The fix
command tries to fix as much coding standards
problems as possible on a given file or files in a given directory and its subdirectories:
$ php php-cs-fixer.phar fix /path/to/dir
$ php php-cs-fixer.phar fix /path/to/file
By default --path-mode
is set to override
, which means, that if you specify the path to a file or a directory via
command arguments, then the paths provided to a Finder
in config file will be ignored. You can also use --path-mode=intersection
which will use the intersection of the paths from the config file and from the argument:
$ php php-cs-fixer.phar fix --path-mode=intersection /path/to/dir
The --format
option for the output format. Supported formats are txt
(default one), json
, xml
, checkstyle
, junit
and gitlab
NOTE: the output for the following formats are generated in accordance with schemas
follows the common "checkstyle" XML schemajson
follows the own JSON schemajunit
follows the JUnit XML schema from Jenkinsxml
follows the own XML schema
The --quiet
Do not output any message.
The --verbose
option will show the applied rules. When using the txt
format it will also display progress notifications.
NOTE: if there is an error like "errors reported during linting after fixing", you can use this to be even more verbose for debugging purpose
: verbose-vv
: very verbose-vvv
: debug
The --rules
option limits the rules to apply to the
$ php php-cs-fixer.phar fix /path/to/project --rules=@PSR2
By default the PSR1
and PSR2
rules are used. If the --rules
option is used rules from config files are ignored.
The --rules
option lets you choose the exact rules to apply (the rule names must be separated by a comma):
$ php php-cs-fixer.phar fix /path/to/dir --rules=line_ending,full_opening_tag,indentation_type
You can also exclude the rules you don't want by placing a dash in front of the rule name, if this is more convenient,
using -name_of_fixer
$ php php-cs-fixer.phar fix /path/to/dir --rules=-full_opening_tag,-indentation_type
When using combinations of exact and exclude rules, applying exact rules along with above excluded results:
$ php php-cs-fixer.phar fix /path/to/project --rules=@Symfony,-@PSR1,-blank_line_before_statement,strict_comparison
Complete configuration for rules can be supplied using a json
formatted string.
$ php php-cs-fixer.phar fix /path/to/project --rules='{"concat_space": {"spacing": "none"}}'
The --dry-run
flag will run the fixer without making changes to your files.
The --diff
flag can be used to let the fixer output all the changes it makes in udiff
The --allow-risky
option (pass yes
or no
) allows you to set whether risky rules may run. Default value is taken from config file.
A rule is considered risky if it could change code behaviour. By default no risky rules are run.
The --stop-on-violation
flag stops the execution upon first file that needs to be fixed.
The --show-progress
option allows you to choose the way process progress is rendered:
: disables progress output;dots
: same asestimating
but using all terminal columns instead of default 80.
If the option is not provided, it defaults to dots
unless a config file that disables output is used, in which case it defaults to none
. This option has no effect if the verbosity of the command is less than verbose
$ php php-cs-fixer.phar fix --verbose --show-progress=estimating
The command can also read from standard input, in which case it won't automatically fix anything:
$ cat foo.php | php php-cs-fixer.phar fix --diff -
Finally, if you don't need BC kept on CLI level, you might use PHP_CS_FIXER_FUTURE_MODE to start using options that would be default in next MAJOR release and to forbid using deprecated configuration:
$ PHP_CS_FIXER_FUTURE_MODE=1 php php-cs-fixer.phar fix -v --diff
The --dry-run
option displays the files that need to be
fixed but without actually modifying them:
$ php php-cs-fixer.phar fix /path/to/code --dry-run
By using --using-cache
option with yes
or no
you can set if the caching
mechanism should be used.
The list-files
command will list all files which need fixing.
$ php php-cs-fixer.phar list-files
The --config
option can be used, like in the fix
command, to tell from which path a config file should be loaded.
$ php php-cs-fixer.phar list-files --config=.php-cs-fixer.dist.php
The output is build in a form that its easy to use in combination with xargs
command in a linux pipe.
This can be useful e.g. in situations where the caching mechanism might not be available (CI, Docker) and distribute
fixing across several processes might speedup the process.
Note: You need to pass the config to the fix
command, in order to make it work with several files being passed by list-files
$ php php-cs-fixer.phar list-files --config=.php-cs-fixer.dist.php | xargs -n 10 -P 8 php php-cs-fixer.phar fix --config=.php-cs-fixer.dist.php --path-mode intersection -v
defines how many files a single subprocess process-P
defines how many subprocesses the shell is allowed to spawn for parallel processing (usually similar to the number of CPUs your system has)
Use the following command to quickly understand what a rule will do to your code:
$ php php-cs-fixer.phar describe align_multiline_comment
To visualize all the rules that belong to a ruleset:
$ php php-cs-fixer.phar describe @PSR2
The caching mechanism is enabled by default. This will speed up further runs by fixing only files that were modified since the last run. The tool will fix all files if the tool version has changed or the list of rules has changed. Cache is supported only for tool downloaded as phar file or installed via composer.
Cache can be disabled via --using-cache
option or config file:
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
return $config->setUsingCache(false);
Cache file can be specified via --cache-file
option or config file:
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
return $config->setCacheFile(__DIR__.'/.php-cs-fixer.cache');
Require friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer
as a dev
$ ./composer.phar require --dev friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer
Then, add the following command to your CI:
$ IFS='
$ '
$ CHANGED_FILES=$(git diff --name-only --diff-filter=ACMRTUXB "${COMMIT_RANGE}")
$ if ! echo "${CHANGED_FILES}" | grep -qE "^(\\.php-cs-fixer(\\.dist)?\\.php|composer\\.lock)$"; then EXTRA_ARGS=$(printf -- '--path-mode=intersection\n--\n%s' "${CHANGED_FILES}"); else EXTRA_ARGS=''; fi
$ vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --config=.php-cs-fixer.dist.php -v --dry-run --stop-on-violation --using-cache=no ${EXTRA_ARGS}
is your range of commits, e.g. $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE
environment variable can be used to ignore any environment requirements.
This includes requirements like missing PHP extensions, unsupported PHP versions or by using HHVM.
NOTE: Execution may be unstable when used.
$ PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV=1 php php-cs-fixer.phar fix /path/to/dir
Exit code of the fix
command is built using following bit flags:
- 0 - OK.
- 1 - General error (or PHP minimal requirement not matched).
- 4 - Some files have invalid syntax (only in dry-run mode).
- 8 - Some files need fixing (only in dry-run mode).
- 16 - Configuration error of the application.
- 32 - Configuration error of a Fixer.
- 64 - Exception raised within the application.