- UPD: all
- Refactored all the code to include S3M in shygeo
- APP: make_soil_type_land_cover_maps.py
- Add support for new soil and vegetation maps
- Add support for new land cover
- APP: make_dams_lakes_file.py
- Beta release in fp-geo-dev point
- APP: extract_dams_and_lakes.py
- Beta release in fp-geo-dev tools
- APP: extract_outlets.py
- Beta release in fp-geo-dev tools
- APP: make_soil_type_land_cover_maps.py
- Merged soil and vegetation routines
- Converted functions to pure-python
- UPD: make_land_maps.py
- Add version-specific grass setup
- UPD: make_land_maps.py
- Replaced aplha and beta routine with traditional one
- Add support for depression for conditioning dem (endhoreic basins)
- Changed mask routine
- Produce macrobasins and cumulated area km ancillary maps
- Bug fixes
- APP: make_land_maps.py
- Starting version in pygrass
- APP: make_soil_maps.py
- Starting version in pygrass
- APP: make_vegetation_maps.py
- Starting version in pygrass