.. module:: aioredis.commands
Commands pipelining is built-in.
Every command is sent to transport at-once
(ofcourse if no TypeError
was raised)
When you making a call with await
/ yield from
you will be waiting result,
and then gather results.
Simple example show both cases (:download:`get source code<../examples/pipeline.py>`):
.. literalinclude:: ../examples/pipeline.py
:language: python3
:lines: 9-21
:dedent: 4
For convenience :mod:`aioredis` provides :meth:`~TransactionsCommandsMixin.pipeline` method allowing to execute bulk of commands as one (:download:`get source code<../examples/pipeline.py>`):
.. literalinclude:: ../examples/pipeline.py :language: python3 :lines: 23-31 :dedent: 4
:mod:`aioredis` provides several ways for executing transactions:
- when using raw connection you can issue
commands manually; - when using :class:`aioredis.Redis` instance you can use :meth:`~TransactionsCommandsMixin.multi_exec` transaction pipeline.
:meth:`~TransactionsCommandsMixin.multi_exec` method creates and returns new :class:`~aioredis.commands.MultiExec` object which is used for buffering commands and then executing them inside MULTI/EXEC block.
Here is a simple example (:download:`get source code<../examples/transaction2.py>`):
.. literalinclude:: ../examples/transaction2.py
:language: python3
:lines: 9-15
:emphasize-lines: 5
:dedent: 4
As you can notice await
is only used at line 5 with tr.execute
and not with tr.set(...)
It is very important not to await
buffered command
(ie tr.set('foo', '123')
) as it will block forever.
The following code will block forever:
tr = redis.multi_exec()
await tr.incr('foo') # that's all. we've stuck!
:mod:`aioredis` provides support for Redis Publish/Subscribe messaging.
To switch connection to subscribe mode you must execute subscribe
by yield'ing from :meth:`~PubSubCommandsMixin.subscribe` it returns a list of
:class:`~aioredis.Channel` objects representing subscribed channels.
As soon as connection is switched to subscribed mode the channel will receive
and store messages
(the Channel
object is basically a wrapper around :class:`asyncio.Queue`).
To read messages from channel you need to use :meth:`~aioredis.Channel.get`
or :meth:`~aioredis.Channel.get_json` coroutines.
In Pub/Sub mode redis connection can only receive messages or issue (P)SUBSCRIBE / (P)UNSUBSCRIBE commands.
Pub/Sub example (:download:`get source code<../examples/pubsub2.py>`):
.. literalinclude:: ../examples/pubsub2.py
:language: python3
:lines: 6-31
:dedent: 4
Pub/Sub example (:download:`get source code<../examples/pool_pubsub.py>`):
.. literalinclude:: ../examples/pool_pubsub.py
:language: python3
:lines: 13-36
:dedent: 4
:mod:`aioredis` is compatible with PEP 492.
:class:`~aioredis.Pool` can be used with :ref:`async with<async with>` (:download:`get source code<../examples/pool2.py>`):
.. literalinclude:: ../examples/pool2.py
:language: python3
:lines: 7-8,20-22
:dedent: 4
It also can be used with await
.. literalinclude:: ../examples/pool2.py
:language: python3
:lines: 7-8,26-30
:dedent: 4
New scan
-family commands added with support of :ref:`async for<async for>`
(:download:`get source code<../examples/iscan.py>`):
.. literalinclude:: ../examples/iscan.py
:language: python3
:lines: 7-9,29-31,34-36,39-41,44-45
:dedent: 4
Though Redis server does not support data encryption it is still possible to setup Redis server behind SSL proxy. For such cases :mod:`aioredis` library support secure connections through :mod:`asyncio` SSL support. See BaseEventLoop.create_connection for details.