized validation messages
- Image preview - Lightbox - functionality
- Form validation
This API contains:
77 requests, of which:
- 46 GET requests
- 11 POST requests
- 10 PUT requests
- 10 DELETE requests
Each request must be prefixed with "v1" -> version 1.0.
error-0001 -> Not found, 404
error-0002 -> Incorrect request, 400
error-0003 -> Validation error, 422
error-0004 -> Wrong role, 406
error-0005 -> The book has no author, category, or genre, 406
Send issue (requires GitHub account)
- PHP v.8.1.
- Laravel v.9.32 / Laravel Blade
- Ajax
- HTML v.5 / CSS v.3 / Tailwind CSS v.3
- JavaScript / JQuery v.3.6
- cdnjs
- Tippy.js
- Sweet Alert v.2
- Popper.js
- Font Awesome v.5.15
- Flowbite
- Mailtrap
- Algolia
- Laravel UI
- Laravel Sluggable
- Laravel Debugbar
- Laravel Telescope
- Laravel Socialite
- Laravel Backup
- Laravel IDE helper
- CKEditor
- Composer
- Tinker
- Enlightn
- Git/GitHub
- Swift Mailer
- Heroku
- Laravel Scout
- GitHub Actions / FTP Deploy
- HTML Laravel Collective v.6
- FakerPHP
- Guzzle
- Intervention Image
- ijaboCrop Tool
- Passport authentication
- Query detector
- Postman
- Swagger
- Insomnia
- GTmetrix
- Visual Studio Code
- phpMyAdmin
- Git/GitHub
- Adminer
- HeidiSQL
- Honeypot
- Mailchimp integration
- GitHub pages
- Auto deployment on hosting
- Image Compressing
- Enlightn checks
- Dependabot
- First interaction
team nullable()